Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 17

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 17
Cassidy shut the door behind her after thanking Mr. Tiamat for the ride to her house. She sighed deeply, relieved to be back home. She began walking towards her room when suddenly a voice shouted at her in Japanese, “<WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, MEGUMI!?>” She cringed. Her mother preferred to call her by her middle name. She turned around to face her mother. Her arms were folded and she didn't look pleased at all. “<And where did you get that backpack?>”
Cassidy forced a smile and spoke calmly. “<Mother, I left a note on the counter. I was gonna go shopping with Alec yesterday. I ended up staying over at his house.>” Her mother glared at that last sentence. “<What? …Oh, mom! No! His… uh… sister was there the whole time!>” She reassured.
Mrs. Potter looked back at the kitchen. She had recently cleaned it. The counters were spotless. “<I must have accidentally tossed your note after I got home. Next time, just call me.>” She calmed down. “<And the backpack?>”
Cass looked back at the pack that contained Nyaromon. “<…Alec lent it to me?>”
“<Hmm, alright. I want you in bed by ten.>”
“Okay, thanks mom!” Cass said in English, dashing into her room. Mrs. Potter stared blankly in surprise. She looked at the clock, it said 7:53 PM. She sighed and walked into the kitchen
Cass shut the door and walked over to her bed. She grabbed the bag of school supplies she had bough a few days before and set it on the computer desk. She then set the backpack on the bed and unzipped it. She lifted Nyaromon out and she hopped onto her lap. “I hate having to lie like that… So you said there was a digimon bounty hunter?”
Nyaromon nodded, “Yep, on the plane.”
“I wonder if this is connected to the corruption virus. If a bounty hunter came here, that means someone in the digital world is interested in us…”
“Good to be home!” Vinni flung the door open and stretched his arms in the air. His father walked in after him.
“Yep, now go get your things out of the car.”
“Yeah,” Vinni tossed his bag into his room.
“Arg! Son of a…!”
He grabbed his backpack and a few more bags and carelessly tossed them as well through his bedroom doorway. The bags landed sloppily on top of the duffel bag.
“Vinni.” He turned to his father, “Don't forget, tomorrow you need to go get some school supplies.”
Vinni smiled and walked to his bedroom, “Alright.”
His father nodded, “G'night.” And disappeared into his bedroom.
Vinni shut his bedroom door and turned to his pile of bags. His digivice suddenly started glowing.
“Pfigmn mijml fu… MISHAMIN!”
Gizamon kicked aside a backpack and crawled out from under the luggage. “Freedom!” He looked up at his Tamer. “Thanks a lot! I was hoping to develop claustrophobia before reaching Champion level.” He kicked a strap off his leg and hopped up on the bed.
“Hey, hey!” Vinni waved his arms at Gizamon, “You can't sleep there. That's my bed! Besides, your claws and spines and stuff will tear up all the sheets.” Vinni pushed him off the bed, and Gizamon landed with a thump. “Crap! I hope dad didn't hear that!” Vinni nervously looked over at his bedroom door.
Seconds passed. Gizamon sighed, “You humans get really panicky, huh?” His eye caught the dark depths under Vinni's bed. “Fine, I'll sleep down here. I like darker areas anyway.” He crawled underneath the bed and curled into a ball.
Vinni sighed, pulling his shirt off. He climbed into bed and turned out his lights.
Earlier that day…
“Lil' bro?” Catherine creaked open Alec's bedroom door. “Put down the Wii Remote for a second and let's go… huh?” She poked her head in to find nobody around. The computer screen was on.
“That's weird. I didn't see or hear him leave…” She leaned out his open window, staring at the empty alleyway below. “He's not dumb enough to try jumping out of a three-story window again, is he?”
She pulled her head back in and walked over to the computer. A window had popped up, but it was very distinct from others on the computer. It displayed a large tree creature with words next to it. “Woodmon?” She read, “Champion… Virus… Hey, that's a Digimon!” Suddenly she thought to herself, `He does download episodes sometimes. But what is this he put on here?'
She looked down at the monitor again, “I remember Myotismon. Creepy bastard.” A new window had popped up similar to Woodmon's. `I shouldn't but into my brother's privacy like this.'
She fiddled around with the analyzer window for a while, comparing Woodmon and Myotismon, scrolling though tactical readouts, all of which were gibberish to her, and finally got bored. She had gotten up and was about to leave the room.
The noise startled her. She turned back to the computer screen. Another window had popped up with “CORRUPTED!” flashing in big red letters at the top.
“I've never heard of… Sha-dow-Thunder-mon,” she said, trying to pronounce the name as she read it. Soon after a message box popped up.
The message box expanded to show a three-dimensional view of Keramon, and then he shrunk into Tsumemon.
“…What?” Catherine whispered. She thought for another moment, then slowly backed out of the room, leaving it just the same as when she intruded.
Catherine was sitting on the couch watching television, but her mind kept wandering back to the creatures on Alec's computer. She heard a low buzzing noise from her brother's room.
“Shit, it's already past noon!?”
“Huh…?” Catherine looked back at the bedroom door. Alec was back. `Crap… Pretend like nothing happened…' The door cracked open and Alec's head poked through. “'bout time you woke up!” She said confidently.
“Uh… Morning. You work today, right?”
“Labor Day, remember?”
“Oh yeah. Damn, that means the game shops will be closed…” She broke eye contact for a few seconds. “Well, see ya!” He pulled his head back into his room.
Catherine immediately hopped over the sofa, crouched down by the door and put her ear to it.
“You okay buddy?”
A couple seconds later, she heard many tiny footstep cross the room.
“FanBeemon already took care of ShadowThundermon. I brought you back here so you'd be safe from further harm.” Heavier footsteps crossed the room the same way the smaller ones did. “Now I'm still figuring out this digivice, but I'm gonna try and spawn us in a less… hazardous location… You're sure you wanna go back? …Fine, let's go. Digiport open!”
“Wait!” Catherine flung the door open. She cringed and shielded her eyes from the bright flash from the computer screen. When the light faded, the room was empty again. She was left alone. “…Oh, no fucking way.”