Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother, My Lover ❯ dinner ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: I don't own Digimon or any other copyrighted materials that may appear in this story.

I slid in to a parking lot and killed the engine. "This isn't home." Takeru said. "I know but it's my favortie resteraunt." I said. "You never took me here before..." Takeru said getting depressed. "Thats cause I didn't know you were gay before." I told him.

"The Gay Cafe?" Takeru asked as he went in. "Yeah." I said as we went in.

We went in and a man in a dress walked up to me "Hello agian Yama. Who is this little hottie you brought in with you?" He said. "Yugami this is my brother." I said to my friend. "I'm Takeru." He introduced himself. "I guess cute and polite runs in the familly." Yugami said. "Not on my mothers side." Takeru laughed as we were led to a table. Yugami was quiet and untill we got to the table.

When we got there Yugami handed my brother a menu and said "I suppose you'll be haveing the usual." I gave a nod and said "Yeah but hold the rum." Yugami worte it down on his pad and looked over at Takuer who asked "Whats his usual?"

Yugami smiled and said "He likes the steak and shrim with a large penia colada." Takuerus eyes got wide and he said "I think I know what I want." Yugami wrote it on his pad and left for the kitchens.

I was about to say something to Takeru but I heard a familair sounding moan and looked over at the table to our left. Takeru followed my eyes to see Taichi and Koushiro makeing out while they were waiting for thier meal.

"Go Taichi"! I yelled. He stoped makeing out and looked over at me and Takeru who were laughing. "Hey guys." He said blushing. "Hey yourself." I said to him. Takueru was still laughing over the way I got there attention.

"Whats he giggleing about?" Taichi asked pointing at Takeru. "I believe it was the way Yamato attracted our attention." Kyoshiro said. Takeru gave a nod and was able to stop laughing. I smiled at my brother.

"So whats up?" I asked. "Taichi is takeing me here for our annaversary." Koushio said. "We were thinking of haveing a party but nobody is arround to celebrate with us." Taichi said sadly. "How about we all have some champagne at my place after we finish up here." I sugusted.

Takeru got a upset look on his face and I said "When I said all of us I ment you too." He smiled at me and a drag waiteress walked over carrying wo plates of food. "Thats our dinner. Taichi said as he and Kyoshiro turned thier attention back to the table.

Takeru and I started talking about things while they ate and shortly after mine and Takeru's dinner were served as well. Takeru eyed the larrge steak they served him with amazement. "Enjoy." I told him as I took a sip of my penia colada.

We ate our meal and chatted about small things the entire time. When we were done we went out to the parking lot. I looked for Kyoshiros car but didn't see it.

"They must of headed to my place already let's not keep them waiting." I said as I got in my car. We started it up, put the top down, put the windows down, and I dorve to my house.

"Let's not keep them waiting." I said to Takeru as I sped up. "Yama you're going too fast." Takeru yelled looking at the spedometer. "I can handle this. I've gone top speed before." I laughed as I raced to my house. "I'm worried about cops." Takeru said. I laughed and said "You shouldn't be."

When we had gotten to the house and were about to carry in Takeru's new wardrobe when Taichi and Kyoshiro got there. They saw us with the bags and decided to help.

The four of us walked in to my house and each of us was carrying a large ammount of bags. "Put them on my futon for now." I said as I led the way to my bedroom. The three of them followed me to my room were we sat don the many bags we were each carrying. When we were done with that I went to the kitchen.

I lit up a cigarette, opened up the liquor cabinet which Taichi saw and let out a whistle. "Damn Yama! That's a lot of booze!" He shouted. Takeru too one of my cigarettes, lit it, and said "Most rockstars have a large ammount of booze. I'm not suprised." Taichi shook his head and said "Still I can't beleve he has that much."

"Most of it is wine, champagne, and drink mixes. Theres really not a lot of hard liqour in there." I said as I took out four champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne. I filled the glasses and passed one out to everyone.

"To love." Kyoshiro said as he raised his glass. We all toasted out glasses and took a drink. We sat around laughing, jokeing, and drinking. We had drained a few bottles before Taichi stood up and said "Well we better go before we get to hammered to drive." Kyshiro gave a nod and they left.

"So were should I put all my new clothes?" Takeru asked with a slight slur. "just set them aside for now and then we'll put them in the second closet in the morning." I said feeling a bit out of it. "Lets just go to bed and worry about it in the morning." He said. "Sounds good to me." I said as we went to the bedroom.

We moved the bags of clothse, striped down to our underwere, and crawled in to bed. "Good night Yama." He said. "night Takeru." I told him.