Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother, My Lover ❯ at the mall ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: I don't own Digimon or any other copyrighted materials that may appear in this story.

After we got done puting away all the gorcereys away Takeru went and laid down for a while. He must of be exhausted from last night. All that runing to catch the bus and then even more to get here before I fell asleep.

I breifly wondered what would of happened if he got here and I was asleep. Several scenarios ran across my mind and none of them were any good. I'm so glad he made it here and that killer didn't get to him.

I've been told the more I think about bad things the more likely they are to happen but thats a load of bull shit if you ask me. Nothing bads going to happen as long as I'm watching him.

I lit up and cigarette and heard soemthing comeing from the bedroom. Takeru was awake.

I opened the door and smiled to him. "Hey Yama what time is it?" He asked me. I glanced at my watch and said about two in the afternoon." He let out a sigh before he said "I've been sleeping for 3 hours." I gave a nod and said "Which is fine by me. Let's get some lunch in us and head down to the mall. Time to get you a new wardrobe." I said with a smile.

"You have fire in your eyes." He told me. I laughed. "I'm a shopping queen." I said still laughing. "I just hope I don't cost you too much." He said. "No such thing as too much for me. I'm a rockstar if you forgot." I remind him. "Just don;t do the Emcee Hammer thing." Takuer said.

"Emcee Hammer?" I asked him. "He was an Americian rap performer that went bankrupt because he gave his friends and familly limitless money to spend." Takeru said. "You sure listen to a lot of americian music." I said. "It helps my english." He said. I gave him a nod and said "I suppose it does."

He tossed the covers off himself and I let out a yelp. He was naked. I felt myself blush.

"Whats the big deal?" He asked. "You're naked." I pointed out to him. "It's not that big of a deal." He said as he bent down to pull his boxers on.

I let out a sight when he had pulled them on. Wehn that was done on came the pants. Then he put a blet through the loops and paused to pick a small red something up. "Whats the hell is that?" I asked him.

He flicked something on the object, quickly spun his wrist, and flciked it back. When he stoped moveing it so fast I saw a blade. "Butterfly knife." He said as closed it up and put it in his pocket before pulling a shirt over his head.

"Theres a killer on the lose around here so it would be be good to have that with you just incase." I said. "You're so paranoid." He said as he grabed my hand and led me to the garage.

When we were inside the car I started it up and droped the top. Taker put a hand on my shoulder and reached in to my shirt pocket. He pulled otu a cigarette and lit it up. I put the windows down and we drove off to the mall.

When we got there I put the top up, rolled the windows up, and we got out. When we were inside Takeru went crazy.

"This mall is huge." He said. "Yeah it's a big one." I said. "Were first?" He asked me. "How about After Hours?" I asked him as I headed towars the store I mentioned. "That sounds like a night club." He said. "They specialise in formal attire." I said.

"Attire?" He asked me with a laugh. "Thats what you call it. You need at least one suit." I said "But I hate getting dressed up." He pleaded. "Just one suit and it's only for formal events which don't happen often around me." I said as I grabed his hand so he wouldn't run off. "Fine." He said.

It was strange. I expected him to pull his hand away but instaed he grabed on. Was he smiplying trying not to make a big thing out of it, was it a gesture of brotherly closeness or was it that he felt the same way about me.

I let go of his hand and he let go of mine when we got to the store. When we got in I steped away and one fo the store workers looked him over.

I smiled as his expression worsened as the enlderly man walked around him several times. The man smiled at Takeru and he let out a low growl.

"I'm guessing 24-31 for the pants with a small jacket and shirt." The man said. Takeru gave a nod and the man smiled. "Might I be as bold as to sugust a few color choices?" He asked. "I don;t dress up so I wouldn't know what would look good on me." Takeru said.

"I would like to warn you that no suit is going to make you ass stick out like those pants." The old man said with a laugh as he went to the back for a suit.

"That guy creeps me out Yama." Takeru said. "All suit people seem to be like that." I said with a frown. "I want him to know that he'll never have me." Takeru said. "Try this on young sir." The man said.

As soon as I saw him Takeru grabed me the collor of my shirt and kissed me. Not just an small little peck on the cheek but a flull fledged "lets make out" kiss. I kissed him back adn before I knew it we had started makeing out.

When I pulled away the old man had a slight look of disappointment on his face but said "Go to the fitting room and try this on." Taker took the ofered suit and I followed him to the fitting room. "No sex in the fitting room." The old man said.

Takeru went in the fitting room and came out wearing a dark grey suit and the most umfortable look I had ever seen on his face. "I think it looks good on you." I said. "Quite well." The old man said. Takeru kissed me on the cheek and said "no chance in hell." The old man gave a nod.

When Takeru changed back in to the outfit he had on earlier and we left the suit shop. "You sure were effectionate in there." I said with a smile. "You wern't saying anything about it." He pointed out. "It was fun makeing out in front of him like that." I said.

"Yeah it was a good excuse to ma..practice." He said. I pretended to miss his slip up but thought about it. Did he like makeing out with me because I was good at it or because he cared about me. I felt him grab my hand so I led him to the next store I had in mind for his wardroe.

"Silkys?" He asked me when we got there. "Yeah this is were I get a lot of my shirts." I said. "I figured. Everytime I see you it's always slik and leather." He said with a laugh. "Is that a problem?" I asked him. "Would it matter if it was?" He asked me.

"No I'm just wondering if you wore anything else besides silk and leather." He said. "Yeah cotton socks and boxers." I said. "I'm not much of a silk person is all." He said. "All right then were do you want to go?" I asked him. "Is there a regular shirt shop in here?" He asked me.

"This is one of the biggest malls around. I'm sure theres a shirt shop in here somewere that will have what you want." I said, takeing his hand. "Yeah I'm sure of it too, but why do you keep holding my hand?" He asked me.

"Why do you keep makeing out with me?" I asked him. "Cause I don't like all these people looking at me like they think they can have me as thier own little boy toy." He said. "Fair enough. I keep holding you hand so we don't get seperated."He said.

We walked around the mall untill we founf a store called The Shirt Shack. We went inside and Takerus eyes lit up.

"I love this one." He said pointing to shirt with a pair of argueing squrrels that said "get off my nuts" in red print. I laughed and said "Get what ever you want. Price dosen't matter as long as it makes you happy." I told him.

We ran around the store for several hours with Takeru grabing a few dozen shirts. "I think these will do." He said when neither of us could carry anymore. I smiled and said "Yeah and after this we can get some pants." He gave a nod and we went to pay for them.

The girl at the counter was a young teenages girl with blond hair that had been dyed pink and she had a pirceing in her lip. She looked at me for a second before she said "Are you by any chance Yamato Ishida?" She asked me. "Yeah thats me." I said with a smile.

"Do you think you could sign my hoodie?" She asked me. "Anything for a fan." I said as I signed the hoodie for her. "Thanks. You think I could get a kiss?" She asked. "Sorry but I'm gay." I said. "You can't be." She said.

Takeru took the hint and kissed me. It wasn't long before we were makeing on the counter. "Yeah you're gay but oh my god that makes you so much hotter." She said as she was bagging up the shirts.

When she had baged up all the shirts we took them with the suit to the car, put them in the trunk, and went back in to the mall for pants. I wondered what he would wear.

"What kind of pants do want?" I asked him. "Tight jeans and leather." He said. "Mom didn't even let you wear tight jeans?" I asked him. "Nope she said tight jeans look gay." He told me. "They do but thats no problem with us right?" I asked him. In place of saying anything he just smiled.

After about ten pairs of thight jeans, eight pairs of leather pants, five hoodie signings, and two make out sessions we were ready to head home. We got in the car, lit up our smokes, droped the top, put down the windows, trurned up the radio, and drove home.

"That was fun." I said with a laugh. "Yeah love shopping." Takeru said. "Is that why you and Hikari were such good firends?" I asked him. "Yeah me, her, and Miyako would always go to the malls and hang out." He said as he took a drag and laughed. We just drove home laughing and jokeing the whole way.