Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Jyousuke Fluff ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Jyousuke Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

The kitchen was full of very good smells as Daisuke cooked breakfast that balmy June morning. He smiled as Jyou nuzzled into him playfully. "Hungry, Jyou-chan?" He flipped the bacon expertly and inhaled the mixed scent of breakfast and his lover.

"For you?" Jyou grinned at him. "Always."

Daisuke rolled his eyes and kissed Jyou on the forehead. "You're so greedy!"

"Just because I want you all to myself?" Jyou was feeling playful this morning, and Daisuke knew why. He didn't object, he was feeling the same way. Both of them got a lot more affectionate when they were going to be apart for a while.

He grinned up at the blue-haired one. "Yes. Remember when that guy in my senior class tried to ask me out? And we weren't even dating then!"

Jyou nuzzled closer. "And your point is, Dai-chan?" He had definitely grown up from how he'd been when the two of them had first met. He was still smart, still dedicated, still as reliable and faithful as he'd always been, but right now, it was very obvious that he had other things on his mind. "Besides, he wouldn't have been good for you."

"How do you know?"

The blue-haired Chosen chuckled. "Because he's now got a girlfriend in jail named 'Bubba'?"

Daisuke blinked a little in surprise; that was something he hadn't expected. He didn't doubt Jyou was right; but it was just a little hard to think that any of the people he had known growing up could be in prison now. Oh, well, that guy had been kind of on the sleazy side.

Jyou kissed him gently again, not letting him get even an inch away from him. "So, today's the day you go to New York?" his lover murmured. Daisuke nodded.

"I'll be gone about two weeks getting everything taken care of." He was one of the top art restorers in the world, his services in demand everywhere. Jyou nuzzled into him again; Daisuke was fairly certain about why Jyou was being so physical, and he didn't like leaving right now.

"I'll miss you."

Daisuke smiled. "I know. I'll miss you too." He grinned. "Don't fall for any cute redheads while I'm gone?"

Jyou blinked at him in amazement. "There are other cute redheads out there?" He grinned at the look on Daisuke's face, then turned serious. "Now don't you get wrapped up in your work, Dai-chan. They asked for your restoration talents because you're the best, that means you can tell them that you're quitting for the day and getting something to eat and sleep." He liked the way Daisuke blushed; he just looked so boyish when he did it. "All packed?"

"Took care of it while you were in the shower." Daisuke nodded. Jyou frowned slightly.

"Maybe I should go check it." He wanted to make sure Daisuke hadn't forgotten anything he'd need, soap, toothbrush, towels...he didn't trust those American hotels, you could never be too sure who had touched things before you had.

Daisuke rolled his eyes. "What are you going to do, Jyou-chan, hide inside one of my bags?"

"No, just my little worrywart notebook for you to go over every day." Jyou teased him. Daisuke chuckled softly, and Jyou grinned even more. "What, no list of things to do and not do for Chibimon?"

"You should know by now." Daisuke admonished him with a knowing grin. "If you let him get within ten miles of chocolate..."

"Chocolate?!" The cry came from the living room. "Where?? Where??"

Daisuke visibly winced. "I shouldn't have said the 'c' word." Chibimon bounced in, carried on Gomamon's back and babbling for food endlessly. Daisuke shook his head; he loved his partner a great deal, but when it came to food, he was scary! "I've got your lunch ready."

Gomamon blinked up at him. "Breakfast." It was early morning after all. Daisuke shook his head.

"Trust me, this is Chibimon's lunch." He knew how often his partner ate. He wasn't entirely certain, but he thought Chibimon sleep-ate.

Jyou pouted at him; he'd been practicing. "Then what about me?"

"I believe this is your dinner," Daisuke grinned at him. "After all, you already had me for breakfast and lunch already."

His lover nuzzled closer, still being physical and needy. "And dinner last night, and dessert." He chuckled softly, then almost squawked. "The food's burning!"

Daisuke pulled away just enough to get the food off the stove and onto the plates, divided into four portions, the most of which was going for Chibimon. He was a growing Digimon, and according to Koushirou's notes, would probably be strong enough to remain in V-mon form indefinitely on Earth any day now.

Jyou picked their own respective places and put them both in front of one chair that he slid into, and pulled Daisuke onto his lap. Daisuke just rolled his eyes; Jyou could get very protective/cuddly when he wanted to be, and it appeared that today was one of the days that he wanted to be. There was very little conversation as Jyou ate and fed Daisuke, not letting him do a thing for himself for the moment.

Daisuke rather enjoyed it; he loved Jyou greatly, and it felt so nice to have someone take care of him. He stifled a yawn; he had a lot of energy, even now when he was all grown up, but at this hour of the morning, his energy was all still sleeping. It's gonna be murder once I get to New York. I hate jet lag.

"Let's get dressed." Jyou ran a hand over Daisuke's silk pajama clad torso. They'd been a gift from him on Daisuke's last birthday, and he wore them frequently: when he wore anything in bed. "Then I'll drive you to the airport."

Daisuke nodded and grinned as they finished off dinner, and Jyou picked him up easily. "I can walk, Jyou-chan."

The blue-haired one smiled at him. "I want to hold you."

Well, there really wasn't all that much that could be said to that. Daisuke snuggled into his lover as he was carried into the bedroom, then placed carefully on the bed as if he were a precious item, and the blue-haired one he loved hunted for clean clothes for them both. He watched as Jyou carefully undressed him, then slowly redressed him, kissing every inch as he went along.

"You are such a tease, Jyou-chan!" Daisuke moaned as Jyou buttoned the last button and zipped the last zipper. Jyou only kissed him on the nose, and then got dressed himself, then looked at his redheaded lover.


Daisuke tilted his head to one side, examining Jyou. "Hm. Acceptable."

"I know." Jyou teasingly waggled his eyebrows, and Daisuke almost collapsed laughing; that was so un-teenage-Jyou like! But it just made him look cuter. "I'd rather be naked with you." The two of them chuckled softly, but Jyou pulled back as Daisuke tried to get closer. "We should go." Neither was too thrilled over that. "It's only a couple of weeks, Dai-chan."

"I know." Daisuke let Jyou haul him to his feet and let his lover check out the bags. Everything was in order and the two of them looked at each other. P> "Shall we go?" Jyou looked at him and held his hand out. Daisuke took the extended appendage.

"The sooner I go, the sooner I get back."

* * *

"I miss Dai-chan." Jyou murmured as he stared at the book before him. The others looked at him; that had become a common complaint over the last week.

"He'll be back at the end of the month, Jyou," Taichi reminded him. The group was gathered together at Jyou and Daisuke's apartment, ostensibly to keep him company while Daisuke was away, in reality to make certain he didn't claw the walls apart in his frustration.

Jyou shifted around restlessly. "I know, but I still miss him!" He was almost whining, and that sent chills down everyone's spine.

Koushirou looked warily at his friend. "Um, Jyou? Can I ask you something of a personal nature?" He waited until Jyou had given an abrupt nod. "How long ago was your last mating urge?"

The blue haired one shrugged casually. "I don't know." That, more than anything else, told them what was going on. Koushirou looked at Taichi.

"That explains it."

The brunette nodded, wincing faintly. "Daisuke's going to be in trouble." It had long been held among them that the only thing more insistent and demanding in bed than a breed in mating urge was two breeds in mating urge.

Ken grinned a little over at Taichi. "Isn't Yamato due for one of his own?" He leered teasingly at his friend, and Taichi only rolled his eyes and grinned in anticipation.

"Oh, yeah." He chuckled at Ken's amused snort. "Like you don't enjoy yours. You and Koushirou nearly broke the bed last time, I heard."

The Child of Kindness shrugged. "We both hit our mating urge at the same time. What do you expect?"

Jyou fidgeted a little more, staring in the general direction of New York as he did. "He'd better be eating right."

"With your regular e-mails, phone calls, telegrams, letters, and videotape?" Ken snorted; he was surprised Daisuke had time to work.

Jyou nodded suddenly, pulling out his laptop. "That reminds me." He typed up a quick e-mail and zipped it off to his boyfriend. A few moments later, the chime of new mail sounded. "Yeah, yeah, I know, Jyou-chan. I'm eating fine. Love you, Suke-chan." Jyou happily sighed, then started to fidget around again.

"Were we that bad?" Mimi looked at Sora with a raised eyebrow. The Child of Love shrugged lightly.

"I hope not."

Taichi snickered at the two girls. "You were worse!" Both of them glowered at him in unison, and the rest of the group snickered. Mimi glared over at the youngest member.

"You're just jealous because you and Takeru don't get mating urges, Iori!" She snapped at him. Iori just grinned back calmly.

"We also don't have to worry about replacing furniture every so often." He reminded her. "Why should I be jealous?"

Takeru chuckled softly in agreement. "After all, how many personal computers have Koushirou and Ken gone through?"

Hikari shuddered. "Four."

"Five." Taichi corrected them. "Ken lost his temper last week."

As they talked, Jyou shifted again, then started pacing, his problem very evident as he did so. Koushirou couldn't help but grin some. "I say he'll be leaving in ten seconds."

"I say five." Ken judged gravely. Mimi snorted.


Jyou glanced at his watch, then the open Digital Gate on Koushirou's laptop. He grabbed his Digivice out of his pocket, and was through the portal in nothing flat. Mimi held her hand out to the boys.

"Pay up." She turned as Sora chuckled in amusement at her. "What? Is it their fault I'm good?" She grinned as Sora pulled her onto her lap and snuggled. They had a very good idea of what was going to happen when Jyou arrived, and it was just as well they were on another continent. Those two were going to be very noisy.

* * *

Daisuke was up to his hips in restoration work, doing some research in the New York Public Library. He chuckled to himself as he read one of the stories that went along with an old woodcut about vampires and shook his head. Nope. That would never happen.

He was so intent on what he was doing that he almost came out of his skin when a finger ran down his spine, until a voice filled with need purred in his ear, "I missed you, Dai-chan."

He whirled around to see Jyou behind him, and hugged him in shock. "Jyou-chan!!" He was quite familiar with the look in Jyou's eyes at that moment, a glazed look that he tended to refer to as 'I'm going to have sex with the very first thing that moves' look. He chuckled in amusement. "Mating urge?" Jyou started to tug at his clothes. "Yup. Mating urge."

Jyou kissed Daisuke, hot and deep and strong. "Missed you, Dai-chan," He purred as he worked on the confining attire. Daisuke chuckled softly.

"So I see, Jyou-chan." The redhead did the same to the blue-haired one, and to their credit, they were as quiet as possible, as they were in a library, though Daisuke's hand very nearly had permanent teethmarks in it from where he muffled himself.

Once that was done, Daisuke slowly leaned back. "Think that will last you until we get to my apartment, Jyou-chan?"

"I think so." Jyou murmured, his eyes still a trifle glazed, but not as bad as they could have been.

Daisuke chuckled and reached for his clothing. "I hope so. I can't afford to get kicked out of here." Once they were both decent again, Jyou kissed Daisuke, nibbling softly at his lips.

"I brought some supplies."

Daisuke grinned. "You actually stopped for supplies? I'm shocked!"

"I've been carrying them around with me since you left," Jyou said proudly. Daisuke raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure some of it hasn't gone bad?"

Jyou carefully put his bag on the table and unzipped it, displaying the refrigerated section that had everything that needed to be kept cold in there. "Remember, Dai-chan, I'm always prepared."

Daisuke snorted in amusement, then grabbed Jyou by the hand. "Come on, love."

Jyou squeezed and smiled at him. "I've got all kinds of plans. I hope you have something for a sore throat, because I'm going to make you scream."

"Well, I needed a couple of days off anyway." Daisuke chuckled as they headed for the front door. Both of them waved goodbye to the librarians on duty, and one of them teasingly leered at Daisuke, wanting to know if the gorgeous creature with him was his boyfriend.

As they headed back to the apartment, several blocks from the library, a gruff voice came from the nearest alleyway, uttered by a scruffy looking mugger with a gun. "Gimme your money!"

Jyou looked at him and started to chuckle softly. The mugger did a doubletake; no one had ever laughed at him before. "What's so funny??"

"You." Jyou let the part of him that was the vampire come forward, his fangs sliding out. "Thanks for dropping in...for dinner." As the rapidly paling mugger paled, Jyou grabbed him easily by a wrist and slammed him into a wall, taking the gun easily from him. "Do you regret doing this?" The man stammered something that was neither yes or no, and Jyou tilted his victim's head to the side, then sank his fangs in. He fed gently, not taking enough to kill him or knock him out, but just to weaken him. Jyou dropped the gun and fired a Blue Lightning at it, turning the weapon into unusable junk. "Take up a different line of work." He wiped his mouth neatly, then looked to where Daisuke had been waiting patiently. "Sorry, Dai-chan."

Daisuke rolled his eyes. "Come on. I need dinner."

Jyou grinned at him teasingly. "But I already ate!" The two of them headed on back to Daisuke's apartment, after leaving the would be mugger where he could be found and taken care of. Jyou looked slightly playfully offended as Daisuke pretended to an annoyed air. "Is my Dai-chan mad at me?"

"I dunno." Daisuke grinned. "Am I?" He chuckled as he opened the door. "Then again, it could be because you ate without me."

Jyou chuckled. "Sorry?"

"Don't be sorry." Daisuke waved a finger at him. "Make it up to me. After all, you're the one in a mating urge." He grinned. "After I eat."

Daisuke rummaged around and found some leftover pizza, and started to eat as Jyou watched. After a few slices, Daisuke had a drink, then headed for the bathroom. When he came out, he was completely and deliciously naked. He looked at Jyou, arms crossed and foot tapping. "Well?"

Jyou was beside him a second later, kissing every inch of him. Daisuke shoved him away and waved a finger. "Clothes. Now." In a moment, they were both ready for each other. "Now, where were we?" Together, they sank down into each other, and it became too intimate for anyone but the two of them.

The End