Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MUSICAL: The worst possible stress ❯ One of a Kind ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Davis had just finished serving his last ramen meal for the day to a mother and her Six year-old son.
“Thank you Mr. Davis!” said the little boy, “Someday, I want to be just like you.”
Davis smiled at the kid and patted him on the head.
“Thank you.” Said the mother and she lead her son away.
Davis shook his head sadly, “You don't really want to be like me kid… believe me it's not fun.” He said to himself.
He kicked up his Noodle Cart and began walking it straight down the street back to Noodle Corp's cart park.
As Davis walked along the street as the sun began to set, he saw all the happy families heading home. This made him feel alone… really alone.
All he ever longed for was a future with Kari, to take care of her, richer or poorer. Maybe even raise a family.
Awe… who was he kidding, she was far away in Japan happily married to TK… she probably had at least three children by now.
Something Davis could never hope to even dream of anymore. Davis didn't even make close contact with his own family anymore.
His mother and Father wanted him to get out into the love life, and be a good sport about losing that Kari girl. Davis just shut them out of him life for good, and never spoke to them again.
He even had the nerve to punch his old man in face to tell him NO meant NO. He deeply did regret it though.
And his older sister Jun, she dropped her ditzy ways, and became a normal woman as everyone hoped for. Now she was Doctor, and happily married… to Tai.
No ever excepted for them to work out, but they had been married for 3 wonder years and counting, and even thinking of staring a family.
Davis did attend their wedding, but it was long before he found out about TK and Kari. Now he put distance between himself and them too.
He just could hang around his sister, if it meant hanging out with Tai, and it meant thinking of Kari.
Jun pleaded for Davis not to leave, but he didn't listen, and deserted her completely. Not like they ever had a close sibling relation anyways
Davis was hurting himself more and more each day, and it was all because of who he was because of Kari and TK.
Davis parked his cart in his private space, and rode the Elevator up to his office on the top floor.
What a view of the town he had from way up there. To bad there was no one for Davis to Share it with… Except for Demiveemon, but he was at home, where Davis planned to go next.
Davis changed into his regular clothes, and headed up to the roof where one of his private choppers was waiting for him.
“Home, Sir?” asked the Pilot.
“Home, please!” said Davis. As soon as he got on, the pilot started the engines and the chopper took off.
As Davis looked down at the city below, he couldn't help but think sad thoughts of the way he lived. Or worse, how he lived.
-The happiness, of being me
Is not what it's cracked up to be
It's lonely being One… Of a kind
-With all the known variety
The fame that life Gave to me
It's lonely being One… Of a kind…
Where exactly did Davis live, sure he lived somewhere in America, but exactly where?
No one had ever really seen Davis' home before, not even the others back in Japan. Davis told absolutely no one where he lived.
Deminveemon that if he ever wanted to go to the digital world, he was not to tell any of the other Digimon where he lived with Davis either.
The Helicopter flew over Arizona, and landed in a secluded area in the Sonoran Desert. Davis got off, and the chopper flew away.
Davis walked a few yards to a nearby boulder, and then… making sure that no one was watching, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a remote control.
One click, and the rock started to move up… it was a fake. The rock raised higher and higher revealing an Elevator lift below it.
Davis got in and clicked the down arrow… the lift started to move and the rock went back to it's place.
Davis got off the lift in a quiet little house, Thirty feet below the ground. So that's where he lived… Underground.
When Davis first decided to come to America, he ordered workers to build him this underground home.
The house was exactly like an everyday home, accept there were no windows for even the sunlight to get in, and the lights were made by electronic candles.
It was pretty dark in Davis' burrow, that you could hardly see your shadow at all.
Davis also had other entrances to his home, he had a special room that had tunnels and runways going all over America which he could get there by powered mining carts
This way Davis, could get from one place to another without being seen or heard, and not only hide from the outside world, but he could also keep away from love sick chicks.
Every pretty girl he ever saw was now after him, but mostly because he was rich and good looking, the rest was because he was the Most powerful Digi destined in the world.
The only girl Davis could ever have possible been happy with was Kari, for only she usually appreciated Davis for who he really was.
Davis just couldn't feel love anymore. Kari was gone, his friends and family betrayed him… this hurt him both physically and emotionally.
Demiveemon was halfway through his dinner, but Davis hardly even touched his food. “You okay, Davish.” Asked Demiveemon.
Davis looked up from his plate, “Huh?... What?”
“Davish, you've been awfully quiet the last few days.”
“Oh, really, I didn't notice.”
Demiveemon recognized that sad tone anywhere, “You're still thinking about your troubles?”
Davis shot him a soft, yet sad smile, “Am I that predictable?” he asked. “Yeah… it's all I ever think about now. I don't know how much more of this stress I can take.”
It was in vain that Demiveemon tried to persuade Davis to go back to Japan, but Davis once again refused.
“I… I just can't.” he said. “Every time I even think about thinking about it… I see Kari's face, and everything I could have had. It makes me sick to my stomach!”
Demiveemon understood, he felt the same way about Gatomon, but she fell for Patamon long before TK and Kari were engaged. So he knew exactly how Davis felt.
Somehow, Davis and Demiveemon got through Dinner, and got ready for bed themselves. Davis did not hire any servants at all.
When he said, Nobody, he meant Nobody. Except for Demiveemon Davis felt he was better off alone. No Family, No friends, not even his own Shadow, which was why he kept the house so dark.
Demiveemon had his own cute little bed on a table near Davis' Twin sized bed. Davis just didn't have the heart to buy a bed big enough for two.
Before he and Demiveemon went to sleep they looked at the pictures along the wall. Pictures of them and the gang 17 years ago after Maylo-Myotismon's defeat.
Davis and Demiveemon eve got to have their pictures taken with Kari and Gatomon. That was a long time ago.
Now here they were, practically the only ones left out of them all with no special person to call their own. They stared at each other sadly, and began to finish up Davis' song…
-We wish we could be, like everyone we see
Not' Special, Just an ordinary guy
-We fell, in love and wished for the simple life
But we, did not even get, a chance to try
-The happiness, of being we
Is not what it's cracked up to be
It's lonely being One… Of a kind
It's lonely… Being…
One… of a kind!!
A tear leaked out of their eyes as the music came to and end. Then, they moved under their covers, hoping for one last dream.