Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Reliability and Friendship Fluff ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Reliability and Friendship Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

The house was quiet and still when he drove up, exhausted from a hard day. As he trudged inside, the first thing that he saw was his blue-haired other half asleep on the couch, passed out while trying to wait up for him. He smiled gently and came over there. "Hey, gorgeous." All Jyou did was murmur sleepily, and Yamato stroked his hand lightly.


"Hey." Yamato smiled warmly at his mate, and Jyou smiled back up at him sleepily.

"What time is it?" He'd wanted to go to Yamato's concert, but he'd had to work late, and the time just never seemed to come. He sighed as Yamato told him just how late it was. "How was the concert?"

"Same as always." Yamato shrugged lightly, stroking Jyou's hand the whole way.

Jyou rubbed his eyes a little as he held Yamato's hand. "Sorry I couldn't be there."

"It's okay." Yamato smiled as he was pulled close to Jyou and snuggled against his chest. He loved his blue-haired other half, and he knew that Jyou wasn't really that much of a 'concert' person. It didn't really bother him that his lover couldn't go to his shows as much as he wanted to. I know he wants to go, just to see me, but things always have a way of happening...

Jyou murmured something sleepily that was cut off by the end of a yawn. Yamato looked at him for a moment, then smiled. He's asleep again. He carefully plucked Jyou's glasses off his head before they fell off and broke, and snuggled into him.

"Yama-chan?" Jyou's eyes fluttered a bit. "Love you...today's our anniversary, love."

Yamato smiled softly. "I know." That was one reason he'd wanted to come home so much, and had skipped the post-concert party with the band.

"Just wanted you to know that I still love you, even after five years." Jyou smiled warmly at him, love in those deep black eyes. Yamato gazed back at him.

"I love you, no matter what. I'll love you in another fifty years."

Jyou cuddled him closely and gently. "They can have your music and their dreams, but you're mine at the end of the concert."

"Always and forever." Yamato nuzzled him softly, a deep sense of perfection at their love filling him. No, it was better than perfection. They did have disagreements and fights, and sometimes Jyou just drove him nuts, but it didn't matter, really. That was part of life, part of love. He'd never expected things to be perfect.

Jyou kissed him softly. "Can we take a nap now?" He looked exhausted. His studies were really getting to him. Yamato made a note to find a way to get him on a vacation something very soon. Jyou needed it. As they curled up together on the couch, Jyou purred softly, "I'll bite you later, my pretty."

Yamato's blue eyes twinkled at him. "Promise?"


* * *

A few days later, Jyou quietly puttered around the apartment, waiting for dinner to finish cooking. Yamato was the one napping now, curled up in their favorite couch. He'd had another concert to deal with, and a major round of rehearsals to sap his energy. Jyou watched him sleep, then gently pulled a blanket over him. He always looks so cute when he's asleep.

He headed over to add some more ingredients to the dinner stew, making a face when the phone rang. "Hello?"

"Ishida Yamato, please." A male voice came from the other end, and Jyou recognized the voice of Yamato's agent.

"He's asleep. Can I take a message?" Jyou had never been quite fond of this guy; he always seemed to think of Yamato as more a commodity than a person. I guess that's what agents do, but I just don't like it.

"Certainly. The call just came back, the movie deal is sealed." Jyou listened in surprise as he learned that his mate was supposed to be working on a movie that would take him all the way around Japan, and to a few other countries, for the next three years.

"I see. I'll pass the message along." Jyou hung up and went back to stirring the stew, his mind more on what had just happened than cooking as he slowly prepared things. So caught up in his thoughts was he that when Yamato called his name from behind him, he almost jumped out of his skin.

"Jyou-chan?" Yamato blinked at him; he was definitely not used to surprising his lover like that. Jyou just shook his head as he turned the stew off, and carried it over to the table.

"Why didn't you tell me about the movie deal?" he asked quietly, turning to look at the blonde. Yamato looked surprised.

"I didn't think I'd get it!" Had it really happened? But Jyou looked upset about it...

"Well, you did." Jyou looked down into his food bowl. "I'm glad for you." He sat down, Yamato mimicking the movement on his side of the table. "They said that you'd be gone three years. Two years of filming and then another year promoting the film." He could see by the shock in Yamato's eyes that that was a surprise. "You didn't know?"

Yamato shook his head, and Jyou took a very deep breath. He was going to do this. It meant a lot to Yamato, he knew that. "Do you want to go, Yama-chan?"

"I don't know, anymore." Yamato was honest; he'd thought he'd never get the part, that's why he'd tried out in the first place.

Jyou looked at him. "I could go with you if you want." That was not what Yamato had been expecting. "If you want me to go with you, I will."

The blonde looked in shock. "But...your internship..." Jyou couldn't leave for three years; he'd lose what he'd been working for!

"Yama-chan, you're more important to me than the internship. Besides, I'm already a practicing doctor in the Digital World. The internship's just so I can practice here. I know enough to work there, and you know that's where I'm happiest."

"You're serious?" Yamato stared, totally unable to believe his eyes. Jyou nodded slowly.

"As serious as I was five years ago when I asked you to marry me." He smiled warmly. "It's all up to you, love."

Yamato looked at him for a moment, then nodded slowly. "All right, we'll do it."

"And we can use the excuse of your 'unusual allergies'?" Jyou rolled his eyes but grinned at the excuse they'd come up with for Yamato's occasional odd needs that came from being a breed.

The blonde grinned so innocently he almost resembled Takeru. "I need my special doctor."

"Even though I make you scream?" Jyou chuckled at him. Yamato waggled his eyebrows playfully.

"You just make it feel better."

Jyou grinned wickedly at him. "By kissing or licking?"


"Let's eat dinner first, my dear," Jyou told him, then grinned lasciviously. "Then I'll eat you."

Yamato started to quickly eat, while Jyou teasingly took his time, slowly licking the spoon cleaning, taunting Yamato with what he planned to do to him. "What shall the treat be tonight? Honey? Ice cream? Chocolate sauce?" His voice deepened into sexy purr. After all their years together, he was much more comfortable with his sexuality and their sexplay. "You?"

Jyou smirked as Yamato moaned helplessly at the mere thought of that, then slowly came over to him and hauled him first to his feet, then over his shoulder. "I'm going to take you to our bedroom and ravish you until you scream, Yama-chan."

"So what are you waiting for?"

"Your answer. What topping should I use tonight?" Jyou waited to hear what the other wanted. This was a relationship after all.

After a moment, the answer came. "Honey." Jyou reached over to get the honey, moving carefully so he didn't hit Yamato's head anywhere he shouldn't, and then smacked Yamato on the rump lightly.

"Behave, slave!" he ordered coldly. Yamato whimpered playfully; one of their favorite sex games was 'master and slave', and he utterly enjoyed being unable to control himself, at another's will. He didn't twitch as Jyou carried him off to the bedroom with the honey, then placed him on the bed and went for the straps.

Jyou very carefully and lovingly stripped Yamato, tying him down with the leather, and paused midway to nibble on the blonde's lips. He nipped slowly down his beloved captive, teasing in every area, then looked up as Yamato wiggled. "Behave, or else, pet."

Yamato did his best to settle down as Jyou's hands slid up him, and he bit back a moan just from the casual contact. Jyou's fangs brushed against the inner thigh gently, then looked up as Yamato twitched again. "I can still stop, toy." Yamato forced himself to hold still, and Jyou purred approvingly. "Much better." He gently sank his fangs in, knowing how much Yamato loved it when he fed down there. He only took a little; he didn't want Yamato to be so weakened that they couldn't play, and shortly pulled back, licking his lips. This was just the beginning.

As Yamato purred softly, Jyou slowly dripped the honey all over Yamato's most interesting parts and even more slowly licked it all gone. "You're the sweetest treat of all, my love," he murmured into Yamato's ear."

"So are you, Jyou-chan." Yamato managed to whisper, even as Jyou got started on the next phase. It was quite a good thing they had their apartment soundproofed, otherwise the neighbors might well have heard something that night. Once they were both done, Jyou snuggled into Yamato, who looked at him. "Um, Jyou-chan?"

"Yes, Yama-chan?"

Yamato smiled at him. "I'm a bit tied up."

"I know." The blue-haired one grinned at him teasingly. "You don't think I'm done, do you, Yama-chan? I intend to keep you here all night. Tonight is ours, Yama-chan, and you're mine." His black eyes gleamed with love and lust. "Plus, I want to screw you until you can't walk straight tomorrow." He nuzzled into Yamato's neck. "You can relax on the couch and talk to your agent." He started to nip at Yamato's neck softly as his interest began to stir again. It was just the beginning of a very long and wonderful night.

* * *

"Yama-chan, it's almost time to go, are you ready yet?" Jyou peered into their dressing room. Yamato looked over at him.

"I can't get this tie right!" The most powerful Mega in the Digital World whined. Jyou chuckled softly, then came over to fix it. "Thanks, Jyou-chan." Yamato nuzzled gently at his husband's hand. The last three years had been rough, but they'd handled it together. That was what they did.

"We have to go, Yama-chan." Jyou gently pulled away from him, and Yamato pouted slightly.

"Do we have to?" He wanted to play!"

Jyou chuckled. "You are the movie's star, Yama-chan. Besides, it's my turn to get tied down tonight." He leaned over to nibble on Yamato's ear teasingly. "Perfect. Come on, love."

The two of them hugged lightly as they headed out. One of the benefits of the three years of film-making had been that Yamato had officially come out, and announced that he and Jyou were married. Of course, since they'd been caught on film kissing, and the pictures had been across the world in hours, there wasn't much they could do to deny it.

"Do you realize it's been eight years now?" Jyou grinned at him. "Eight years of bliss, arguments, whining....mostly from your fans. Do you regret anything?"

Yamato smiled at him. "Only that I didn't fall for you sooner." He leaned over to brush his lips across Jyou's gently.

"You're so easy to please." Jyou chuckled at him. "And you know how to please me, love." They walked down the sidewalk together, arm in arm. "I never missed the hospital, you know." Jyou mused. "The work I did in the Digital World was always more satisfying." He smiled at his lover. "What about you?"

"Being with you is what makes me happy, Jyou-chan." Yamato held him tightly, and Jyou snuggled.

"Love you, Yama-chan."

"Love you too, Jyou-chan."

The End