Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother, My Lover ❯ phone calls ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
DIsclamer: I don't own digimon.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I awnsered it to hear my moms voice.

"Hey mom." I said. "You're in the news. All day I've seen you and Takeru makeing out in the mall on tv it's in all the entertainment news reports and I saw a picture of you guys on a magazene cover when I went to the liqour store to pick up some cigarettes." She said. "What the hell?" I asked her.

"Yeah I even read through it and your names were in it." She said. "Oh fuck." I said. "Yeah but since your last names are different I don't know how many people know you guys are brothers." She said. "I hope thats the case." I said as I heard Takerus cell phone ring. I looked to see that he wasn't next to me.

"I'm going to go mom but I'll talk to you about it later." I said to her. "Okay good luck and be careful. I do love you boys." She said. "I love you too mom." I said as I hung up.

"No he isn't abuseing me! We're fucking in love!" Takeru yelled to someone who was on the phone. I walked in the front room to see him with an angry glare on his face. "Listen Miyako I love him and he loves me. I you have a problem with it then don't talk to us anymore." He said. His expression grew even more anrgy.

"Listen to me you fucking bitch. We are in love and you better not try to destroy it. I don't give a fuck about what you think of it. If you try to destory this I will make certian that you'll never be happy agian." He said in a quiet icy tone.

A pause and then he said "No I'm not threatening you I'm promiseing. I will make your life a liveing hell if you try to hurt me or my brother. Stay the fuck away from us." He said in the same evil sounding tone before he hung up.

I put a hand on his shoulder and he flinched but looked up at me. his eeys which were usually a warm, inviteing blue were deep and cold as ice. He had a harsh glare on his face that scarded me slighty.

"I'm going to kill her one of these days." He said slowly. "Don't say things like that." I said to him. "Wouldn't be the first time I've had to kill someone or something." He said. "You mean in the digiworld?" I asked him. He gave a nod.

"Don't say things like that. We're being wateched all the time. I am a rockstar after all and theres always people looking at me, waiting to see if I do something interesting. If our so called friends don;t mention anything to the press about us being what we are aside from lovers then it should all be fine." I said to him.

He gave a nod and my cell hone rang. I opened it up. "My manager." I said to Takeru. He gave a nod and I awsnered my phone.

"This is Yamato." I said. "It's me Mr Yumemaru." He said. "Whats up?" I asked him. "i think it would help if you and you're new boyfriend appeared on television." He said. "Why?" I asked him. "I think it would help if you passed off for what he wasn't." Mr Yumemaru said. "What do you mean by that?" I asked him. "I know he's your brother. I don't know how many other people could make that connection but if you try hard enough to convice them that he isn't you brother then things will certianly work out for the better." He told me. "What show do you have in mind?" I asked him.

"I was thinking Stars at Night." He said. "I hate wearing suits." I said. "I know but everyone watches it." He said. "Fine are we on tonight?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said. "All right then I'll let Takeru know." I said. "All right thats all then." He said before hanging up.

"Well Takeru you're going to be on tv with me." I told him. "Really? What show?" He asked me. "Stars at Night." I told him. He smiled. "I love that show." He said. "The only thing is you have to wear a suit." I said.

"I hate suits." He said. "I do too but let's get dressed up and ready to go. We're on for tongiths show and it's live. We have like fourty five minutes to get there." I said to him. He gave a nod.

We went to the bedroom changed in to our suits and drove there. When we got there Takerus was sweating bullets.

"It's ok." I said as I gave him a small kiss. He kissed me back and we walked on to the stage as they announced us as guests.