Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Golden Amber Diaries ❯ Entry 4: Dense Foliage ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Entry 4: Dense Foliage

Disclaimer: We've covered it, TOEI Animation and Akiyoshi Hongo own Digimon, and Lord Archive owns the Diaries Universe.

It wasn't exactly my cup of tea, getting some Fuschia colored 'D-3' and being chosen to save over six billion people. I guess after finding out that Karl was going to be the leader I realized that the people were clearly morons. A leader should be a strategist, and be prepared to risk everything over the roll of the dice. I'm not very courageous, but Karl's a Grade-A wimp, and while I'm smart, he can barely understand the Alternate Universe picture.


Michel woke up on a glorious Sunday morning. Or it would have been, had Karl not been snoring from on a cushion of blankets on the floor. 'Looks as though his parents flight back from Athens got delayed.' Michel thought, and he got up and went about his normal activities.

His mother and Prane were at Sunday Mass. Petra had apparently decided to either keep sleeping or drive everyone crazy. Her seemingly amplified snores had effectively turned off his brain cells.

He stripped out of his pajamas and stepped in to the shower. After a few minutes of letting the water heat, he almost forgot his sister's snores. Unfortunately, he also forgot Karl's presence, and, as he figured no one was conscious, walked into his room naked. I highly doubt I need to extrapolate on what happened next.

About ten minutes later, the two were sitting down eating some form of hardened sugar that must have posed as cereal when the food inspectors looked through it. Michel was analyzing a new e-mail from Ilya, packed with a large amount of information on digimon.


Adelina looked out over the ocean. “Why don't you guys try to fix that?” she asked.

Hawkmon shook his head. “We've done several things. We've done everything but call in Digidestined to see if they can do anything. The only reason we haven't but you six to the case is that you're still new. We can't afford to have one of you die yet.”


Adelina jumped. “You don't have to yell. What's the problem anyway?”

“I'm wondering. It suddenly occurs to me that you guys said that the Veedramon you fought had wings... They don't have wings. Since he sure wasn't a Perfect, I've come to the conclusion that our enemy can alter digimon.”

“That's... That's not good is it?”

“No.” Hawkmon flew up. “I feel drawn to that forest over there. Can you see it?”

Adelina turned and looked at the receding waters. A mysterious blue light briefly shot out of the forest. “Maybe you feel a Digimental.”

“If she does, I suggest we get your friends.”


Half an hour later, five children were assembled in Ilya's hut. “Ilya, do you have any idea where what's his face is, or what we're doing here anyways?”

“Simple. While I regret to admit that our enemy is technologically superior to us, and has been shown to modify digimon and reduce digimental signals that should appear on your digivice, we have found one other. So, I suggest all of you go, as it could be anyone's.”

“Oh boy. I was wondering why the enemy was so quiet over the past week. I mean, the last thing we dealt with were those two digimon. Meramon and Kentarumon, I think.” Szymon was very concerned. “If he can outsmart us just like that, we're doomed.”


“Mistress, they have discovered the location of another Digimental. Thankfully we have a couple of guards there. Shall they be told to scout out intruders?”

“Yes. Excellent idea Devidramon. Nevertheless, we are losing a battle. That D'Arcmon has shown us they aren't fully dependent on Digimentals, if they evolve on their own, those two guardians you have in place may not cut it.”

“Of course. But digimon aren't all I have installed in the area...”


The five were walking through the forest, looking around warily. If it flooded again, they were doomed, plain and simple.

“I think we should split up, y'know, cover more ground,” Karl said.

“Alright,” said Halena. “I'll take the guys, and you head off with Adelina, I don't think it's wise to split up though. We might get lost.”

“Don't worry!” said Karl. “You can just look at our digivice signals to find us.”

“Well,” said Michel. “I guess I'm all for it.” Szymon nodded in his approval.

“Okay,” said Halena. “But mark my words, there's gonna be trouble because of it.”

“Alright Mommy,” Karl said in a three-year-olds voice. “We little children will hold hands while going between the trees.”

Halena's eyes widened and she slapped Karl. Then she glared at him. “Shut up. Just shut up. At least someone doesn't want to lose her skin around here.” And with that, she ran off, giving Plotmon only a few seconds to follow her before she disappeared into the foliage.

Michel, Szymon, and their partners ran after her as well. “Wait up Halena!” they shouted.

Karl blinked. “Care explaining what that was all about?” he asked.

“Yes. Her mother died in an accident. She warned Halena and her father about it, but they didn't listen and she paid the price. I've seen death too. My grandmother was run over by my drunken brother. It was two years ago and I still haven't recovered.”

“Humans,” Hawkmon whispered into Patamon's ears. “Impossible to understand aren't they?”


“I guess I'll apologize when she comes back.” Karl looked, shocked might be the best term. “Looks like our unofficial name will be 'The Team of Sufferers,' I mean, between my leg, the stress Michel's going through with his sister pregnant, all of us having to put up with Radomil, your life, and Halena's dead mother, what might we be missing?”


“Well, you don't know if one of us is just a replacement for a dead one now do you?”

Adelina laughed. “You're pretty funny Karl, even I'll admit that.”

Thus, the two and their partners began wandering around.


“HALENA!” Michel and Szymon shouted over and over. “Where are you?”

“Great. We're lost, separated, and we haven't got digimon with real power.”

“Yep. Sucks to be us doesn't it?” Szymon quipped.

“Hey!” said Wormmon indignantly. “We just haven't digivolved YET. You haven't been in the kind of danger for us to bother with that.”

“Great. Now our partners our saying we need to be less careful. Should we jump in acid after that?”

“Look Kings of Sarcasm, we're looking for someone, so maybe we should-” Veemon stopped and looked over the shoulders of Michel and Szymon. “Um- Gee- RUN!”

With that, the others turned around and stared at the gorilla-like digimon coming through the foliage. “Shit.” The four ran off, hoping to run into Halena or Karl and Adelina before they got killed.


At that moment, Karl and Adelina were walking along, noticing a slight irregularity on the digivice screen. “We must be getting close now, since we can detect it and all that.” Adelina whispered. “I'm somewhat shocked we haven't run in to any digimon yet. Between that mysterious Veedramon, the Meramon, and the Kentarumon, we haven't had any rest since we started this whole damn luau.”

Karl sniggered. “Language Miss Smetanikov. No getting mouthy in a G-Rated Forest.”

Adelina shook her head. Their digivices began beeping wildly. “What's this feature?”

“I dunno, I think Ilya played around with our digivices for a bit.”

“Well I wish he would of warned us. Oh well. I've still got my patience, but when I lose that, run for your life.”

“Got it.”

They stepped into a rather large clearing. In the center was the usual podium with a stone wall depicting a map behind it. Two of the nine symbols were now glowing however, the symbols glowing matching the ones on Karl's and Radomil's digimentals. On the podium was an egg that looked something like a spherical bacteria multiplying into two. However, one sphere had a spike coming out of it, and there was another infamous symbol.

“Hmm...” muttered Karl. “If I remember correctly, Szymon's and Radomil's digivices reacted to the Digimental of Courage, but only mine reacted to Knowledge. Whichever one this is, I think both you and I can use it. I'll let you have it, I guess, seeing as I already have a bit of defense.”

“Such a gentleman,” said Adelina. “Besides, my only good quality is friendship, and if both you and I have it, the way you treated Halena might divert all access to another of Patamon's forms for the time being.”

“I wonder why I can access two digimentals, and why the last two Digimentals reacted to two partners,” Hawkmon said calmly. “Perhaps you'll learn to share the powers within them.”

Adelina stepped to the pedestal and picked up the black Digimental. There was a flash of blue light as she picked it up.

It was then that Michel, Szymon, their partners, and two mysterious digimon dashed out from behind the stone wall. “HELP!” the four screamed.

“DIGIMENTAL UP!” Karl and Adelina shouted together, basking in the purple and blue light that appeared.

“Patamon armor evolve!”

“Hawkmon armor evolve!”

“Mothmon, the Power of Curiosity!”

“Speeding on the Blades of Friendship, Rinkmon!”

“Wow!” Karl shouted. “I can't believe you got such a cool digimon!”

Rinkmon was a white and blue suited digimon, with blue boots, a blue helmet, lightning bolts shapes coming out of both gloves, a white cape, and a yellow insignia on his helmet. His boots had two blades.

“My question is,” Karl muttered. “What are those digimon?”

“Gorimon,” answered Mothmon. “Dangerous digimon who, if feral, can be pretty dangerous for adult digimon. But no matter, we have superior skills at our disposal! Gatling Gun!”

“Spinning Cutter!” Rinkmon added.

The four children clustered around the podium, and Karl took a camera out of his pocket. “Why do you have a camera?” Adelina asked.

“Ilya told us to bring one, he wanted pictures of digimon that might be altered.” Karl lifted the camera and took a picture. The Gorimon roared, and aimed at them. “Energy Cannon!” they shouted, holding up their four arms, which had cannons on the end of them. Four energy beams hit the podium, but the group was out of the way.

“Shit,” Karl said. “Look, it's flooding again.”

It was at that precise moment that the trees and their branches seemed to bend, until there was no way to enter or leave the dome they had created around the clearing.

“That's awesome!” Szymon exclaimed. “Maybe they're protecting something from the water.”

“The stone wall probably.” Michel started to explain, “You see, the Digimentals shouldn't need protection, but the wall might erode.”

Mothmon and Rinkmon were still diligently fighting the two Gorimon. Suddenly, Rinkmon darted forward, and using another Spinning Blade, cut off the cannons of the Gorimon. Then Mothmon used Gatling Gun to put a couple of holes through the digimon, and the job was done.

“YES!” The kids shouted, and with that, the trees moved back to their normal positions, and D'Arcmon descended upon them. Halena was there as well, smiling.

“Well guys,” she said. “Let's go home.”


Author's Notes: FINALLY! I've finished! And just in time to go on vacation and let you guys wonder what's gonna happen NEXT.

Brownie points to Canis Black who noted the irregularity on the Veedramon. The Gorimon were altered as well, to have a cannon on both arms instead of just one arm.

Well, I guess I'll leave you one hint as to what's gonna happen next:

The Next Adult Evolution

A secret rebuilding project goes astray when not only Michel shows up, but a bunch of angry Rukamon as well.