Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Golden Amber Diaries ❯ Entry 3: The Digital Juozapines ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Entry 3: The Digital Juozapines
I don't own digimon. Digimon is the property of Toei Animation and Akiyoshi Hongo. I own my characters though.
never really got the attention I wanted. Being youngest of five works so that once you're old enough to hold your own, you'd better. After learning how to cook, my parents were too busy to really take care of me or my siblings. After learning about that place though, I think I want to go back.

screamed in her bed, tossing and turning. Ilya stared at her and sighed. She would have to face her nightmares very soon, and waking her up would make her less ready for things in real life. She might think that someone would just wake her up.
looked in sadness. "I'm sorry, partner."

threw is backpack into his closet as he walked back into his room. He turned his computer on, and opened up a portal like he had last time. He took his lavender D-3 from his pocket, and he was whisked away.

awoke in a plain, directly in front of a majestic mountain. He looked around, and identified his partner, Upamon. However, Upamon had evolved into Armadimon, and he was currently chomping away at some kind of grass.
eatin' buddy?" he shouted.
thought you told me to go to Hell."
I'm sorry about that, it's just that my computer crashed before I showed up, so I assumed you guys were the ones who were responsable."
gave him a glance that said 'Yeah, right. Clearly you just want some form of protection if something bad shows up.'
it's true," Radomil said.
nodded, and returned to chomping on grass.
Aren't you gonna help?"
Unfortunately Digimon require food to fight properly, and I haven't eaten in awhile."
In the meantime, I'm gonna climb the mountain and see if there's anywhere that we could go."

turned his computer on when he returned from school, and immediatly opened a portal to Ilya's house.

few blocks down, Halena and Szymon did the same thing.

four children gathered in Ilya's hut. "Where's Michel?" he asked.
had to work at his mom's bakery," Karl explained.
then," said Piyomon, cheerful as usual. "Ilya says he's detected a Digimental near the mountain that corosponds Juozapines."
one?" Plotmon asked.

looked at Adelina, who sighed. Clearly she didn't think courage was one of her traits. He knew Michel wasn't courageous, and by the look on Halena's face, she wasn't either. But Szymon was nearly jumping for joy.
gotta be mine!" he shouted.
nodded. "It's true," she said.
smirked. "We can navigate to Juozapines by ourselves." He said.
Ilya said. "And in case of floods, you should have Mothmon and D'Arcmon carry you four."
Digimental up!" Karl shouted.
armor evolve!" Patamon underwent a transformation yet again. "The Power of Curiosity! Mothmon!"
evolve!" Plotmon also changed. "D'Arcmon!"
Wormmon, and Hawkmon sighed. They'd felt so useless when the two evolved.
feel bad," Adelina said. "Just 'cause you can't evolve yet doesn't mean you never will."
stuck his tounge out at the three.
glared at the digimon angrily.
looks like we should leave V-mon behind for this one," Karl said. "We can only take the four of us and our partners."
can fly," Piyomon pointed out.
so... Is that everyone?"
Adelina said.
the two digimon went outside, let the four kids and two digimon get on them, and began their flight.

said a voice that echoed, loudly. "The children prepare to leave for Juozapines. What should we do?"
Meramon and Kentarumon to deal with them," 'Mistress' answered. "Soon we will have five of the brats out of this world, and I will be unmatched to take over the Digital World!"
course Mistress." And there was a burst of light, just bright enough to identify a cat digimon, and a bat/nightmare combination digimon.

sighed as he climbed the cliffs to a strange cavern. His lavender D-3 was beeping constantly, and the closer he got to the cavern, the more frequent and louder the beeps were.
groaned. He could barely think over the beeping, and he wanted for it to shut up, the sooner the better.
looked up, there it was, the cavern. He walked into it, and saw a long corridor, branching out in many directions. He looked at his D-3, and decided to constantly move towards the dot now visible on screen.
dashed after Radomil. "Wait up!" he shouted. "It might be dangerous!"
turned around and nodded. "Come on," he whispered. He looked at his D-3 and took the path that would probably lead him straight to the dot on the D-3's map.
trotted after him, and was currently muttering about the Digiworld's strange configuration. "You'd think there'd be less cave mazes, but no, they had to make things interesting... Sometimes you're lucky to make it out alive."
froze. "But," Armadimon continued. "It's not like that happens often." Radomil nodded, and frowned as he noticed that he'd have to choose the most likely path to the dot.
choose... left," he muttered, and the two continued on.

looked at the towering mountain up ahead. "My D-3 is detecting something!" she shouted.
a D-3?" Karl asked.
found out there are other kids like us, and they call this style of 'digivice' D-3's! Now it's detecting two things! A lavender dot, and an orange dot!"
think the orange one might be the Digimental. Whoever thinks lavender is a good color for courage is seriously messed up," Szymon said.
else do you know?" Adelina asked.
there are about 30 other teams out there. Maybe if Michel does his homework, we might find out something new."

fact, Michel was doing research on the Digidestined, Chosen, and Digidestinies. He sighed. The moderator was apparently very strict, banning constantly. Especially a North American kid named Hank.
sighed before adding one message.
Forum: AnnouncementsLithuanian TeamIzumi Koushiro478

Lithuanian TeamMichel BandremerN/AVillinius, Lithuania[Chibimon, V-mon]08-24-04 13:15:17 GMT

hi! My name is Michel Bandremer, and I'm part of the new Lithuanian team (formed yesterday). Although I'm not the leader, I felt an obligation to introduce myself.
I turned 12 two days ago, and I got my D-3 on August 7. My partner is V-mon.
leave it to the others to intro. themsleves, but I have one question: Who's closest to us?

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Message: Lithuanian Team
User: Carter Windam
Title: Wielder of the Platinum Gear
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Digimon: *Penguinmon* - Saberdramon/Mothmon - Parrotmon/Garudamon - Crossmon
Time: 08-24-04 13:21:14 GMT
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Yay! First greeting!

Welcome from Edmonton from all of us. I guess I'm the only one awake at the moment, with the exception of Kylie hanging over my shoulder.

Edit : Kylie : I'm posting too! I'm from Melbourne, a digi-destined as well! Our whole team is up for vacation here in Alberta! Though we'll be back on our home turf in a day or so!

Edit : Richard : I'm awake too. I guess we're all editing Carters Post to save the trouble! Welcome from the Puerto Rico team!

Edit : We're here visiting as well. Hello from the Philippine team, Jamie, Jeremy, Feryl and our digimon!

Edit : Carter : Yes, all of those teams are here. It's a madhouse every day.

Edited by Carter Windam at 08-24-04 13:44:22 GMT

Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Joan LaSalle
Title: Key of Morning
Location: Paris, France
Digimon: [Tsunomon, Elecmon, Kentarumon]
Time: 08-24-04 13:20:05 GMT
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Oh thank God, it's not us with the new kids again... (no offense, Lithuanian team).

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Message: Hello, neighbors!
User: Catherine Ducharme
Title: Flower of the West
Location: Paris, France
Digimon: [Tanemon, Floramon, Kiwimon, Pixiemon]
Time: 08-24-04 13:23:16 GMT
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Joan, that was rude!

Please excuse my teammate; we had a rough time of it fighting Blossomon so we're still in the "recovery stage" here. That and a few of us are having a difficult time adjusting to having our partners back in the Digital World.

Anyway, welcome Michael! My name is Catherine, and I'm the leader of the Paris team. I'm not sure exactly how close Paris is to Lithuania; Rene is the geographer of the team, so he could probably say. I'm certain you'll be hearing from the Italian and German teams as well. The London team I'm not quite sure about.

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Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Joan LaSalle
Title: Key of Morning
Location: Paris, France
Digimon: [Tsunomon, Elecmon, Kentarumon]
Time: 08-24-04 13:29:59 GMT
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Sorry, Catherine. Sorry if I offended you or any other members of your team who read this, Michael. It's just that...Blossomon may not have been a powerful Perfection, but she CENSOR near ran us ragged.

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Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Michel Bandremer
Title: N/A
Location: Villinius, Lithuania
Digimon: [Chibimon, V-mon]
Time: 08-24-04 13:32:07
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I have no problems with that. We're a new team, and only two of us have digimon who can evolve. I don't even know what a Perfection IS yet. But if it's a higher level than D'Arcmon, my team wouldn't stand a chance against that level.
Oh by the by, the names MICHEL.

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Message: Hello, neighbors!
User: Catherine Ducharme
Title: Flower of the West
Location: Paris, France
Digimon: [Tanemon, Floramon, Kiwimon, Pixiemon]
Time: 08-24-04 13:37:21 GMT
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Oops. Sorry, Michel. I can't imagine why I read it like that; after all, your name is the same as Mr. Takaishi's...

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It's okayMichel BandremerN/AVillinius, Lithuania[Chibimon, V-mon]08-24-03 13:40:03
okay Catherine, I'm sure there's a Michael Digi-destined out there somewhere.

Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Warrick Kuo
Title: Jade Rings of Prudence and Sobriety
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Digimon: Choromon, *Hagurumon*, Tankmon, Giromon
Time: 08-24-04 13:45:07 GMT
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The temptation to port over there and destroy you all arises as I think of the FIVE PAGE essay I wrote on Lithuania.

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looked out along the mountain. Finally, he saw what he was looking for. "It's over there guys!"
others looked up. Sure enough, a small opening was in the cliffs. Mothmon and D'Arcmon lifted up, and the four ascended towards the opening.
they arrived, they were at the maze Radomil was in, but they didn't know it. "I guess we go this way," Halena said, pointing to the most likely passageway.

sighed. He'd finally made it, and his D-3 had stopped beeping. "Finally," he muttered. He walked up to an orange egg. He reached out, and picked it up effortlessly. "Oh yeah! It's mine!"
and the others walked in. "Oh," said Szymon. "It's yours isn't it?" Radomil nodded.

"Cheer up Szy-" Halena had been saying. She was going to say that there were seven other Digimentals, and that one had to be his. But something had crashed into the chamber. Two strange digimon.

"That's Meramon," Piyomon said, pointing to the firey digimon. "His attacks are Burning Fist and Red Flames. The other is Kentarumon. His attacks are Hunting Cannon and Jet Gallop!"

"Great," Karl muttered. "Okay, kid, say 'Digimental up!'"

"Digimental up!"

"Armadimon armor-evolve!" Armadimon burst into light, and a transformation began. Armadimon mainly grew in size, and the traces of flames could be seen flowing from his head and his tail. "Boarmon!"

"Boarmon," Piyomon said. "Is an armor digimon. He can be very difficult to control at times, and his attacks are Nose Blaster and Bullet Attack."
three Chosen digimon circled in at the two evil ones. The viral digimon jumped out at them, and Boarmon decided it would be a good time to try, "Bullet Attack!" The Meramon was hit and knocked back, but the Kentarumon darted around the room, leading Mothmon and D'Arcmon on a very unmerry chase.

"Gatling Gun!" "La Pucelle!" The two attacks surrounded Kentarumon, but he stayed in the center of the ring made by the two attacks and was unharmed. "Hunting Cannon!" he shouted, holding out an arm. The yellow ray was completely off, and the two managed to get a couple hits in.

"Nose Blaster!" Boarmon shouted, aiming his flames at the flames of the burning fist. Just as expected, the two attacks canceled each other out. "Bullet Attack!" he shouted, aiming directly at Meramon. He was deleted easily, and Boarmon watched Mothmon and D'Arcmon battle Kentarumon.
had him trapped, but he knew he should put in his own attack, just to be safe. "Gatling Gun!" "Battement d'Amour!" The two attacks made their original ring, trapping Kentarumon. "Nose Blaster!" Boarmon screamed, and the attack hit the digimon perfectly.

"So," Karl said. "You gonna join us?"

"I don't see why not."

logged onto the net, and looked at his email. One message was from Michel, which was only a link. He went to the site and his eyes bugged out. "478? No way..."
Forum: AnnouncementsLithuanian TeamIzumi Koushiro483

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Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Isabel Lu
Title: Jade Earrings of Virtue and Mercy
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Digimon: Tanemon, *Floramon*, Kabukimon, Lilymon
Time: 08-24-04 14:50:29 GMT
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Warrick, be nice to the new Chosen once in a while. You might scare them off the board! :P

Don't mind my teammate. He's always a little grumpy, especially since school started up again. Journalism is really messing with his head.

Oh yeah, forgot to introduce myself. My name is Isabel Jia Shin Lu, from the Taipei team. We're south of Japan, so I doubt we'd be any close to being your neighbors, Michel. ^_^

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Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Karl Wantulok
Title: Digimental of Knowledge
Location: Vilinius, Lithuania
Digimon: [Tokomon, Patamon, Mothmon]
Time: 08-24-03 14:54:29
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Hi, I'm Karl Wantulok, leader of the Lithuanian team. I have the Digimental of Knowledge, and Patamon packs a punch. Oh, a few notes:

To Carter: You've got a Mothmon too? And a bunch of other forms, no fair...

To Joan: I've seen you before. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!

To Isabell: HI!

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Message: Karl...
Member: Adelina Smetanikov
Title: N/A
Location: Villinius, Lithuania
Digimon: [Poromon, Hawkmon]
Time: 08-24-03 14:57:34

I'm using Karl's computer, cause I don't have one. Anyways, I'm Adelina Smetanikov, and my partner's Hawkmon. She doesn't have an evolution yet... oh well...

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Message: Re: Lithuaninan Team
Member: Radomil Kupeic
Title: Digimental of Courage
Location: Villinius, Lithuania
Digimon: [Upamon, Armadimon, Boarmon]
Time: 08-24-03 14:58:56
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Hi, all. I'm Radomil Kupeic, kinda the loner of the team. Anyways my partner's Armadimon, and he can evolve to Boarmon.

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Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
Member: Halena Tienbier
Title: N/A
Location: Villinius, Lithuania
Digimon: [Nyaromon, Plotmon, D'Arcmon]
Time: 08-24-03 14:59:03
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Hello. I'm Halena Tienbier. My digimon's a Plotmon, and she's the only digimon with an adult form on the team.

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Message: Hello
Member: Szymon Poltorak
Title: N/A
Location: Villinius, Lithuania
Digimon: [Minomon, Wormmon]
Time: 08-24-03 15:02:01
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Hello, all. I'm Szymon Poltorak, the last member of the Lithuanian team. My partner is Wormmon.

See ya!

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Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Richard Thompson
Title: Wise Owl
Location: San Antonio, TX
Digimon: *Hagurumon*, Thunderballmon, Metal Mamemon
Time: 08-24-04 16:24:00
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Hey, Michel. This is Richard from the San Antonio team. Not the leader either (that's Dwayne's role, believe it or not -_-; ), but I am the team's strategist. I just happen to be the only one out of my team to have a computer class at school. I wish you luck (and hope you don't go through as much hell as we did.)

Gotta go. There's idiots in my class who aren't smart enough to avoid being caught on the internet by the teacher...

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Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Shawn Evanick
Title: Bearer of Badge of Vitality
Location: Pennsylvanian, California, USA
Digimon: Snow Botamon, Nyaromon, *Chuumon*, Sukamon, Mammothmon
Time: 08-24-04 16:29:00
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Where are these ERROR newbies coming from?! They're more annoying than Stacey! And Koushiro, no I won't shut up. I deserve to have my voice heard!!

---------------------------------------------------------- ------------Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Kyle Evanick
Title: Bearer of Badge of Wisdom and Digimental of Hope
Location: Pennsylvanian, California, USA
Digimon: Ubimon, Solomon, Lizramon, Flameramon/Holymon, Blizzamon/Hyperionmon, Sensaimon
Time: 08-24-04 16:30:46 GMT
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SHAWN!! What is your problem?! You know you'll get temp-banned for that... Yet you do it anyway. Anyway, welcome to being Digidestined or Chosen as we are sometimes called. I highly doubt my team would see you, but it's nice to talk with you guys. Drop me a line if you want. I'm the unlucky guy in charge of the California team... BTW everyone, sorry for what my idiot brother did, I still remember what he said to the 2nd paris team when they started. And beware the wrath of Stacey...

-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------Re: Lithuanian Team
User: Stacey Anderson
Title: Bearer of Badge of Heart
Location: Pennsylvanian, California, USA
Digimon: Pichimon, Bukamon, *Otamamon*, Gekomon, Taomon/Mermaimon,
Time: 08-24-04 16:35:36 GMT
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Don't be like that! So I have a temper, so I ramble on about things that only a handful of Chosen/Digidestined can understand! BTW, why do you act like you're a terrible leader? I can't think of a better person to lead us. Just some words from California's Beautiful Genius!

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: Re: Lithuanian Team
User: James McConnell
Title: Digimentals of Knowledge, Courage, Kindness, and Love
Location: Belem, Brazil
Digimon: Nyaromon, Plotmon, Butterflymon/Lynxmon/*Opossumon*/Swanmon, Mihiramon/Pajiramon
Time: 08-24-04 16:42:27 GMT

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Lunch break at the Institute, so I finally get to welcome the new team! Welcome! The more of us, the better, and don't pay any mind to our nutty Californian comrades

Before any of you new guys start freaking out because my partner's currently listed at one of his armor forms, he's not there permanently. He works with my dad and me at the Goeldi Institute (it's an Amazonian ecological station), and Oppossumon's the only form with opposable thumbs. Of course, easier manipulation of tools comes with added risk because Opossumon's a walking explosives factory.

Good luck. And I hope you survive the experience (I speak from bitter personal experience here. Check the Memorial pages for further details. If you have any questions on the matter, ask me but don't post them here.)

EDIT: I misspell, therefore, I am

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Well Diary, I suppose the weaklings think I'm coming back to help. Well I'm not. And they can just forget all about me.

the first time, we see the message board. The one place to talk about whatever weirdness is going on the Digital World. Joy...
Next time on Golden Amber Diaries:
Foliagedoesn't keep his promise about working with the group, and the five other children set off to find the Digimental of Friendship. The question is, who gets it?