Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother, My Lover ❯ has anything changed ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: I don't own digimon or any other copyrighted materials that are used in this story in this story.

We left the custody office. Our mother drove home in her own car while Takeru and I went back back to my place in my car. On the way there he asked me one of the strangest questions.

"Since I'm under you custody does that chnage anything between us?" He asked me as I got on the freeway. "Legally yes, but other then that no." I said. "You don't seem to care about legal stuff." He said. "I'm a rockstar. I make my own laws." I said.

He laughed and I said "I try to stay within the law but some things can't be helped." He gave a nod and said "You may be a criminal but you're not a bad guy." I smiled. "Thanks." I said with a smile.

We dorve home without saying much more on the way. When we got there I looked at the clock hung on the wall. It was past one in the afternoon.

"What are we doing for lunch Yama?" Takeru asked me. "I don't know." I said. "Are you even that hungry?" He asked me. "Not really are you?" I said. "Not really no." He said.

We were quiet for a while. Just sitting there enjoying eachothers company. Although it was silent it wasn't uncomfortable. It was the nice kind of quiet were you can only get with someone you truely love. It was a very nice kind of quiet.

"Does it bore you just sitting here being quiet?" Takeru asked me. "Not at all." I said. "I used to think there was no such thing as a good quiet but I was wrong." He said.

I smiled at him. "You're so cute." I said. "You think so?" He said looking a little upset. "Not the little kid kind of cute though. The other kind of cute." I said. "What do you mean by the other kind of cute?" He asked me. "I mean cute as in good looking." I explained.

"Whats love mean to you?" He asked me. "Whats love mean to me?" I asked him. He gave a nod and I said "To me love is the ablilty to trust someone more then anyone else, to be able to enjoy to thier company no matter what the two of you are doing, and to want to be with that person no every second you're away from them." I said.

"How long have you felt that way about me?" He asked me. "Since I was thierteen." I said. "You've been in love with for six years?" He asked me. I gave a nod a nod.

"How about you tell me what I told you?" I asked him. He had a puzzled look on his face before he said I think i get what you mean." I smiled and said "Tell me what love is to you and how long you've been in love with me."

"Well my defenition of love is the same as yours and I've had feelings like that about you since I was nine. Mom said it was normal to feel that way about an older sibbling when you were young but it didn't go away. In fact as time went on the feels I had for you only got stronger." He said.

"I love you Takeru." I said "I love you too Yama." He said pulling me in to an embrace. We held eachother for a while like that untill we fell asleep. Even though it was just the middle of the afternoon I a lot had happened to us.