Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ How Do I Tell Him? ❯ Jailhouse Blues ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 17! I'm on an idea roll here!! =^_^= (Side note: Matt's mum's name is Nancy)


Matt was literally shoved into the back of the police car. He hit his head on the grate that separated the driver from the backseat.

"Ow!" He yelped-feeling a warm trickle run down his nose. His forehead was cut.

"Watch your head." The short cop grinned-closing the back door.

"I can't believe you'd do something so horrible to my niece." Officer Takenouchi grumbled.

"Your niece is bent on revenge." Matt retorted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Takenouchi's partner asked.

Matt said nothing.


"Matt." Tai sobbed into Kari's shoulder.

Kari sighed sadly and hugged her brother as tight as she could.

"This is awful." TK said, shaking his head.

The band had already departed-they knew Tai really needed some space at the moment.

"Why did she have to do this? If she was this mad about it why didn't she just say so!" Tai shouted, his sadness turning to anger.

"That's just the kind of person she is." Kari replied, smoothing her brother's wild hair down.

"She has no idea how much you and Matt love each other." TK added, "She's blinded by anger and jealousy. Bent on revenge."

Tai nodded and grabbed his carry-on bag. All he wanted to do was go home and cry.


First he was taken to the aid's office to patch his forehead up, then he was frisked, finger printed, and photographed. Matt couldn't believe this was happening! This was so embarrassing. He was ushered into the visitor's room where his mom and TK were waiting.

"This is such utter shit!" Matt exclaimed. "Mom. You know I wouldn't steal from Sora!! She's just pissed because I dumped her for Tai!"

"I know." Ms. Takaishi replied. "TK told me everything..."

"So? Get me out of here!"

"I can't. I'm not a witness! You'll have to stand trial if you want out of here. I've already gotten you a lawyer."

"When's my court date?"

"In a week..."

"What!? Where am I going to be until then??"


Matt's chest muscles contracted painfully and he swallowed thickly, "J-jail...?"

"I'm sorry Matt. I tried to get them to put you in a Lockdown Center but the maximum age was fourteen! You have to stay in prison until your court date."

"This is not happening! This can't be happening!" Matt cried, finally breaking down.

TK rushed to his brother's side and comforted him.

"This is shit! Utter shit!" Matt shouted, "Just because Sora is bitter I have to get fucked up the ass in jail!!!"

"Watch your mouth please, Yamato..." His mother said quietly.

Matt started pacing the room, "What if they don't believe me? What's the maximum sentence I can get?"

"Judging by the amount of stolen money in question. I'd say six weeks." Nancy replied.

Matt thought he was going to have a heart attack, "S-six weeks!?"

Yamato suddenly felt very sick and he had to sit down before he fell down. "Th...that's t-two months!!"

Matt's mom nodded solemnly and Matt rested his head in his hands.


As soon as Tai got home he went right to his room and curled up in bed. His parents lectured him on why he should stay away from Matt through the door. He yelled at them until they left him alone and he hugged his favorite picture of Matt close to his chest. He couldn't believe this was happening. Matt was actually arrested...Matt was sitting in a police station somewhere pleading his innocence to a bunch of deaf ears. The phone beside his bed began to ring and his heart leapt up into his throat. Was it Matt? He answered...no...it was TK.

"Hi TK..." Tai said sniffling.

"I got some bad news Tai...."

"I was afraid of that."

"Matt's court date is on Friday...that's a week away. He has to spend a week in jail. Visiting hours are on Wednesdays...9AM to 5PM...ok?"

Tai's poor heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice, "Yeah...."

"I can't stay on the phone, but I promise I'll call you tomorrow."


"Bye Tai. Be strong..."

"I'll try...."

TK hung up and Tai listening to the purr of the dial tone before finally hanging up himself. Matt was going to be in jail for a week?? What if Matt got raped and beaten? Worse...what if Matt got raped and contracted AIDS? Taichi shuddered-he couldn't think about things like that. Matt would be all right. He'd get through the week, and they'd blow Sora out of the court room, and then they'd be able to live happily ever after...yes...
{Positive thoughts Taichi!} He told himself {Matt will come back to you!}


Matt was transported to a minimum security prison by prison bus. They put him in the standard orange coveralls and took all his possessions away-including his picture of Taichi. They slapped his inmate number on him and led him to his cell.

"Hey cutie." The toothless man in the cell beside him rasped, "Can't wait to see your coveralls at the foot of my bed...."

Matt shuddered at the mere thought and hugged himself. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be safe in Taichi's arms.

"Hey..." A familiar voice hissed.

Matt froze and finally turned to look at his cell mate. Todd, the blue-haired pervert that had been feeling Tai up, was his cell mate.

"Remember me?" Todd grinned, an evil glint in his eye.


Uh oh...Mat's in trouble!!! Now what will happen?? R&R and you'll find out!! =^_^=