Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Double Love Fluff ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Double Love Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

Miyako snuggled closer to her beloved, feeling joy race all through her at the beautiful woman next to her. She had never loved anyone the way she did Inoue-Takenouchi Sora. They fit together flawlessly.

"Love you," Sora murmured softly, nuzzling into the soft cheek of her mate.

"Love you too." Miyako petted her gently. "Who would have thought?"

Sora shrugged. "Love attracts love." That was rather simple, and to the point.

"Can you believe that Ken and I were picked as the couple most likely to be married?" Miyako snorted at the mere thought of that. Ken and his parents had moved to Odaiba during his second to last year in school, and he had been just as popular there as he'd been in Tamachi. The two of them hadn't advertised the fact they were cousins, so some very strange rumors had gone around when they were seen together at times.

Sora rolled her eyes and grinned. "Can you believe that I dated Yamato for six months?"

"Well, at least I didn't kiss Ken!" Miyako teased. Sora shuddered in memory.

"I think the turning point for Yamato and me was when we'd decided we loved each other enough for sex, and right when we were undressing, he called me 'Jyou-chan.'"

Miyako raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you didn't skin him alive."

"Don't think I didn't consider it."

"Did you get him to talk to Jyou?" Miyako had never known the details on just how and why Sora and Yamato had broken up, and she felt like a kid asking for a fresh story.

Sora nodded, then grinned. "They're celebrating their anniversary tomorrow."

"With whipped cream and ice cream," Miyako teased, knowing the odds of the Chosen Children being into all manner of weird fetishes. It seemed to be a side effect of the Digital World. Not that any of them were complaining.

Sora nodded. "And nuts."

"I thought that was me over you." Miyako purred as she pulled her lover into a deep, rich kiss. When she finally moved back, the violet-haired half-breed grinned at her. "If this is how you celebrate our one month anniversary, I won't survive the yearly one."

The two of them kissed again deeply, and Sora held her tightly. "My beautiful bird." She loved the daughter of Phoenixmon with all her soul.

"My delicious she-devil." Miyako loved the daughter of Devimon with every inch she possessed, and then some.

Sora gazed up into the rich brown eyes above her. "You are so beautiful. Who ever would have thought that a Vaccine and a Viral could get together?"

Miyako grinned. "Not Gennai." The way he'd reacted to their union had been priceless: jaw on the floor and generally looking as if someone had hit him upside the head with a board. "Then again, I think he's still smarting over the fact that his grandsons have no data characteristics in them."

"True," Sora agreed, then chuckled. "Who would have ever thought that Taichi and Ken would fall in love? Or Daisuke and Iori?"

Miyako agreed. "Or Koushirou and Takeru."

"Or Mimi and Hikari."

"Or us." The two of them nuzzled again, and Miyako smiled as she licked gently at Sora's lips. "Yummy. Whipped cream." Her eyes twinkled. "Think we went a little overboard?" She looked over to the bedside table. "Five cans of Reddiwhip?"

Sora chuckled. "Maybe just a little overboard." She wrapped her arms around Miyako and snuggled into her love. "Let's get some rest, Mi-chan. We've got a big day tomorrow."

Miyako yawned and nodded, closing her arms around Sora. Nights like this were the reason she put up with the days at her computer business. But at the same time, having a happy productive life, and Sora, was a special joy all its own. Sora, she knew, was just as happy as could be taking care of her day care center. Wish we could have our own kids. But I'm happy the way we are.

The two of them slipped into slumber, happier than the proverbial clams.

* * *

Work may have been the order of the next day, but soon afterwards came the weekend, and that meant free time to pamper one another extravagantly. Sora took up her favorite hobby, other than making Miyako scream loudly in raw pleasure: brushing out Miyako's long, thick violet hair.

"You've got such beautiful hair, Mi-chan." Sora murmured as she ran the brush gently through the strands, making sure not to cause so much as a sliver of pain. "So soft and warm, and it smells so good."

Miyako smiled up at her. "Your hair isn't anything to complain about, Sora-chan." She reached up carefully to run her fingers through the short strands of Sora's red hair. It wasn't the same red as Koushirou or Daisuke's, but it was definitely beautiful. "Love you, Sora-chan."

"Love you too, Mi-chan." Sora purred quietly at her, then laughed as Miyako wrapped her arms around Sora's waist and bore her back towards the bed. For some time all that concerned them was each other, until Miyako pulled back to ask something.



The Child of Love and Purity grinned briefly. "Guess whose partner is about to lay her first egg?" Sora blinked in amazement, and Miyako laughed. "That's about how Hawkmon looked when Piyomon told him!"

Sora couldn't help but laugh; she'd known there was something going on between the two avian Digimon for months now, since even before she and Miyako had gotten together. "How cute." She'd have to get some kind of present for the two of them. Then her mind and body's attention were drawn elsewhere, and she attended to the duties of love.

* * *

Miyako watched in dry amusement as Piyomon settled into the nest she'd made and grunted slightly. Hawkmon was running this way and that trying to do anything he could to help his mate, while Piyomon looked perfectly capable of doing this all on her own.

"Piyo-chan..." Hawkmon looked at her as she started to glare at him, and then wisely shut his beak.

"I want gummy worms!" the pink bird declared. Hawkmon stared for a moment or two, then ran off before she demanded anything less reasonable and less easy to get.

Only a few minutes after he was gone, there was a loud, low cry from Piyomon and a gleaming pink and brown speckled egg appeared in the nest. Hawkmon appeared in the doorway, his eyes round and huge at the sight of his offspring. "Wow..." He stared, obviously shocked. "Wow...."

Miyako chuckled. "Is that all you can say, Hawkmon?"

Her partner fainted.

Piyomon rolled her eyes at the reaction of her mate. "The stronger gender. Yeah, right." She settled down to warm the egg, pulling some of the hay she had made the nest of around it.

"It's beautiful." Sora murmured softly, getting what glimpses she could of it. "It's just perfect, Piyomon."

"Thanks." Her partner smiled at her, then settled down with her head tucked underneath one wing. Hawkmon, recovered from his faint, nuzzled up close to her, and she hugged him with her other wing.

Miyako wrapped her arms around Sora. "Why don't we leave them to rest, Sora-chan?" she asked quietly. Sora smiled as she briefly nuzzled her lover.

"All right." Together they headed out of the small room, and Sora squeezed her. "Our family. We have a family, Miya-chan. One all our own...well, sort of."

Miyako chuckled softly. "Auntie Sora."

"Auntie Miyako."

The other smiled. "I like the sound of that."

"So do I," Sora decided. She laid her head on Miyako's shoulder as they walked along, and knew there was nothing but joy in all hearts in that home.

The End