Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Friendship and Knowledge ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Friendship and Knowledge Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

Yamato wasn't quite running along, but he was moving rather fast as he slipped through the streets of Odaiba. He could hear footsteps behind him, not very loud ones, indeed, they were almost too silent. It sent chills down his spine.

As did the voice that ghosted out of the night at him. "Leaving so soon, Yama-chan?"

Yamato froze at once, and a hand trailed down his arm, with a nose nuzzling against his neck. "There's no one home at my place." Koushirou purred, his eyes glazed over with something Yamato knew all too well himself: a Digimon mating urge. At the touch, he could almost feel his mind slipping away; he had seen mating urges before, and he knew that Koushirou's brilliant brain wasn't going to be good for anything until he got what he wanted taken care of. A Digimon's mating urge could only be satisfied by their true soulmate, which at least meant you weren't going to be waking up with someone you hated, most of the time. He'd heard stories...

His thoughts, such as they were at the moment, were derailed sharply as Koushirou calmly picked him, showing a great deal of the strength he had developed over the last few years as he began to resemble his biological father more and more, and threw him over a shoulder. Yamato's hands automatically clamped down on Koushirou's buttocks for support, eliciting a chuckle as the other started to carry him through the dark streets.

It didn't take all that long for them to reach the Izumi apartment, and Koushirou gently laid his catch down on the bed and started to work him over gently. Just what they did and how often they did it is no one's business but their own, but a great deal of time later, they lay next to one another, cooling off.

Koushirou was about to relax totally into sleep, when his mind suddenly cleared and his eyes snapped open and he went completely stiff, though not exactly in the way they had just been enjoying with each other. He started to stammer an apology, and Yamato touched his shoulder lightly. "Hush. I know you couldn't help yourself, but I don't mind."

The redhead stared at him in shock, his eyes huge and luminescent as his cheeks turned bright red. "What???" Yamato only looked back, calm and determined. He wasn't usually this open about his feelings; and if things had happened differently, he might well have gone on for months without telling anyone anything, but this was a special occasion. If I don't say something, I'll lose him. And I won't do that. I just won't.

Koushirou stared several times, then slowly leaned into him, the blushing fading as he got used to being there. This wasn't so bad. In fact, it was rather nice. "I wanted to ask you out," he murmured softly, thinking of all the times he'd slipped to Yamato's concerts when no one was looking, just to see the glorious musician in all his...glory. That was creative. Well, words aren't my forte. And it's my own head, I can think anything I want to.

"I wanted you to ask me out too," Yamato murmured softly. Koushirou glanced up at him curiously.

"I thought you were with Sora." That was what everyone had thought over the last few years. Yamato shook his head and snorted.

"Do you know what Biyomon would do to me if I was serious about that?" The blonde looked at Koushirou's incredulous expression. "You mean, you didn't know??"

Koushirou looked at him dryly. "Yamato, I thought, even you know, I'm not good with relationships or emotions. People have to point out the obvious to me. Why do you think I prefer computers? Not as complicated."

"The only reason I ever went out with Sora was so no one would know that she's secretly in love with a large pink bird," Yamato informed him. "It was Biyomon's idea, really. That's why she brought me those cookies during one concert that the Digimon crashed way back when. She wanted to talk to me about it, and that was the best way she could think of." He smiled a bit. "And then...I wasn't sure how I felt about you."

Koushirou blushed slightly. "I knew since File Island." He would never forget the moment he had first known. He'd seen Yamato being so protective of his little brother, and a part of him had wondered what it would be like to have someone...to have Yamato so protective over him, only not because they were siblings, but because...

Yamato chuckled softly. "Well, that was a lot of wasted worrying over who you liked! Do you know I could've sworn you liked Mimi once?"

"Please." Koushirou shook his head. "She was just trying to get me to tell you." He blushed a bit. "She's the only one other than Tentomon that knows about my feelings for you." He'd come clean to her just after they'd had to deal with Centauromon, while they were on the way to join back up with the others. In that moment, he'd felt fairly close to her, despite their very different personalities, so he'd confided his secret crush. She hadn't laughed at him, and that had meant a lot.

Yamato smiled softly, then leaned over to slowly run his tongue across Koushirou's neck. The other turned bright red, his skin almost fading into his hair, and whimpered softly as Yamato smiled at him. "You like?"

"Very much," Koushirou moaned, and Yamato did it again. The blonde slowly ran his fingers through Koushirou's hair, enjoying the feel of it, and smiled. Over the years, the redhead had let his hair grow out, and now it came close to resembling a mane of bright red fire.

"Mm...I love your mane, Kou-chan," Yamato purred, then smirked. "You look so much like your father."

Koushirou blushed, tapping Yamato lightly in the ribs for that. He didn't mind the broader physique and muscles he got from Leomon, but the mane crack was going a bit too far! "Just for that, I should get it cut."

"Don't!" Yamato begged cutely. "Then I couldn't do this." He ran his fingers erotically through Koushirou's hair and smiled at him, slowly working around so he could start to do to his new lover what his new lover had done to him in order to become his new lover.

Once it was over with, Yamato leaned back and licked his lips. "Hm...tasty."

"You were too." Koushirou blushed, and pulled Yamato up to him to kiss. He was rather new at this, but with every passing moment he not only got more used to it, but he could feel more comfortable with the fact he was naked in bed with someone he had never dared to dream of like this for years. "Yama-chan? I know this is backwards, but do you want to go to the movies with me tomorrow night?"

"Of course," Yamato answered without a moment's thought. "What's playing?" As Koushirou named a popular movie, Yamato chuckled softly. "Darn. I was hoping that you would be..." He ran his finger down Koushirou's chest to hint at what he meant.

"My parents would be back then." Koushirou blushed as he recalled the obstacles. "And your dad has the day off. But I do know a place we can go." He cuddled closer into Yamato and purred the location he had in mind. Dating Yamato looked like it was going to be a lot of fun.

* * *

Koushirou took a very deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them, and reached up to knock firmly. He heard footsteps, and then the door opened. Yamato stood there, dressed casually, but gorgeously, and Koushirou felt his heart skip a half a dozen beats and his cheeks turn flaming red.

"You're...gorgeous," he muttered, staring up into Yamato's gleaming sapphire eyes. The other blushed as well, obviously unused to someone he cared about giving him compliments. "Um...ready to go?"

Yamato nodded slowly as he stepped out, taking Koushirou's hand. The redhead smiled up at him, murmuring without even thinking, "The only time you looked more delicious was last night in my bed." As he heard the words coming out of his mouth, Koushirou just knew he was blushing again; why couldn't he stop that??

"I've been dreaming about then." Yamato murmured, then smiled a little more. "And thinking of a few other things."

As he described what he was thinking of, Koushirou gulped again. "I better make certain to load up on candy for the energy, then." He glanced at the time. "We'd better hurry." He grinned. "We'll want a seat in the back." He squeezed Yamato's hand a little, smiling as Yamato leaned over to kiss him gently. Koushirou kissed back, a hint of hunger in his lips, then he moved back a little. "Movie?"

"Darn it." It was fairly obvious that a movie was not on Yamato's mind at the moment. Koushirou made a decision.

"Anyone home at your place?" he murmured softly. Yamato shook his head, and Koushirou hauled him back to his apartment by the hand, with the blonde chuckling the whole way. "Hey, would you rather go to the movie?"

Yamato grinned. "Of course not!" He smirked. "I'd rather be the star of this one." Koushirou smacked him teasingly on the rump and Yamato pouted. "What?"

Koushirou grinned, getting into the swing of things. "I'll make you see stars if you don't behave."

"Promise?" Yamato grinned at him. Koushirou headed into the kitchen and teasingly waved a skillet.

"Promise." He grinned as Yamato rolled his eyes, then saw something that could be interesting. "You forgot something. Close your eyes." As soon as Yamato's eyes were shut, he snatched up a can of whipped cream and sprayed it into Yamato's face. As the blonde spluttered, Koushirou slowly licked it off, enjoying the way it tasted like that. He grinned once he was done. "Take this back to the bedroom?" Yamato nodded eagerly, and Koushirou's grin widened. "Good. I want to see what other interesting tastes I can find."

There was absolutely no doubt on what he meant by that from where he was looking either. Once he put the skillet away, the two of them headed back to where Yamato's bedroom was, kissing all the way. Koushirou didn't let his lips leave Yamato's until he looked around the blonde's room, his eyes growing wider and wider with every moment as he took it all in.



Koushirou looked around again casually. "Why is your room made up like a harem?" The blonde blushed slightly, and Koushirou chuckled, then kissed him again. "So long as it's a harem of one, I don't mind."

"Of course" Yamato declared, then was pulled into yet another kiss, Koushirou's lips trailing all over him.

"So, how may I serve my master?" Koushirou purred teasingly, a sultry look in his black eyes. Yamato knew that Koushirou couldn't be fully comfortable with this, but if he were willing, and it seemed he was...

"Just keep doing what you are." Yamato decided. Koushirou smiled, then started to work his lover out of his clothes, and laughed. "What is it?"

The redhead looked up at him. "We'll never have a date at this rate. We keep getting distracted!"

"Well, we've only tried to have a date once!" Yamato protested, then groaned as Koushirou's hands did very nice things to him. "And it's not my fault that you're so sexy!" That was something he'd never actively thought about Koushirou being, but now, it just couldn't seem to get out of his head.

Koushirou shook his head firmly. "I'm not the sexy one." Before Yamato could protest, he started to kiss again. Slowly they continued, each move more erotic and beautiful than the last, until they reached their utter completion. Koushirou purred softly. "Much better than a movie. Next time can I be the master, you be the slave?"

Yamato smiled tenderly. "Of course." He'd do anything for Koushirou right now. As long as he didn't have to move from this far too comfortable spot.

"Oh, goody." Koushirou grinned mischievously. "I've always wanted to be the one to give orders to you." The two of them snuggled in together, feeling once again happily complete.

"Guess we're staying in tonight." Yamato murmured. Neither of them could think of any logical reason to move so they snuggled together sweetly, and soon were both deeply asleep.

* * *

Ishida Hiroaki sighed as he closed the door behind him, dropping his things without even looking. He'd pick them up later. He wanted to see if Yamato was awake yet; it was the weekend, he should still be sleeping. Plus, his own bedroom was just one door down from his son's, and he wanted to get into his own nice warm bed.

Of all the things he was expecting on seeing when he looked in his son's door, to see Yamato curled around Koushirou, and both of them very evidently very naked. He took a doubletake, then looked again around the room: an almost direct copy of a room from the Arabian nights.

"Kids." He chuckled softly as they snuggled into each other. "Wish I could sleep like that." He started to close the door, and noticed Yamato's eyes flying open at the movement. "We'll have to talk this afternoon about your decorating style, and having your boyfriend over, Yamato." He closed the door quietly and headed on to his room.

"Oh, crap." Yamato murmured to himself as he leaned back. He'd been hoping he could talk to his dad about his redecorating before his dad saw it...

"Busted?" Koushirou murmured sleepily. Yamato nodded and the redhead chuckled. "Told you that we should have closed the door.

"You were right." Yamato shrugged. "He wants to talk about my decorating style."

Koushirou peeked around, then at him. "What's wrong with it? It's perfect for a kitty."

Yamato shrugged; he rather liked it, really. It wasn't what most people would expect of him, and that was one reason he liked it. "You got me."

"I know." Koushirou grinned. "And I got you, babe."

They both chuckled over that, and Yamato hugged him gently. "And I got you, kitty."

"Meow." Koushirou purred tenderly. "Now get me my breakfast."

Yamato's eyes twinkled softly. "I think I have some Meow Mix around here somewhere."

Koushirou punched him lightly, then snapped his hand, his cat-like claws sliding out to wrap around Yamato's most sensitive area. "Now, what was that about breakfast?"

"Bacon and eggs good for you?"

The redhead chuckled, retracting his claws as he did so. "That sounds delicious."

"Beast." Yamato teased him, and Koushirou nuzzled him gently.

"Beast-Prince," he corrected him, then kissed him sweetly and deeply. The more time they spent together, the better this all felt. "My blonde prince."

Yamato nuzzled back at him gently. "My redheaded cat."

"I'm not your kitten?" Koushirou pouted playfully, running his fingers up under Yamato's golden hair and luxuriating in the feel of it.

"You're too big for a kitten." Yamato purred at him, then slid out of the bed. "I'll go make breakfast."

As Yamato headed into the kitchen, Koushirou snuggled into his pillow, getting very comfortable and drifty, but he didn't actually go back to sleep. Some time later, he took a very deep breath, and the aroma of the most delicious breakfast he could remember having come to him. Guess it's time to get up. He slipped out of bed and grabbed the nearest set of clothes he could find; a shirt and shorts that were Yamato's, and padded into the kitchen to watch Yamato finish off breakfast.

Yamato was humming to himself, his pink apron over his robe as he cooked, and Koushirou chuckled. The blonde glanced back over his shoulder curiously. "What's so funny?"

"Just the domestic picture that you make." Koushirou grinned, and came over to hug him gently. "A very pretty one it is, too."

Yamato smiled and leaned back into him. "Breakfast's almost ready."

Koushirou nodded. "I'll set the table for two, then." He started to do so, and by the time he was done, Yamato was bringing breakfast over. The blonde chuckled as Koushirou sat down with a glass of milk, and the redhead glared at him. "There's a perfectly good reason to me drinking milk and it has nothing to do with my father. I need the calcium. You might not recall, but my doctor certainly remembers that I broke my arm last month. He told me to drink at least eight glasses of milk a day, to strengthen the bone."

Yamato smirked teasingly at him. "And you definitely need strong bones."

"And you need a strong boner." Koushirou deliberately forced himself not to blush at that; he didn't normally use slang, especially not like this, but he was feeling in the mood for once. "Remember that whipped cream last night? By the time I get through with you, you'll be softer than that." Yamato looked definitely interested in that, and Koushirou licked his lips, a very satisfied expression on his face. Then he returned to business. "We'd better eat."

"Before my dad comes in here." The last thing Yamato wanted was to have to talk to his dad with his gorgeous boyfriend making comments like that next to him. He settled down to eat, his mind drifting to things they'd done and things they were going to do, and very, very grateful that he was going to be doing them with Koushirou.

After all, the redhead was the Chosen of Knowledge, and he was very good with a computer, and the Internet, and knowledge could mean more than one thing. With Koushirou in his life in this way now, his future looked very interesting indeed.

The End