Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 18

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 18
The sun had set on Timberdale. The alleyways and tight areas of the city were covered in darkness. In one alleyway next to the ruined arcade, a swirling anomaly appeared and spewed out a thick mist-like substance. A tall man wearing goggles and a biker vest stepped out. He scanned the alleyway, poked his head around corners, and poked at his skin a little. He then put his hand back through the portal, giving his comrades the thumbs-up.
An old man with dark robes and a crooked nose appeared. He leaned on his cane. “It took a lot of compression beyond these disguises, and even a little magic. But we did it somehow,” he said.
A young girl followed him through. She wore very gothic attire with a black glove on one hand, a pentagram tank top, a ragged skirt, and big boots. She giggled and played with her chest, “I've pulled off some pretty good magic in the past, but I even impress myself with these bodies.”
“If you're gonna show any kind of modesty, Lilithmon, I suggest you start now.” The old man retorted. “Getting one Mega level between worlds is difficult enough. Three is nearly impossible.”
The portal slowly closed behind them. “Barbamon, ya sure Leviamon and Daemon will do fine on their own like that?” The young man asked the old man.
“Not to worry, Beelzemon. They have permission to awaken Belphemon, should an emergency come up. Now…” He pointed at Beelzemon, “You go search for Lucemon while I keep us undercover.” He turned to Lilithmon, “Lilithmon, since you appear young enough, you will enroll in their education system and spy on the digivices. Keep us updated, and don't get too close or you'll blow our cover. One more thing.” He thrust his cane in the air, and each of them flashed hot pink for a moment. “That should make you undetectable by their Analyzers.”
Lilithmon and Barbamon looked over at Beelzemon. A stray cat had hopped onto a trashcan to sniff at him. “Eh…?” He carelessly grabbed its head in one hand.
With the other hand he sliced it down the abdomen with his claws, spilling its entrails. He then crushed its skull in his fist. “Heh… What the…?” He stared down at the mangled body, then at his blood-soaked hands. “Hey, what the hell is this!?”
“That's disgusting!” Lilithmon shrieked, “Why doesn't it just dissolve?”
Barbamon raised an eyebrow curiously at the remains, “Hmm, we obviously have a lot to learn about this world. Drop the thing and let's go.”
The three took off down the street, Beelzemon still stared at his hands in confusion.
“Alright, we're back at my house.” Alec, Jason, Derek, and their Digimon had just zapped back into Alec's room. “My room hasn't changed much. I got a Wii last year, though.”
Jason crouched down to look at the computer monitor, with Puroromon perched on her shoulder. “Uh-oh!” Puroromon squeaked.
“What is it?” Derek looked over at them.
“You had ComFeed running!?” Jason was angry.
Alec turned to them confused, “Huh?”
“ComFeed, it's a program that connects your PC to your digivice. There are analyzer screens up, damage reports, and even TamerCam!” A new window was up that displayed a live feed of the room from Tsumemon's eye.
“Whoa, I had no idea my digivice could do that!” Alec said excitedly.
“Idiot,” Jason yelled, “What if someone—“
“—walked in on it?” Everyone turned to the doorway. Catherine stood there, arms crossed.
Alec's jaw dropped, “Catherine!?” Jason facepalmed.
“Your computer made noises when the digimon screens came up, that's how I found it,” she said. “After you came back and left again, I found TamerCam.”
“So you…” Derek started.
“…saw everything from the battle with J-Mojyamon to now?” Minomon finished.
“Through his eye(s)?” Alec added, looking over at Tsumemon on his arm.
“Yep,” Catherine nodded, “Digivolution sequences and everything. Gotta say, much better than the show.”
“Oh, great,” Jason said sarcastically, “So I guess introductions would be superfluous, to say the least.”
“…I'm sorry about what happened, Jason.” Catherine said. A door was heard shutting further into the apartment. Both Alec and Catherine stiffened up.
“Mom!” They said in unison.
Catherine hastily walked over and grabbed Jason and pulled her out of the room. She shooed Puroromon off Jason's shoulder, “You wait here!” Derek followed after, leaving Alec, Tsumemon, Puroromon, and Minomon in the room.
“Hi, mom!” Catherine sung as she approached Mrs. Michelo, who had just gotten home.
“…Who are these people?” She predictably asked.
“Mom, this is uh… a friend of mine from high school!”
Jason quickly caught on; she held her hand out, “Jewel, nice to meet you. This is my brother Derek.”
“Listen, mom.” Catherine began, “I hate to ask this now, but it'd be great if Jewel could stay here for a while… She can use my old room.”
Jason took over, “My dad's in the hospital right now, and I—“
“Dad's in the hosp—Ow!” Derek repeated urgently, but Jason quickly konked her brother in the head.
“Uh… Yeah, and since he's our only parent, I don't want my brother left alone.”
“I see…” Mrs. Michelo seemed to be showing a bit of sympathy.
“Please let him stay here!” Jason pleaded.
Mrs. Michelo finally decided, “I'll let you stay tonight, then think about it in the morning.”
Catherine hugged her mother, “Thank you!”
“Yes, yes,” said the mother, “Now hurry to bed. School starts soon and I don't want you sleeping in.”
“Yes, ma'am. Come on, Derek.” Jason led Derek to Catherine's old bedroom.
“Boy, we owe her big time!” Derek whispered to his sibling.
Timberdale - Old Warehouse
“Vell, Vell, sounds like you two `ad fun,” Ingo said, covering himself with a blanket by the fire Rosetta had made for them. Rosetta was snuggled up next to Luke under a blanket, Geoffrey keeping an eye on them.
“Yeah, and Luke had a great idea!” Rosetta exclaimed, “He wants to find work at that mall on the other side of town.”
“That's great, Luke,” said Geoffrey, “But that's an awful long way for kids without transportation.” Luke pulled back his hat, showing the two wings on his head. “Ah, I see,” Geoffrey understood, “Just be careful. You better get started right away tomorrow.”
“Mmhmm,” Rosetta mumbled as she drifted to sleep on Luke's shoulder.