Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 9
Cass yawned and rolled over on the living room couch, stroking the crown of her companion contently. “You're still real,” she whispered, half asleep with her eyes shut. The sun shot through the curtains overhead, forcing Cass into full consciousness. She sat up and looked over to her right, her eyes meeting the large ruby orbs of her most loyal friend. She giggled and pick up her partner for a hug, “Good morning, Nyaromon.”
Nyaromon smiled back with a large, toothy grin. Cass dragged herself off the couch. She was feeling dirty after sleeping in the same clothes she had since her visit to the digital world, so she started walking towards the bathroom when she heard commotion behind the door to the left.
She could hear bumps and grunts, and possibly cursing as something jiggled the doorknob from the other side. Nyaromon cautiously crept towards the door in front of Cass, instinctively taking actions to put her Tamer before her. Cass curiously reached her hand towards the shaking brass knob. She grasped it, and quickly turned it. She suddenly heard a thump on the other side of the door, along with an audible “Numesludge!” When she swung the door open, Pagumon sat on his head a few feet in front of them. He had been trying to open the door by himself. “Erg… Oh, it's you guys,” he said as he rolled himself upright.
“Uh, hey, Pagumon.” Cass looked the room over, seeing a large bed, a television set with a game console, few movie posters and clothes thrown all over. The room was completed with the large lump on the bed. Cass nodded her head towards the kitchen, “Come on. Let's get you guys some breakfast.”
About a half hour passed until Vinni finally emerged from his room. He found Pagumon compulsively bouncing in front of the TV while Nyaromon cuddled up next to Cass as she typed away on the laptop. “Morning, what's up?” He yawned.
Cass spoke to him, her gaze never diverting from the screen, “I wanna go back to the beach where we fought ShadowEbidramon. There's something I wanna check out.”
Vinni took a look at his DigiCom, which displayed the current time for his area. “We still have around five hours before my cousin gets back. I guess we should go now.”
Pagumon bounced over to his Tamer, “Alright, let's do it. Pagumon digvo—“
“Hold on!” Cass had interrupted him. “Gizamon can't just go out in public. You're too bizarre in this world.”
“What are we suppose to do?” asked Vinni.
Cass looked at each of them, piecing together a plan. Her face soon lit up with an idea.
Back in the Digital World…
Magnamon arrived back in the room with the brilliant light. Derek sat glumly in the energy net. The net faded, causing Derek to fall to the floor on his rear. He yelped and glared up at the knight.
Magnamon paid him no mind, and simply spoke to the shining pillar in the center of the room. “Catalymon! I've brought the boy!”
Catalymon appeared once more, looking down at the terrified child with a calm smile. “Young Tamer,” she spoke, “Please, step into the light.”
Derek looked back over to Magnamon, who was hovering a few feet behind him, staring at him expectantly. Feeling strongly intimidated by his kidnapper, he slowly stepped towards the light, opposite direction from Magnamon.
“Do not fear. We do not wish to hurt you.” Catalymon said. Feeling slightly reassured by the creature's lovely sound, Derek walked into the light.
Catalymon vanished, and a very small digimon was expelled from the multicolored beam. The light formed into a sphere around Derek, and split up into nine smaller spheres. One sphere swiftly flew into Derek's wrist, forming into a green DigiCom with black buttons and wrist strap. The other eight flew off into random directions, through the walls and out of sight. Derek was shocked at what had just happened. He glanced down at his new digivice, seeing that an orange star-like symbol flashed on the screen.
The small creature floated over to him. It had a small body with small, purple-tipped arms and legs, and a stubby tail. Its large head was highlighted with big, adorable green eyes and the same red triangle with three small triangles. On its head were two very large ear-like appendages with purple tips. The creature spoke to him. “I've given most of my power to the Tamers. You've earned this power by having the Courage to receive it. I trust you'll use it well.”
“Um, but, what did you…?” Was all Derek could utter before Magnamon opened a warp hole underneath his feet, dropping him into another part of the Digital World.
Magnamon and the tiny catalyst exchanged worried glances. “I hope this works,” said the golden warrior.
Suddenly the walls burst open, creating a loud crash. A large, pink rabbit with rings on its ears was pushed through the wall by a humanoid creature clad in green armor and with ten bat-like wings.
“Oh no! Cherubimon!” Screamed the small digimon.
“Ungh! Calumon, don't worry about me!” Cherubimon gasped out as he held back the demonic enemy.
“What in the world's happened to Seraphimon!?” Magnamon hastily asked.
“It was a virus… Came through the surveillance network… Ophanimon's escaped, you should, too!”
“But what about you? You can't handle ShadowSeraphimon on your own!” Calumon cried.
“I'm fine… Alert the Sovereigns. Make sure they know what's happened!”
Calumon looked back at Cherubimon anxiously, and then escaped through the opening in the ceiling through which her light was channeled.
“I'll inform Alphamon and contain the incident. Good luck, your holiness.” Magnamon disappeared through another warp hole, leaving the battle between the celestial digimon.