Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: Fusion ❯ Prologue 2: ...The Shadows Lits... ( Chapter 2 )

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Well, last time I checked TOEI still owns Digimon... But come on, release some infor on Digimon World 4 already!

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian...

One thing before we start, this story I call Digimon: Fusion is basically my attempt at making a "5th season", hopefully one will come out though, but anyway, hope you'll like this.

Digimon: Fusion - Prologue 2 - ...The Shadows Lits...

(This chapter is the second of a 6 chapter prologue, after the 6th chapter, the actual story will begin...)

It was a calm afternoon, the sky clear and the sun shining down on the people. Cars ran in streets as usual in rush hour, and people minded their own business. It was the 27th of August of 2009. Inside a building away from the streets, in a darker room lay a girl, her blonde hair was tied to her back, reaching her back, and part of it cast to the sides, wearing a white shirt with a black best over it and a pair of black jeans, a grayish half skirt (as in the front exposed, the back covered) over it. She was currently in bare feet was meditating on the floor of her room, a small noise emanating from her...

Practicing the arts of meditation of the various schools she had become quite addapted to the stances the often require, and the darkness of her room provided her a certain concentration the light could not. She opened her eyes, revealing two yellow orbs which flashed for a second on the darkness, she got up, and switched to another position... This continued for a few more minutes until her concentration was broken by a yell...


This, startling her made her thumble a little, she breathed once and answered back...

"Yes?" To which the voice answered,

"I need you to go buy some things from the market for me, I have to leave in a moment and won't be home until night"

"Alright, be down in a minute", she rolled her eyes, put on her sneakers, which were a combination of blue and red, with a dark stripe at the bottom, snatched a small bracelet from the drawer and wore it on her right hand, she left the dark room and made her way down.

"Here is what I need you to buy for me..." said the other voice, which belonged to an older woman, this obviously being her mother, she handed Chris a small note and some money, she went to the door, grabbed her purse and left, Chris grabbed her set of keys and also left, locking the door, her mother already in the car outside and left. She started walking towards the streets, taking one of her usual shortcuts through the darkened alleys, her vision accostumed easily and she made her way jumping stuff here and there, a sound not far away from here echoed in all the alleys, she stopped abruptly ans started listening...

Only footsteps were heard, nothing else, she dismissed the thought of it being a mugglar or something due to the speed of the steps and dashed in another direction to find the source, taking another path she jumped above a stack of boxes, which crumbled with her weight, she got up and cleared the dust out of her clothes, the wall there wasn't too high, so she dashed a little and jumped against a wall on the side, and bounced of it as much as she could, and managed to grab the ledge of the wall, she climbed up and then jumped down, feeling something shatter below her foot, the sound of breaking glass made her realize on what she had stepped, she then went into silence again and listened...

The footsteps were closer, she quickened her own pace and moved through a corner, reaching an open space, where a boy already was, with her, another girl and 2 boys had also appeared through another entrances to the area, they all looked at each other...

Still short, now even shorter, anyway, 4 more prologues...

Again, Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are mine. Michael and Nagmon are from Michael. Kina and Katzemon is property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian... So don't try anything fancy with them unless given permission.

Signed as usual,
Alan "Gray Fox" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
Until next time!
Prologue 3: ...Our Honesty Which...