Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ To Be or Not To be ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

13. To Be or Not to Be

"Sora here…. just as I thought things couldn't go worst for us, Simon decided to switch plans and use me and Tai as his pawns to get the 7 destiny stones ew…god can you believe he was planning on marring me anyways. The stones would give him unbelievable powers for him to be able to control the entire digital world, he then resorted to brainwashing us to go against our friends…. and it looks bad for us Chosen Children cause Simon might have won all ready."


3 days of walking didn't help the Chosen Children they were tired and exhausted and because Matt had always wanted to leave early then stop walking at sundown…. and it was near sunset. "This is insane…how am I ever going to catch up with my beauty sleep?" Mimi asked. "You'll live." Matt replied from the head of the group, Mimi mocked him behind his back then turned to Palmon.

"How are you doing so far?" she asked. "Okay." She replied. "I need water…" Gomamon trailed off, Joe looked to his digimon. "To do what play or to drink?" Joe asked. "Oh come one…doesn't it matter I need a brake." He replied continuing to walk.

Matt kept on forward…he knew how important it was to them that they get these stones before Simon go his grubby hands on them. "Izzy how far is it till the volcano?" he asked, Izzy looked at the map on the computer. "I'd say about a mile." He replied.

"I'm getting worried." Kari replied. "About what?" Gatomon questioned. "About Tai…and Sora they both been gone too long…it's about a month since they left." She replied. "I think there okay." Mimi replied.

This train of thought stopped Matt… and turned around to face everyone. "You know it is odd that Sora and Tai aren't back yet how hard could it have been to get that stuff." He replied. "We don't know that guys…I mean all we could know there must have been detours and evil digimon they have to get by to get those medallions.

"I still stay those medallion's aren't real I'm tell you all that it isn't true it a hoax." Tentomon replied hovering next to Izzy. "How can it be a hoax if it's pretty well covered in the digi-analyzer?" Izzy questioned him.

"Yeah…I mean they have to find my crest." Catherine replied she looked at them wearily. "No offense but in case you haven't notice you got your crest." Gomamon explained to her, Catherine merely took out her crest… "Hey…wait a minute if they're looking for this and some medallions…then maybe that 's all made up like an diversion." Catherine replied.

"She has a point to that." Floramon replied. "Yeah…but who wanted to create a diversion for us…to take away…the--." Patamon stopped in mid-sentence. "The only sick mind person of all of digital world." Matt stated…then everyone all in unison said "Simon."


Simon stared hard at his mirror of the digital world he watched the on goings of the other Chosen Children. "Hmm..." he looked at the box, with the digivices and tags in it. "I got to do damage control." He said out loud.


"Okay we really can't worry about them at the moment I'm sure if Simon did confront them Tai and Sora would have managed pretty okay because they have there digimon with them after all." Matt replied.

"But still Matt…. this is Simon we are talking about." Gabumon said. "Okay I know…but we got to get to the stone first." He replied in urgency. "He's right, were almost there we can make it." Izzy replied.

As he said then his digivice beeped and an voice came on. "Hey Izzy…. It's me Tai, were coming back sorry that I haven't contacted you for a while." He replied. "In a while Tai it's been about at least a month." Matt replied. "It has?….man time dose fly fast." He said. Kari came up to Izzy. "Can I talk to him?" she questioned. "Hi Kari." Tai's voice said. "I missed you Tai…I'm so glad your coming back." She replied.

"I missed you too…okay I'll see you all later Sora say's hi." Tai replied and closed the connection. "Okay…. there alright then." Matt replied. "So come on we got to get to the stone before Simon dose." He started forward the others all followed there mood lifted a bit because they heard Tai's voice.


There was rusting in the leaves as they walked both Catherine and Mimi heard it. "Matt…. there's something in the bushes." Catherine told him… "Yeah…. Matt do something…" Mimi replied. Matt turned to them a little annoyed. "There is nothing in the bushes." He replied. "We'll go and check it out." Floramon suggested. "No don't Floramon it could be a trap or something I can't let you get hurt." Catherine replied.

"I'll go." TK volunteered. "NO!" Matt replied strongly. TK stopped and looked at his brother a little angry. "I'm sure if we keep walking what ever it is that there will leave." he replied and started onwards. The other Chosen Children started cautiously. "I don't see how he was chosen as temporary leader." Gomamon whispered to Tentomon. "Now, now." Tentomon scolded him. "He's doing an okay Job."

"Palmon look please." Mimi cried. "I don't think there anything there." Her digimon replied. "You don't? Are you sure?" she questioned. "Yup I'm positive." Palmon said.

Until they all heard an "Achoo…!". "I guess you were wrong." Floramon replied. "Come out of there." Gabumon said the digimon carefully approached the bush…then another digimon hopped out, with his hands up.

"Please don't hurt me!!! I didn't mean to follow you and scare any of you I swear." The digimon cried. "What are you?" TK asked but then a sudden realization dawn on him "Ooohhh… your that digimon I saw in puppetmon's mansion." He replied as he remembered. "What was it your name was? Mushroomon?" TK questioned it. The digimon looked up and nodded. "Yeah." He replied.

TK narrowed his eyes at the digimon. "And you also gave away my hide out." He replied… "Hehe…sorry about that." The digimon replied.

"Yeah but let's get to the point what do you want?" Matt questioned. "Nothing I couldn't help but over here that you guys were looking for the destiny stones." The digimon replied. "Yeah and what is too you?" Gomamon asked. "Hey…be a little nice Gomamon." Joe replied.

"I can help you guys out." He replied. "Yeah but what makes you think were going to trust you I don't know if I can." TK told him. "Hehe…let by gones be by gones." Mushroomon replied. "TK's right you know. How can we trust you when you just might go ahead and tell Simon." Patamon said from his place on TK's hat. "It's a matter of fact I don't like that guy…he's really mean." The digimon replied.

Still the chosen children and they're digimon remained unconvinced, the Mushroomon sighed inwardly. "Okay if I promise to show you an short cut to the volcano so you can get the stone will you trust me?" he asked. "No way right Matt?" TK asked…when Matt didn't responded he turned around to face his brother. "Matt? Didn't you hear me?" he questioned.

"I heard you TK…lets do it…where's this short cut." Matt asked. "You're going along with him?" Everyone cried. "Yeah…you never know he could be telling the truth…but one false move that then Gabumon will freeze you." Matt said.

TK frowned angry…then went to Kari…who watched him carefully. "You okay TK?" She asked. "I hate it when Matt doesn't listen to me…Tai always listened to me." He replied he sat down and pouted. "Come on TK…we got to get going." Patamon replied. "Yeah so come on." Gatomon replied. "Okay fine." He replied and angrily followed them.


Simon laughed…. "Once again they fell for the trick I pulled on them…and the next time they'll see their beloved leader and Miss. Takenouchi they'll be turned against them." He replied he smirked as he stared at the case containing the real digivices…and Tags. "I'm getting more further then I did before when I was following Dragomon's stupid orders." He replied


The Mushroomon lead them thought the shortcut toward the volcano, the others were starting to worry that they were being lead a stray. Izzy stopped and took his laptop out to make sure he was leading them to the volcano and just not leading us anywhere.

"Are you leading us to the right place?" Floramon asked. "Of course I kept my word." The digimon replied. "Guys cool it I think he is." Matt replied.

Izzy looked down at his computer and surprisingly enough he was taking them to the volcano…they were almost there. "Good this guy isn't lying to us." Izzy whispered. "oh that's great for a second there I was worried." Tentomon said to him.

"Almost there!" Mushroomon replied as he stepped through the last of the bushes… "Ta da!". Two by two they all filed out of the bushes looking up at a giant mountain but like volcano.

"Oh…man…how are we supposed to get the stone?" Joe questioned. "Izzy?" Matt questioned, Izzy looked down at his computer. "He said it was inside the volcano so there must be an cave around it or we might have to go up." He replied pointing to the top of it. "No way I won't climb that." Mimi exclaimed. "Me neither." Catherine chimed. "go figures." Matt said then he looked at everyone. "Okay lets see if there is some kind of opening some where we can actually get in." Matt started to look for it Gabumon followed him being his loyal digimon and respecting his whishes of course. Izzy and Tentomon went around the other way the other chosen children stayed there.

"Oh well look at the time I got to be going!" the Mushroomon ran off. "HEY COME BACK HERE!!" Joe shouted at it. "I'll get the little fungus!" Gomamon replied and chased after the Mushroomon.

"Gomamon come back!" he cried. "I will as soon as I find that thing…." He voice said from far way as he chased down the digimon. Joe groaned...and followed after him. "Joe! Where are you going!" Mimi cried. "I'll be back don't worry." He replied back to her. "Okay we won't!" Palmon replied.

"Hey what's that?" Catherine asked, pointed to what seemed to be fire coming out of an cave. "Oh...I see it too, maybe it a digimon." Mimi wondered.

Then a Meramon stepped out of the cave... "AHHHHH!!!" Catherine screamed.


"I think it could be right over here." Matt replied he turned the corner but there was no cave opening. "I was sure it was here." He replied. "I think it's in the front, Matt." Gabumon said to him. "You think?" he questioned.

"Have you found the opening?" Izzy asked as he walked toward him and Gabumon. "No." Gabumon replied. "Great no such luck what do you suggest Izzy?" Tentomon asked. "Perhaps it's where the other are…" he replied as he said that a shrill scream came from where the direction of where the other Chosen Children, were.

"That sounded like Catherine Matt." Gabumon replied. "Yeah…come on Izzy." He cried. They ran in the direction of the scream.

Matt, Izzy and they're digimon ran toward where the others were located.


"Catherine don't scream." TK replied... "Yeah it's just Meramon he won't harm us." Patamon said. "Oh...it just startled me...that's all" she replied softly...and hid behind Mimi. The Meramon walked toward them. "You must be the chosen children." He said to them.

"So what if we are." Gatomon spoke up by Kari's side. "I heard about you from the other Meramon on File Island." He replied. "Oh...I remember him." TK said.

"What's going on!" Matt cried he ran toward them and stopped to catch his breath Izzy, Tentomon and Gabumon stopped next to him taking in big gulps of air...once they all regain there breath Matt started first. "Who are you?" he asked. "It's Meramon Matt and he knows the one on file Island remember when we came upon that Yocomon village?" he questioned his brother.

"Oh...you know that Meramon.... then you could help us out." Izzy said to him. "I could?" he questioned. "Yes we need the destiny stone...before Simon gets to it." He said to the Meramon. "The Destiny stone of Fire.... there's an assignment...getting the destiny stones requires a test to be completed by the one in charge..." The Meramon looked at all of them. "Well Matt's just temporally the leader of us so dose that mean he must do the test?" Izzy


"No sense guys...I can do it...we don't need Tai here." Matt said he stepped up to the Meramon. "What is the test?" He questioned.

"Follow me." The Meramon heading into the cave opening Matt and Gabumon followed the other followed after him.


Birdramon flying toward where the other chosen children are.... they were coming up close to Sever. Simon appeared in front of them...suddenly. "Sora...Tai..." Simon called. "Master what is it that you need?" Sora asked.

"I want you to both to go along with being chosen children." Simon replied. "What? Why." Tai demanded bitterly. "Yeah you told us they were are enemies why should we?" Agumon complained.

"it's the plan...follow it! Don't you forget who's in charge!" he shouted. "Tai it's easier to take the stone if we make friend with them...then snatch it..." Sora said to him. Simon smiled... "Sora...you are so smart...and beautiful remind me to reward you." Simon replied to her.

Simon then left them, Sora turned to Tai "You shouldn't be so rude to him after all he did take us in." she replied to him... "Take us in? I don't think so." Tai replied bitterly. "She's right he did take us in when we were lost on that Island of his...." Agumon said.

Tai sighed inwardly and annoyed.... "Okay so he did...but he got us doing his deeds for him." Tai explained "And not to mention that going to be friend with the chosen children...that's too much..." he said angrily.

"Let's not dwell on that any more." Birdramon replied.

They fell silent.


All the chosen children had their mouths hanging out in shock including the digimon. "You can't be serious!" Matt exclaimed...he and other all could see the stone except that it was in the middle of an lava pit.

"There's no way we can get it! We would need...gold or some kind of metal that was strong enough to with stand heat!" Izzy cried. "You don't need to worry about that.... it's not the test...the test you must past is in the next chamber...." The Meramon replied, he turned left into another room...they followed him cautiously.

"Here." Meramon responded...they looked at the room it was like some sort of Giant optical course.... there were five pillars coming out of the body of water. There was one big one in the center...on each pillar there are five polls...each has a rope strung...through them in a sort of spiral motion...leading to the center of the pillar.

"Wow...this is an really big this room." Mimi exclaimed. "And really hot..." Joe said trailing of as he joined the rest of them Gomamon followed after him. "Joe where have you been?" Matt asked...getting side tracked. "To find Gomamon. He ran off to find that Mushroomon...but he lost him and then we lost you guys until we came into the volcano and so here we are." He said to him. "Oh al right..." Matt then turned to the Meramon. "Okay what's the objective of this test?" Matt questioned.

"The objective of this game is to not fall in to water...if you do fall...you risk your life because that water is scolding hot enough to boil you alive." He said.

"Whoa..." They all replied then they looked at Matt.

'Okay I can do this...' Matt thought. "Okay...Meramon I'm taking the challenge." He said. "Matt ....." Gabumon was about to say something but Matt stopped him... "I can...don't worry."

"The rule is that you and your digimon partner must get to the middle of the pillar and return with that necklace that's in the box on the center pillar." The Meramon replied. "Okay...fine." Matt said he bent down and rubbed some of the dirt on his hands, Gabumon followed him to were the rope started at.

"Okay you go first Gabumon and be careful though." Matt said. "I will you should be careful also." He replied.

Gabumon stopped for a moment...then looked to Meramon. "Couldn't I digivole to a better form for this kind of thing?" he questioned. "I guess but you can't jump you got to pull yourself across the rope." he replied.

"Okay digivole." Matt said.

"Gabumon digivole to.... Garurumon."

"Garurumon digivole to.... Were Garurumon!"

"Okay down to business." Were Garurumon replied. "Okay go first Were Garurumon." Matt motioned to him... Were Garurumon grabbed on to the rope with his left hand and swung himself to grab the rope with his right hand, he repeated the motioned until he got to the first pillar.

Were Garurumon waited there. "Be careful Matt!" Catherine called to him he nodded. He grabbed on to the rope with his left hand and swung his right hand over onto the rope and started to go toward the first pillar he made it and hopped off landing beside Were Garurumon.

Matt gave the others thumbs up incanting everything was okay, the two made it all the way to the last pillar...Were Garurumon went first he landed successfully on the center pillar.

Matt made his way toward the middle of the rope he swung himself to the right to grab on to the rope but missed he gasped.

The other watched in horror as he missed the rope he hung on to the rope with one hand and looked down he gulped... "Matt come on don't look down!" his digimon called to him.

"Matt! You can do it!" TK called to him eagerly, Matt got a hold of himself, then managed to grab on to the rope.

"Oh...I can't watch this!" Mimi cried she put her face into her hands.

Matt finally made it to the center pillar...to him what seemed to take hours. He dropped onto his knees and putting his head down tiny beads of sweat had formed on his forehead and around his face.

"Your okay Matt." Were Garurumon said to his partner. Matt nodded "Yeah.... everything's under control." He replied he took a big breath of air and picked himself up. The two walked toward the box and opened it...inside contained a necklace that had a sliver stone on it.

Matt picked it up and placed it into his jean pocket. "Okay lets get back." He replied.

Catherine looked panicked for some reason Izzy noticed this. "Are you okay?" he questioned. "No...he's going to fall I know he is." She cried.

"You have to have faith Matt can make it back!" TK cried out.

Matt's hand started shaking as he put it onto the rope. 'I can do it...one mishap like that last one shouldn't discourage me.' He thought.

Prepared himself mentally before going...he slowly made it to the pillar.


"There it is." Sora said pointing below to the volcano. "I don't see any sign of them." Birdramon said. "Lets wait around from them then." Tai replied.

Birdramon flew down and landed near the opening and de-digivoled to Biyomon, all four sat down for a while and waited.

"I changed my mine lets just take the stupid thing." Tai said. "Okay fine..." Sora said crossing her arms.


Matt swung one last time until he finally made it back onto the where everyone else was. "Matt good...job." Gabumon said to him. "Matt you scared us." TK replied. "I'm fine don't worry.... so Meramon do we get the Stone of destiny now?" he questioned.

"Yes follow me." He said and motioned them to follow him. The others remained as Matt and Gabumon followed Meramon.

"It didn't faze him that he near got boiled to death?" Catherine questioned unnerved. "I don't know but Matt sucks at being the leader." TK replied a hint of anger in his voice. "Hey...he's doing the best he can TK...It's hard to be leader." Izzy advised him... "Tai was a better leader." He said.

"Okay you both...we should hurry back to where the fire stone is...I'm sure Matt will probably be wondering where we all went to." Joe said. "Yeah...your right so come on." Catherine said she started toward the other room where the stone of destiny was held.

The remaining of the chosen children caught up with Catherine and Floramon.

Matt came running to them... "Mission accomplished.... I got the stone!" he replied he held up the small treasure box. "Could we see it?" Mimi questioned him. "Yup..." he opened up the box and revealed a Jagged clear red stone with a ring around it...it glisten.

"It's beautiful." Mimi said, Palmon and Floramon both agree. "Wow." Catherine said... "That's so pretty." Kari said in awe.

"We could put it in my bag it will fit." Joe suggested he unzipped his duffle bag...Matt brought the box over and he put it into the bag Joe zipped it up. "Okay so lets get out of here...." Matt said.

"Be careful with that stone and don't let it get into the hands of evil." Meramon warned. "We will make sure of that." Gomamon said to him. "Good...I guess you guys should be off now." He replied. They all nodded... "Yup...see you." Tentomon said.

The Chosen Children started to ward the exit of the cave....Kari was first to come out she gasped and smiled. "It's Tai and Sora!" she cried.

The other all came out but Kari could sense something was wrong.... "Tai?" she questioned...he didn't replied merely glanced at all of them. "What's wrong Tai?" she asked.

"Sora...are you okay?" Mimi asked she started to approach her. "Stop there!" Biyomon said she stood in front of Sora. Palmon then came to Mimi's defense. "What do you think your doing Biyomon?"

"Hand over the stone." Tai demanded. Matt then came started to approach him like Mimi did Sora...but Agumon stood in his way. "Don't think so." He said. "Hey.... Agumon what are you doing!!" Gabumon said he came up beside Matt.

Izzy looked at each of them confused.... "What's happening?" he thought out loud. "I don't like this at all this is just like what happened.... when Matt decided to leave us...for a while...Tai and Sora leave for several weeks then come back suddenly looking like they're evil...or something." Joe replied uneasy.

"This is different some how..." Kari replied...she looked worried at Tai then to Sora.

"Sora I don't want to fight." Mimi said to her...Sora rolled her eyes. "Sure...whatever you say." She replied. Matt was shocked when he heard was came from Sora...he looked at Tai now. "Hand over the Fire stone of destiny now." Tai said again.

"We don't have it." Matt lied to him... "Gabumon warp digivole." Matt said to him he nodded

"Gabumon warp digivole to.....Metal Garurumon!"

"Agumon warp digivole to.....Wargreymon!"

"Give the stone up." Tai again replied holding out his hand. "Look I don't know what gotten into you Tai but you better snap out of it now." Matt demanded.

"What's gotten into me is that I have a job to do now had over the stupid stone!" he shouted angry. Matt looked at Sora.

"Sora do something about him!" Matt shouted to her... "What for...just give us the stone and everything will go peacefully." She replied.

"My god...they turned on us..." Joe said

"No...They couldn't have.... they're supposed to be Chosen Children." Catherine cried she looked at the two worriedly. Mimi had backed down and returned back to where Izzy and the others were.

"It doesn't look good." Mimi replied. "Everyone digivole now!" Matt called to them.

Sora and Tai both glared at them...

"Call you digimon off now!" Sora exclaimed. "No not till you tell us what's going one here." Matt yelled at them.

"What's going is none of your business." Tai exclaimed.

The digimon were confused on there orders...as Matt talked...they were lined up and ready to digivole but they just watched...

"Sora I can't believe you! Especially" Matt said to her. "Oh...sorry if you can't it's not my problem...Tai this is waste of time..." she said...he nodded in agreement with her. "Your Right Sora." He turned to the chosen children. "But just to let you guys know we won't lose the next one." He replied.

"Biyomon digivole to.... Birdramon!" the giant firebird digimon flew a bit off the ground and Sora and Tai jumped and each grabbed onto her legs.

"NO!" Matt cried... "TK Kari have Patamon and Gatomon digivole and catch them!" Matt said.

Wargreymon stopped in front of the chosen children.... he then formed a large fire ball of energy and threw it at the mountain to cause rock to tumble down the sides...while they all made attempts to avoid the falling rock...Wargreymon flew back to Tai...Sora looked at the map in her hands... 'While they are busy....the next stone is the earth stone." Sora said.

"Then come on...." Tai said to Birdramon. "Right." She answered.


Everyone coughed as the dust was flying up all around them.... Metal Garurumon returned back to his rookie form... "Is everyone okay?" TK asked out. He got a bunch of replies, yes.

"We can't trust Tai and Sora or Agumon and Biyomon for that matter." Gomamon said...he coughed again. "What happened they were nice...but they not anymore." Catherine replied.

"No this is someone else doing...." Matt replied... "Matt's right." Izzy spoke up. "But that doesn't make sense!" Joe cried. "Weren't they not supposed to go to an island and get medallions...and come back?" he asked.

"That's what Genia said...to us...Tai and Sora were to go there and come back with medallions but they didn't." Tentomon replied.

"We don't know what happened to them...but...I'm going to find out." Matt said. "Wait we can't worry about them now...we have to get the destiny stones before Simon dose." Catherine said to him.

"She right Matt..." Gabumon said he nodded. "Yeah...but still.... I know Sora wouldn't act like that..." Matt replied.

To Be Continued...

Narrator: Will the Chosen Children find out what's up with Tai, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon? Find out next time on an all-new episode of digimon: digital monsters alternate version...


Next time on Digimon 02 AV:

"Looks like we meet again only this time it's a race against getting the earth stone." Tai replied.

Tai punch's Matt in the face...knocking him down.

"Fine if you going to be like that Tai! Ahhh!" he charges at Tai and the two began to fight.

Sora sees Tai's in need of help and goes to help him...but Catherine stops her.

"Your not going to interrupt they're fight!" she said strongly.

"Get out of my way!" Sora shouts.

The digimon Digivole to there Mega forms and start to battle each other.

"Stop the insanity..." Metal Garurumon tells Wargreymon.

Wargreymon Forms a large ball of fire in his hands and throws it....it goes in the direction of where TK and Kari were...both kids were in wide eye in fear as they watch the comet speeding toward them."TK, KARI!!!!" Matt's shouts to them in horror.