Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Tamers: Reconfigured ❯ The Last Straw ( Chapter 5 )
Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah, don't own, blah, blah, blah, Digimon, blah, blah, blah, related characters. Blah, blah, blah, cantaloupes, blah, blah, blah, Jeff Nimoy's ass! (Blah, blah, blah Chris McFeely, blah, blah, blah, humor god.)
Narrator: Henry brought Ashley home, but things could have gone a lot better. Janyu chose that moment to bring up Henry's hobby and Ashley was suitably freaked out. Then Henry found out a bit about Ashley's past. It turns out that her mother died and she ran away from her workoholic father. The next day Jeri ran into Leomon in an alley and Bakemon defeated him. It looked like he was being deleted, but he was reformed as his old self and revealed Mikiko as a tamer! Shadowdevimon wasn't taking a break today though. He killed two people, one of them Talley. Things have just gotten way worse.
"The Last Straw"
(End of Shadowdevimon. Megidramon Returns)
(In the park. Henry and Ashley are apparently alone.)
Ashley: Didn't you say you were going to call the others?
Henry: Why do we need them? It's not like there's any danger.
Ashley: What about Shad…
Henry: (spooky) He'll leave us alone. Trust me.
Ashley: Henry, you're starting to scare me.
Henry: (now sounding downright evil) What are you afraid of, Ashley?
(Henry smirks evilly)
Ashley: I've got to get going.
(Ashley starts running away)
Henry: Where do you think you're going?
(Henry follows her. Ashley runs forward until she finds herself lost in a forest.)
Ashley: At least he doesn't know where I am.
Henry: Wrong, bitch.
(Henry pushes her to the ground)
Henry: Now you're mine.
(Henry reaches under Ashley's skirt)
Ashley: Please, stop!
(Henry unzips his pants)
Ashley: No!
(Ashley wakes up screaming)
(A/N: Got ya.)
Ashley: (Out loud to herself) It was just a dream. It was just a dream. It was just…
Impmon: What was jest a dream?
Ashley: I dreamed that Henry tricked me into going to the park alone, and then he started to get creepy, so I ran away, but he followed me and I got lost in a forest. Then when he caught me he threw me down and…
Impmon: Okay, I get da idea. So now yer obsessin' over dat collection?
(Ashley nods)
Impmon: Den dis prob'ly ain't da best time ta tell ya he's got a "ting" fer ya.
Ashley: I noticed that myself.
Impmon: Don't sweat it. He'd nevah actually do something like dat.
Ashley: I know, but still…
Impmon: Da ting we should worry about da most is Shadowdevimon.
(Cut to Shadowdevimon standing over the smoking ruin of a bus which has crashed into a lamp post. There is a large pool of blood around the bus and it can safely be assumed there are no survivors.)
Shadowdevimon: It's amazing how taking out one driver can give me so much energy. DNA Data Conversion!
(A lot of energy comes from the twisted wreck into Shadowdevimon's body)
[Calumon: Don't go anywhere, we'll be back soon.]
[Terriermon: Momentai, we're back.]
(Morning at the Matsuki house. Takato wakes up to a crashing noise downstairs)
Takato: Guilmon, the peanut butter's in the cupboard where it's always been.
(Takato sees Guilmon still curled up in a corner, just waking up)
Guilmon: What did I do, Takatomon?
Takato: Then what…
(The two rush downstairs and find a black Veemon in the kitchen)
Takato: Let's see here… Darkveemon, Rookie level Virus Type. Attack is Vee Headbutt.
Guilmon: Do I get to fight?
Takato: We'll see.
Darkveemon: Have you got any ice cream or anything?
Takato: Well, no.
Guilmon: We have lots of bread.
Darkveemon: Really? I didn't notice that coming in through the bakery in front!
Guilmon: It was just a thought.
Takato: Why are you here anyways?
Darkveemon: The usual, trying to find a partner.
Takato: Well, this might be the wrong place to look.
Darkveemon: I'm just trying to find a snack here.
Takato: Well, we don't have any ice cream, so you should probably move on.
(Darkveemon runs out the back door)
Takato: Why do I get the idea we're going to see him again?
Guilmon: I don't know.
(Shadowdevimon breaks down the front door.)
Takato: Shit!
(Takato picks up the phone and dials a number.)
Takato: Henry, Suzie, Ashley. Get over here. Shadowdevimon's just broken in and I don't know how long I can stay hidden.
Henry: We'll be right there.
Takato: Let the others know too.
Henry: Will do.
Takato: Thanks.
(Takato hangs up)
Takato: Guilmon, we're going to have to lure him outside so you can digivolve.
Guilmon: Got it.
(Guilmon runs out the door)
Guilmon: Come and get it!
(Shadowdevimon turns around)
Shadowdevimon: With pleasure.
(Shaodwdevimon moves outside to get a clear shot of Guilmon)
Shadowdevimon: Shadow Strike!
(Guilmon barely dodges the daggers)
Guilmon: Takato, help.
Takato: Digimodify! Digivolution activate
Guilmon: Guilmon, digivolve to…
Growlmon: Growlmon!
Shadowdevimon: Ah, a challenge. Dark Entrapment!
(The shadow-chain wraps around Growlmon and begins crushing him)
Voice: Not today. Six Shooter!
Voice 2: Gargo Laser!
(The bullets destroy the chain around Growlmon)
Takato: Glad you guys got here on time.
Growlmon: That's better. Pyro Blaster!
(The atttack hits Shadowdevimon, but doesn't cause significant damage)
Voice: Protection Grenade!
(Guardromon's attack hits Shadowdevimon, but does very little damage)
Takato: Glad to see you two made it too.
Kenta: We couldn't exactly let Shadowdevimon kill you and Guilmon.
Marineangemon: Pi po pu.
Takato: I'm just going to assume he agreed with you.
Shadowdevimon: You're getting to be quite a pain. Final Darkness!
(A shadow-sword forms in front of Shadowdevimon, but before he can grab it…)
Voice: Dragon Wheel!
(Kyubimon crashes into Shadowdevimon, knocking him back and removing the second of opportunity to grab the sword for his ultimate attack)
Rika: What would you do without me?
Takato: Most likely be dead long ago.
Gargomon: Forget that, let's see if we can beat this…
Shadowdevimon: Dark Entrapment!
(All of the shadows form a large chain and tie up all the Digimon.)
Shadowdevimon: Now, if there are no further interuptions… Final Darkness!
(Shadowdevimon grabs the shadow-sword and lunges towards Takato)
[Guilmon: Time for a snack, but we'll be right back.]
COMMERCIAL[(Image: spinning logo)
C Narrator: Next time on Digimon.
(Image: A red hood disintegrating on Megidramon's claw)
C Narrator: Shadowdevimon is gone.
(Image: Megidramon turns to face the Tamers)
C Narrator: But Megidramon lives on.
(Image: the seemingly impossible matchup of Guilmon and Megidramon)
C Narrator: How can it be defeated?
(Image: Jeri pulling Takato out of the path of a fireball)
C Narrator: Find out next week on an all new Digimon.]
[Bakemon: Appearances can be decieving, but we are back]
(Replay of the last few seconds)
Takato: SHIT!
Voice: Not on my watch. Dark Claw!
Takato: Jeri! Am I ever glad to see you
Voice 2: Fist of the Beast King!
(The attacks hit the sword, shattering it into shadows seconds before Shadowdevimon hits Takato with it)
Takato: Leomon? Where'd you come from?
Rika: It doesn't matter right now. If we all attack together we should be able to defeat Shadowdevimon.
Growlmon: Right. Pyro Blaster!
Gargomon: Gargo Laser!
Kyubimon: Foxtail Inferno!
Leomon: Fist of the Beast King!
Guardromon: Protection Grenade!
Bakemon: Evil Charm!
Lopmon: Blazing Ice!
Satamon: Six Shooter!
(The attacks all damage Shadowdevimon)
Shadowdevimon: Need… more… energy…
(At this exact second Mr and Mrs Matsuki step out to see what all the commotion is)
Shadowdevimon: That will do. Final Darkness!
(The shadow-sword forms in front of him and before anyone can stop him he grabs it and chops both of their heads off)
Takato: No…
(Shadowdevimon starts emitting a dark energy)
Rika: What's going on?
Henry: Isn't it obvious enough? He's digivolving!
Kazu: But didn't Yamaki say…
(A red cloak forms around Shadowdevimon and he's toped off with a hood. In other words, he has become Daemon.)
Daemon: That's much better. Now then… Evil Inferno!
(All of the Digimon except Growlmon are sent back to their Rookie stages)
(Takato is currently on the ground, crying over his parents' bodies)
Daemon: Don't worry. You'll meet again soon.
Takato: (angrily) Growlmon, destroy him! Do whatever it takes!
Growlmon: If you insist.
(Growlmon starts Dark digivolving)
Rika: Not again!
(Growlmon digivolves to Megidramon)
[Takato: Digimodify! Break activate!]
[Henry: This is no game of chance, we're back.]
Daemon: So, you've digivolved. That's not going to help you anyways. Evil Inferno!
(Daemon fires his attack at Megidramon, who unleashes a fireball of his own and counters the attack.)
Daemon: Very clever. But what else can you do?
(Daemon produces a very jagged dagger from his cloak)
Daemon: Sacrificial Rite!
(Daemon plunges the dagger into Megidramon. Megidramon responds by wrapping Daemon up with his tail.)
(Cut to Hypnos)
Riley: Sir, we've detected two massive energy surges coming from near the Matsuki house.
Yamaki: And so?
Riley: One of them is identical to the one we detected when the tamers first went to the Digital World. It could easily destroy our world.
Yamaki: I think I'll be taking a little trip over there, in that case.
Riley: Be careful, Mitsuo.
Yamaki: I told you not to call me that at work.
Riley: In case you haven't noticed we're the only ones here.
(Cut back to the battle)
Henry: Who do you think's going to win?
Kazu: It doesn't matter. No matter who wins the world's doomed.
Narrator: Whoa, that's a bad thing. Is there a good outcome possible for this? And who will win? Find out next time on Digimon: Digital Monsters.
Okay, here goes. This one was done in one day, before I head off to Quebec, so it might not have the highest quality.
Shadowdevimon's attacks have clearly gotten to their worst with the bus attack.
Yes, the Japanese title is somewhat misleading, but it was the end of Shadowdevimon, and the commercial should tell you that the battle isn't going to last much longer.
Tell the truth, how many of you fell for Ashley's dream sequence? The idea was to make it seem like the introduction to an OOC lemon (there's another kind?). So if it worked, then I did my job.
For Darkveemon, I apologize ahead of time for the upcoming SI. I promise not to screw up any couples or take the spotlight (or goggles) off of Takato. As easy as it is to do that with an SI, I swear on my writing abilities and my Special Edition Kerpymon card (The onld Digimon-related thing I own) that I will leave Takato in the spotlight and all couples together.
You may notice I didn't have Jeri use any cards in order to keep up the "Who's with who" mystery of Leomon and Bakemon. Of course, no one else used any cards either, so that's largely irrelevant.
I appologize to any purists for making up Daemon's second attack when I didn't know what it was. You have to admit that it seems fitting, since he's dressed like the leader of a murderous cult.
For anyone who misses the Ultimate and Mega levels of the Tamers' Digimon, don't worry, they will eventually return.
That's all for now. I'm heading for Quebec soon and don't want to leave this sitting around half-finished. I'll pace myself better for future episodes. Until then, momentai.
Next Episode: "His own Worst Enemy" (Growmon vs. Megidramon: Impossible Battle)