Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ Nightmare Island II ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
12. Nightmare Island Part II

"Hi it's me Kari...Tai woke up after being unconscious for the whole evening when Simon had kidnapped both him and Agumon and Sora and Biyomon. He saw Genia and Genia explained his whole situation why he was here and how evil Simon really is. Matt was elected to temporary leader mostly on part of Catherine's request, we later found a Tsunomon village and we stayed there for the night where the Tsunomon gave the others all drinks...I stopped TK, Gatomon and Patamon from drinking it...but we weren't able to get the others to stop. And in the end the started to act foolishly.... including the whole skit with Matt being my brother and Catherine being Sora...that wouldn't so good with Matt or Catherine if they found out that they kissed. Any way fine out what happens next on part II Nightmare Island."


"RRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRR!!" the Monster charged toward them. "EVERYONE RUN!" Matt shouted. "Digimon digivole!"








"Digivole to....."








The digimon stood in front of them of the chosen children getting reading to protect them.

"Harpoon torpedo!" Ikkaukumon shouted two harpoons launched and hit the massive monster in his chest; he wobbled a bit but didn't fall and roared angrily at them. Mimi and Catherine both jumped in fright.

"Oh boy looks like he's not going to fall any time soon." Ikkaukumon replied. "No kidding" Kiwimon exclaimed, she jumped up. "High jumping kick!" she kicked the monster in his stomach, which didn't help any really...it only made the huge monster angrier.

"Guy's don't make him more angry!" Joe complained as he watched on.

"Needle spray!"

"Hand of Fate!!"

"Celestial Arrow!"

There attacks hit him with some force but barley knocked the creature down. He shook his head and roared gain and tried to run down the digimon that were in his way...All of the Chosen Children's digimon got out of his way the monster was crashed into trees and slowly got up.

"This monster doesn't seem to have a brain let's tire him out." Angewomon suggested. "Good Idea then we will figure out after he's tired what to do with him." Angemon replied.

The Nine digimon encircled the giant monster; he tried to thrash the flying digimon out of the sky but at no avail and frustrated the monster even more.

"I don't think he likes that." Mimi replied cautiously watched the quarrel. "No one would if you were as dumb as that guy was." Joe replied. "Perhaps this is a distraction...from something that Simon actually has planed for us" Izzy pondered. "Maybe.......But how can we know for sure this is an distraction?" TK asked. "Simon obviously didn't but much brain power into this 'creation' of this." Izzy said.

"I have a feeling...some bad happened." Kari replied. "Something bad Kari what do you mean?" TK questioned her. "I don't know it's just a bad feeling something is wrong maybe it has to do with Tai...but I'm not sure." She replied.

"Pummel Peck!" Kiwimon's attack hit the monster on the back area.

"Howling Blaster!" his attack froze the monster's feet and caused him to come crashing down on to the ground with thud that made most of the chosen children jump.

"Did you guys beat him?" Matt questioned, as the digimon were surveying the monster. "We don't know Matt." Garurumon said he poked the monster with his claw but it didn't move. "Well let me trying an electric shock see if he wakes up." Kabuterimon suggested the digimon all moved out of the way as Kabuterimon flew high into the air.

"Electro Shocker!"

His attack struck the body of the monster but nothing happened it jolted up and just dropped. "I think he's dead." Angemon replied.

"Eh...Should we go now...I don't want to be here." Mimi replied, Catherine nodded along with Mimi then the two turned to look at Matt. "Well?" Catherine asked. Matt wasn't paying attention to them. "MATT!" Mimi screamed at him, which caused him to jump. "What! What's wrong?" he asked he looked around and saw Mimi standing with her hands on her hips taping her foot impatiently.

"I would like an answer you know." She replied, he looked confused for a second "What?" he asked. "She said we should Leave." Izzy answered for her. "Oh...yeah let's go...we got to talk about something in safe place lets hope that thing doesn't wake up." He replied.


Sora was at a alter; she was wearing the red dress the Simon had told her to put on which she did eventually.

But now she was handcuffed to this piece on non-moveable wood (alter). Sora struggled again with the restraint on her left hand and tried to pull the herself free, she sighed giving up there was no use she wasn't going to be able to break the chain herself.

She got back to worrying about Tai.... 'Why did he sound so weak.... something is wrong with him.' she thought. "SIMON!" she shouted angrily. Right on que he appeared from nowhere.

"Yes darling?" he asked... "I told you not to call me that again." She replied. "Sora I'll call what I want...you shouldn't try to tell me what to do." He replied

"What did you do to Tai?" she asked. "he sounded weak what did you do!" she cried. Simon raised his eyebrows at her. "He sounded? What do you mean by that...you talked to him some how?" he questioned.

Sora mentally kicked herself for saying that. "No...I meant I could feel he was weak what did you do to him?" she asked.

"Nothing." He replied. "Nothing at all...you shouldn't be worried about him." He said to her. Sora narrowed her eyes at him. "Stop lying you did something to Tai! You made him sick didn't you!" She shouted at him.

"I did nothing to Tai...I don't know what your talking about Tai is perfectly fine...and like I said you shouldn't be worried about him...you should worry about yourself....because in a few moments we are going to begin the ceremony." He replied.

Sora look of anger disappeared. "Ceremony? For what?" she asked. "You'll see in due time." He replied and disappeared into thin air.

"COME BACK YOU WIMP!!" she shouted.


Tai's condition looked worse then before... he's goggles lay off to the side on the bed he's hair was dampened with perspiration his clothing as well. He tossed and turned...seeming he was having a nightmare of some sort.

"hahahahaha!!!!" Simon laughed heartedly.... "You lose....Tai....you lost...Agumon....Biyomon....and mostly Sora!!". Tai looked at him in shock "SHUT IT SIMON! I'll save all of them!!" he cried out he looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"TAI HELP ME!!!!" Kari started to scream...Tai ran around the room.... "KARI!" he cried he tried to look for her...but he couldn't find her, all he could here was her screaming.

"TAI!!!" Sora's screams echoed around him...as well as Kari's cries for help. Then he could hear Simon's laughs in the background.

It drove Tai to crazy to the point he couldn't handle it anymore and curled up in a ball on the ground, he covered his ears. "STOP IT!" he shouted. "STOP IT!!"

Tai toss side to side he was sweating. "STOP IT!!" he shouted out loud. He woke up startled, his eyes wide but then closed them.

"I got to get up.....I have to find Agumon....and my digivice...I got to save Sora." he replied weakly he struggled to sit up right on the bed.


"Agumon!!" Biyomon cried annoyed. "I said I was sorry." He replied. "So...now I don't have a tail." She replied annoyed. Because of a incident earlier he had set her tail on fire by accident of course, but the also managed to light a torch that was in the pit.

"How about we concentrate on finding a way out of here." He replied, Biyomon agreed but was still upset because of what happened.

Agumon felt the walls. "Well Maybe there is invisible walls like the one in Etemon's pyramid." He said. "That would be really dumb." Biyomon replied. "I know but you'll never know if we don't try." He told her.

"Okay might as well look you start that way and I'll go the other way." She replied. "Okay good idea." Agumon got to work and so did Biyomon.


Sora again tired to contact Tai through this new capability she had. She held her concentration and tried once ...but it didn't work.... 'Oh...maybe it not only works for us but it could for the digimon.' She thought.

She tried to contact Biyomon in the same way but she couldn't...she didn't get anything. "Sora....I should have know better and I did." Simon replied he came in he was wearing his black t-shirt and black khaki's now.

"Know better for what?" she asked. He laughed and angrily started at her. "I'm not going to be stupid enough to let you have telepathy...I underestimated you...but I won't again." He replied. "What are you talking about I didn't have that kind of powers!" she shouted at him.

"Oh course I know...you don't now but you did before...it's good thing I put a firewall over this entire Island cause who knows what trouble that you could have caused...and don't feed me crap that you didn't know what I was talking about cause you did...I know about trying to reach Kari...Tai's little sister...and Tai himself...how else could you know that he was sick..." he replied.

Sora gasped in anger. "Your cruel!" she shouted, Simon clenched his right fist and Sora screamed in pain. "AHHH!!! Stop it...your hurting me!!" she cried she grabbed on to her wrist with the rainbow bracelet on trying to ease off the pain. Simon tighten his fist "STOP TRYING TO ESCAPE!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA I COULD DO TO YOU???" he asked angrier, Sora squeezed her eyes shut, but didn't answer cause of the pain she was in.


Sora tears dripped down her cheek. "What are you doing to us we are only 12 years old okay...and this isn't fair that you're doing to us!" she cried.

"That's not unfair...it's what I called trying to concur the digital world and you, Tai and your digimon are going to help me." He replied. "WE WILL NEVER HELP YOU!!" she shouted. "Oh I know you won't...I had an different plan before but now...I might as well use both of you as my pawns. VEGIMON!" he shouted.

"Yes sir!!" three Vegimon came to him. "Take her back to her room...there's been a change of plans...and take Biyomon and Agumon to the main room and make sure they are tied up and gagged." He replied.

The Vegimon approached her, one wrapped his arm around her and the other wrapped her feet together, the third digimon untied her from the alter and carried her back to her quarters.

"No!! What are you doing!!!!" Sora shouted then the Vegimon clamped her mouth with his hand.


Everyone was taking shade under a tree...when Izzy's laptop beeped twice. "E-mail...I wonder who's it from."

"Opened it up." Tentomon replied. "Yeah..." he said. "Oh boy guys Genia's been kidnapped!" Izzy replied. "What?" Matt cried out.

"Who is it that e-mail from then?" Mimi asked. "It's from one of Genia's friends...but he also wants us to go over there to discuss something with us about destiny stones." Izzy replied. "Huh?" Kari replied. "That sounds I think I heard of those before." Gatomon replied. "You did?" Gomamon asked. "Yeah...maybe.... but I'm not sure." She said.

"Okay so what about these Destiny Stones?" Catherine asked. "That's what we got to find out." Matt replied he stood up. "Why do I feel that Simon's name is written all over this?" Joe asked. "Your probably not far off either Joe." Gomamon said.

"Yeah.... now this makes me wonder that the mission that Tai and Sora are on." Izzy replied.


Simon looked at the papers in front of him. "How stupid was I to think I can marry her." He said out loud. "She thinks she could lie to me about not tying to contact Tai or his sister with telepathy." He replied.

"Oh I had plans with her...but I guess she just going to have to join up with Tai and they're digimon and be my pawns." He replied.

"And to do that I need the Destiny stones." He replied. "Those stones hold the power of all of digital world, with their element's have the great powers I need to be able to take over the entire digital world." He replied.

"The water stone....I'll have the power to control the ocean's and the water here in the digital world.

The Earth Stone...gives me the power to control the ground...

The Fire Stone will give me the element of fire and enable me to control it.

The Ice Stone will give me the element of Ice.

The Wind Stone will give me the element of the wind

The Leaf stone will give me the power of the plants.

The Sand Stone will give me the powers of the drought and the dry season.

With all of them combine no one will be able to stop me." He laughed.

Simon went to the monitor's he saw Sora in her room paced it she looked like she was tying to contact her friends again...Tai who lay down on the bed, with high fever. He then looked back to Sora's monitor.

"A Sora I'm sorry...but your annoying me with the telepathy thing now." He said, then snapped his fingers.


Matt and the others arrived to Genia's house. "This is cool but where is his house?" Catherine asked, Izzy pointed into the lake. "Oh...that's not possible." She said. "Oh well believe it anything possible in the digital world." Mimi said.

As if on que the lake parted reveling hidden steps. "Okay everyone after me." Matt said he stepped aside and let them go pasted him he then followed after them.

Once they arrived at the bottom "Where is that guy that contacted us any ways?" Izzy wondered he looked around, as did everyone else. "Well maybe he got stuck some where around or he fell down." Mimi questioned.

"Hmmm....I doubt that." Joe replied. "Over here Chosen Children." A young man with the same clothing that Genia had on approached them. "Who are you?" Gatomon asked.

"A my name is Gerald." He said to them. "Gerald nice to meet you I guess you know who we are all ready huh." Matt said. "Yup." He replied.

"You are Matt Ishida, Crest of Friendship and your digimon is Gabumon... This one beside you just who just joined you.... her name is Catherine and she has the Crest of Faith."

"Okay we get the point." Gomamon replied. "Okay any ways all of you come with me....to the table." He said and they followed him.


All fourteen sat down around the table, Gerald stood up at the front and pulled down a screen. "Okay this is an map of the digital world, and those blinking dots are the Destiny Stones." He replied.

"The destiny stones?" Izzy questioned. "Yes...there are special stone that store the power of the elements. They also provide power to any one who is in contact with one." He said. "So are you saying that those Stones hold the climate of the digital world?" Izzy questioned.

"Precisely. And when tempered with and used inappropriately they could cause dire consequences." Gerald said. "Okay...sure but what about Genia what happened to him?" Tentomon asked. "He, like I said has been taken prisoner by the digital human Simon.... he has him hidden away on and Island some where northeast from Sever."

"I some how knew he was behind this." Joe said. "Yeah...I guess you were right Joe." His digimon said to him.

"Lets get back on track, there are 7 destiny stones.... one each contains the powers of the elements that control the climate of the digital world." He replied.

"Amazing…I never knew something like that would exist." Izzy exclaimed. "Frankly neither did I" Tentomon responded.

"You and me both." Gomamon replied. "There are seven of these stones and they are all located all over the digital world."

A map of the digital world showed up suddenly, it show 7 different colored dots that blinked off and on.

"This indicates the exact location of the stones…The water stone is found underneath the ocean in an under water cave, The Earth stone is found inside an underground cave on Sever, The Fire stone is in an volcanic mountain on Sever, The Ice stone is found in the coldest region on File Island, The Wind stone is found on at the highest point on top of infinity mountain, The leaf stone is in the lost forest on sever, and the sand stone is found in a pyramid on the desert of Sever." He said.

"The stones are concealed in individual chambers…and are inside are small chest's with the first letter of stone inscribed onto the top." He replied.

"Okay got it." Mimi replied standing up. "But wait one moment…. remember that things aren't always as they seem." He replied.

Izzy and everyone stood up, the all started out of the lake and stood on the shore as Gerald stepped out also. "You must hurry and get all of them because Simon has already found out about the stones…. don't waste time. Izzy the map is on your computer." He replied.

They all nodded, as they watched him leave, and the lake filled in.

"Okay what do know?" Matt questioned unsurely. "We start to find the stones." Catherine replied. "No really." He replied "Yeah really." She responded back. "Look doesn't start with me." Matt told her.

"Oh…so why are you questioning Izzy you're supposed to be temporary leader." Catherine threatened. "Okay Let's not fight." Tentomon buzzed around them both. "Yes and incase you both forgot we got to find those stones asap." Floramon said.

"Right so Izzy what stone are we closed too?" Matt asked, Izzy opened up his laptop and typed a few things then a map popped up. "The fire stone."


Sora opened her eyes to her surprise she was okay…but then noticed she was strapped on to a metal table her writs and ankles both held downs she move her head to her left and could see Biyomon, Agumon then Tai who were all strapped onto a metal table of there own.

"Tai are you okay?" Sora called over to him…he responded a moan and she heard some moans from the digimon as well. "Sora…" Biyomon called her. "Biyo…your okay." She replied happily.

"Not as okay as when I'm through with all four off you." Simon angry voice replied Sora and the two digimon looked up to see Simon. "You let us go before I warp digivole to Wargreymon!" Agumon threatened him. "Oh….big whoop." He replied. "You can't digivole to Wargreymon anyways…I've got your partner's Tags and crests concealed secretly…. in my room" he told them Tai slowly regain consciousness…from he really fast recovery from his high fever.

"Sora…Agumon…Biyomon are you okay?" he whispered his voice was raspy. "Tai we are." Sora answered for them both…when Tai looked up he saw Simon standing in front of him. "You!" he raised his voice.

"Yeah me…. let's have pop quiz." He replied he paced from Tai's table to Sora's, the four had their eyes fixed on him. "Let us have that pop quiz." Biyomon stated. "Relax…number one do any of you know why I was so interested in pursuing you?" Simon asked as he motioned to Sora. "I don't know but you're a creep!" Agumon exclaimed at him.

Simon laughed at him… "Ah funny indeed but seriously…. It's was because I liked you….really I did….Sora I can see you'll be a really attractive woman when you grow up." He said with a sigh. Sora closed her eyes… 'He did like me?' she thought. 'Oh god all four of us are going to die.'

"DON'T YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE!" Tai threatened him. "I'm not done my quiz Tai I suggest you quite up." Simon told him, the four were silent again and watched Simon talk.

"And two…. do you know why you are in this room?" he asked he motioned around the room. They all shook their head no. "I'll tell you…. it's my hypnosis room…. it's quite a wonderful thing." He replied then he paused and stopped in the middle of the four.

"I get a silence as an answer?" he asked…no one talked, he smiled significantly then began to talk to them about his plan. "Oh you'll love the work I want to assign you both….it will be fun…even more so you get to work together…as a big… happy 'Family'"

"What are you talking about? We won't help you ever!" Tai said to him in an angry tone.

"Sure you will not under the circumstance right now but soon you will. …And you'll also refer me as Master…. you will retrieve the destiny stones for me from your medalling friends…. boy when they see the both of you working for me…they'll be in shock, That four of there own would go behind there backs and help the bad guy…. You'll be disowned by the Chosen Children." Simon started to leave to the exit door.

The four struggled to get free of their restrains. "NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!" Tai called to him, with a sudden flicker the whole room was engulfed in darkness. "What's happening?" Biyomon asked. "I don't know." Sora called to her.

A screen appeared from the ceiling…then the movement of the tables that the four were strapped onto had started to lift to a 45-degree angle. So that they were all faced toward the screen.

The screen flickered on to revel a pedant of some sort, which swung back and forth. The four watched it swing back and forth…they tried to shake it off but it was hard not to look at the pedant as it swung back and forth.

Simon's voice came on threw the speakers. "On the count of 3 you will fall asleep." He whispered softly.

He slowly started his count. "1……………..2………&helli p;………..3……………" on instant Tai, Sora, Biyomon and Agumon both fell asleep.

Simon smiled as he watched them from his monitor in another room. "Now that you are asleep I want you to all to open you eyes." He said. "Look at the monitor." Simon pushed a button and a screen of the Chosen Children minus Tai, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon. "These people are your enemies…. don't trust them…. they are the Chosen Children and these are the kids you must make sure don't get the destiny stones." He replied then pressed another button, an picture of himself appeared on screen.

"This is me…. the voice you are listening to is me, you shall call me Master….and I'm the only one you all are to listen too, when I give instruction there will be no hesitation from either of the four of you." He smiled then continued.

"Close your eyes…. I want you to forget the past 11 years of your life and except the name of yourself and your digimon…. you have each other and only know of each other…on the count of three you'll wake up feeling refreshed and having no memory of your past life. 1…………..2…………3&helli p;………." Simon turned off the computer speakers. "Let them loose and I'll go down to the room and greet them." He said, Vegimon pressed a button releasing their 'captives' from they're restraints.


Simon opened the door to the room he saw the four standing there conversing…. "Tai, Sora." He said out loud when he did the both turned around. "Master!" they cried, they stood at attention. "At ease." He replied and they relax, Simon smiled a bit but hid it from them.

"Now…I got you both an task to do…. go and find the fire stone and all of the destiny stones…and don't let the chosen children step in your way. "Master, we won't let you down." Tai said. "Excellent. Here are your digivices." And he handed them replica's of there own digivice that were both black instead of the color they were supposed to be and replica's of they're crest's as well, Simon went to great deal to make sure the items work….He would let them use these one for now until he trusted them enough he'd give them back there real ones.

"Now go." He demanded. "They all ran out of the room toward the out side of the building. "Biyomon digivole to Birdramon." Sora, Tai and Agumon all climbed onto her feet and she lifted off and headed toward sever.

Simon watched them leave and started to laugh. "haha!"

To Be Continued………………..

Narrator: Are Tai, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon really under control of Simon and will the Chosen Children find out that two of there own turned against them.


Next Time on Digimon: Digital Monsters Alternate Version.

The Chosen Children have found the fire stone but.

Kari: It's Tai! And Sora!!

Tai: Give me the stone now.

Agumon warp digivoles as dose Gabumon.

Matt: Tai snap out of it. Sora, do something about him.

Sora watches the digimon fight she has the same glistening in her eyes but they seem angry.

Sora: Call off your digimon.Joe: They…. turned on us….