Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: Fusion ❯ Prologue 5: ...Through Our Decissions... ( Chapter 5 )

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Well, last time I checked TOEI still owns Digimon... But come on, release some infor on Digimon World 4 already!

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian, and that's pretty much all for the ownership thingy...

One thing before we start, this story I call Digimon: Fusion is basically my attempt at making a "5th season", hopefully one will come out though, but anyway, hope you'll like this.

Digimon: Fusion - Prologue 5 - ...Through Our Decissions...

(This chapter is the fifth of a 6 chapter prologue, after the 6th chapter, the actual story will begin...)

It was a calm afternoon, the sky clear and the sun shining down on the people. Cars ran in streets as usual in rush hour, and people minded their own business. It was the 27th of August of 2009. Today we are looking at an indoor gym, where a girl with short spiky blonde hair, wearing a small grey t-shirt, and a pair of thin pants was currently dashing around the basketball court, evading the little defense the opposing team had, she stopped and in less than half a sec, she jumped slightly and shoot the ball, which went in nicely into the hole.

"Way to go Kina!" yelled a couple from her team. It wasn't an actual competition, more like a friendly match, but even so...

It continued like this, Kina's team scoring most of the time, for her team apparently had the best players, so they won by a rather hefty amount...

After a few words she entered the girl's room and changed into her usual outfit, which was a dark green t-shirt, over it, a dark red vest, with blue jeans, at the bottom a line of white flames running, she put on her black shoes and left her red finger-less gloves on.

She left the room and looked around, her friends were all ready too so they left...

They walked down along the school's yard before reaching the exit, where they all parted different ways, still holding her basketball she made her way home...

While walking down a street though, a person suddenly hit her, and it looked quite intentional too...

"Hey!" she said at whoever it had been, but no one else answered back, she hadn't paid attention to the fact that her basketball go loose from her grasp and it bounced down an alley, she rolled her eye and stepped in.

She looked around, barely making anything out in the darkness, until her eyes got a little used to the darkness, coincidentally enough her ball has bounced down a flight of stairs, she took them down and cursing her luck she saw the ball stuck between 2 walls, with very little space between them, she flatted herself against one and moved sideways, she tried grabbing the ball but couldn't, tried pulling it back and didn't worked either, she tried the only one left, she tried moving it forward, and could, she did until she stepped out into a more open area and hear some steps behind her, or above and behind her actually.

Judging from the sounds she wouldn't be able to walk back through the thin space, nor would the ball allow her so she dashed through the only path. A noise was heard behind her, and whoever it was, had just jumped down, she sprinted and saw another small space like the previous, and a box barely open, she placed the ball inside and just tried to close it and flattened herslef with the wall again and moce across...

Whoever was chasing her, if that was indeed what the person was doing had obviously missed her, as she reached the other side. She turned a corner, deciding to go back for her ball later and saw an open space, she entered it, and to her surpise, 3 other boys and a girl also did, each one from a different entrance...

Oh well, next chapter ends the prologue...

Erm, you know the drill... Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian...

Signed as usual,
Alan "Gray Fox" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
Until next time!
Prologue 6: ...Even on a Different World.