Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Golden Amber Diaries ❯ Entry 2: And So Things Begin ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Entry Two: And So Things Begin...

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. It belongs to Toei Animation and Akiyoshi Hongo. I use it without permission in any way, shape or form. The Humans are mine thought, unless specified.

I guess it all began when I ran away. Ever since the periwinkle device appeared to me, I felt as though I had been chosen for a special cause. I was way too right.


Adelina stared at the man, who happened to be called Ilya.

The man began his explenation, with a hint that this must be desperate.

“You two, plus the rude boy..." Who had told Upamon to go to Hell. "...and three others, have been chosen for a special cause. This world, called the Digital World, is in grave danger, and you six are the only ones who stand a chance against this evil.

'Do you see the two creatures by you? They are called digimon. These two happen to be your partners.”

“What about that bird?” Adelina asked.

“He is your guide of sorts. Anyways, the pink creature with the yellow beak is known as-”Ilya was cut off, but pointed towards...


Ilya shot a glare, “Okay, well the white one is Tokomon, and the bird is named-”

“My name is Piyomon, and it is a pleasure to meet all of you.”

Adelina smiled, and Karl stared at Piyomon. Adelina thought he still thought it was a dream.

“STOP INTERRUPTING ME!” Ilya shouted. “Anyways, do you remember that flood, Adelina?”


“Those things happen very often, and you must be careful. You can make Poromon and Tokomon evolve with the two devices you have. There are two main kinds of evolution. One is normal evolution, where a digimon evolves from one form to the other without much difficulty. The other kind requires you to get egg-like objects known as Digimentals.

'There are nine Digimentals, and they each represent a different trait. Thusly, you can't use them all.

'Now then, I'm afraid I am too busy at the moment to let you stay much longer.” Ilya turned to Piyomon, “Will you take them to the village?”

Piyomon nodded, and began walking to the door. “This way!” he said, opening the door.

The two children and their digimon partners followed Piyomon as he walked out the door. Outside, the rude boy, who was wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, and had brown hair, could be seen running towards a nearby mountain, while to the south, a small village awaited the new team.


I'd never seen anything like it before. The Digital World was so nice. Although the flood
had scared me, I must admit I've never had friends before. Karl and I hit it off so nicely. I really hope the other three kids are as nice as Karl is.


Piyomon hurried the two children along as the floods began to start. The five dashed across the fields and became well aware of the fact they were trudging through water. “It's only a bit farther!” Piyomon shouted. “We're almost there!”

“Why do they live in a place so easily flooded?” Adelina questioned.

“The village is built on sturdy wood, and it's elevated as well!”

The five screamed as a wave crashed down on them.


Karl opened his eyes and stared at what was happening. He and Adelina were floating in the air. He looked up, and saw Piyomon and an orange pig-thing holding his arms. Adelina was carried by Piyomon as well, and a red bird with a belt on his head.

“What the?”

“They evolved,” Piyomon explained. “Tokomon evolved to Patamon, and Poromon evolved to Hawkmon. In esscence, nothing besides form and strength have changed.” The three digimon came down to the ground, as the waves were already beginning to die.

"It's a good thing you aren't much heavier, or we might have drowned,” Hawkmon said.

Karl sighed. At least the village wasn't that far away.

When the unlikely team arrived in the small village, the flood was beginning to fade away, leaving not much but extremely wet ground.

He stared at the many creatures, and it was obvious they were staring at him. It was clear that they'd never seen a human.

The five continued their walk through the village. "Just what are we doing anyways?" Adelina asked.

"From what I gather," Piyomon began. "The Digimental of Knowledge is somewhere in this village."

"And what's the Digimental of Knowledge?" Karl asked.

"It's an evolution device that will allow one of your digimon to evolve to an even higher form."

"Okay," Adelina said, and she looked around the village. Digimon were scurrying this way and that, and Adelina really wondered what on Earth they were doing. She feared it had something to do with them.

They approached a large pavillion filled with even more digimon. They were probably selling something, but Adelina was a bit too far away from the many booths to really see what was going on.

"Here we are," Piyomon said, pointing to a large cave. "Unless I'm mistaken, the Digimental of Knowledge is in here."

The two children nodded, and followed Piyomon as he walked into the cavern.

Inside the cavern there were a few interesting things. Along the walls there was a map of some sort, with nine symbols at certain points. One of these symbols had an X nerby it, and Adelina guessed it was an X that said 'You are here'. There was a podium, and on it, was a yellow egg-shaped object.

Adelina sighed. "I'll try it first, okay Karl?"

Karl nodded. "Be my guest."

The young girl stepped up to the podium and reached out for the Digimental. It glowed slightly. However, no matter how much she tried, she couldn't lift the Digimental up.

"Maybe it's yours," Piyomon said to Karl, who nodded slightly.

He too approached the podium. There was a flash of light. And they didn't know how bad things would be.


A young girl named Halena Tieniber, stared at her two new friends, Szymon Poltorak, and Michel Bandremer. They were on the floor of the resturaunt, moaning. That meant the food they had so quickly devoured had been poisoned.

The young girl was wearing a white dress, with a necklace composed of golden-shaded amber around her neck. She had black hair and green eyes. Michel had black hair and aqua eyes, and was wearing a plain red shirt, and sweats. Szymon was wearing a green shirt and jeans, and he had golden hair and grey eyes.

Halena was about to stand up when she felt a sword to her throat. "Don' move girl, or you will be dead."

"Oh?" said Halena's spunky partner, Plotmon. "Plotmon evolve!" Plotmon burst into light, and began taking on a humanoid shape. When the light was gone, she was a humanoid digimon dressed in a multi-colored dress. She was wearing a turban-like object on her head, and she had four wings. She also had two swords in sheathes on her back, and she was carrying a staff.

"Le Pucelle!" D'Arcmon reached behind her and grabbed a sword. She then attacked the digimon with all her might, making the digimon relinquish his grib on Halena.

Halena dashed to the two boys, and noticed that V-mon and Wormmon were attempting to carry the boys out of the resturaunt. "Here guys, I'll help." Halena said, grabbing the two boys and dragging them across the floor.

She was stopped briefly by another digimon grabbing her arm, but V-mon's "Boom Boom Punch" knocked the digimon away.

The five were soon outside the resturaunt, and Darcmon followed them out. "Hurry!" she shouted, and the six dashed through the streets.


"And what do we have here?" Everyone froze. Karl turned around, and saw a blue dragon digimon staring at the five. "V Breath Arrow!"

"Run!" Patamon shouted, moving into the attack so it wouldn't hit Karl.


"Thanks buddy!" Karl said, scooping up the digimon and stepping slowly away from the digimon, staring at him in fear.

"That would be V-dramon," Piyomon said. "His attacks are V Breath Arrow, Hammer Punch, and Cutter Shoot. He shoots out a heat ray shaped like the letter V! It'll burn any enemy to a crisp in a second."

"Great!" Adelina shouted, also moving away from V-dramon.

"Use the digimental," Patamon said.

"I don't know how."

"Just say, 'Digimental up!"

"Right. Digimental up!"

"Patamon, armor evolve!" Patamon burst into light, and slowly began a transformation. First, his body changed into an insectoid shape; then, he grew two new legs, and his original four grew tremendously, next, his wings expanded, and then, "The Power of Curiosity! Mothmon!"

Mothmon was a yellow digimon with a gatling gun attached to the end of his body. His two wings bore the mark on the Digimental, and he had green gloves on his arms.

"Oh my!" Piyomon exclaimed. "That's Mothmon! His attacks are Gatling Gun and Gausse Powder. He shoots bullets of scales from the gatling gun on his body!"

"Gatling Gun!" Several scales shot out of the gun, and V-dramon was pelted to the point of crying out in pain. "This is what you deserve for threatening your saviors!"

V-dramon dashed away from the group, and through the village. "Follow him," Karl commanded. Karl then jumped on Mothmon, and Mothmon flew out of the cave.

"After him!" Piyomon shouted. "He could hurt somebody!"

Adelina and Hawkmon followed Piyomon, but only after a little bit more convincing.


"I'm- I'm sorry. I'll never attack you again, I swear!"

"Unless you give us answers, we will hurt you," Karl said.

"I thought you were under the recruit of Gran Kuwagamon. Sure, no one's seen him in a while, but... there are terrible rumors. And there are also devices known as Dark Towers. We think they were made by Gran Kuwagamon."

"Who's Gran Kuwagamon? What are the Dark Towers?" Karl asked, the very trait that Mothmon had shouted, curiosity, flowing through his body.

"Gran Kuwagamon worked with a Nazi general and did what most evil digimon did. Tried to take over. But we don't know what the Towers are for, they're just there.

"We're not working for Gran Kuwagamon."

"I- I know that know," V-dramon said, looking like he was about to cry.


"Don't listen!" Karl turned around. It was a young girl, dashing up to him. Behind her was an angel of some sort. "It's a trap, don't listen. It's a trap."

"Of course it is." Karl turned to see V-dramon powering up an attack. "Cutter Shoot!" Karl couldn't move, and Mothmon was sent flying when the attack hit him. It hit Karl's fake leg, and he screamed.

'This leg must of been real in this world.' Karl thought.

"It hurts. It hurts." Karl cried.

"Gatling Gun!" One of V-dramon's wings was deleted.

"Battement d'Amour!" D'Arcmon said, crashing her staff against the wooden walkway. It cracked, and it was about to fall when V-dramon grabbed Karl. The two fell.

D'Arcmon and Mothmon darted down, Darcmon cutting at V-dramon, and Mothmon grabbing on to Karl. V-dramon was successfully deleted, and the two digimon flew back to the village.

"We need to-"

"Stay and let me talk to you." It was Ilya. "Halena, do Michel and Szymon need medicine?"


"Here it is. And Karl, now that you haven't been awoken, do you know this land is real?"


"Good. Very good. You may go home now." Ilya held out a TV Port, and explained how it worked.

In five minutes, four children were in their beds, with their parents completely unaware of them every being gone.


The 'rude boy,' who happened to be named Radomil Kupeic, held out a lavender D-3, and returned home.


Well Diary, I've had a very interesting day. Ilya let me stay in the Digital World, and the others should come back tomorrow. I wonder what Hawkmon evolves to.


And so ends another chapter. I promised more action and digimon didn't I?

Next time:

Entry 3: The Digital Juozapines
Radomil returns to the Digital World as well, and finds a mysterious object.