Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother, My Lover ❯ what happened ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: I don't own digimon or any other copyrighted materials that may appear in this story.

I woke up with a headahce. On top of that my ass hurt. I threw the sheat off of myself and saw that Takeru and I were both naked. I also saw what looked like a fresh cum stain on the matress. I looked at Takeru and saw that he was naked as well.

I shook him gently to wake him up. He moaned so I shook him harder. His eyes snaped open and he glared at me. "Not now." He said. "Yes now we need to talk." I said. "What?" He asked as he tried to sit up. "Damnit my ass hurts." He said.

"Oh my god." I said . "Did we....umm... you know.......last night?" He asked me nevrously. "I think so." I said. Takeru shhok his head in disbelief. "Oh my god. I didn't want my it to be like this." He said.

"Was it your first time?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said. "I'm so sorry. I stole your virginity away from you and I don't even remember it. I am such a pecice of shit. I can't beleve I let myself get so drunk last night." I said feeling worse then I've ever felt in my life.

"Don't be it was...." He said but I cut him off by saying "It was a big deal and it was my fault and I'm such a fucking peice of shit." I said reaching in my top drawer. I found was I was looking for and pulled it out.

"Put the fucking gun down." Takeru said quickly and firmly. "I've taken the most important thing from the one person I love. I have plenty of reason to want to die." I said, rasieing the gun to my head. "If you shoot yourself I'll slit my throat and don't think I won't." He said with a firm look on his face.

"I don't beleve you." I said. His expression didn't soften when he said "Just hear me out and then you can do what you want." He said. "I owe you that much at least." I said, lowering the gun.

"The only regret I have about last night was that we were both drunk. I love you and I don't mean it in just the brotherly way. I love you the way that..." His words trailed off and he started crying.

I put the gun in the drawer and thought for a second. He loved me like that. It was my every dream come true but at the same time It brought on a ton of nightmares. If the wrong people found out then it would spell out disaster for both of us.

"I've loved you for so long in the same way." I said to him. "Then why haven't you..." I cut him off by rasieing a finger to his lips. "Probably for the same reasons you haven't but before anything gets decided theres a few things that we need to seresouly discuss." I told him. He gave a nod and said "Then we should get to talking."

I got dressed and he did the same. We went in to the front room adn sat donw on the couch. I lit up a cigarette and Takeru did the same. "A lot of people won't understand this. Homosexuality is looked down on and so is incest. Nobody will understand this. We won't be able to live our lives as freely as we would like to. It's not going to be easy." I said before takeing a drag off my cigarette. "We don't have to live here were everyone knows us. We could go someplace else." He said.

"Were could we go we have no conncetions outside of Japan." I said. "Not true. We have Mimi who would probably take us in for a short while untill you could afford to get a place of your own and then we could live there. We could live together without haveing to worry who found out. Our last names are different so nobody in Americia would even think twice about us being brothers. All we would have to do is get all my legal documents from mom." He said. thats not going to be very easy to do." I said. "I think It will be very easy. Who says how have to get my legal document s from her? One egg or two?" Takeru asked as he got a pan and the eggs out.

"Two and what do you mean by who says we have to get them from her?" I asked him. We could have Ken and Kyoshiro get them for us if she won't hand them over but I think she will." He said as he cracked the eggs in the pan and started scrambleing them.

"You've thought aboutt his before haven't you?" I asked him. "Two things. One is I've always wanted to live in Americia since I was thirteen and two is I've wanted to spend my whole life with for as long as I can remember." He said. "So you're liveing out all your dreams this way aren't you?" I asked him.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked me as he put the eggs on a plate and handed them to me. He cracked a few more eggs in the pan before and I said "I would have to give up a few things but I would be willing to give up anything for you." I said to him.

"You're so sweet." He said as he put his own eggs on a plate and ate with me. When we were finished with our eggs we rined our plates and put them in the dishwasher.

We shared my last cigarette and then I said "Well let's not put this off any more." Takeru gave a nod and said "Yeah I'm ready." I shook my head. "One more thing." I said.

"What would that be?" He asked me. "I want a kiss before we go." I said. He pushed me ont he couch and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss I had ever gotten in my entire life. Before I even reaslied I was on bottom he had his tounge in my mouth. I pushed back with my own. It was almsot like we were battleing for control of the kiss.

After a few minutes of makeing out he pulled away and asked "Now can we do this?" I gave a nod and said "Now let's get on with this." He smiled and we went out to the garage.

I statred up my car and we drove off to our mothers house. I didn't tell Takeru but I was afriad of what would happen there. I was very afraid for both of us.