Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 11
Derek was flying through space, random shapes and lights whizzing around him. He couldn't tell which way was up, which way was left, which way was that of the Jedi, he was spiraling through unknown space. Suddenly sunlight filled his vision and his rear made contact with solid ground.
“Ugh… Whoa…” He tried standing back up, fell on his rump again, and just sat there until the dizziness wore off. He soon became aware of his surroundings. It was a large meadow. It seemed empty except for a huge mansion right in the middle. Derek stood up again and brushed off his jersey.
He looked around the area, nothing but vast meadow surrounded by thick forest and mountain. He spotted the mansion again and started walking towards it, hoping to find some help.
A loud barking sound startled Derek and he froze. He jerked his head to the left to find an enormous dog with bright red stripes and a spiked collar confronting him. He soon realized that there were more and they had him surrounded, although they were all a bit smaller than the original, and they had duller stripes. But each of them had piercing red eyes and they growled menacingly at him. The poor kid was paralyzed with fear.
“Jason… help…” Derek whispered. The device on his wrist beeped, nearly making Derek jump out of his sneakers.
The first dog barked at him for his sudden motion. He nervously looked down at his Digivice; it was projecting a hologram window showing a picture of the dog. Soon words appeared around the picture. “Dobermon. Champion level. Vaccine attribute. Beast Digimon. Special: Grau Realm.”
Derek slowly pointed his left arm towards the larger one.
“Dobermon. Champion level. Vaccine attribute. Beast Digimon. Special: Grau Realm. WARNING: X-ANTIBODY.”
Suddenly there was an explosion of energy a few feet from the circle of Dobermon. An egg had appeared from some kind of warp, and it dropped onto the soft grass. Dobermon X ran over to it and sniffed it carefully.
It howled at the mansion, beckoning its master to come forth. The large doors creaked open and out waddled a withered creature, like an old woman, and it was carrying a broomstick. “Keep your collar on, I'm coming.” It muttered. The digimon suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke, and then reappeared next to the egg.
“Goodness, this one arrived from the human world. I guess someone on the other side is looking out for us.” It said as it rubbed the egg.
“Eh?” The old digimon looked up at her hound, Dobermon X nodded its head in Derek's direction, a couple yards in front of them. “Oh!”
Another puff of smoke, and the old digimon was face to face with the child. “Wah!” Derek fell back on his rump.
“Oh! So many surprises from the human world today! Hello, child. I am Babamon. Have no fear, I welcome humans with open arms,” She turned to the pack of Dobermon circling them, “All of you, back to your posts! Give the young ones the all-clear!”
The Dobermon all ran off in random directions, including Dobermon X. Soon many small digimon came bouncing out from the bushes and trees, watching the human with curious eyes.
“Here, let me give you a hand, boy.” Babamon helped Derek off the ground. He looked down to see his DigiCom's analyzer.
“Babamon. Mega level. Vaccine attribute. Ancient digimon. Special: Empress Haze.”
It then scrolled rapidly through many Fresh level digimon, “Botamon. Kuramon. Gigimon. Yuramon. Nyokimon. Zurumon. YukimiBotamon. MetalKoromon. Punimon. Tsubomon. Poyomon. Reremon. Kiimon. Pururumon. Zerimon. Pichimon. Puroromon. Chibomon…”
“…Where am I?” Derek asked, looking around at the baby digimon.
“Ah yes, those are usually the first words I hear out of humans.” She began waddling back towards the egg. “Follow me.”
She picked the egg up and shoved it into Derek's arms. “Well, it's definitely not yours. Come with me.”
Derek followed Babamon towards the mansion. “Are you going to restore the DigiEgg to who it used to be?”
Babamon paused, and gave a deep sigh, “It doesn't matter who it was. It's a Pichimon egg, so it could have been a Zudomon, a Crabmon, an Ebidramon, or even a MarineAngemon. That digimon is gone now, its data has been rewritten and a new life will begin. It will be reborn as a Pichimon, and it will grow and live as its own. I know how you human kids are with death, but that's the way it is.”
“I see…” Derek said, looking down at the egg. They continued walking.
Babamon looked over her shoulder at Derek, “…How do you know about DigiEggs anyway?”
“My brother Jason talked about them a lot back when he was saving the world here.”
“Jason? The same Jason who defeated Milleniummon two years ago!?” Babamon asked excitedly.
“Um, I think so…” Derek thought for a moment, “He also talked about some other guy lot. I think it was Ryo Akima or something silly like that.”
“My goodness! Then its certain, you're the one I've been… no, the one he's been waiting for!”
“No time, we must hurry!” Baba grabbed Derek and hopped on her broomstick. They soared across the grassy field and through the mansion's gigantic doors. She made a sharp turn upwards and over the foyer's staircase, and burst through the double doors at the top. The broomstick came to a screeching halt and they landed in the middle of a large nursery. “Human child… Welcome to Genesis Manor!”
Derek looked around at the many rows of DigiEggs, most of them nested in incubation tubes. Others in pens, those ones were wiggling and about to hatch.
“Here,” Babamon grabbed the Pichimon egg and placed it in an empty incubator. “Now that that's done, I have something I must show you.” She waved her broomstick and pointed it at the far wall.
The wall vanished and revealed a room with five incubation tubes with status screens on top of them. Going from left to right they read:
Progress: Rookie - Keramon
Progress: Champion - Mikemon
Progress: Rookie - Gizamon
Progress: ?????? - FanBeemon
Progress: DigiEgg - Awaiting Tamer
Babamon ran over to Tube 4, “Oh dear! What's happened to Jason and FanBeemon? Last time I check, it said TigerVespamon!” She turned back to Derek, “Did something happen to your brother!?”
Derek lowered his head, “They're doing fine… I think they're looking for me.”
“Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with the virus,” Babamon mumbled. She turned back to Derek, “Then we have to get you two on the road right away. Come here, Derek.”
She led him to the last tube, Tube 5, which held a DigiEgg that glowed when Derek approached it. “We couldn't wait for the egg to find you itself,” Babamon walked over to the console next to the tube and pressed a button, the glass slid away, “Now touch the egg. You're our only hope.”
“Cool!” Derek ran over and put his hand on the DigiEgg. His digivice glowed and the egg fell apart, revealing a green ball with a large leaf hanging over it. The analyzer window popped up again.
“Leafmon. Fresh level. Data attribute. Special: Bubble Blow.”
Leafmon squealed and hopped into Derek's arms. “I get my own digimon like Jason!?”
“Indeed, and now that you all have your partners, you need to go find your brother,” Babamon was pushing him towards the doors from which they had entered.
“But what if it's dangerous?” Derek asked hastily.
“No worries, you can handle it. If you couldn't, you wouldn't be here. Now hurry up!”
They stood outside the mansion. Derek and Leafmon looked at each other. Dobermon X soon trotted up to them. “Dobermon here will escort you out of Genesis Valley through the mountains. Good luck, chosen one.” Babamon waved goodbye as the child and his partner vanished into the woods with Dobermon X.
“So you're finally back.” An old man said to the girl who had just walked in.
“I slept in the park…” She mumbled, playing with her cross bracelet. She walked into the abandoned warehouse, where a gang of homeless people had taken refuge. It was a small gang, consisting of an old veteran, an illegal German immigrant, and herself, an orphaned teenager.
“Well, g'mornin all the same. You had me worried sick, Rose.”
“Where's Ingo?”
“He's busy panhandlin' over by the Best Buy. He'll be back before dark,” he looked at the trashcan in front of him; it was full of twigs leaves and other random flammable things. “Look, I found an unopened can of veggie soup yesterday. Ingo and I didn't want you to miss out on a meal like that, so we were gonna wait until you came back “
“Geoffrey…” Rose walked over and hugged the old man, smiling slightly. Suddenly she jumped back and gasped.
“Rose!?” Geoffrey was startled by her behavior.
“He needs help!” She turned and ran towards the door.
“Rose? Rosetta, wait!” He ran after her, he suddenly stopped outside the door. Rose was bent over a glowing mass of white that was slowly moving up and down with weak breathing. Feathers were scattered around. “What in the…?”
“Cold… exhausted… hungry…” Rose turned her head towards Geoffrey. “He needs shelter and food!” She lifted the boy up, but struggled with the additional weight of his wings. “Help me carry him.”
Geoffrey ran over and put the boy's arm over his shoulder. “Rose… What in God's name is this boy?”
“I'm not entirely sure,” she said as they made their way inside, “But he's the one who gave me this sweater last night. I owe it to him.”
They set him down by the trashcan. Geoffrey looked over at Rose as she took off the sweater and put it over him, “Rosetta, I think this is a pretty clear sign.”
“Ingo has the lighter. You're the only one who can save him.”
She looked down at the boy. “I… But…”
“You can do it, don't be scared.” Geoffrey encouraged her.
“Okay…” She slowly raised her hand towards the trashcan. She closed her eyes and spoke clearly. “Foliage Inflamus.” A small spark appeared out of thin air in the trashcan, and the twigs and leaves began to burn.
“Good work, Rose,” Geoffrey said. He got up and grabbed some old newspaper, “I'll get the fire going. Stay close to the boy, your body will keep him warm until then.”
She sat down and rubbed his cheek. Words echoed through her head: “Thank you.”