Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Double Courage Fluff ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Double Courage Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

It looked hideous. Covered in autographs, stiff as a board, and very, very annoying. Daisuke glared down at it as if it had personally offended him, which it essentially had.

"Hey, you'll be out of that in no time, Dai-chan." Taichi reminded him. "You heal up fast, remember?"

Daisuke sighed deeply. "Not enough time!" The soccer season was going well: and going without them.

"They'll do fine without us, Dai-chan." Taichi reassured him. Daisuke wasn't being very reassured, however.

"I wanted to play! He pouted, and Taichi patted him firmly on the shoulder.

"So did I." He sighed a little. "I can't believe those jerks did this, just because we beat them on the soccer field!" Breaking Daisuke's bones weren't very easy, but getting thrown in front of a speeding car could definitely do it. He was healing fast, but it had been a bad break, so it was taking a while.

Daisuke sighed. "I should have Light Waved the batch of them." He wasn't often vindictive, but these were special circumstances. Taichi chuckled softly.

"Don't worry, Ken and Yamato took care of them. We may be their exes, but we're such well cared for exes!"

The redhead chuckled some. "I know. You'd think we couldn't lift a hand for ourselves." Taichi grinned and Daisuke leaned back into his pillows. "When are they due again to see if we need help breathing or whatever?"

"Fifteen minutes, four seconds...three seconds...."

"And they'll fuss around us until I want to scream." Daisuke leaned his head against Taichi as the other sat beside him. "I just hope they don't bring Jyou and Iori with them." He was still a trifle surprised that Yamato had Iori had wound up together, though Jyou and Ken wasn't that much of a shock. Ken's emotional wounds had mostly healed, but it was Jyou's stability that he needed, and Daisuke didn't begrudge it to him one bit.

"Hey, at least Jyou's a doctor!" Taichi reminded him, then leaned over and started to gently massage Daisuke's shoulders, pulling a soft, enjoyed moaned out of his younger lover. "At least it gives us plenty of excuses to stay in our dorm."

Daisuke purred softly. "True. And do ...things."

"Not enough time, though."

Daisuke muttered irritatedly, "No, our overly concerned exes have to show up." He smiled softly as Taichi pulled him closer to him. "I love you, Tai-chan."

"I love you, Dai-chan." Taichi smiled at him teasingly, peering over his shoulder. "Although, isn't this a bit like narcissism?" He grinned. "After all, everyone calls you a Taichi-clone."

Daisuke rolled his eyes. "Screw 'em."

"I'd rather screw you." Taichi teased him. Daisuke's eyes lit up with joy.


Taichi turned his head gently so he could nibble on Daisuke's lips, and purred as the younger Chosen's arms went around him and Daisuke started to nibble on him as well.

The impromptu makeout session was halted when a cough came from the doorway. Daisuke didn't even look up, though he knew who it was. "If you're the annoying exes who want to see if we need any help, we're rather occupied."

Ken chuckled softly. "Sorry, just one annoying ex today, Yamato was busy. So, I'm to take this to mean don't want your notes from today's class?"

"Not right now."

The ex-Kaiser rolled his eyes. "Oh, and your parents are coming up, Taichi."

Daisuke and Taichi both pulled away from each other and stared over at them. "What?" The word came from both of them, and Ken grinned.

"Your parents are downstairs, checking in at the visitor's station." Ken told him. Taichi looked as if he were about to fall over


Ken shrugged, then motioned to the calendar. "Maybe because it's your birthday."

Taichi looked over to where the date had been circled and felt like slapping his forehead. I forgot my own birthday!! When did I turn into a ditz?? "Oh."

"Would you like some help getting more decent?" Ken asked, looking at the half-dressed pair. At Taichi's nod, he came over to help Daisuke get properly dressed. Taichi could easily do it for himself, but his help often turned into other things. "Have you two come out, at least to your families?"

Daisuke shook his head and snorted. "You think my family actually gives a hoot?"

Ken snorted as he muttered something very rude, but quite true, about human Motomiya observation skills, and smoothed the shirt he'd just helped Daisuke into. "There, how's that?"

"Thanks." Daisuke glanced down at it, then looked at Taichi. "Tai-chan, do you think we should? To your parents, at least?"

Taichi nodded his agreement; he'd been thinking about that for a while. "If Hikari hasn't spilled her guts already."

Daisuke grinned mischievously. "She probably already has." Hikari wasn't really a tattle-tale but sometimes she did like to do things just to tease her brother. The Yagami parents wouldn't really care about the romance, they'd known Taichi was gay ever since he was dating Yamato, but they would probably be a bit peeved he hadn't told them about his romance with Daisuke.

Taichi snorted and chuckled. "You know, I thought Mom was eyeing you a bit assessingly, the last time we went home."

Daisuke considered for a moment. "You know, I think you're right." Mrs. Yagami had been looking at him a bit oddly...he'd thought it was just because he'd eaten an entire carton of ice cream and was feeling more hyper than usual.

"She probably already has the wedding half-planned." Taichi chuckled, then both jumped as a knock on the door sounded. "They're here!"

Daisuke muttered something foul as Ken opened the door and bowed politely. "Hello, Yagami-san. I was just helping them get comfortable for watching television after dropping off their notes." He looked every bit as angelic and helpful as he could, and that was very.

"That's very nice of you." Mr. Yagami told him. They'd always been rather surprised that the famous Ichijouji Ken was the close friend of their offspring, but he was just so nice...

"I'm always willing to help." Ken beamed at them. "But now I have to get to my own homework. Have fun, you two!" He headed out as Taichi's parents entered.

"Mom, Dad!" Taichi grinned happily at them; even when they interrupted makeout sessions, he was glad to see them. "Thanks for coming!"

"Happy birthday, Taichi." Mrs. Yagami smiled at her son and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Taichi ducked his head a little.

"Thanks. I'd forgotten!" That was something that the others weren't going to let him forget for a long time, he knew. Though maybe he could entice Daisuke into some light celebrating later...

Mr. Yagami smiled, then pulled a small gift wrapped package out of his pocket. "Here you go, son!"

Underneath the wrapping paper was a jewelry box, and Taichi stared at it, wondering somewhere in his mind if his parents hadn't thought he was a little too into the gay stereotype. Well, it was his birthday, and they had brought him a gift. "It's beautiful!"

His father chuckled. "Open it."

Inside was a beautiful pair of heirloom wedding rings. Taichi's eyes widened; he had seen them when he went to visit his grandmother, but he had never once thought about owning them! His mother chuckled. "Your grandmother wanted you to have them on your twenty-first birthday."

"Thank you!" He hugged both of them, and received nice warm hugs back. This was turning out to be a rather great birthday!

Mr. Yagami smiled over at Daisuke, watching all of this with amused eyes. He knew the younger boy didn't exactly have a good relationship with his parents, so he'd always tried to be especially nice to him. "Hello, Daisuke. We heard about the leg. Tough luck, so close to the end of the championship."

"Tell me about it." Daisuke glowered down at his leg again. "I think it's being slow on purpose!"

"Don't worry about it." Mr. Yagami reassured him. "You'll heal up and next season, you'll be back at the top of your game, and you'll both be in the championships!"

"I hope so." Daisuke had been very much looking forward to this championship game, and to miss out on it hurt.

Taichi laughed a trifle nervously. "So, Mom, Dad...is that all you came here for?"

"Not exactly." Mr. Yagami grinned at him, and Taichi mentally gulped. He wasn't afraid, but he was feeling about the same way he did when they'd asked him if he'd done something and he hadn't yet.

"Not exactly."

Mrs. Yagami nodded. "So, just when were you two going to tell us you're together?" Both boys blushed and stammered, obviously taken off guard, and the parents simply watched quietly.

"Um..." Taichi worked out. "After Hikari and Sora do?"

His mom smiled. "They already did."

Taichi winced; he was going to have to talk to Hikari about this. Then he firmed himself. "Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Daisuke." He smiled gently. "And the love of my life."

Mrs. Yagami nodded approvingly. "It's about time you admitted it."

Taichi blushed gently, and Daisuke smiled quietly, touching his boyfriend's hand. "And you're the love of mine, Tai-chan."

"I'm certain you two have some kind of plans made." Mrs. Yagami stood up, then grinned. "Or that you'd like to make."

Taichi nodded, trying not to show how ashamed he was of having forgotten his own birthday. Daisuke muttered softly, "Not as many plans as we'd like to have." He looked over at Taichi and smiled. "We'll make up for it later, though."

"Be careful, though, boys, Daisuke is still injured." Mrs. Yagami reminded him as the both of them stood up. "We'll see you this weekend."

Taichi breathed a sigh of relief as they left, then slipped his way over to where Daisuke was and snuggled into his welcoming arms. "I love you, Tai-chan." Daisuke murmured as he nibbled softly on his lover's ear. For several long moments, the only sounds that could be heard from there were the soft moans and eager cries of two people who loved each other very much. They couldn't quite go as far as they wanted, but this was enough for them, for now.

Taichi leaned up to gaze into Daisuke's eyes. "Marry me?" It was obvious Daisuke was rather startled by the out of the blue question. "Marry me, Dai-chan?"

"Are you...serious?" Daisuke stared in shock, his hands dropping from where they'd been caressing Taichi.

"Very." The Child of Courage told him. "I love you and I want to share my life, all of it, with you."

Daisuke blinked for a moment, uncertain of what to say, then the answer burst out of his lips. "Yes!"

Taichi leaned up to claim Daisuke's lips in a kiss, then snagged one of the rings from the box and slid it onto Daisuke's finger. "Forever, Dai-chan. I love you."

Daisuke smiled and wrapped an arm around Taichi, feeling utterly complete. "I love you."

And, as cliché as it sounds...they lived happily ever after.

The End