Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: Revelations ❯ Angels of Darkness ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Five
Angels of Darkness
Infinity Mountain
"Is everything going accourding to plan?" asked a mysterious voice.
"Yes master."said Hayru. "The three of them seemed to adapt well to our control mechanism. They are under somplete control."
"Good......the destined will be returning soon." said the voice. "This Angels of Darkness plan better work, or your leadership will end Hayru." Hayru gulped thinking about the plan failing.
"I will personally make sure the plan pulls through." Hayru took a bow and was preparing to leave when the voice spoke again.
"Take a great deal of care in these next two days. I sense a tragedy one that will shift the powers of darkness and light greatly." said the voice. "I would carefully watch Aiden and Black Agumon, this source of dark energy they harbor is different from your or the others. Much more dark, and it is only time before it is released, that is when we shall see what this shift may do."
"Yes Master I will heade your warning." Hayru bowed again and left the chamber.
"You better Hayru, I sense a downfall, not sure whos, but something is going to happen today." The chamber went silent as the mysterious person vanished.
Computer Room at School
It was Monday and school had just let out. Thanks to Izzy's connection with the Japanese government, schools would be closed the rest of the week so the destined can work with out other problems.
"Remind me when we get to see Izzy to ask him how he got those connections." said Tai. Everyone just stod around not saying much. Davis was over by a open window letting the cool breeze blow through. He was deep in thought, Kari could see he was and asked him.
"What are you thinking about?"asked Kari. Davis didn't bother turning from the window and sighed.
"It's Aiden. I asked my mother about the adoption, at first she hesitated, but then told me the whole story. I told her about the death of the foster parents, she then told me to find Aiden and bring him back to live with us. But I didn't tell her about him being our enemy." Davis turned to see Kari teary eyed. "What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing, I thinks its so sad he lost so much and now feels he has lost more." said Kari leaning up against the wall next to Davis. "He has only Black Agumon left and you but her feels that you two cannot be brothers, if their was only a way to get him away from the Dark Destined, maybe we could talk some since into him and you." Davis looked over at Kari funny and thought for a moment. We could! We need a distraction though.....maybe.......Davis leaned over and gave Kari a kiss.
"Kari your a genious!" said Davis with hapiness. He grabbed Kari's arm and they ran over to the other destined. "Tai your sister is a miracle! She just gave me a idea on how to save Aiden! But it will take us spliting into two groups! One group will be me and Kari, we will wait for group two, Tai and the others, to start fighting with the Dark Destined. Aiden will of course sense my presence and come after me. There we will or I will try to reason with Aiden, maybe offer our protection until we defeat the Dark Destined!" Tai and the others thought it was a good idea, except for the fact that it involve them fighting the Dark Destined. Tai sighed and looked at Kari and Davis and saw they were both serious.
"One condition, Ken goes with you two, you know just in case he ignores you and attacks, you'll need Imperialdramon to fight Black Wargreymon." said Tai.
"Agreed." said Davis. "Digi Port Open!"
File Island, out side of Infinity Mountain.
Darkness swirled around the mountain and the mist settled on the grounds. Evil was coming, a dark evil, one that all fear. The Dark Destined worked hard on the Angels of Darkness Project, but it wasn't going anywhere fast. They needed something more. So they had conjured a dark energy from the Digital Abyss. This dark energy swirled around the three test subjects and they screamed, only to be laughed at by the four pairs of eyes watching from a control room. They taunted the three subjects and laughed at there pain. The Angels of Darkness Project would not fail, and soon enought they could test them on the arrival of the Digi-Destined! From the control room Hayru pointed out to Nicole.
"Hows the energy transfer?" asked Hayru.
"Steady, the transfer rate is at 15% and climbing, we should have somplete control within the hour." reported Nicole.
"How about the process with their digimon?"asked Hayru towards Devin.
"Darkness Transfer at 20% and rising steadily." said Devin. "Only one of them seems to putting up some resistance, but I couldn't blame the little twirp, he is a digimon of light and to be engulfed into darkness must be rather painful, but amusing to say the least."
"Your truley demented Devin."said Aiden walking over to an observation window. "But I guess thats what makes you a valued member of the Dark Destined." Aiden sighed and turned away from the window and left the room. He was accompanied by Black Agumon. He walked over to a control console and pushed a button to reveal the mist covered island. From the distance he could see a portal from the real world opening. He pushed a button to open a comm link to the other control room.
"We have intruders Hayru." said Aiden. "I think we should test the Angels of Darkness." There was silence at the other end.
"Are you sure?" asked Hayru. "The Angels are not finished."
"The darkness already implanted in them will continue to grow, and will dramatically increase its hold once in battle."
"Your a genious!" said Hayru. "All right prepare for battle."
"I wont be joining the main battle, I have an issue to settle, some family issues."
"Oh, Davis, so your gonna go ahead and kill him?"asked Hayru.
"Of course................." Aiden gulped hoping Hayru didn't hear his hesistation. "I wouldn't be a didicated brother if I didn't 'hang' around him!" Aiden gave a devilish laugh and walked off from the room and onto a platform, the sounds of gears kicking in could be heard and the platform loward with Black Agumon at his side.
"So your sure?"asked Black Agumon.
"Yes........it is better for me to get rid........of these attachments......" said Aiden with the large steel doors opening to the forest. "Daisuke........Motomiya.......brother......and now about to be dearly departed." Aiden gave a smirk and walked off in the direction were Davis stopped, Black Agumon knew that Aiden had a plan, maybe it was to get away from the Dark Destined, but the way he had been talking lately had him worried. He might actually go through and kill Davis! Black Agumon knew of course that he had to stand by Aidens descisions. Even if he thought it would only cause pain.
West of Infinity Mountain......
Davis, Kari, and Ken had stopped and told the others that they would wait here for Aiden here. Hopefully they could change him before it's too late and if they were successful Davis would shoot the flare gun given to him by Matt. The others had already left and had been gone for twenty minutes. The mist suddenly started ti disperse.
"Davis......" Kari walked over grabbed his arm. "I'm scared........" Gatomon had walked over next to Veemon and were doing the same as Davis and Kari. Ken looked and smiled. But his smile quickly turned to a frown.
"Davis he's here." said Ken. Davis turned to Aiden standing with his arms crossed. Next to him was an already fully digivolved Black Wargreymon. His arms were crossed to.
"Hello......Daisuke.....nice for you to come and visit." Aiden smirked. "Too bad it will be your last." Aiden brought out his personalized sword and readied himself. Davis was shocked he wanted to fight.
"Aiden I came here to......." he was stopped by Veemon.
"Reasoning wont do right now." said Veemon, he began to glow and digivolved into ExVeemon. "We must fight first."
"Right....." siad Davis worried. Gatomon had also digivolved into Angewomon and so did Wormon into Stingmon. Aiden smirked and looked over at Black Wargreymon.
"Terra Destroyer!" The digimon leaped out of the way and went into combat with the dark digimon. Davis on the other hand had a problem of his own. Aiden was wanting to fight hand to hand as well.
"Here Davis."said Aiden tossing a shethed sword. "Hope you know how to sword play." Davis bent down and picked up the blade and unshethed it. The blade was broad and heavy, on the center was a hole that looked like something fit into it. Davis held the sword out infront of him as his fighting stance and was ready.
"Good here I come." Aiden ran with high speed and clashed swords with Davis. Davis wasn't to sure on how to fight with one, but watching all those action movies did help. He brought up the heavy sword and blacked the onslaught from Aiden. And for a moment the battles between the digimon ceased as they watched Aiden and Davis, brothers in battle. Aiden was lightning quick on his feet and was abled to catch Davis off balance numerous times, but did not strike. In the sky things were the same. Black Wargreymon was just to powerful, Stingmon and ExVeemon knew they had to get to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode.
Near the base of Infinity Mountain a battle was being waged. The Dark Destined were going to wait to release their scret weapon but with the arrival of Omnimon, they needed it more than ever.
"Hmm.....I guess it's time."said Hayru/Justimon. "Nicole activated the projects!"
"Yes sir!" said Nicole. She pushed a button on her D-3 and the doors to Infinity Mountain Base opened and revealed three figures.
"Now presenting! The Angels of Darkness!" said Devin standing on Apocalymon. The three figure stepped out and were revealed to the other destined.
"No.......it cannot be........"siad Matt in astonishment.
"So thats what happened?!" Tai was confused.
"Do not worry."said one of the Angels of Darkness. "We are here to liberate you from.....life." All three lept out at Omnimon.
Back at the battle against Aiden. It was going fierce, Angewomon was seriously injured and ExVeemon and Stingmon were barely holding their ground. Davis was also in dire need of assistance. He had been cut in several places and was exhausted. He could barely hold the large sword any longer and Aiden was showing no signs of slowing down.
"Daisuke, I will give you and Kenny a chance to turn them into Imperialdramon Fighter Mode." said Aiden with a glare of evil in his eyes. "I believe Black Wargreymon grows tired of your pathetic excuse for a resistance as I do your pathetic fight for life!" Davis was really confused and decided he better take the chance to get Imperialdramon. After a few moments of changing, Imperialdramon Fighter Mode was there ready for battle. Black Wargreymon went ahead and began the fight with the other new digimon.
"Shall we continue Daisuke?!" The swords crossed again and sparks hit the ground. "I am surprised you survived this long brother!!" He lept into the air and knocked the sword from Davis's hand and landed back in the same place. Davis ran and retrieved the sword and actually went to attack Aiden but was countered by Aiden.
"Aiden! I came here in hope to..........save you.........." Davis pushed back with his sword actually knocking Aiden off of his feet, Black Wargreymon saw what happened.
"Aiden!" yelled Black Wargreymon.
"No! Stay and fight Imperialdramon! I can handle Daisuke!" Black Wargreymon turned back towards Imperialdramon and returned to battle. "I have only one thing left in this world! Thats Black Wargreymon! That is why I fight now! I know I cannot be brothers with you and never can!" Aiden ran forward with Davis just standing there not defending or nothing. "Fight damn you! Fight!" In the skies Black Wargreymon finally broke through and blasted Imperialdramon into the forest. He landed behind Aiden and stopped him from attacking a defenseless Davis. Ken and Kari watch from the sidelines as the next few events unfolded, unknown to them, this would change everything.
Omnimon was having trouble against this new threat, not against the humans, but the three new digimon.
"TK! What happened to you?!" asked Matt. The Angels of Darkness were TK, Cody, and Joe. They had been infected with darkness and now were under the control of the Dark Destined.
"Joe, TK, Cody!" yelled Yolei, Sora, and Mimi. Their digimon formed a protective barrier aorund them from the attacks.
"Why arent they listening to us?!" asked Sora.
"Dear child, darkness now holds them ewith us."said Devin. "And soon all those other destined we captured will be apart of the Dark Destined Army!"
"You wicked cow!" yelled Yolei.
"Excuse me?! How dare you!" Devin went after Yolei and was fighting. The Angels of Darkness of course had no idea that the power was beginning to wear off. The Dark Destined had no idea either.
The sky began to turn grey and storm clouds gathered above the field of battle. Imperialdramon lay unmoving in the rubbled of the forest, and Gatomon was knocked out. Ken and Kari could only watch was doom creeped ever so close.
"Aiden.......you do have more, it's right infront of you!" said Davis.
"What are talking about?" asked Aiden.
"I came here in hopes to become brothers! To become family! I don't want to fight you anymore!" yelled Davis. He then heard a thud, he looked up to see Aiden dropped his sword and it broke into three pieces. Aiden eyes began to blur.
"You.....do?" asked Aiden. "You don't hate me anymore?" Aiden took a few steps forward, and Black Wargreymon stood there thinking that this is where Aiden can finally have family and be happy like he was when they first met.
"Aiden I'm no longer mad at you, your family." said Davis. Aiden took another step forward and stopped, behind Davis was a pissed off Imperialdramon. He pointed his cannon arm at Aiden and charged it, Davis turned as if in slow motion to say stop, but it was too late.
"POSITRON LASER!" The cannon fired and Aiden stood there wide eyed and then and explosion.
Aiden opened his eyes to see Black Wargreymon kneeling over him, his armor was mangled and he was injured mortally.
"Are you........okay Aiden?" Black Wargreymon fell back against the ground and Aiden darted over to his side. He picked up Black Wargreymons claw in his hand. "Your safe.......Aiden....."
"Black Wargreymon you'll be okay.......right? You have to be!" said Aiden frantically. Tears escaped the side of his face and ran down onto Black Wargreymons twisted armor. Davis was distraught, he looked back at Imperialdramon and was cross.
"Why Imperialdramon?!" asked Davis.
"I thought he was going to kill you Davis!" said Imperialdramon. Davis hung his head down low and looked back over at the sad site. Davis could see Black Wargreymon's body was breaking up into data.
"Aiden.........I will.............always be with you......" said Black Wargreymon. "You.....were like my best friend......my family......" Aiden eyes poured rivers as he saw his best friends fade away.
"You can't die.....I.....I.....I won't let you!" He began to chant the revive spell, but realized he used it on Kari the other day and it could not be used again for 100 years.
"I will........miss you............Aiden........." Black Wargreymons head dropped off to the left and the last of his body broke away into data. Aiden sat there and cried.
"No...........no no no no no......." Aiden pounded his fists into the ground. "BLACK WARGREYMON!!!" His yell didn't go unnoticed, across the island the other Dark Destined heard his cry and left the battle to go to his aide. The Angels of Darkness also followed, the other destined also went, but stayed at a great distance. They all got to the battle area and saw the desolation, but there was one less member.
"He lost Black Wargreymon."said Devin in disbelief. "Thats so sad." Kari ran over to Davis and hugged him, she saw Davis was crying to, but was trying to hold it in. Both Kari and Davis jerked there heads up to a maniacal laugh. It was Aiden.
Aiden stood and was laughing insainly. His eyes were blood shot, his face wet from the tears.
"You lied to me........................" Aiden looked directly at Davis. "You tricked me DAISUKE MOTOMIYA! You knew I was going to be off guard if you tried to say you wanted to be my brother! I HATE YOU! I HATE ALL OF YOU! YOU TOOK AWAY THE ONE THING DEAR TO ME! MY ONLY FRIEND! I HATE YOU ALL!!!!" The ground on the island began to break apart and the sky turned blood red. Aiden floated into the air and the mist from the island was absorbed by him. And the darkness inside grew. The island began to warp and break apart even more. "I WANT ALL OF YOU TO DIE!!!! DIE! DIE! DAISUKE MOTOMIYA! I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!" Imperialdramon picked up Ken, Kari and Davis and flew far away from the island. The others were carried off by Omnimon.
The Dark Destined and Angels of Darkness also backed off. About the same distance from island the destined went. They all watched in horror at this new power.
"YOU WILL ALL FEEL MY MISERY!!!" With that final yell the entire island blew up, everyone could hear the screams of digimon that couldn't get off the island. It was a tragic day in the Digital World. The sky turned black and let out a scream of thunder and a blast of lightning, and then, as if the Digital World was mourning, the sky let out it's cry and covered the entire digital world.
Hayru looked on and saw the destruction, nothing was left of the File Island Base, so that means Angels of Darkness will not be carried out anymore. He had failed. Bu the events of today, Aiden losing Black Wargreymon, mad ehim realize how much he needed Cyberdramon and vowed to become a closer friend. He floated over to the destined who were in no mood.
"What do you want Hayru?" asked a ticked off Ken. Hayru sighed.
"After the evenst fo today I think you'll agree we all need to rest." said Hayru, he held out his hand and a portal to the real world opened. "Take this to your home and becareful."
"Why are you helping us?"asked Tai and Matt in unison.
"Why? I have realized some of my mistakes today and I hope that one day I can make up for them, but for now I am still your enemy."said Hayru. "I also realized how much I need my friends after these events." Hayru looked over at the weeping Davis. "Do not worry Destined leader, hate never lasts, maybe one day he will come back and forgive you......until then I will try to make sure he doesn't destroy anything else. The Dark Destined never wanted to destroy, we only..........never mind. Good bye for now." The destined actually understood were he was coming from and went through the portal.
That night at the Pandora.......
The Chamber of Darkness.....
"I see Aiden has tapped into his darkest pwer by losing someone close."said the mysterious voice.
"What should we do?" asked Hayru. "i mean he could become a danger to us as well."
"I.........think we should wait and see."said the voice. "By the way it is time for us to meet together, bring Aiden here tomorrow, it is time we talk about the Dark Destineds future."
"Yes Dream." said Hayru as he walked out of the chamber.
"It is time we change the leadership." said the person identified as Dream. He voice vanished and once again the room was silent.
That night at the Motomiya Household.........
Davis sat in his room and starred out into the sky. It was the same here, dark skies, loud thunder and bright lightning. He looked from the window into his hand and opened up the locket. And remembers what Aiden said that day. I wanted him to be apart of our family. And look what I did........I caused Black Wargreymon to die and now Aiden is on a digital rampage! DAMN MYSELF! He heard the door open and he turned to see his mother.
"Davis.......Kari is here to see you......"
"Send her in........." said Davis. He went and plopped on his bed and Kari came in with Gatomon, and Veemon behind her. "I was wondering were you went."
"I thought you were still mad at me Davish." said Veemon.
"No......it's not you fault." said Davis. Veemon jumped onto the bed followed by Gatomon and they currled up with one another and went straight to sleep. Davis looked over at Kari, who was still standing his doorway. He heard him mother call to him.
"Davis we are off to visit Jun at college, we will be back Saturday!" He heard the door close and Kari rushed into his arms.
"Davis........."she cried into his chest. "I'm sorry........" Davis rapped his arms around her tight and laid down on his bed. He kissed on her forehead.
"I know.......I will find a way to get Aiden back....."said Davis. Kari continued to cry and soon fell asleep with her head on his chest. Davis loved being with Kari, he loved her more than anything. But he had developed a brotherly love for Aiden and it was now destroyed. Aiden was on his rampage and nothing could stop him. If only Black Wargreymon was still alive, thats all Aiden probably wanted right now. To be with his best and only friend. Davis's thoughts were interrupted by Kari stiring in her sleep. He looked down at he face and kissed her again, and not long after that, he also drifted off into sleep.
**Well another chapter done! Yay!!!! A real tear jerker huh? Well heres a few questions to think about while I work on Ch.6. Who is Dream? What is her goal? Will the Angels of Darkness be released from Dark Destined control? Will Davis figure out how to save Aiden from utter self anihilation? And will I stop asking you questions? FInd out in Chap. 6 Operation Eclipse. DOnt forget top review!!!**