Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My beautiful flower ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Then next day afternoon,

Tami and Matt were having the lunch

Tami: So Matty you didn't tell me what happen to your hands

Matt: The glass break in my hands yesterday…

Tami: You have to be more careful next time any way did you talk to your father

Matt: About?

Tami looked at him in amazed

Tami: About our house, don't you think we will life in this apartment?

Matt looked at her

Matt: Yes we can until I finish my study

Tami: And that will take almost four years

Matt: I know… and what about this apartment it's sweet and in front of the sea, we can changed the furniture if you want

Tami: Of course no Mr. Ishaida I don't want our baby to live in this apartment

Matt: Why not?

Tami: Because in this apartment you were meeting that girl

Matt: You mean Dawn?

Tami: This is the girl name any way ya I mean her, you know I can't

Matt stands up

Matt: And I can't buy new house now

Tami stands up too

Tami: Yes you can, don't tell me the older Ishaida's family son doesn't have money in the bank

Matt: But it's not enough to buy a house

Tami: Take from your father

Matt: I don't want to ask anything from my father special if it is for my marriage life…

Tami: But if it for your bitch you will

Matt gets angry

Matt: Don't call her that again at least she didn't give me her self like how did you do…

Matt left the apartment, Tami was angry " I hate you Dawn Kudo, but you have to know that Yamato Ishaida is main… I'll show you"

One month later,

Dawn didn't go alots to see Matt just four time in this month, he was worried about her so he went to her flat her mother opened the door

Hana: Ow hi Matt…

Matt: Hi Mrs. Kudo… is Dawn here?

Hana: No, you can find her in star bucks café you know which one

Matt smiled: Thank you… bye

Hana: Bye…

Matt went to star bucks café he thought that he would see her laughing with another guy and enjoying her time but he saw different thing he saw her sitting in small table in the corner drinking chocolate cream alone and she looks like reading something, he smiled and entered the café

Matt: Hay…

Dawn looked at him with smiled

Dawn: Ow Hay Matt

Matt pulled the chair and sat

Matt: Matt?!

Dawn looked down then she looked at him again

Dawn: How are you?

Matt: Fine… but I missed you; you never visit me or call me these days

Dawn: Because Tami with you…

Matt: Ya, I had to take her to the hospital every week

Dawn smiled…he smiled back

Dawn: You grew up Yamato; you really grow up and will be daddy soon

Matt: Yah, but I wished to be daddy from you…

Dawn: But what happened had happened…

Matt: Yah… any way… when I was coming to see you here I thought you are sitting with Scott and enjoying your time away from me

Dawn smiled and holds his hands

Dawn: No Matt, I'm not like the past, I changed

Matt: Changed?

Dawn: Yah… I love you and just you if I did that I know you will get angry and will be sad and I don't want to let you sad more than you are, truly Matt I really want to be your wife but sometimes I think about your baby he needs you

Matt: I will be with him and with you

Dawn: But how? Do you want to cut your self into two?

Matt: I'll do every thing to stay with you just after what had happened to me I understand every thing and why you refused me… I understand how to respect the girl I love… I'm sorry Dawn I hurt you alots and I want to change myself I just want another chance

Dawn: Don't say that babe… don't be sorry please…

Matt stare at her and smiled, she rested her chin on her hands while staring at him

Matt: I love you

Dawn: I love you too… I love you so much…

The two had great time together in the café; Tami was watching them she was in the second months… when they came out from the café Tami took her cell phone and called someone "Yah… they are coming… yes… ok… be ready" she hung up the call then she went to the two… they were about to cross the street to go to Matt's jeep

Tami: Hello you two

The two looked at her

Matt: Tami?

Tami: Yes, I see you enjoying your time with this silly girl

Matt: Tami please we don't want more fighting

Tami: You afraid about your baby and me or about her feeling?

Matt: I told you stop this

Tami looked at Dawn

Tami: One question… why he prefers a girl like you on me… any way you don't have to answer me… but do you know what I want the most?

The two looked at each other then looked at Tami

Tami: To you to disappeared so I can have him for my SELF

Out of the blue Tami pushed Dawn to fall in the street and a hurry car was coming quickly toward her…


Dawn opened her eyes she was shocked and felt that her legs couldn't move she closed her eyes and turned her face, Matt ran to her and carried her on his arms to the other side Dawn wrapped her arms around his neck while closing her eyes the car passed quickly Matt looked at it he was angry then a man came

" Is she ok?" The man asked

Matt looked at Dawn

Matt: Dawn, are you ok?

Dawn opened her eyes and looked at Matt, Matt could feel that she was shaking and shaking hard…

"Matt…" She said in low tone her voice was shaking too

Matt: Are you ok babe?

"I was… I … I was… s scared…" She said starting to cry she hugged him

Matt kissed her head

Matt: Every thing will be ok just calm down…

Matt looked at the worried man and smiled

Matt: She's ok thanks

"Oh thank god, she was almost killed by that car"

Matt: Yah… thank god

"Ok take care… see ya… bye"

Matt: Bye… and thank you again

The man went, Matt looked at Tami who was gone he gets angry

Matt: She ran away… but I'll show her, when I see her she's gonna be died.

Matt looked at Dawn who passed away on his arms, he shacked her softly

Matt: Dawn… Dawn babe… Dawn…

He puts her on his car and drive to his apartment

Matt's apartment,

Matt entered his apartment still carrying Dawn who still passed away… he closed the door when he entered the living room he saw Tami there he gets angry

Matt: You? What are you doing here?

Tami: I'm in my husband house

Matt: Shut up I'm not your husband yet

Tami: But you are gonna be soon

Matt: Do you think what you have done to her is funny you almost killed her

Tami: And that what I want… I said I want her to disappear.

Matt: Great thing, disappear in that simple…

Tami: I don't care

Matt gets angry

Matt: Listen carefully to me, if any thing…any thing even one scratch happen to her and I know you are the cause of it, you will be sorry and wished you never born… and that a warning

Tami get out from the apartment and slapped the door after her, Matt took Dawn to his room to put her on his bed, he rested the blanket on her and kissed her head he sat on his kneels staring at her until he fall in the sleep…

In the morning,

Dawn's eyes slowly opened to see Matt smiling

Matt: Hay…

Dawn: Hay…

Matt: How do you feel now?

Dawn sat down and looked around her

Dawn: What happened to me?

Matt: You passed out after what happened to you in the street…

Dawn: Ow I remembered… thank you for saving my life

Matt: Don't thank me; your life is my life… come here babe

The two hugged

Dawn: I feel comfy and safe when I am with you Yami.

Matt: And I feel better if you are with me…

He kissed her head… the two pulled back

Matt: Ok… now go wash your face and come to have the breakfast with me…

Dawn smiled and kissed his cheek

Dawn: Yes sir

He kissed her noise and went out

After having the breakfast and calling Dawn's mother the two went out for some walking…

West mall,

Dawn: It's great morning… isn't it?

Matt puts his arm on her shoulders and kissed her cheek

Matt: Of course because we are walking together again after long time away from each other…

Dawn looked down then she looked at him

Dawn: Matt?

Matt: Yes sweet heart?

Dawn: I was thinking

Matt: About?

Dawn stopped and looked at him…

Dawn: If… if your baby comes… will you forget me?

Matt looked at her in amazed

Matt: What are you talking about? Forget you… do you think I'll forget you?

Dawn: You will be busy with your baby and buying new house for your family and your study and you will work in the same time… you won't have a time for me

Matt: Family? Do you call Tami a family?

Dawn: Matt… she's your baby mother, she will be part of your family

Matt: I know… but… what I want it to be with you… I told you before you are my whole life and you are my heart… how do you think I will forget my heart, you don't understand… Dawn you are the only girl who has this big effect on me, you changed a lot of thing in me… I love you and just you and now… you said forget you… look maybe we were fighting a lot but that's doesn't me I didn't love you no Dawn you are the only girl in my life

Dawn's tears come down on her cheek she hugged Matt he hugged her back

Matt: You don't know how much I love you my flower

Dawn: I love you too

The two pulled back Matt rubs Dawn's tears

Matt: We will go threw this together I promise.

Dawn smiled and shacked her face as yes then she hugged him

Two weeks later,

Dawn was tiding her room she found in her cupboard small pink box she took it and read what was writing on it " The privet moments with my lover Yamato Ishaida… Dawn Kudo"

Dawn: Wow… I forget it… I remember hiding it when I fight with Matt but because what? Yah I remember…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Flash back ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

The two were coming from Mimi's birthday party after the midnight; she made it in small club in Kyoto city it was far from Odaiba city in one hour

In the car,

Matt: How many times I need to say I don't want you to wear this very short tight dresses of yours…

Dawn: And why not all the girls wear it

Matt: But you are different…

Dawn: Why?

Matt: Because you are my girl friend and I don't want you to wear them you have listen to me

Dawn: You can't control my life like this

Matt: Yes I can… why don't you listen to me even for once

Dawn: And why should I?

Matt: You didn't see that stupid guy Sami was staring at you whole the time

Dawn: Why do you care… you know I love you

Matt: Really? Some one is staring at my girlfriend and you said why I care… no and the problem is he was staring at your legs and your body he study it very well

Dawn: Ok… I don't see it a problem… let him stare from now until tomorrow he knows he can't get me

Matt gets angry

Matt: Ok you don't see it a problem ha… no problem… I feel like I want to blow out and you don't care

Dawn: Matt calm down please… what I mean that when I am with you I feel safe

Matt suddenly pulled over in the way said it was dark and after the midnight and the way was empty…he looked at her she was scared

Matt: Are you sure?

Dawn: What do you mean?

He begins to move closer to her

Dawn: Matt… what are you doing? You begin to scare me

He lend more closer Dawn's heart begins to beat million times suddenly he begin to laugh then he laid back on his seat still laughing

Matt: Just look at yourself… you really were scared…

Dawn: What?

Matt looked at her with tears on his eyes from laughing

Matt: You were scared from me… ha, ha, ha… ow Dawny… you really need a camera… but do you know something… you look more beautiful when you scared like that…

Out of the blue Dawn get out from the car Matt shocked…

Matt: DAWN…

Dawn start walking away from the car… Matt drive the car slowly behind her

Matt: Dawn… come on… I was joking

Dawn: What a joke Mr. Ishaida…

Matt: Come ride the car… its long way until the city and it's really dark

Dawn: I don't care… just leave me alone…

Matt pulled over the car "Hard head girl… but I'll show you" He get out from the car and went after her

Matt: Dawn…stop… ok… you can get angry with me when we arrived to the city

Dawn: I don't want to ___ ahaaa

Matt pulled her from her back and carried her; he puts her on his shoulder and start walking to his car

Matt: Just one time I want you to be good sweet girl and listen to me

Dawn: Get me down mister

Matt: In your dreams…

Dawn: I said put me down

Matt: Can you shut up?

Dawn: NO… put me down… I hate you

Matt: I know that… and I hate you too…

Dawn: Then let me go alone

Matt: No… I won't because I didn't do it

Dawn: Did what?

Out of the blue Matt laid her on the two back seats and laid on her after closing the door…

Dawn: What do you want? Get up from me

Matt: I didn't… make out for along time with you…

Dawn turned her face…

Dawn: I don't want

Matt: And do you think it's in your hands my girlie

Dawn looked at him

Dawn: Of course it is…

Matt gripped her hands tight and lend closer to her face

Matt: No it is not… I'm the king now…

He kissed her… after a while she relaxed under his kisses she pulled her hands and wrapped them around his neck he wrapped his arms around her waist the two start making out… after long time of lips locket Dawn pulled back to take a breath

Dawn: Matt…

Matt was kissing her neck…

Matt: I love you…

Dawn: I know that… now can we go home

Matt wasn't listing to her… he kept kissing her neck… then again he moved to her lips she didn't have a choice just to kiss him back Matt was good kisser he always let her relax when he kiss her like that… Matt ran his hands on her waist up and down until he arrived to the end of her short tight dress he pulled it up slowly Dawn didn't feel about him doing that… she told him before that she isn't ready for such a thing like this but Matt couldn't help it suddenly Dawn felt about his warm hands running on her stomach she opened her eyes and pushed him away from her he opened his eyes…

Matt: What?

Dawn: Get up from me

Matt: What's the wrong?

Dawn opened the door and pushed Matt away from her she get out from the car start crying Matt knew the reason he get out from the car and puts his hands on her shoulders Dawn pushed his hands

Dawn: Don't touch me… I hate you

Matt: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it

Dawn: I told you I'm not ready yet… you knew…

Matt: I knew… but…you are the cause.

Dawn looked at him in amazed still having tears in her eyes

Dawn: Me?

Matt: Yes…just look at what you wear… always showing your legs and your body what do you think will cross my head when I see you like this, if you wear more longer and isn't tight like this every thing will be right… but you never listen to me… you are doing this to let me be angry I know you

Dawn: If you think that then why you still with me?

Matt: I don't know why I stay with a silly girl like you?

Dawn: Now I'm the silly?

Matt: Yah… you are

Dawn: Then Yamato Ishaida… from now… I don't want to see you or talk with you…

Matt: And that's better…

Dawn: Ok… we break up then

Matt: Yes… I'll go in my way and you in your way

Dawn: Good… then goodbye…

Matt: Goodbye…

Dawn start walking… Matt rides his car and drive a way Dawn couldn't see his car after a while of walking in the dark empty street she gets scared she looked around her but there's no one in this moment every scared idea crossed her mind she looked away thinking that Matt is waiting for her or he will come back she waited him for a while but his car didn't show she starts crying

Dawn: Ow god… what I am going to do? I didn't think he is serous and he is really gonna leave me alone… I … I'm …

Then she imagine hearing something behind her when she looked there was no one just empty street and big desert in the street sides

Dawn: Who is it? Matt… is that you

Then she imagine hearing a woman scream and breathing her heart begins to beat hared and she begins to breath fast… then she heard a footsteps… she looked around her

Dawn: Ok Matt you win… I'm scared now… but please don't do this to me…

But the sounds loud more and more…

Dawn: I … I … I'm … w… w …

Then she suddenly starts running closing her eyes


Then some one catcher her and wrapped his arms around her she was shouting and kicking…


"Babe calm down… it's me Matt"


He holds her face to let her face him

"Open your eyes…it's me babe… come on cool down"

Dawn slowly opened her eyes to see herself in her boy friend arms

Dawn: Ow Matt…

She wrapped her arms around his neck… she was shacking…

Dawn: It's really you…

Matt: Yah… calm down…

Dawn: Why did you leave me alone?

Matt: I didn't leave you alone… I couldn't

Dawn: You came back for me?

Matt: Did you think I'm gonna leave you here? I can't… you know that

Dawn: I was scared…it was scary… dark… and I heard a lot of scary things

Matt: Sheee you were imagining that… now calm down

The two pulled back still in each other arms…

Matt: Just look at my flower… she's shacking…

Dawn: I'm cold…

Matt took his jacket and wrapped it around her he puts his arm around her shoulders and start walking to his car… whole the way Dawn didn't talk to him

Matt: Dawn… come on… say something… ok… I'm sorry

Dawn: Why did you drive away?

Matt: You asked me to do it

Dawn: And do you listen to me in this… you know it's scary out there

Matt: You start walking… you are the one who wanted to walk alone

Dawn: Why didn't you stop me? What kind of boy friends would do that?

Matt pulled over in front of her flat building

Matt: I said I'm sorry…

Dawn: And I don't care about you any more

She get out from the car and threw his jacket in his face she was crying

Dawn: I hate you Yamato Ishaida I hate you

Matt smiled and shacked his face… then he looked at her,


Dawn looked at him… he sent a kiss for her but she was angry and went up to her flat she entered her room she was very angry she puts the pillow on her face after laying on the bed and start shouting


After awhile of shouting and kicking she looked at the small pink box

Dawn: I want to forget him…

She took the box and threw it inside the cupboard…

Dawn: That's better…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~End of the Flash back ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Dawn smiled "You couldn't leave me alone, you came back for me… I knew it… you are different not like any other guy, I'm really crazy about you" Dawn opened the pink box to see alots of photos and love litters he sent them for her when they were in the school she took the litters and start reading them…


Two hearts, two hearts that best as one,

Our lives have just begun

Your lover, Yamato Ishaida


I love you not only for what you are

But for what I am when I am with you

Your crazy guy, Yamato (Matt) Ishaida


Dawn giggled then she took pies of paper from one of her book he wrote it for her in the math class Dawn read it…


Today is PRINCESS's day

My cute beautiful flower is


Your lover,

Yamato Ishaida

Kiss to you sending by the air


Dawn laughed "Naughty guy" then she looked at a lot of pink papers she red them all they were written in different days


No matter what will the future holds

We will always be together

I love you *Kiss*

Yamato (Matt) Ishaida


Just having you close fills me with love and hope

Nothing is impossible with you by my side.

Your truly lover,

Yami Ishaida



I find myself smiling at the thought of you

I give you my warmest smile for being by my side

The one who's really crazy about you,

Yamato Ishaida


Dawn looked up "Yes… I remembered he sent this one for me before his party he wanted me to be in the stage… ow god… he was wonderful and… more handsome than before… I can't forget that day…" Dawn kept reading


I got lost in your eyes and I feel my spirit rise and soar like the wind

Is it love that I am in?

Yamato Ishaida


I believe in you oh, through and through

Always and forever it will be,

You and me together…

By: Yamato (Matt) Ishaida


I want to share all my love with you

NO one else will do

Matt Ishaida


Dear, Dawn

Will you believe me if I say that I love you?

I'll give every thing I can

I'll build your dreams with these two hands



Though old so new to fill your heart like no there world should do

I love you

By, Yamato Ishaida

To, my special flower

Dawn Kudo


I'd be a fool for you

I'm sure you know I don't mind because you mean the world to me

I know I found in you my endless love

I love you Dawny I really do


Yami Ishaida


You know I love you I always will

My mind made up by the way that I feel

Your lover forever,



Dawn looked away smiling

Dawn: Sometimes I'm asking my self why I always fight with him… maybe because I love him… ow god and they ask me why I love him…

Dawn go back to the small box after done from the short love litters she took the pictures they were beautiful pictures taken for them in the school trips and camps, also when she goes with him when he goes in a trip with his friends…Dawn took a picture for him carrying her on his arms "Ow this one Tai took it for us… we were going to the shallot with his friends… we were having some fun…"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Flash back ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Joe: Ok guys… let's have some fun…

Tai: Yah… the night is long…

Sora: What can we do?

Tai: I know… let's party…Matt… sing

Matt: What?

Mimi: Yah… your voice is beautiful…

Matt: But…

Joe: Come on Matt… we all want to do some exercises…

Matt: But I'm not ready

Sora: I know… do it for your girlfriend…

Matt: Huh?

Sora: Sing for Dawn

The all looked at Dawn who was sitting next to him she blushed Matt looked at her then he kissed her cheek

Matt: If it is for her… then no problem

Sora: See… I know his weakness…

T.K: Ok I'll bring the guitar from your car Matt

After bringing the guitar Matt start singing with the help from Tai and Daivs after a while they puts the cassette and start dancing Matt was dancing with Dawn she was happy rolling and rolling she was almost fall down but Matt holds her…

Matt: Feeling dizzy ha… I think that will be better

Matt carried her… the all gasped and giggled

Joe: Matt never waits…. Right Dawn

Dawn blushed and hides her face on his chest

Mimi: Look she's blushing…

Kari: Hay guys don't you think they are cute

Tai: Yah… but they will be more if they kissed…

Matt looked amazed…

Sora: Good idea Tai

Yolie: Come one you two just do it…

Matt looked at Dawn then he looked at them…

Mimi: Don't look at us like this…like you never kissed her come on

Kari: Come Matt… that will be so romantic

Yolie: At least she will know you love her in front of us and behind us

Daivs: Yolie's right

Tai: Come on guy… just do it

Matt: Ok… ok mister Tai… you always bring these strange ideas

The two slowly lend and kissed when they pulled back they heard clapping and giggling Dawn was blushing Matt kissed her head then they heard Tai calling them when they saw him he was holding Kari's camera

Tai: Ok… just a memo picture… smile for uncle Tai

The two smiled…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~End of the Flash back ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Dawn giggled, " Tai always like that… wow… I missed Sora and Mimi, for along time I didn't talk to them or see them" Then she saw another picture it was the first picture they took together they took it in thair fist date… Dawn stare at it "We took this picture a year ago… in our fist date… the day we said that we love each other… Matt… I remember every moment I was with you since I laid my eyes on you that day and our fist date was really amazing and full day and our first kiss it was… it was amazing… Matt really such a good kisser… ah… I love him"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Flash back ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Dawn was walking the hallway in the school holding a lot of books and talking with her friend suddenly she crashed in some one and fall down her all stuff fall down too…

"Ow I'm sorry… let me help you" A guy said giving her his hand

Dawn opened her eyes and saw his hand then she looked at him to see the most beautiful icy blue eyes she felt something strange coming to whole her body she kept staring at him in the same time he was staring at her "What a girl" Matt thought… " What a guy… is he from here? I don't think I'll see like him around"

After a while Dawn's friend made a sign for the both they realized what was going on… Dawn gave him her hands he pulled her up slowly the two kept staring at each other holding hands

Matt: I'm sorry

Dawn: No… it was my fault I had to watch the way…

Matt: No… I was walking fast…

Dawn: That's ok… but also it's my fault

The two stare at each other Dawn's friend stare at the both

"Shall we go now?"

But there's no answer


Dawn opened her eyes then she looked at her friends

Dawn: What?

"Can we go now?"

Dawn: Yah sure thing

Dawn looked at Matt again and smiled "Wow… the most beautiful smile in the earth… I like it"

Dawn: Thank you for helping me…

Matt: No problem

Dawn: I think I have to go now

Matt: Yah…

Dawn: Ok… can you give me my hand back?

Matt realized that he stills holding her hand he let go

Matt: Sure…

Dawn took her stuff and walked with her friends Matt kept staring at her "Wow… what an amazing girl… I won't see like her even in my dreams… her name is Dawn? I think that what her friend called her… it's beautiful name for beautiful girl like her… ow god I want her…"

Two days later,

It was the weekend and Dawn with her friends would go to the Wolf teen band party, they sat in the third line in the front after a while the whole four members came out Dawn looked shocked when she saw Matt putting his guitar on his shoulder and took the mike "He's Yamato Ishaida then, the main member in the wolfs teen band… ow god… he's cute" Dawn kept staring at him, when Matt was ready to start playing his guitar he saw her he shocked and his heart sank "Ow my god she's here… no way…" Then his friend hit his shoulder telling him to start… Matt begin his song…

"When I look to the sunset
all the colors so beautiful
that the tears fall right down in-to the sea
to the ocean of my he-art

Though the brightness of the sun has drifted far away
tomorrow holds, the sunlight of a brand new day for me
I hold the light and the darkness in my heart
Trembling while I embrace the shadows moving me apart
and I can't give up all the dreams I have chased
And my love will be there, and will come to me again
with each rising sun, I'll find a future that is mine..."

The whole time Matt was staring at her like there's no one else…after the party they went out

Maiko: All the time you were staring at Yamato like there's no one just him

Dawn: Ow… he's handsome and cute

Maiko: Hey open your eyes he's the most hottest P-pop singer and alots of girls are after him… don't think he will remember you?

Dawn looked disappointment: Ow…

Maiko: Come on… you are beautiful girl and Scott is crazy about you just go with him… why you always refuse him

Dawn: Because I feel Scott just a friend nothing else

Maiko: You really strange girl… someone is crazy about you, you call him just a friend… he cute and handsome what do you want else…

Dawn: Can you close this topic please?

Maiko: I wish to know what do you think even for once…

Dawn: I'm thinking about someone called Yamato Ishaida

Maiko: Dawny… get real he's dating thousand girls in one week… before one and half week he went with Hima and after her with Sally

Dawn: Really?

Maiko: Yah… now forget him and come one I'm hungry

Dawn smiled: Always thinking about the food

The two giggled and start walking…

Whole this night the two couldn't sleep Matt took pies of paper and start writing a song she was laying thinking about him "ow god I can't take him from my head like he sticks but Maiko is right… how he look at me and whole these girls around him… he is the most handsome one in his band no in the school… no in the whole universe… I like him… ow god"

One week later,

Matt knew every thing about Dawn and where she is living and she's an athletic he was crazy about her, when he sees her he felt like he's going to milt after long one week he went to her locker to talk with her and ask her out.

Matt: Dawn…?

Dawn looked at him and shocked her heart begins to beat fast "Ow god, it's him he's calling me… he knows my name" She slowly smiled

Dawn: Y yes…

Matt: I am the one who crashed on you one week ago

Dawn: Yah I remembered you…

Matt happily: Great… I mean… good to have strong memory

Dawn smiled: Yah…

Matt cleared his throat

Matt: I was wondering if you are free in the Fraiday night?

Dawn shocked she didn't thought he might ask her out she didn't answer she looked down she knows he will date her today and leave her tomorrow

Matt: You didn't answer me?

She looked at her locket again…

Dawn: You are asking me __

Matt: On a date…

Dawn looked at him

Matt: Will you go with me on a date Dawn Kudo?

Dawn: You know my name?

Matt: Of course… when I care about someone I love to know every thing about him… and I care deeply about you Dawn Kudo

Dawn: Care?

Matt: Yes… so… will you go out with me?

Dawn looked at her locker again

Dawn: No… I'm sorry I can't

Matt shocked it's the first time a girl refused to go out with him

Matt: You refused going with me?

Dawn: I afraid yes

Matt: But why? I know you don't have a boyfriend

Dawn closed her locker and looked at him holding her books

Dawn: Maybe I don't have a boyfriend but also I don't want to go with you

Matt: Wait… can I know why you refused me?

Dawn: It's easy… because I don't want to be your date for one night then the next night you have another date… I'm sorry…

She walked but Matt holds her hands and pulled her he was little angry

Matt: You are the first girl refused going with me

Dawn pulled her hand

Dawn: Every thing has a first time… now excuse me I have to go to my class

She walked away "Has a first time ha… ok… I'll show you" Matt thought angry

The next day Dawn was talking with her friend Maiko they stopped in Maiko's locker talking Tai's locker was near them Matt was talking with Tai when he saw them he could hear what they were saying

Dawn: The sea?

Maiko: Yah… it's beautiful at night…

Dawn: But Maiko you are going with your boyfriend why I have to come?

Maiko: So we can have fun… come on

Dawn: I don't know Maiko

Maiko: Yes you are coming… we can walk and talk

Dawn: Ok… which one you will go?

Matt: The one in front of the West mall

Dawn: Get it… I'll be there 6 P.M.

Maiko: Sure thing…

Then Maiko took her stuff and went to thair class "6.00P.M. What a shot… ok Dawn Kudo you will be main and main alone"

West Beach… 6.15 P.M.,

Dawn was sitting on the chair waiting for Maiko and her boy friend they came then they told her that they will buy some drinks but they took long time because Maiko's boyfriend fought with some guy, Dawn starts walking in the beach thinking about how hard she was with Matt "Ow… god… I was hard with him… he came to me by himself and I let him go away from me… I'm really stupid but also he will leave me after done from me… ow god what I have to do I can't stop thinking about him…" She was thinking while walking without know how far she goes when she opened her eyes she saw herself in dark place away from the mall and the snakes bars "Ow god…" But before she walk Matt showed in her way her heart begun to beat million times in the second he looks angry…

Dawn: Y Yamato?

Matt: Did you expect some one else?

Dawn: What do you want?

Matt: Nothing…

Dawn: Ok… I think I have to go… see ya

She walked but Matt holds her hand still looking at the other side Dawn looked at him… she tried to pull her hands from him

Dawn: What do you want from me? Let me go

Matt: One question then I'll leave you

He was talking in sweet way… he turned and looks at her with smile

Matt: Why didn't you want to go out with me?

Dawn: I think I told you the reason

Matt: But I won't do this to you, you are different

Dawn could pull her hand

Dawn: Yah… just speech… sorry you can play with another girl of yours… I respect myself… I'm sorry I can't…

Matt: Who said I would play with you?

Dawn: You said it… play

Matt: I didn't mean you

Dawn: Me or not… I'm not a doll… salon

She walked but Matt was angry it's the first time a girl talked with him like this way he wanted her no he loves her now he doesn't want her to go and leaves him… he pulled her then lay her down on the sand he rested on her without thair body touched on his hands she was scared

Dawn: Get up from me…

Matt: No… I didn't see a girl like you before

Dawn: What do you mean?

Matt: You are the first one talk with me like this way… I really respect you after your speech

Dawn: Thank you… now get up from me

Matt lends more close to her face

Matt: I will tell you something I never tell to any girl before

Dawn: What?

Matt: I love you

Dawn was shocked but before she said anything Matt's lips were on her lips he kissed her for along time that let her relaxed and kissed him back she loves him truly and wants him to be with her he rested on her and wrapped her weist she wrapped her arms around his neck after long while the two pulled back to take breath they stare at each other

Matt: I really love you Dawn… truly… I kept thinking about you whole the time

Dawn: Is this speech from your heart?

Matt: I told you I never tell a girl in my live that I love her

Dawn: Why?

Matt: Because I wanted to tell it to the girl I truly love… and you showed, you are different hard head girl and could say no to me

Dawn smiled… she lends up and kissed him he kissed back after a while the rolled Dawn was on Matt's top they pulled back Dawn rested her head on his chest

Matt: So…?

Dawn: So…?

Matt: You didn't tell me if you love me or no?

Dawn: I still afraid

Matt sat Dawn sat on her knees; he looked at her in amazed

Matt: Afraid from what?

Dawn: You leave me

Matt smiled warmly for her he played with her hair

Matt: I got you hardly… now do you think I will leave you… no way

Dawn felt the tears came on her cheek Matt swabs them she hugged him he hugged her back and kissed her head

Matt: I truly love you and just you…

Dawn: I love you too… I love you so much…

They pulled back Dawn saw Matt's eyes they were wet and looks happy

Matt: You love me?

Dawn shacked her face as yes

Matt: You don't know how happy I am… I love you…

He stands up and pulled her up he twisted her many times Dawn had tears in her eyes Matt was shouting million times " I LOVE YOU" until he fall down and Dawn fall on him then she wrapped his neck while he wrapped her neck the two start kissing…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~End of the Flash back ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Dawn kissed the picture "It was wonderful moments…" Dawn closed her eyes trying to remember every moment she spent with Matt…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Flash back ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Two months after Matt and Dawn's first date,

The two kept dating and fighting… but the two could say that they loved each other very much, that night Matt wanted to move and do something more than just making out in the sofa… he even didn't make out with her in the sofa, she didn't come to his apartment and stayed just for short time, Matt called Dawn's cell phone… she was watching TV she answered she didn't see the number

Dawn: Hello

Matt: Beautiful hello sending for my beautiful flower

Dawn smiled: Yami… ow I missed you

Matt: Me too… you never called me these couple days so I called you, how is my flower doing?

Dawn: Good… every thing is fine

Matt: So your parents had gone?

Dawn: Yah… for one week…

Matt: It's the holiday… why didn't you go with them?

Dawn: I couldn't

Matt: Why not?

Dawn: I just couldn't go and leave my heart knight

Matt: Ow gosh and they told me why I love her…

Dawn: Yami please stop it… I'm blushing

Matt: I told you, you become beautiful when you turn red like this… any way did you have the dinner?

Dawn: No not yet… but why don't you come and have it with me?

Matt: No… you be ready I'll come to take you to have the dinner with me.

Dawn: But ___

Matt: Without buts… I'm your boy friend and you know I'm not gonna hurt you

Dawn smiled: Ok… then when you will come?

Matt: I'm in my way

Dawn: Moments and I'll be ready

The two hung up the call, Dawn changed her cloths and wear short white skirt with pink t-shirt after a while Matt came and rang the pill she opened it

Dawn: Hi

Matt: Hi… ready ha?

Dawn: Of course…

Matt: Wow… you look… more beautiful you know you always beautiful

Dawn blushed: Thanks

Matt kissed her noise

Matt: Ok shall we go… our dinner is waiting

Dawn locket the door and the two went to Matt's apartment after the dinner

Dawn: I didn't know the famous p-pop singer is good cooker

Matt: Did you like the food?

Dawn: Of course it's yummy you have to teach me your sushi

Matt: Yah sure thing… but you didn't eat…

Dawn: Come on I ate until I below out

Matt: I don't see that… you want to keep your weight that is it.

Dawn: You can say that…

Matt sat next to her on the sofa the apartment was dark just two lamps in the living room he puts his arm on the sofa around her playing with her hair

Matt: Dawn… don't you think we are dating for along time?

Dawn: Ya… but why do you ask?

Matt: I mean… we can move to something more… like proving our love fore each other… you know what I mean

Dawn looked at him in amazed

Dawn: You mean…?

Matt: Yah… look I don't want to rush you…

Dawn: Actually Matt… I'm not ready yet

Matt: I told you I don't want to push you or rush you we can wait

Dawn: Matt… I don't want to sleep with any one just my husband

Matt: Husband?

Dawn: I'm sorry I know I let you down… but I'm not ready and I afraid from such a thing like it…

Matt looked down: I see…

Dawn: Do you hate me?

Matt looked at her with smile

Matt: Of course no… I love you more… I will have you any way

Dawn: What?

Matt: I mean I'm your future husband why the rush?

Dawn happily: You are gonna marry me?

Matt: Of course do you think I'll leave you for another guy, after we finish the school and finish the collage I'll marry you… this is my dream to be my wife and have family with you

Dawn hugged him he hugged her back

Dawn: I'm happy… I always wish to be with you forever carrying your name

Matt: I love you

Dawn: I love you too…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~End of the Flash back ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Dawn opened her eyes "Ya… we made this promise a year ago… but now every thing changed…any way… what ever will happen I'm always will love you Yamato Ishaida and you will be always inside my heart always"