Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Reliability and Hope Fluff ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Reliability and Hope Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

Takeru was going insane as he threw things out of his closet and all over the room. "What should I wear? What should I wear?" He paid no attention to Daisuke and Ken as they watched him make a fool of himself. He pulled out a turtleneck sweater and shook his head. "Nope."

As he tossed it over his shoulder, Daisuke caught it nimbly. "Well, you could...no, you wouldn't."

Takeru turned quickly. "What? What?" He was willing to take in suggestions from anywhere right now.

"Naked." The redhead smirked at him, and Takeru yelped in shock.

"What?? No, thank you!" He should've known Daisuke would be suggesting something like that. The twenty year old had a serious penchant for sexual by-play.

Daisuke smirked teasingly at him. "Got something to hide?" He yelped in his own turn as Ken smacked him gently.

"Be nice, Suke-chan." The ex-Kaiser admonished him. Daisuke grinned.

"I was. I could have suggested that he just wrap a bow around--" Ken covered Daisuke's mouth as Takeru blushed furiously.

"Sorry about that, Takeru," the Child of Kindness offered. "Why not the gray slacks and the red shirt? You have that matching jacket in case it gets cold, and you do look good in red. As Suke-chan was trying to prove." He chuckled a little. "Besides, you don't have anything left in the closet and I doubt that you want to meet your date in your towel."

Takeru squawked as he started to grab for the clothes, and Ken dragged Daisuke out of the room to let their friend dress in peace. He was just in time, for a knock came on the door. "I'll get it!" Ken called out. "We were just leaving, anyway."

He swung the door open to see Jyou, dressed very nicely, much more formally than he usually did, standing out there. "Hey, Jyou!" Ken smiled at the other blue-haired one. "Congratulations on your doctorate!"

"Thanks." Jyou blushed faintly; he was still embarrassed over having been the first one of them to graduate university, despite being the oldest of the group. He still had his shy moments, and it appeared this was one of them.

"So what are you doing here?" Ken asked. Jyou made a face.

"Yamato told me to meet my blind date here. I guess it's some friend of Takeru's or something." Jyou had never really been that much into dating, and the other two knew that Yamato had gone out of his way to help his friend get a date. The two of them looked at each other as they realized what was going on, and Daisuke chuckled.

"Takeru is going to kill Yamato," Ken murmured. Jyou looked confused, and Ken chuckled a bit. "You'll see. Come on, Suke-chan, we have plans, remember?"

Daisuke grinned wickedly. "Is the leather shop still open?"

"No." Ken chuckled. "But the ice cream parlor is." He laughed as he pulled Daisuke out of the apartment, leaving Jyou to stand there wondering what was going on.

He didn't wonder for too long, though, as Takeru came out, looking unutterably gorgeous. The blonde looked at him curiously. "Hey, Jyou. Where are Daisuke and Ken?"

"They had to go." Jyou told him. He tried not to think too closely of just how gorgeous Takeru looked in that outfit. He had grown up into a very fine hunk of human, and Jyou could hardly keep his mouth from watering, for a dozen reasons.

"Oh." Takeru blinked slightly. "What are you doing here?"

Jyou shrugged. "Yamato set me up on a blind date. I'm supposed to meet him here." He glanced around casually, forcing his eyes to leave the gorgeous form before him. "Some friend of yours?"

Takeru blinked for a moment, then growled suddenly and angrily. "I'm going to kill him." Jyou looked confused and Takeru looked even angrier. "Yamato! I'm going to kill him! The least he could have done was warn one of us!" He could see the look of confusion in Jyou's sweet black eyes. "I'm your blind date!"

Jyou's jaw dropped and he turned bright red as Takeru spat out a few more curses that he usually reserved for those of the powers of evil. "I..I.." Jyou turned. "This is a bad idea..."

"No! Wait, Jyou." Takeru sighed. "Yamato's already set up everything."

Jyou shook his head. "You don't want to go with me, Takeru. At the thought of it, you looked about ready to kill something."

Takeru tried to explain. "I want to kill Yamato, he could have warned one of us, instead of leaving the both of us in the dark." He sighed, murmuring just loudly enough for Jyou's vampiric hearing to pick it up. "Especially since I've been dreaming about this since I was thirteen..."

Jyou's eyes widened in shock, and he murmured softly, "You...too?"

Takeru smiled a bit and nodded. "So...shall we then?" Jyou nodded quietly, and they started out the door. The blonde smiled a bit. "So, you finally made doctor. Going to stop worrying now?"

"Of course not!" Jyou grinned. "And I hear that you sold your first novel."

Takeru shrugged as they headed out the door. "It wasn't much." He'd only been trying to get sold since he was fourteen. Six years wasn't that long to wait.

"That's not what I've heard." Jyou had seen Takeru working on it off and on over the last several years, and he knew that his friend had talent.

"It's not like getting a doctorate. You had to work, I just ...wrote."

Jyou smiled. "Very well too. What was it I heard once? Writing is easy, you just stare at a blank piece of paper until drops of blood come out of your forehead."

Takeru rolled his eyes. "After what we've been through in the Digital World, writing was easy."

"Writing about what we did?"

"Yeah, sort of. I used some of the circumstances, but not us exactly." Takeru started to tell him how he'd changed things for the novel version of their adventures, and the story lasted till they were nearly at the restaurant their reservations were for. "And the guy that took Yamato's part? He married Sora and became an astronaut."

Jyou laughed. "That should be punishment enough for Yamato. But what did Ken ever do to you that you'd marry him to Miyako? Or his book counterpart at least? I mean, Miyako's a nice girl, but she's really not his type."

Takeru shrugged. "I'm not quite up to Mercedes Lackey's standards yet, so I can't quite go around breaking the rules. All happy endings must have boy/girl pairing."

"But why Miyako?" Jyou looked the most baffled by that. "I mean, why not Noriko or Hikari?"

Takeru shrugged lightly again. "I wasn't happy with the ending, really. I might revise it." He grinned. "Though if you must know, I picked Miyako because she did have that crush on him once you know. And I suppose they could make a pair of it, if they really wanted to. It's just that we know they don't want to that makes it so weird."

Jyou nodded. "How would you have ended it if it had been what you were really happy with?"

"Like this." Takeru waved a hand. "Us as we are, not the boy/girl ending with kids included." It was rather odd. Iori and Yamato were together, as were Daisuke and Ken, Koushirou and Taichi, Hikari and Noriko, Sora and Jun, Mimi and Lillymon, Miyako and Catherine. There had been shockwaves, of course, but the group had stuck together and stuck it out, and now it was perfectly acceptable, at least by most people. There were always irritating holdouts, but they didn't present a problem.

Jyou smiled. "I think the real ending would be more fun...in fact, I know it is: since we lived it."

* * *

It was dark by the time they headed home again, having enjoyed the meal and the conversation and the latest semi-romantic vampire movie.

"So, in your professional opinion, Dr. Kido, what did you think of the vampire's biting technique?" Takeru wondered. Jyou grinned.

"It sucked."

Takeru looked at him to see if he meant the double meaning, and chuckled when he saw Jyou's black eyes gleaming at him. "That, Dr. Kido, was totally unnecessary!"

"So?" Jyou looked innocently at him, and Takeru smacked him on the arm, grinning.

"I'm glad that Yamato arranged tonight." His initial reluctant to go on this date had faded with every moment, and his homicidal tendencies towards his brother had eased off. Though he wouldn't object to putting a cream pie in his bed or something...

Jyou nodded. "So am I. I've had a really good time." He smiled. "My first date in a couple of years, actually."

Takeru snorted. "My first real date, period."

"You're joking."

"Nope." Takeru grinned. "Yamato as an older brother, need I say more?"

Jyou winced; Yamato had subtly set out the word that anyone, male or female, who wanted to date Takeru was going to have to go through his approval first. The elder blonde wasn't a bully, but it was so well known how protective he was that no one had really wanted to try and get through him. He was honestly surprised that his blind date had turned out to be Takeru. Was he trying to keep them away so I'd have a chance? No... "Good point."

"But tonight was fun." Takeru smiled warmly at him. "Of course, your wisecracks throughout the movie didn't help any."

Jyou shrugged. "Professional interest."

"Then why don't you move to Hollywood and show them how it's really done?" Takeru teased. Jyou chuckled and shook his head; Hollywood really wasn't his style. Takeru smiled, then sighed as he looked up and saw where they were: just outside of his apartment. "Well, there's home."

The blue-haired one with him sighed. "Guess the evening's almost over."

Takeru looked just as disappointed. "Yeah." He leaned over and kissed Jyou softly on the cheek. "Thanks for a fun time."

Jyou smiled, then stiffened suddenly. "No...not now!" Takeru looked at him worriedly, and Jyou looked over at him, his black eyes full of a deep-set blood hunger. Takeru gulped slightly and took a step back carefully.

"Went too long." Jyou gritted his teeth, fighting back on the hunger for blood that was trying to take him over. Takeru looked at him, then took two steps closer.

"Jyou...if you need to feed, you can feed off of me." He could see the shock in Jyou's eyes, covering up the hunger briefly. "You need blood."

Jyou nodded slowly. "I...don't want to lose control..." Takeru nodded in agreement, and Jyou took a deep breath. He stepped up next to the blonde and gently sank his fangs into the neck offered. He fed carefully and neatly, using all of his skill to make certain that it felt very good for Takeru.

Once he was done, he pulled out, licking his lips. "Thank you, Takeru," he murmured, catching the other as Takeru's head dropped to his shoulder, blue eyes closing. He picked Takeru up and carried him inside to the apartment. He'll be out for a while. I don't think I took too much, but it's been a long evening.

It was a good thing Jyou and Takeru had been friends for so long; Jyou knew where Takeru kept his spare keys at so he could get inside. He blushed some doing it, but he carefully undressed the blonde down to his shorts, and tucked him into bed with a smile.

He was almost out the door when a soft voice caught his attention. "Jyou?"

The vampire looked back at him. "Hm?"

"Can we do this again, sometime?" Takeru wondered. Jyou couldn't help but smile, he looked so adorable half-asleep, as if he were eight again.

"Sure." Jyou smiled back at him as Takeru settled back down into deep sleep, then quietly left, his heart singing a joyous love song. He was going to have to do something very nice for Yamato one of these days...something to repay him for uniting him with Takeru. Under the stars, he made his way home, and never before had he been this perfectly content.

The End