Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Golden Amber Diaries ❯ Entry 1: Welcome To A Whole New Reality ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Golden Amber Diaries: I don't own digimon, that's TOEI Animation Inc. and Akiyoshi Hongo. I am only a fan who loves digimon. I do, however, own the human characters. Oh yeah, I don't own 'Pure Dead Magic' either. That belongs to Debi Gliobi.You don't own me! What would you know? You're only in 5th grade.1: Welcome To A Whole New Reality name is Karl Wantlok. The only thing I wish for... The only thing I wish for is to have two legs again. I've spent the last few weeks being treated like a demon, at least that's the treatment I got from the people I wasn't friends with. P.E. used to be my best subject, but now I think the only sport I'm really good at is... No, I'm not good at any sport. But that's life for you.
sighed as he woke up. It was the first day of school, the one day he had come to despise last year after he'd lost his left leg. He reluctantly sat up, and reached for his crutches. Balancing carefully, he walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, ignoring his stepfather's "Good morning!" looked at his plate, it was the usual, a glass of milk, some toast, and a couple of pancakes. He ate it quickly and then stood up. "It was good Mom! I'll walk to school today." you-" be fine Mom! I walked all over town these past ten days." has a point." ignored his stepdad and turned towards his mom. "Come on please?" but you won't be walking to school in the winter." Karl grabbed his crutches, and walked to the door where his backpack, coat and lunchbox awaited. Taking a bit of time to get his shoe on, he looked back to the kitchen and smiled, "Goodbye." He then walked out the door.
young girl sat in an alley, clearly freezing. She was wearing only rags, and her red hair was very dirty. Her ametheyst eyes showed hunger, a ferocity that itself might of scared someone. Karl wasn't scared, but had a sense of sorrow. you go," he said, holding out his lunchbox. She looked at it in surprise and thanks. She nearly ripped it out of his hands and tore it open. She looked at all the things she saw. A few crackers, a baked potato in some tupperware, a sandwich, and a carton of milk. She grabbed the milk, and carefully, to ensure not a drop would be lost, opened it. She had a few sips, and then licked her lips, savoring every drop. Realizing her rude behavior, she looked up and smiled. "Thank you." smiled, "You're welcome. I'm Karl, what's your name?"a pretty name," Karl commented, before running off. smiled, probably for the first time in awhile. She then noticed a stray dog approach her. Realizing it wanted the meat in her sandwich, she stuffed the food into a small crate in the alley, and then sat on the crate. wish... I wish only to find a home," she whispered to herself. She picked up one of her belongings from the crate, a small ovaloid device with periwinkle trim. It was one of those things she thought were probably in some anime, she just couldn't remember which. She touched one of the buttons. The device glowed a strange color, and released a strange glow. Then there was darkness.
met a poor girl today. I think she was a runaway. I gave her my lunch, and wished Michel had remembered his money debt. I could have bought some of whatever the cooks made. a good friend, he just has really bad memory. At least he forgot his gym shoes, the two of us got to talk about how boring the elementary school is.
awoke in a grassy plain. She smiled, noting that Karl's lunchbox was still there, along with a strange pink creature guarding the lunchbox.
"You're not gonna take my food from me are you?" Adelina asked, forgetting that animals couldn't talk.
"Of course not. I just want to be your guardian. My name is Poromon."
"Poromon, huh?" the girl said. "Are you a guardian angel?"
"I don't know if I'll be an angel, but like I said, I am your guardian. Now come on, Ilya told me to take all humans to him."
"Who's Ilya? Is he a Russian spy?"
"No, silly girl. He is the Digital Guardian of this area, and it's his job to brief all Digidestined."
"Digidestined? Now I'm really confused."
"Just let Ilya explain everything." With that, Poromon led Adelina along the plain to a small building on the horizon.
sighed as he sprawled out on the bed to read a book, 'Pure Dead Magic.' He hated reading assignments, but put up with them since they gave him one more excuse to avoid his new stepfather.honestly wished his mother had never remarried in the first place, but he knew her excuses, 'We'll starve without income', 'Your father would of want it,' and the like. 'Excuses' he thought bitterly.
and Adelina continued their walk towards the hut. They were talking about a few things, mainly the origion of digimon, and that sort of thing.
"Um, Poromon," Adelina said meekly. "Why is there water behind us where there used to be land?"
"What? Adelina run!"turned around one last time to see a giant wave approaching them. She dashed through the plain, hoping she could make it to Ilya in time. She became aware of dashing through a small amount of water, then wading, and finally she screamed.wave had descended upon them.
reading a very long time, Karl turned his lamp off and adjusted himself so his head was touching the pillow. He sighed, and slowly fell asleep.
"Karl, dinner time!" his mother shouted. When he didn't come, she went to his room to check up on him and smiled. He was fast asleep.
awoke in a small hut, where five others were cramped into an area built only for two. Ironically, most of them she could probably smush if she stepped on them. The other was an old man, working at a computer.
"Get ready," he said. "We're going to get more company."wasn't kidding. After a bright light, two boys appeared in the small confines of the hut. "Ow..." one said, rubbing his back.
"Weakling," said the other, and he stood up and dashed out of the house.
"Hey!" shouted a small yellow ball with feather-like ears. "Wait for me partner! By the way, my name is Upamon!"
"Go to Hell!" shouted the boy, as he walked out the door, with Upamon only barely getting out before it was shut.
"That was rude," commented a pink bird much like Poromon, just with appendages and a metal ankle-bracelet.
"Indeed," commented the only other creature in the room, a white, pig-like being.
"I demand an- Oh, my God. This can only be a dream." was Karl! But he had two legs, not one, like before.
"I thought the same thing myself." said Adelina quietly.
"Well Digidestined," said the man. "It's time to explain everything. Now."
Notes:all for now! Next time however, we get action, more characters, and more digimon!