Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mischief ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
It's Sorato! And Taito! and Junato! Okay, it's another introduction chapter. Lemons ahead and by the look
of it very soon. Warning! This chapter was written late at night on an empty stomach so bear with me, it's a bit
crazy. Anyway, here's my character. I hate it myself when someone tries to install a character
in the fic, but he's needed because he's experienced, and no one of the Digidestined are.
Whatever. Read on. My song is here too, and I don't own anything except it and Chang. And I suppose I own the plot.

~If I am...?~ (Chapter 4 to Mischief at Night)

Three days later, Yamato marched into his classroom enduring evil glances from Taichi. Taichi had been frustrated to learn that Yamato had got a date at last, and had been suffering for one day. Then he tried to send horrible letters to Mayumi, Yamato's date. Koushiro and the little gang planned a successful assault on Mayumi and cleared the way to Yamato. When Yamato tried to explain that even if Mayumi's sprained ankle didn't permit her to go on a date with him, she was still his girlfriend, but Taichi and Co returned that the bet was to get a date not a girlfriend. This reason Yamato sincerely doubted but as his voice was the minority, he was compelled to a choice: either to have a DIFFERENT date EVERY night (Ken's merciless addition) or to have one of the digidestined males. Yamato had a trump card up his sleeve as well: his gig was to take place this evening and a new song was coming up - a love song by his standarts, and he counted on his success. He bluntly refused to go out with any boys. He also had to break up with Mayumi, which she took fine, but which made her brother furious. Yamato reflected on his odds: minus one friend to those 10 he had already lost, minus one brother, and everything in three days. Minus one father. Not bad at all. Yamato sat down at his desk without so much as a glance at Taichi. He hoped his song would hit the jackpot. If not - well Mayumi had said she knew girls that had been dying to go out with Ishida Yamato for ages. It would buy him one week at most. What would happen then?

"Ready?" said a trifle jittery Takashi.
"Hey! We've been doing gigs since we were toddlers!" Akira returned.
"I'm not ready," Yamato said suddenly. "I think I'm gonna spew..."
"NO, you won't!" Yutaka grabbed his elbow. "You're gonna sing that song nicely and in a lovesick tone too!"
"Oh my god!" Yamato doubled over in imitation of stomach pains.
The Teenage Wolves sighed. "Cut it out, Yamato. It's a nice song."
"But you should have inserted at least one word 'love' in it," Yutaka criticised.
"Thank you very much, but I've already changed my line 'by pills you can buy' to yours 'like rain' bla bla bla.."
The band quickly hushed Yamato up. Nobody wanted to see an upset Yutaka.
"Save your voice," Akira advised. "By the way, how is it?"
"Like you have to ask."
"Okay, guys, here we go. After the gig we all go to my older brother's bar and pig out. And the most horrible player gets to buy drinks," Akira declared.
"I knew you're gonna take it personally, Takashi."
Yamato really didn't mind love songs. But he just couldn't see himself singing one. He doubted very much he took love as everyone else did around him. To him love wasn't about love songs, tv crap, not even sex.. Love... was... Okay, very far away, and there wasn't time to fetch it.
Anyway, if he would make a fool out of himself he'd better make the most of it.

"Let's go!" he said into the mic.
The public erupted with crazy sounds as the band was hit by the spotlights.
"One, two, three, four!"
Complete ecstasy washed over the audience. First songs come first, Yamato smiled and sang Negai Kanaeru Kagi...
"Our new song," said Yutaka nervously, "is a romantic one. Please, love it like you love us."
Trust it to Yutaka to make a presentation speech. Yamato grinned. Taichi, Koushiro, his brother Takeru , Daisuke, even Ken and Jyou were there in the first row by grace of Ishida Yamato who wanted to sing his new masterpiece in their faces. Sora, Mimi, Miyako and Hikari were present as well. Jun was also here.
"It's called 'If I Am'," said Yutaka over the roar of the crowd.
Yamato took a deep breath:
If I am cold I don't know, girl
I'm sorry if I made you cry
I suppose it can't be helped
Like rain that falls from the sky
Jun climbed on Momoe's shoulders and waved eagerly. She loved that song already...
If I think about you
I see you laughing like a kid
When we hid in an alley
To share an innocent kiss
'Okay, that was stupid,' Yamato thought looking at Taichi's grinning face.
Actual cries filled the air as his fans (led by inimitable Jun) broke in tears. Taichi's face fell; he was jealous because of girls' violent reactions. 'He's getting it!' Yamato thought happily. He sang the refrain.
I know
If I only called when I had a chance
Been scared of stupid romance
Walking on the edge of the moon
In your tears like in a pool
Just a lovesick fool, just a lovesick fool
'Enough with this lovesick stuff,' Yamato thought. He grabbed the mic and locked his eyes with Taichi for whom he specially written the next part.
If I'm beautiful why am I lonely
I still can feel my heart break
When the night closes on me
And if I'm in need for a date
'Yessssss!' Yamato nearly screamed the last line. He flung his hair out of his eyes. The crowd erupted with cheers. Popularity... here I go. The expression on Taichi's face darkened.
The crowd of girls threw open banners with lines, like 'Take me, I'm yours!' and Jun threw out a banner 'I'm pregnant!' Daisuke asked Ken to translate it for him and sent vicious glares at his sister till the end of the gig.
The digidestined exchanged puzzled glances.
It was ice cream and sweet walks
Maybe I hadn't enough
My guitar doesn't comfort me
If I'm tired of playing it rough
Yamato looked closer to Sora, wondering if she was going to take this personally. After all, she was the only girl he had dated, and those lines could ring a bell into her mind. Sora indeed looked crest-fallen.
I know
If I could take you in the arms
This dream is repeating one
I'll climb the mountains high
To see you on the other side
And on my Valentine I write
I love you
The love cries engulfed the hall, Yamato smiled. He could taste victory on his tongue. Girls were buying it! He was gonna get some! Yamato stiffled a laugh when seeing Taichi elbowing his way to the exit.

Later in the band's changing rooms the Teenage Wolves bent over customary boxes of fan mail.
Akira upheaved his and a small pile of letters fell on the floor.
"Whoa!" he said. "Oh no! Three letters from Mika-chan again!"
The expression on his face was one of displeasure.
Takashi sighed.
"It's okay, Takashi, I'm gonna say you helped me with the lyrics and the girls will file behind your doors," Yamato conforted him.
"Yeah, thanks. Hey, I'm still pissed you dropped my sister!"
Takashi found one letter in his box and jumped about the room excitedly. "I've got FAN MAIL!!!"
Yutaka rubbed his fingers energetically.
"Here I go, girls!" He shook out several letters and grabbed a pen and a clear sheet of paper to scribble down letters in return.
Yamato opened his box and found himself waist-deep in mail.
"Wow," he yawned.
"Wanna help with that?" Akira asked. He pointed to Yamato's letters.
"That's fine," Yamato said. Akira and the others used to write replies to Yamato's fan mail because Yamato was usually found soundly asleep after gigs.
Yamato tore open the tenth letter and, forty more remained on the floor.
"From Taichi. Listen to it,"

You were cute and my hormons run wild. Meet me after. Love, Tai-chan.

He read and threw it aside. "Why are the girls so damn indecisive about that stuff?!" he said ruefully.
"LET ME SEE HIM AND I MEAN NOW!" a voice bellowed behind the door and somebody was knocked down.
The door burst open and who but Motomiya Jun flew inside. The Teenage Wolves hid behind Yamato's back.
"Hi!" said Yamato faintly.
"Yamato-sama!!" Jun sprang on him, and everyone rolled on the floor in one enourmous heap, letters flying all over the room. Cries rose in the air, variaties of 'ouch'es, and 'get off my ass!'es and 'you bitch- oh, sorry, Yamato, it's you's.
Yamato managed to get away and propped his back against the wall. He caught his breath. The pile broke up and Yamato realised there were Digidestined in.
"Yamato-sama!" Jun crawled to him, Taichi thrusted his teeth in her calf and Koushiro was strangling her. "Wanna... go on a daaaaaate.... with.... meeeeee........?"
Yamato panted. He didn't have much choice.
"Okay," he said.
"No!!" Daisuke cried. "Don't do it, Jun! They're gonna kill me!"
"Serves you right!" Jun shook off Taichi and Koushiro.
"You SAID?!!!" thundered Ken who was pinned to the floor by united girls' forces unless he was bound to kill somebody tonight.
"Is he your boyfriend, Dai-chan?" Jun asked strictly. Daisuke swallowed.
"Cute." She turned to Yamato and put him on his feet. "I booked a table at the restaurant..."
"I'm aware," Yamato said grimly. "I pay, right?"
"No, it's my treat this time."
Jun gave him her special smile. Yamato's skin crawled. Jun hauled him out in the halls.
"Ishida!" Akira called. "You lousy singer, you was to buy us drinks!"

Yamato nearly died on this date. The nineteen year old Jun was rambling about and continiously driving her knee between his knees which resulted in Yamato's jumping up and hitting his head on a low Chinese lamp. Then she overhauled her spaghetti over his jeans by 'pure accident' and volunteered to lick it off him. Yamato ran away in the bathroom. He sat warily throughout the meal watching intently Jun's tablewear and expecting her to throw it on him 'accidentally'. He walked her off to her apartment and when she bend down to give his cheek a goodnight kiss, she exposed her bra in the low cut of her top and kissed him fully on lips while Yamato gaped, stunned by her perversity.
Next day at school was a living nightmare.
Yamato elbowed his way through a thong of girls guarding the school entrance and bolted into his classroom too late for his class.
"Ishida-san, outside!" hollered the teacher.
Yamato slumped against the wall. Then he noticed a thick line of girls who were also banished out of their classrooms standing at his both sides.
"My god..." He began to sweat.
"Hey, Yamato, what's up?" Yutaka called out to him during the first break. A happy flustered girl was stuck by his side.
"Quick, Yuta, hide me!" Yamato whispered.
"Waaait a minute, Yama! You wanted fame? You wanted girls? So?"
"So, nothing! They're staring at me!" Yamato said in panic.
Yutaka laughed.
"You were very convincing during the gig. Serious, Yamato, go and check your desk for letters. You don't want your teacher to see it."
Yamato's face went pale and he dashed off to his classroom. His desk was buried under white and pink and red letters and students from his class gave cautious glances expecting them to burst in love. Yamato groaned and began to stuff his school bag with envelopes and postcards and chocolates (What? In summer?), but there were too many and the bell had already gone off...
"Ishida-san!" the teacher entered. "Do you have any problem?"
"No, sensei!" Yamato occupied his chair and swept the remaining letters in the empty drawer of his desk. Some of the mail landed on the floor. The teacher picked them and sarcastically read them aloud. Yamato's ears burned.
'Dear Yamato, I wonder if you can meet me under the big tree in the school yard after school? Your faithful fan.'
'Yamato-sama, I'll be waiting for you at the park after school. I'll be wearing...'
'I love you, Yamato-sama, can you come to the bay at 15.45? I'll be waiting for you...'
"Hmm," the teacher snorted. "And just how are you supposed to be in different places at the same time?"
Taichi snickered.
"And you, Yagami-san!" the teacher turned to him. "You seem to have a fan mail too."
He snatched red envelope from Taichi's desk.
'I hate you, Yagami! Hands off from Yamato-sama!' read the letter.
"Impressive. And now to the lesson..."
Yamato send an evil smile to Taichi.

'And if I'm in need for a date' sounded from both sides of the corridor as Yamato made his way to the Odaiba Junior High.
"Why don't you smile, Yamato?" Akira muttered into his ear. Yamato jumped.
"Will it help?" he asked. "To get away?"
"No, but it'll encourage girls to come up to you. You require help, you know."
Yamato stubbornly set out again. Akira grabbed his elbow. "There is something fishy in here, Yamato. Why didn't you tell us the truth?"
"What truth?"
"I dunno. Real truth. Why do you need a girlfriend?"
Yamato sighed.
"Join our little band picnick!" Akira said. He led Yamato into the sunlight and to the bushes. Behind them, the band's meeting place was swarming with flock of girls.
"Hey, sweethearts!" Akira winked. "Give us guys five minutes alone, and then jump on us!"
The girls scattered away but could be seen loitering in the distance.
Yamato hurriedly told Akira about the bet.
"You can't," Akira said. "It'll kill you! Stupid, find another way to piss Taichi off."
Yamato lay back and put his head on his hands. His eyes closed.
"I dunno..." he muttered. There was peaceful silence. Then Yamato felt a blade of grass tickle his face. He sneezed and opened his eyes. He was surrounded by girls. Uh uh.
"Hi!" he said.
"Are you hungry, Yamato-sama?" one cute girl offered her lunchbox to him. "I baked those biscuits for you..."
"And mine!"
"And have some of mine!"
"I'm the best cook in the school!"
"We are your fan club and we love your songs!!"
Yamato didn't care to bring his lunch with anymore.

A week later, Yamato was sitting on a swing and drawing circles with his foot. His evening was insured, his stomach was full, he didn't even need to cook at home because his fans did the cooking, washing-up, washing and ironing, and cleaning the house. He didn't do his homework because there were tons of clever girls by his side.
Yamato rocked himself on a swing.
Alone. A blessed state.
He missed something. His friends, for example. He missed stupid Taichi.
Yamato couldn't believe it but he did. Girls were never enough. That's why him and Sora didn't last long.
"If I'm beautiful why am I lonely?
Why do you make me cry?
It's fault of the stars I'm born with
Or is it some fault of mine?"
Yamato rubbed his forehead. His hand slipped to his cheeks and he discovered they were wet. He stared before him in surprise.
Was it really that bad?
The girls who he dumped after only an evening out, were they crying too?
In his song he apologised but it didn't make the pain go away.
"I'm lonely because I'm a bastard
And heartless one to be sure
Hell freezes and heavens cry
At such a fucking asshole"
Yamato wiped more tears. He was in what Yutaka called romantically messed-up mode.
The swing next to him squeaked.
Yamato looked up and saw Taichi. Taichi stared at his wet face guiltily.
"Gomen, Yamato," Taichi sighed. "We were wrong."
"Yeah? Well, you weren't the only ones."
"About that bet," the brunet frowned. "We want to change it. You can have one girlfriend.. or boyfriend... if you like. Or one of us?" hope crept in his voice.
Yamato smiled. "Why should I want such bastards like you?"
"Oh come on..."
The blond was suddenly inspired by an idea. "I say, Miyako's birthday's soon, why don't we have a party? Look, Dad's going on a trip to Hokkaido this weekend..."
"Cool! I missed your parties!"
The dark-haired teen sprang down from the swing and grabbed the chains just above Yamato's hands. He bent over to the blond.
"And that's where you'll show us your new date..."
Yamato rolled his eyes.
Taichi wiped his tears with the thumb. Suddenly he broke in laughter.
"Ha ha ha! Now you have stains under your eyes! Ha ha ha!"
He showed Yamato his dirty hands. Yamato scowled at him and kicked his shins.
"That's a foul!" Taichi sprang away and tickled Yamato from behind.
"Ha ha ha!" Yamato burst out. "Stop it Tai or I'll kill you!"

The news came crushing on Yamato like a pile of rocks. He stared into the defiant eyes of the girl from his class.
"You... you don't want to be my girlfriend?" he repeated in shock.
"Because you'll dump me tomorrow, Ishida. Like you always do."
"No, I..."
The problem was that Yamato didn't plan to break up with Utami, he liked her and waited for a chance to ask her out and now this!
Utami stood up and left him.
Chills settled in Yamato's chest because tonight, tonight!- was the crucial party at his place, a party he might attend without a date! Which will automatically make him an object to chase by the Digidestined males!
It's just one night, probably, a creepy voice in Yamato's head told him. Nothing's scary. What if it will be a boy that
you will have to kiss? Does it really make any difference?...
It didn't. It was disturbing. Yamato had grown sick of girls. He was sick of having to go out with a new girl every night - he who
always dreamed of having a steady reliable relationship full of love that his mother and father had been unable
to give him. He was being idealistic. And idiotic.
Yamato stared at his coffee in a dark mood. He needed a date. Any date. Again.
Sora and Mimi wrapped about each other landed on the opposite seat.
"Have a cookie!"
"Only if you have a spoonful of my chocolate cake!!"
Mimi took a spoonful and a blessed twinkle came into her eyes.
"Ohhhhh, Sora, how sweeet. Ohhhh, moooore!"
Sora chuckled and scooped another piece of her cake gathering more icing.
"Ohhhhhh," Mimi moaned. She pulled out a biscuit from her lunchbox.
"Now, taste those!" she mock-ordered and frowned.
Sora bit it away piece by piece and sucked the crumbs from Mimi's hand with soft moans.
Yamato gaped at them, but the girls ignored him.
"I'm see-through or what?" he asked indignantly.
"Oh, Yamato!" Mimi exclaimed and kicked his knee. "You dirty old man, you were eavesdropping!"
Yamato cocked his eyebrow. "Behind my own table?"
"We didn't see you simply because there was no cute girls by your side," Sora chimed in. Mimi pressed her lip and pinched her buttocks.
"Ouch! Why did you do that, Mimi-chan?" Sora asked rubbing the sore place.
"What cute girls?!" Mimi demanded letting her jealousy ran wild.
"Only cute girls with warm brown eyes and pink gorgeous hair," Sora replied and hugged Mimi. "I meant you, love!"
"Great," said Yamato. A pang of jealousy pierced him. "Here I go ignored again."
Mimi got up after cuddling her girlfriend and brushed her skirt.
"I'll get coffee. And for you, Sora-chan?"
"I'll take the same as you."
"Mimi, if I told you you have the most beautiful girlfriend, will you fetch me coffee too?" Yamato asked with hope.
Mimi hissed like an infuriated cat. "I'll scratch your eyes out, pretty boy!"
Sora's gaze followed her to the counter.
"You can get out from under the table, Yamato," she said.
Yamato buried his hand in his hair. He needed to cry into someone's breast. Sora was the perfect candidate.
"You love her that much?" he asked meekly. "With jealousy fits and all?"
"Mimi-chan is just overreacting. I can feel her love, that's enough."
"Not like between you and me, huh?"
Yamato regretted his words as soon as they left his mouth. Every talk with Sora used to result in them questioning each other why they had broken up and every time either of them had a difficult time admitting they never loved each other in that way.
"What's eating you, Yamato?" Sora manoeuvred the topic into calmer waters. "I thought you had everything you wished for."
Yamato shook his head.
"I'm ... tired."
Sora said nothing.
"I'm fed up with... attention. They... don't know me, really. They're after my image. Guess, what every girl I went out with asked me to do?"
"Kiss her?"
"Oh that... No, I meant, write a song to her! But... but it's not fair! I can't write just because they want me to! I can't... stand them anymore!"
Yamato sighed deeply, freely. A huge stone was lifted off his chest. He risked a glance at Sora - would she understand it like he was swinging to homosexuality? Some part of him wanted her to bring up this topic, other parts ran away screaming in terror.
"That doesn't mean you like guys, right? Sora asked.
"You really understand me, Sora," Yamato mumbled and blushed. "Why did I..."
"Are you gay?"
Yamato sat up straight.
"No, I'm not!"
"You like guys."
"No, I don't!"
"You'd like to feel some guy's ass and..."
"Takenouchi Sora..."
"... lick his face and feel his hand down your pants..."
"Shut up!"
Yamato leaned over the table to her. "I don't want guys. Sora, you're being stupid. What I wanted to tell you is that I feel lonely because there is no Taichi to make me happy and complete."
Sora gave him a critical sharp look.
"I thought you said you don't like guys."
"It's not my fault Taichi's so horny." Yamato felt blood rush in his face.
"Poor Yama-chan..." Sora said gently. She rubbed her palm over Yamato's hand. "Poor little Yama-chan..."
Yamato snorted. He liked being comforted but Sora made it so embarrassing.
"By the way, I don't want to take money for sharing with you my breast to cry on, but an ice-cream maybe?" the girl said.
Yamato counted the money with a fierce look.
"If I chose you among the others, what would you say?" he ventured.
"No, thanks, I don't like gays in my bed."
Yamato brushed his hair aside.
"What if I'm not gay?" he asked with an innocent face the kind you encounter in dark alleys with bad reputations. His voice became all drawling and husky.
"You sure sound like one!" the redhead smiled at his wry face. "Yamato, you must do what you're best at."
Yamato sent her a sultry look under the sun faded hair of his. Sora stunned him by leaning over and catching his lips in a tender kiss. Yamato pulled away as fast as he could, the thought of frenching Sora was equal to committing incest.
"You sure you don't want to go out with me?" he voiced his catch-phrase. He'd like a platonic relationship for a change. Sora was about to refuse when a shadow fell across the floor and Yamato's stomach screamed of trouble. Next moment a cup of hot coffee was flung in his face.
"Holy shit!" Yamato cried out. He jumped up. Coffee dripped down his white shirt and his precious hair were stained!
Mimi looked sternly at him.
"Your coffee, Ishida. That's for flirting with my girlfriend," she said and reached for the second cup. Sora caught her hand.
"Don't worry, love," Mimi chirped, her attitude suddenly sweet. "I want some coffee for myself, not for this bastard!"
"Yamato's only a friend!" Sora protested.
"Yeah, yeah," Mimi sat down by Sora and giggled in her shoulder. "Let it stay that way."
Yamato was about to start a coffee fight to pay Mimi back when someone patted his shoulder.
"Scuse me," said a slightly accented voice. "I happen to find myself in the same situation."
The blonde teen turned around and faced a greenhaired pleasantly looking teen of about his age with a coffee stain down his chest.
"I see," Yamato said.
"Shall we move it to the bathroom?"
Yamato and the mysterious guy went into the men's room and took off their shirts.
"So, what's happened to you?" Yamato asked as he dipped his shirt into a sink.
"My boyfriend said he hated me and walked away. I tried to stop him, so this."
The digidestined boy smiled in spite of the tragedy of the situation. The greenhaired rose his eyebrow.
"What about you?"
"Mimi thought I was flirting with her girlfriend."
"And you weren't?"
"Sora's just a good friend!"
Yamato turned to his soaking shirt.
"You don't have anything against gays, are you? the guy wondered.
"Why should I!" Yamato snorted. "My friends keep trying to turn me into one..."
The greenhaired snickered.
"What's it like, to be one?" Yamato wondered.
The boy looked closely at him. "What exactly do you want to know?"
Yamato blushed.
"Oh that. Not bad. You can try."
"Sure," the blonde propped his back against the wall. A crazy idea stormed his mind and he couldn't help voicing it. "Look, I have a party tonight, and I need a date..."
"You want me?" said the greenhaired eagerly.
Yamato gulped and nodded.
"Cool! You're so gorgeous, I guess I'm lucky!" said the boy. Yamato smiled at the compliment. Some compliment!
I think, he noted to himself, I just got myself into a relationship with a guy.
"What's your name?"
"Chang. From Korea."
Chang took his hand gently and smiled. "Yamato. Wow."

Don't hate me for Chang, I'll dispose of him as quickly as possible! I need to figure out Yamato's pairings now.