Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ For They Shall Be Filled ❯ One of *Those* Days ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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For They Shall Be Filled

The future is only a reaction to the past.

By: Vain (Vainglorious696) 5/31/2001-1/26/2002


I do not own Digimon, Ichijouji Ken, the Digidestined, or the Digital World, nor am I making any money off of this. Kazunori, Sanghee, the Golden Triangle, the Revelationas Arch, all its OC's and original concepts all belong to me.

Please DO NOT use or "borrow" them without my written permission.

Special Thanks goes to Herongale and the Guardian for betaing and thank you's are extended to everyone who reviewed on FF.net, especially Athena, ShinniJekka, KA, Pan-chan, Crew of the Clow, Mink, and Soulfull Ishida.

Because of the FF.net situation, this story will be posted here gradually. The entire fic and its sequel can be found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/profile.php?userid=91738

Thank you and please read and review.

~ Vain


~"I have sinned by betraying innocent blood."

And they said, "What is that to us? You see to it!"

-Matthew 27: 4


Chapter Five

One of *Those* Days

I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning!

Ever since he had woken up, it was one thing after the next. First Minomon and Demiveemon played hide and seek with his last pair of clean underwear, next Jun had been in the bathroom for forty-five minutes out of the hour he was awake. Then, he found out that he had cafeteria duty-- again-- but this time without Kari, and he accidentally broke a window-- again-- with a soccer ball. All in all the day was pretty shitty, and now, to make matters worse, Davis was late.

He was almost always late for something, but today was a special day and he refused to be late. His footstep echoed through the emptying hallways as he ran. It was very difficult to run without jostling his backpack, but he carried a special load and decided to make safe guarding the two crowded digimon his priority over speed. He was convinced that Ken would do something terrible to him if something happened to his partner.

The soccer star (in his mind, at least) skidded to a halt four feet in front of the computer lab door and his momentum carried him another two feet past it. T.K. looked up from his position behind Kari as the self-proclaimed leader of the Digidestined staggered into the room panting.

The blond smiled at his sweaty friend. "Congratulations, Davis. You're only ten minutes late. I think that's a record for you."

"Hey, be nice, T.K.," Matt chided his little brother. "Can't you see the guy's beat?"

T.K. rolled his eyes but remained silent.

Davis glared. "Yeah, you could be just a little more sensitive, T.O." The be-goggled boy turned to Matt. "I didn't know you were coming. Don't you have practice or something?"

His response was a shrug. "I moved it to tomorrow, after all, it's not everyday that you get a personal interview with the great Ken Ichijouji."

Davis scowled.

"Ken?" squealed a little voice from Davis's book bag. There was the sound of a zipper coming undone and Minomon leapt out of the bag. "Where's Ken?"

The in-training digimon looked around the room eagerly for a moment, more energetic than Davis had seen him in days. His large eyes took in Davis, Matt, T.K., Kari, Yolei, Cody, and Izzy, but no Ken. "Ohhh." His twig drooped and the little green creature slumped into his cocoon.

Davis smiled gently and lifted him up. "Hey, don't sweat it, little guy. You'll see him soon."

"Yeah!" Demiveemon's fuzzy blue head appeared out of the top of Davis's bag. "Besides, you can always just spend the time playing with me." Suddenly he stopped, lifted his head slightly, and sniffed the air. "I smell . . . CANDY!! Ooh! I want some!" The digimon leapt out of the bag and waddled to the door as Sora and Tai walked in carrying two shopping bags.

"Hey!" Tai yelled, stepping backwards as a blue and white ball of fuzz assaulted his leg. "Chill out, Demiveemon! This is for everybody."

Sora laughed and went to stand next to Matt. "Knock it off you two. Hey guys."

Davis blinked in confusion. "I didn't know that everybody was coming."

Tai freed himself and walked over to where the others stood around the computer. "They're not. Mimi can't come and Joe has a test."

"So this is it?"

"So it would seem," replied Tai. "How have you been doing, Davis? We've barely seen you since last week."

"Oh, I'm okay, I guess." The boy reached back and scratched his head with one hand. "I'm a little bit worried about Minomon, though. He's been real sleepy lately and hasn't been eating as much. I've taken him to the Digital World with me every time we went, but he still seems really worn out."

"Can I see him?" asked Izzy, extending his hands.

Davis nodded and Izzy gently lifted up the downcast Minomon and inspected him. "He looks all right to me."

"I'm fine," said Minomon, "I've just never been separated from Ken for so long in your world. I miss him, that's all."

The computer genius smiled. "Well you'll be back with him again soon. Is everyone here?"

There were nods and Kari turned towards the computer grinning. "Good; then, DIGIPORT OPEN!"


The Digidestined walked into Primary Village cautiously. It somehow seemed out of place to be meeting a former evil genius amongst giant rubber blocks and smushy pastel mounds, but perhaps that was why Ken had chosen this place. They all reached the digi-egg field and looked around. There was no sign of Ken.

Cody frowned in worry. "So where is he? It's 3:10."

Davis sat down and stretched. "He'll be here," he said confidently.

"Hey, Matt! Matt!"

"Huh?" The older Ishida turned towards the sound of the voice in confusion. His eyes narrowed and he raised his hand to block the sun as four familiar figures appeared over the horizon. He laughed and waved. "Gabumon! Look everybody, it's Biyomon, Agumon, Tentomon, and Gabumon."

Tai waved. "Agumon! Hi!"

"Biyomon! Come here!"

Izzy waved and smiled, waiting in silence.

"Tai!" cried Agumon. The little orange dragon ran as fast as he could towards group, the other digimon close behind him. "Tai!" He leapt into his human's arms. "Oh, I've really missed you!"


"Hey, Gabumon! How have you been?"

"Hi, Sora!"

"Oh, Biyo! I really got to start coming here more often."

Tentomon settled next to his human calmly. "Good afternoon, Izzy."

The teenager smiled. "Good afternoon, Tentomon."

"We didn't know you guys were going to be here," said Agumon, freeing himself from Tai's embrace. "Is that candy I smell?"

"Yes we are and yes it is," Tai laughed.

Agumon sniffed the air, trying to locate the candy. He stopped and looked over at Tai. "We sure are glad you're here, though."

"How come?"

"You'll never believe who we saw coming here!"

"Hey," interrupted Gabumon, "it's Wormmon."

The virus digimon in Davis's lap started and curled up defensively in a tight ball, his eyes nervously tracking the new digimon.

"What you are doing here?" demanded Biyomon in anger. "It figures: one worm is sure to follow the other."

"We saw the Digimon Emperor coming here!" reported Agumon earnestly.

Wormmon uncoiled, eyes shining joyously. "Ken?"

Gabumon eyed him with hostility and then turned to Matt. "He wasn't dressed the same and he had a briefcase with him, but we'd know that scent anywhere."

"We really had to fly to beat him here," interjected Biyomon. "You wouldn't believe how fast he walks!"

"My hearing is pretty good, too. Sorry I'm late."

"Ken-chan!!!!" In a sudden burst of energy, Wormmon leapt out of Davis's arms, took two tremendous bounds forward, jumped onto a startled Gabumon's head, and, using the other digimon as leverage, flung himself at Ken.

Ken smiled at his partner's enthusiasm and put down his briefcase. He stood just in time to catch Wormmon in his arms.

"Ken! I missed you so much! Did you have fun at camp? Did you meet any new people? Did you bring me anything?"

Ken smiled then, really smiled, and for a split second the Digidestined understood why he bore the Crest of Kindness. The smile stared out small and grew as Wormmon's words continued until it touched his eyes, illuminating his entire face a soft, gentle glow. His eyes, usually hard gems, smoothed out until they were calm as the ocean and the rough edges and contours of his face softened. The Digidestined stared. So this was the person who Wormmon loved so much.

Ken looked down at the caterpillar in his embrace. "I missed you as well, my friend. To answer your questions: not really; yes, unfortunately; and only if you were good. Did you have fun with Davis?"

The little digimon shivered with pleasure at the expression in Ken's eyes. "Yes."

Ken looked up to where the other Digidestined were watching the reunion with keen interest. His expression closed in automatically, the "Camera Face" slipping back into place without so much as a twitch. His eyes rested on Davis and he picked up his briefcase and approached the others, Wormmon climbing up his arm to perch possessively on his shoulder.

Ken brushed a strand of indigo hair out of his eyes. "Thank you for watching him, Davis."

The other boy grinned a Davis grin. "We had a blast. He did get tired these last two days, though, and he hasn't really been eating."

In response Ken sat down Indian-style across from Davis with Wormmon on his lap and opened his briefcase. "He didn't have any chocolate, did he?"

The other Digidestined took the hint and all sat down in a circle with Ken slightly apart from them all. The young genius took out a brown paper bag and removed from it several slices of green apple, which he began feeding to Wormmon. The little virus type digimon devoured them with a relish. Ken ignored the other's stares. He hated being stared at, but adaptation had always been Ken's mantra, and he wasn't such a hypocrite as to completely deny everything he had lived by as Digimon Emperor.

Davis smiled again. "Not a bite. Why can't he eat chocolate, anyway?"

Ken smirked. "He gets . . . Well, let's just say it makes him rather hyperactive."

Wormmon looked up at Ken with doleful eyes. "I wasn't that bad. . . . Was I?"

"No. You were worse." Ken offered his friend another apple slice that was devoured greedily and then looked up at Kari. "I believe you had something to say to me?"

The Child of Light flushed under the intensity of those brilliant eyes. "Well, umm . . ."

"Are you still a threat to the Digital World?"

Ken blinked once very slowly and turned to face Yolei Inoue. He cocked his head to the side and scrutinized her for a moment. "I have no desire to harm any digimon in the Digital World."

The girl glared at him behind her large glasses. "Then what exactly are you up to, Ichijouji?"

Hawkmon covered his eyes. "Oh, dear. Here we go again."

"What do you mean?"

"Why have you returned to the Digital World?"

"To make restitution." He paused thoughtfully and then turned to look t each of them in turn, still feeding Wormmon as he spoke. " I cannot explain or adequately apologize for my actions, nor do I hold any false pretenses about forgiveness or redemption. I am not a fool. I know that these things are not possible. However, I am compelled-- no, required-- to remedy those things that I . . . disturbed during my reign as Digimon Emperor and pay penance for what I have destroyed." He frowned slightly and then focused on Davis and Tai, who were sitting side by side. His eyes seemed to glow as he continued. "Understand, I am seeking neither your blessing nor your appreciation for what I am doing, I only ask that you do not interfere. I must do what is necessary to rectify past mistakes."

Matt opened his mouth but Yolei overran him. "Oh? And destroying Thundermon was 'necessary?' "

Ken didn't even blink. "Yes."

Yolei paled and then turned red followed by a most interesting shade of purple. Then she was on her feet, across the circle, and towering above Ken with her hand descending in a rapid arch toward his face. "You soulless bastard!"

Fast as a thought, Ken's hand snapped up and caught Yolei's in vice-like grip a half inch from his face. His expression didn't change and his voice was a quiet purr, all the more terrible for its softness. "Don't mess with things you don't understand, little girl."

He turned to the others, still holding Yolei. "And this is why you've called me here?"

"Yolei, cut it out!" yelled Davis as Ken released her.

Ken closed his briefcase and pushed himself to feet, gradually shifting his weight so that Wormmon could crawl up onto his shoulder. "Hmph." He looked at Davis coldly. "I had hoped that we could find common ground today, but I can see that such a thing is impossible at this current juncture." He turned to go.

Davis stood, a panicked expression on his face. "Ken, wait! C'mon, man; you owe me!"

Ken stopped and turned, looking at the other boy from the corner of his eye in expectation. Wormmon shifted nervously on his shoulders. For once at a loss for words, Davis cast a pleading glance at Tai to intervene. Surprisingly, however, it was Matt who made the next move. The older boy stood and approached Ken who was looking at him as though questioning whether he should run or attack.

"It's hard alone."

"Excuse me?" Ken looked at the original Bearer of Friendship in confusion.

"Doing everything by yourself. It's hard." Cerulean blue eyes met blue-violet ones and locked. "Believe me, I know. It's a lot easier with other people around-- you know, friends."

Ken smiled, a twisted, painful smile, as he divined where this line of conversation was headed. "I have an IQ double that of the average person my age, Ishida-san. I don't have friends."

"And whose fault is that?"

Ken's smile softened, becoming sadder and a bit bittersweet. "I don't know anymore. It would be nice to, though-- if only so I could have someone to blame besides myself."

Soft sadistic laughter interrupted the two. "Really, Emperor, you're turning out to be rather pathetic."

"You!" Ken spun around, face twisted in rage, and the Digidestined scrambled to their feet in alarm. His eyes instantly located a figure sitting on the oversized building blocks that towered above the group. "Why are you here? Why won't you let me be?!"

The woman snorted in derision and flicked her long white hair out of her face. "Now why would I do a thing like that? These other humans are not nearly as delightful as you, pet."

"I am not your pet! What do you want with me?"

"And what do I get if I tell you, Ken?" The sunlight flashed off her purple glasses.

Wormmon leapt off of Ken's shoulders to land in front of his human protectively. The little pincers on his tail worked menacingly. "I can think of a few things I'd like to give you."

"Who is that?" exclaimed Davis, standing with the rest.

"I don't know," said Cody, "but I don't think that Ken likes her very much."

Gatomon clung to Kari's leg. "I don't like that woman, Kari."

"You're right, Gatomon. She feels . . . wrong."

Yolei stopped massaging her wrist and turned to her friend in concern. "What do you mean, Kari?"

"I don't know, Yolei. She just doesn't feel right."

"I know what you mean," T.K. breathed next to her. He frowned as Patamon settled on his hat. "Something's funny with her."

"Well, I don't feel anything!"

"Be quiet, Davis!" ordered Tai. "Something is going on here."

Matt stepped towards Ken with Gabumon close behind him. "Yeah, I don't like it one bit."

Oblivious to the chatter behind them, Ken and Wormmon glared at the woman in hatred.

She was nonplused. "You should train your slug better. He's very rude."

Ken stepped in front of his partner protectively. "You leave him alone! What do you want from me?"

"All in due time, my dear Little Boy Emperor, all in due time. Until then, pet, pleasant dreams." She turned and vanished in a flash of red and white.

"Ken," Wormmon tugged at his partner's pants. "I can still catch her if I digivolve."

The boy didn't move.


With an obvious effort to regain control of himself, Ken turned and looked down at his digimon, his eyes deep pools of shadow. "No. She'll be back." He bent down and lifted up the little virus digimon in his arms. "She always comes back."

Suddenly exhausted, the indigo-haired youth picked up his briefcase and turned to go.

"Wait, Ken!" Davis came after him extending a hand. "Who was that creepy lady, anyway?"

Ken didn't turn, only moved his head so he could look at Davis coldly. "This isn't your concern."

"Yeah, well, I just made it my concern!"

A gentle half smile snuck onto Ken's lips. "You're odd, Davis Motomiya. And I . . . I must go. If you need anything . . . e-mail me and I will repay my debt." He turned about to face Davis and smirked slightly. He bowed. "Until then, my former adversary," and with that, he simply walked away.

Davis stared after him until Matt came and stood along side him. "Close your mouth, Davis. You'll catch flies." The blonde boy stared at Ken's distant back thoughtfully. "That certainly did not go the way I had planned."

"No kidding," said Cody, his green eyes troubled. "Who was that woman in red and what does Ken have to with her?"

"Or more accurately," corrected Sora, "what does she have to with Ken?"

There was a long silence broken by a frustrated groan from Davis. "Man, I just knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning!"
