Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ Untied ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

10. Untied

"I guess it's my turn to summarize…anyway Sora, Tai and Izzy with there digimon of course ended up on File Island so did TK and Kari. Izzy received e-mail from Genia saying that only Sora and Tai could go get some kind of medallions and Catherine's crest. After they found Kari and TK that's when Tai and Sora parted leaving Kari and TK with Izzy. Catherine and Matt were on sever and they fought over him touching her upper arm, which I think was kind of silly if you ask me, mean while me and Joe just had just stumbled upon a factory we accidentally assumed it was the same one from File Island but it wasn't. I really hope Izzy would hurry it up."


Morning in the digital world…

The sun raised in the east casting the entire world out of the darkness and cold. Catherine and Matt were asleep There digimon slept on either side of them. Catherine rested her head against Matt's shoulder. The sun went onto Matt face, which cause him to wake up.

He was about to move when he felt weight on this right shoulder he looked and notice it was Catherine a faint blush creped onto his cheeks, he poked Tsunomon awake.

"Yes…mommy just a little bit more time." He said softy then fell asleep; Matt tried not to laugh and poked him harder. "OW!" he jumped. "What did you do that for Matt?" he asked, Matt put a finger to his lips tell him to be quite "Oh…she's sleeping I take that she's forgiven you about that incident yesterday." He asked. Matt nodded.

"Yup now we got to find TK and the others." He replied. "I'll find some food." Tsunomon said. "And how are you going to carry it?" Matt asked him. "Right and that's why I'm going to digivole." He replied.

"Tsunomon digivole to…Gabumon!"

Catherine sighed and lifted her head off of Matt's shoulder he looked at her, as did Gabumon. "Hey your up." He replied. "Where are we?" she asked. "Sever still but we still got to find the others." Matt told her he lifted himself off the ground and stood up brushing off his pants. Catherine did also.

Floramon woke up too. "Good morning Floramon." Catherine said she hugged her digimon.

"Okay now that we are done hugging we got to go." Matt said. "Wait Matt we didn't even look for food yet." Gabumon said.

He looked at him then to Catherine and Floramon and sighed. "Okay um…. lets look--." Gabumon interrupted him. "Me and Floramon could look for some food you two can stay here." He suggested to him.

"Okay." He said. Gabumon and Floramon went in search of some breakfast. Leaving Matt and Catherine alone.

"Do you really think that we need to eat cause I'm not that hungry really." Catherine said she then sat back down. "Well it doesn't matter if your not that hungry we still got to eat something." He said to her. "Yeah…I guess I wouldn't last that long with out eating something." She replied.


They're digimon came back with some berries and others greens they had found. The four all sat down eating their share in silence. Matt stopped eating for a moment, and then looked at Gabumon. "Hey…um…did you hear that?" he asked Catherine and Floramon both looked up at him. "Hear what?" Catherine asked. Matt shook his head. "Never mind, I think I'm hearing things." He said. "Oh." Catherine replied. "ARRHH!!!" a Hugh digimon appeared in front of them. Matt and Gabumon quickly got to there feet and jumped up Matt in front of Catherine and Gabumon in front of Floramon "It's Rockmon." Gabumon said to him. "Great what do you want!" Matt asked he eyed the digimon angrily. "You are in my territory and I shall destroy you!" The big rock digimon said he started toward them. ********* Digi-analyzer….

Gabumon: Rockmon is a virus digimon with a serious attitude when it comes to invading his spot.


"Oh…. Matt do something." Catherine begged him. "I can help." Floramon said she stepped up beside Gabumon.



"Digivole to…"



The two champion digimon squared off against the hugh Champion Digimon. Matt was still protected Catherine…he then taking her by her hand and brought her further away from the digimon. "Floramon!! You'll get hurt!" Catherine cried. "Don't worry Catherine I'll be fine." Kiwimon replied and turned to the Rockmon.

"Blue Blaster!" Garurumon's attack hit him causing the Rockmon's arm to freeze. "Pummel peck!" her attack hit him in his eyes. "Arrrhhh!!" he cried.

"Rock punch!!" he threw his free arm around all over the place trying to hit one of two digimon, he then broke free of the ice in casement on his arm and stood up. Garurumon jumped over Rockmon arm and landed on his feet behind the digimon he sent another attack at him. "Slamming Attack" he slammed into Rockmon which didn't do that much to him.

"Pummel Peck!" Kiwimon hit Rockmon but it didn't really do that much. "Rock ball!" he threw a giant rock at Kiwimon cause her to be knocked down. "Kiwimon!" Catherine cried she tried to run past Matt but couldn't cause he held on to her hand. "You can't go it's dangerous!" Matt told her. Kiwimon had de-digivoled back to Floramon.

"Garurumon digivole again!" Matt cried.

"Garurumon digivole to…WereGarurumon!!"

"Rock punch!" he punch WereGarurumon sending him flying back onto the ground, WereGarurumon got back up and attacked "Garuru Kick!" he kicked Rockmon's face causing him to fall back wards onto the ground which made the ground shake. Matt and Catherine fell down, but quickly got back up.

"Catherine hold on to this tree I'll get Floramon for you. Remember stay right there!" Matt told her, she gasped at him. "You can't it's too dangerous!" she cried. "Don't worry. I can make back okay." He said. She reluctantly agreed to do what he had told her to do.

WereGarurumon was busy fighting Rockmon who was getting angrier by the minute. "Rock Ball!" he attacked him.

"MATTT!!!!" Catherine screamed at him. He looked turned to her, then noticing that she was looking at something coming toward him he looked saw the rock. He moved fast and picked up Floramon. The bolder hit 2 feet away from him, he eyes wide he looked back to the to where his digimon and Rockmon where battling. "Wolf claw!" WereGarurumon slashed Rockmon across the face. "That is for nearly crushing my friend! And for injuring my digimon friend!" WereGarurumon yelled at him.

Matt arrived safely to where Catherine was, he handed Floramon to her. "Oh thank you Matt." She replied she hugged her digimon. She looked at him. "You almost got yourself killed don't do that again." She said to him, he only sat down. He was freaked out yes; he nearly was squashed by a rock and he needed a breather.

Rockmon with his hands swatted WereGarurumon knocking the ultimate digimon down. "Rock Punch!" he went to smash WereGarurumon into the ground but he had jumped away. Rockmon made an hole in the earth with the impact of his punch.

WereGarurumon wasted no time and attacked the digimon when he was down. "Garuru kick!" he jumped and kicked Rockmon square on the back and knocked him down. "Wolf claw!" his attack struck Rockmon in the back of the head, rendering the digimon unconscious.

WereGarurumon de-digivoled to Gabumon and started toward the three "Come on before that guy wakes up." he said. "Here I'll carry Floramon for you." Matt offered to Catherine. "Oh you will." She asked him. "Yeah, it's only fair." He replied.

………… Noon……

All four were walking for hours now. Floramon had waken up earlier and was now walking with them, they had now come to the edge of the forest that was starting to turn into desert. "I don't think we should cross it." Gabumon replied. "Yeah your right buddy that wouldn't be the best solution." Matt replied. Floramon stood next to Catherine who worriedly looked at Matt. "What do we do then?" she asked.

"Umm." Matt looked around unsure of what to do. They didn't have any water with them and if they crossed the dessert they'd die of dehydration. And if they go back they'd have to face Rockmon again that's if he was awake. "Okay how about we walk along there." He pointed west along the line between the desert and forest. "I think it's a good Idea." Gabumon complemented him. "I never thought I said this but….I think I understand what Tai has to go through making decision…mind you there not always the right one but…he makes them." Matt said.

"Can I ask you something Matt." Catherine asked as they walked. "Okay sure." He replied he looked at her. "What exactly is going on? I'm confused cause you seem upset when ever Tai and Sora are together do you like Sora?" she asked.

Gabumon looked at him as well as Floramon. "Sora???" he questioned. "I…um…maybe….I don't know." He replied he looked ahead. "Oh…I see." She replied and continued on ward.


"Joe…. we've been walking on for ever do you think we could stop?" Mimi asked him. "Mimi you always want to stop." Gomamon replied. "We can stop I think I'm going to pass out in this heat." Joe said. "There's a tree!" Palmon pointed to the tree that was in the middle of nowhere. The walked toward it an took up temporary shelter.

"Maybe we should have gone into the factory….I mean it can't be too late for us to go back there." Joe replied. "Wrong we can't go…it's to long of a walk let's rest here first." Gomamon said.

"Oh…. um…Joe can you hear that?" Mimi asked him. "No what is it?" he asked "I hear something too." Palmon replied listening into the air. "You don't any ears how can you hear." Gomamon. "Oh that's enough Gomamon." Joe replied.

"Whoa…I hear it. And it sounds like…." Joe was then interrupted by Mimi scream. "FLYMON!!!" she cried. "Oh great." He turned. "AHH! There must be ten thousands of them!!" he cried out.

"I got this all under control just give me the word." Gomamon said. "GO NOW!!!" he said. "Okay, okay….Let's go Palmon!" he replied.



"Warp digivole to……"

"Marine Angemon!"


"Thorn Whip!" Rosemon whipped half a dozen of them as they disincarnated into nothing. "Ocean of Love!" Marine Angemon's attack waved across the dozens of them destroying most but they still kept coming. "Grounding Stingers!" Both Marine Angemon and Rosemon dodged the Flymon's attack.

"It's not helping any!" Mimi cried upset. Not before she watched until the two Flymon started to rush toward them in a hurry. "AHHHHHHH" they both screamed out loud. In seconds Rosemon's Thron whip attack got rid of them.


The screams echoed and reached to were Catherine and Matt were now resting. "Oh…that sounds like Mimi and Joe." Gabumon said he perked his ears up.

Matt stood up as did Catherine. "Well let's go they're probably in trouble." Matt said. "It was coming from up that way" Gabumon replied as he pointed further up. "Right well get there fast on you so digivole to Garurumon" Matt told him. "Okay."

"Gabumon digivole to Garurumon."

Matt got on then Catherine got on. "Okay hold on to me." Matt told her. She put her arms around his waist. "Like that?" she asked, Matt cheeks turned red. "Um…. yeah." he replied, Floramon then got on holding on to Catherine. "Let's go!" Matt replied they started down toward them where they had heard screams coming from.


"Izzy I think I'm getting sea sick." TK replied he lay down. Izzy looked back at them. "Okay…um were almost to land I see it coming up soon." Izzy replied. "Me too I suddenly don't feel so good. I wish Tai didn't have to go." Kari said sadly. "I wish Sora didn't go either." TK replied.

"Can no one get sick on me when we reach the Sever then you can get sick." Kabuterimon replied. Patamon and Gatomon looked after there two friends. "It's okay everything will be fine." Patamon said to TK. "I wish Matt was here." TK said again.

"Hey we are almost there no need to worry." Patamon told him. "Yeah…. almost." TK replied. "Hey Let's test out the walkie-talkie on my digivice that I put on Tai's digivice." Izzy replied. Kari and TK instantly felt better and both watched him. "Tai…. come in." he said into the digivice, they waited for a responds. "Izzy?" Tai's voice said it wasn't clear…but he could make out his voice barley. "Tai are you two okay are you there yet?" he asked.

"Nope…. We're still far from the Island Izzy, where are you?" Tai asked. "Coming onto sever in a few minutes." He replied. "Okay great. Tell the other's when you see them not to worry about us cause this might take a while to get to the Island and come back." Tai said. "Let me say something to him." Kari asked. "Okay…. Tai…Kari here." Izzy said into the digivice. "Be careful Tai." She said. "Don't worry about me Kari, TK take care of her." Tai said. "Right, Tai you can count on me." He replied. "Okay sorry guys I got to go." Tai's connection was gone.

The two younger chosen children sighed. "Okay we go..." Izzy stopped in mid sentence. He saw swarm of Flymon off in the distance. "Kabuterimon head over there quick it looks like trouble." Izzy replied. "Whoa…there's a lot I wonder what they are doing?" Gatomon asked. "I don't know…put it looks like trouble." Patamon said to her.


Show's Tai's digivice in someone's hands "Okay sorry guys I got to go." That's Tai's voice …moves up to the person's face but it's not Tai it's Simon who has a big smirk plaster across his face. "Fools." He replied.


"Hold on Joe!" Marine Angemon called to him. " Hold on I'm getting attacked my Flymon hurry up!" he cried out to his digimon. "Ocean of Love" Marine Angemon cried out his attack that hit the five Flymon who were ready to use their attacks on Joe and Mimi. "Ground Stingers!" some more Flymon nearly caught them but barely missed Joe and Mimi who then took up hiding behind a tree.

"Joe I don't want to die!" Mimi cried she hugged him tightly. Joe looked like he was trying to gasp for air. "I will die if you don't let go of me!" he replied "Sorry Joe." She said.

"Lighting Blade!" a bright blue blade sailed through the air and took out a couple of Flymon. Joe looked to the source of the attack. "Andromon!" Joe cried out in surprise. "He's here to help us!" Mimi cried in joy.

"Thorn Whip!" Rosemon attacked the rest of the Flymon. She heard Andromon and turned. "Andromon!" she said. "Gatling attack!" he chopped some more Flymon. "Ground Stingers!" Some narrowly missing Mimi she jumped out of the way.

"Ice Wolf Claw!" MetalGarurumon jumped down landing beside Andromon who was stand beside marine Angemon and Rosemon who were all attempting to block any possible way of getting to Joe and Mimi.

"Matt!" Joe yelled. "Catherine!" Mimi cried.

"High jumping Kick!" Kiwimon sprung up and kicked one of the Flymon out of the way.

"Your okay…Man you had us worried there." Matt replied trying to catch his breath. "Yeah…so we ran." She said to him as Mimi held her up to let her catch her breath. "Thanks Mimi." She said. "It's only getting worse. They're coming in herds." Joe said to him. "Great where's Izzy when you need him." Matt said out loud.

"Super Elector Shocker!" Kabuterimon was in on the action as well.



"Warp digivole to…"



"Testament!" the angle digimon flew in the high in the air with his golden wings. And sent out his attack against the tons of Flymon who in returned fired their stingers at the digimon. Seraphimon got out of the way of the attacks.

Izzy, TK and Kari made there way as fast as they could go to where Joe and the others were. "TK!" Matt shouted TK ran to his brother and hugged him. "I missed you Matt." He said. "Yeah so did I, I'm so glad your okay." He replied.

"Dragon fire!" Magnadramon shouted as she brunt half of the Flymon. "Ground stingers!" one had aimed at the group of kids that was now standing there. "Oh gosh!" Mimi cried. "Duck!" Joe shouted out to them all who did the stinger just barely missed them again.

"Flymon that's enough!" a voice echoed through the air the Flymon had stopped, as did the chosen children's digimon who looked for the source of the voice. "Who are you! Show yourself." Seraphimon demanded. A human came to view he was wearing a hooded cape that covered his face.

"Enough with the stupid games tell us or else I'll order our digimon to attack you!" Matt threatened the person. The mysterious person started to laugh. "Oh well that's funny." He said. Matt narrowed his eyes angrily TK and Kari stood in front of him also narrowing there eyes at the human, as did Joe, Mimi, Catherine and Izzy.

"So who are you?" Izzy asked.

"So quickly we forget." He replied…. "Did you think when you defeated me and Dragomon and succeeded in gaining access of the fused crest of love and courage, that I was going to give up?" he asked.

"I should have known it was you!" TK said pointing at him. "And I see you found a new Chosen Child….what's you name sweetie?" he asked ignoring TK. "That's none of your business!" Catherine shouted at him. "Simon I suggest you get out of here! Before we use you to wipe up this mess you caused." Kari exchanged heatedly.

He shrugged and put down his hood. "Oh…well…. I was hoping to make amends with you guys but I guess I didn't get any praises of joy." He replied. "How can you be welcomed with open arms after you nearly killed my friend!" Mimi shouted at him. "Like I'd join the chosen children. I'm not even human." Simon replied angry. "Shut up!" Mimi shouted again at him.

He put his glove-covered hand to his heart. "Oh…the pain your really hurting my feeling now." He mocked crying. "Digimon attack!" Matt yelled at them. "Right!"

Simon put his hand out "Don't you dare! Or else I'll revert you digimon's growth and turn them back to Digi-eggs." He threatened. Matt looked angry but he stopped them. "Now tell them all to digivole back to there rookies levels. NOW!" he said.

"Do what he says." Matt replied. The digimon de-digivoled back to there rookies and stood beside they're partners.

"Oh…you know what I noticed your without you leader and Sora…. she's such a lovely girl…. where did they go off to?" he asked. "That isn't any of you concern Simon." Izzy said. Simon shrugged "Yeah…like I care much any ways."

Andromon was ready to use one of his attacks on Simon but he suddenly froze, Simon put his hand up facing him. "Don't you try to sneak on me…I was fooled twice by these kids...and I won't be fool again by one of their digimon friends." He turned his head and looked at Andromon, the android digimon looked at him not saying anything. Simon turned his attention back to the chosen children he still held Andromon in the same spot.

"Tell me where Tai and Sora are." He demanded. "We are not going to tell you were they are!" Kari replied. "Yeah so go and leave us alone!" Gatomon said to him.

Simon sighed "Oh, oh well….I'll see you later might as well look for them on my own." He replied he let go of Andromon and with the snap of his fingers disappeared.

"Jerk." Matt replied. "That was Simon? What dose he want?" Catherine asked. "He's asking for trouble." Gomamon said. "Chosen children…I came to help you as soon as possible." Andromon explained to them… "But what happened to the other two? The one named Tai…and the other Sora." He asked. Matt, Joe, Catherine and Mimi shrugged. "I can explain that." Izzy replied.


"I think that would be enough of a distraction for those chosen children….to steer them away from me." Simon said out loud he looked around and spotted a pair of Tag's and a pair of digivices. He walked closer to them picked up one of the tags…. "Beautiful the crest of Love." He said he looked over at the other tag…picked it up. "And the Crest of Courage…to most power crests when combined." He replied he then went and got a shoebox size box with the words Do Not Touch encrypted on the top of it. It was wooden. He opened it and put the Tags and then the digivices inside the box closing it then took a lock and locked them up.

He picked the box up and walked over to a glass case. He punched in numbers from a number pad and the case opened.

He carefully put the box in there then closed the case. "There the signal won't get through for those kids to find their friends." He replied…. "Now just have to get one of these on Tai." He picked up an rainbow bracelet.


"Okay hold on your saying that Tai and Sora are off on some adventure to find medallion's for us? And Catherine's Crest?" Matt questioned.

TK nodded. "Genia said he wanted only Sora and Tai to go …. don't ask me why thought." Izzy told him. Matt growled angry. "Oh okay…. So it's Sora and Tai all the time…Sora and Tai that Sora and Tai this…they always have to be together!" he cried.

Catherine and Mimi both watched him yeah Matt was agitated…cause Sora and Tai were off somewhere alone. "Why do you care so much Matt they're just going to find something." Gabumon said to him. "Are you forgetting that Simon's out there I'm just worried for their safety." Matt said.

"Are you sure…cause you sound more angry then worried." Catherine questioned. "Don't question me on this Catherine." He cried. She put her hands up. "Okay don't yell at me." She said.

"Why should we be worried about Tai and Sora they have Agumon and Biyomon with them and they can protect them, if any thing goes wrong." Gatomon replied. "Yeah I think my brother is perfectly capable of protecting Sora he did a good job of protecting me." Kari replied.

"We shouldn't worry about this now the sun's starting to set so lets set up camp." Izzy said… "Great Idea Izzy." Tentomon said. "Yeah…right." Matt replied still little bit mad.

"Okay well I must return to my factory…it was nice seeing you chosen children again." Andromon said. "Thank you for the help Andromon." Mimi and Palmon waved at him, as he walked back toward the factory. To Be Continued…

"What happened to Tai and Sora? Find out next time on an all-new adventure of Digimon: Digital Monsters the Alternate version."


"Oh Tai boy time for a new fashion." Simon said holding up the rainbow bracelet.

Vegimon is escorting Tai through the forest.

"Let me go!" Tai shouted.

Simon confronts Tai with the bracelet.

"AHHH!" Tai cried out in pain.

"Oh and before we leave let me just do this." Simon replied he made a fist with his right hand and punched Tai.

Sora is stand next to an alter wearing a red gown."Izzy man we got problems!" Matt shouted

a huge monster is chasing the others.

"Where on digiworld are all these stupid things coming from?" Gomamon asked.

Simon appears to them again.

………………………& #8230;………………

- Next time on an all-new adventure of Digimon: Digital Monsters Alternate Version.