Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 19

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 19
Alec slowly opened his eyes when he heard the suit upgrade fanfare from Metroid Prime. “Uhn?” He sleepily felt around his bedside table for his phone.
“huloo…?” Alec mumbled.
“Dude! I just got back last night. What's up?” Vinni was on the other end.
“Vinni? Hey, man! How was California?” Alec was awake now.
“I gotta tell you, some pretty strange stuff happened. Maybe I'll tell you someday.”
“Yeah, I've been going through some things, too” Alec replied.
“Dude, listen,” Vinni said, “I gotta head to the mall today, clothes and stuff. You in?”
“Uh…” Alec cracked his door open. Jason and Derek were locked in a game of Smash Bros. in the living room, Puroromon was perched on her head. “Hey, Vinni. I can go, but would it be alright if I brought someone?”
“Er…” Vinni thought for a moment. “Who did you have in mind?”
“Just someone I met while you were away. She's cool.”
“A girl, Alec?” Vinni said slyly, nearly making Alec gag at the thought. “Tell you what, I'll bring someone, too. We'll meet at the fountain, cool?”
“Sure, I just gotta get ready. Catch ya later.”
“See ya.”
Alec closed his phone and checked his DigiCom. 10:12. He pulled on some shorts and a shirt, grabbed his outfit for the day, and stepped out of his room. Tsumemon hopped down from a chair and scampered to his side.
Jason paused the game and turned to Alec. “Hey, I called my dad earlier. He's out of the hospital and says everything's gonna be taken care of with our schools.”
“Whoa, your dad was really in the hospital?”
Derek nodded, “…Yeah.” He held Minomon in his lap.
“Oh…Well anyway, we're going to the mall, Jason.”
“Huh?” Jason tilted her head.
“School shopping. Plus, you could use more than one set of clothes.”
“I'm going, too.” Derek said excitedly.
Alec walked towards the bathroom, “I need a quick shower. We'll take the bus down there.”
“Okay.” Jewel agreed.
Alec disappeared behind the door. Minomon spoke up. “So what's `the mall?'”
“A really big marketplace,” Puroromon said, now fluttering around the couch. “Only humans are allowed, though.”
“You doing alright, li'l bro?” Jason asked as he recovered from Mr. Game & Watch's forward-smash.
Derek jumped over Zelda's swiping hand, “Hm?”
“It's a big change for me, too.” She warded off an attack by casting Nayru's Love, catching Derek's character in the shards. “Are you comfortable about being so far from home?”
“It's okay, Timberdale used to be our home. It's nice to be back,” Derek air-dodged a lightning kick, countering with `the fish bowl'. “But what about you?”
“I didn't really have any friends over there. This is a fresh start for me.” She frowned when Derek's Judge move came up as 9, sending Zelda skyrocketing.
Derek grinned triumphantly, Minomon applauded. Jason crossed her arms, “Pft, whatever.”
Alec emerged from the bathroom with Tsumemon, fully dressed for the day. “It occurs to me that I have no idea what to do with this guy while we're gone.”
“Don't worry,” Jason got up, Derek followed with Minomon in his arms. She ran into Alec's room, opening a ComFeed window on his computer. Alec walked in, glancing curiously over her shoulder. “We'll drop them off in the digital world. Genesis Forest should be safe enough for them.”
“Good idea,” Alec looked over at Tsumemon on his shoulder. “Behave yourself, or Puroromon will keep you in line.”
“Coordinates locked. Come over here, Puroromon.”
“Yep!” Puroromon hovered in front of her Tamer, who held her digivice up to her.
“Puroromon digitize!” A beam of light shot from the digivice lens, which engulfed Puroromon. She shrunk into a glowing ball and flew into the computer monitor. On the ComFeed window, FanBeemon appeared in the forest. She waved to everyone on the other side.
“Tsumemon digitize!”
“Minomon digitize!”
Keramon and Wormmon materialized right next to FanBeemon. “We can handle ourselves, now go have fun.” FanBeemon encouraged.
Jason closed the window. “Okay, we're ready to go.”
“Let's go catch that bus.” The three of them left the apartment.
Timberdale - Tiamat Household
“So I figure it'd be cool if we went to the mall together. I mean, if that's cool…”
“You know what? That sounds great! Nyaromon and I will be over in a few minutes.” Cass responded on the other end of the line.
“Yeah, great! See you then.” Vinni hung up.
While his father was at work, Gizamon was free to roam the house. He was napping next to the sofa. Vinni scrolled through some tunes on his mp3 player. Eventually someone knocked on his door.
“What's up?” Cass greeted him.
“Hey, ready to go?”
“Hold your horses,” Cass spotted Gizamon as he waddled to Vinni's side. “Not even normal animals are permitted at the mall. Our digimon will have to stay behind.”
“What!?” Gizamon shouted. “I wanna see what you guys are talking about.”
Vinni knelt down and patted Gizamon on the head. “Don't worry, you're not missing too much. It's mostly just stores and stuff for humans.”
Vinni let Cass in; she dragged Salamon in behind her, on a leash. An awkward silence passed, and then suddenly both Vinni and Gizamon burst out in laughter.
Salamon's face flushed, making the pink spots on her cheeks blend with the rest of her face. “Hey!” She cried.
Gizamon rolled on his side, giggling hysterically. “What is-heheHAHAHAHAHAHA-what's that supposed to be!?”
Cass untied the leash, “It's not exactly normal for dogs to walk around unrestrained. Especially puppies.”
“So she can really pass as a normal dog?” Vinni asked.
“I got a comment about spending too much on a collar, but otherwise she was perfect.”
Vinni looked at the golden (actually Holy Digizoid) ring around Salamon's neck, with digicode etched into it.
Gizamon finally regained himself and sat up. “So we'll have this house all to ourselves, right?” He grinned maniacally.
Vinni and Cass looked down at Gizamon, then at one another. Not long after, they were in front of the computer. “So we can drop them off in the digital world for a while.” Cass said, clicking around on the computer screen. “Just gotta open this program… Okay, digi-port open!” Salamon jumped up, letting her body be absorbed into the monitor.
Vinni hefted Gizamon up in front of the monitor. “But I wanna go to the maaaaaaaaaallll~!” And he was dropped on his ass in the digital world. The window showed them in a desert.
“You'll be fine,” Vinni reassured.
“See you later!” Salamon waved her paw.
Cass closed the window and looked up at Vinni. “Okay, let's go.”
Vinni and Cass were waiting near the fountain by the food court. They were sitting at a table. Vinni was watching for his friend.
Vinni looked down at his DigiCom, “He should've been here by now… Oh, there he is! Yo, Alec!”
“Alec?” Cass repeated.
Vinni waved to his friend from across the food court. Alec spotted him, signaled his companions to follow him, and made his way over to their table. “Hey, V, and… Cass? Wow!”
“Hey, Alec.” Cass greeted.
Vinni looked at them both. “Wait… You guys know each other already?”
“I've told you about Cass. She's that friend I met at Smash Bros. Club two years ago.”
Vinni gave a questioning look to the girl behind Alec who nearly shrieked when she spotted him. He also noticed the vaguely familiar kid next to her.
“…And these are?”
“Oh, this is Jewel, and her brother. They're kinda staying at my house right now and…”
The look on Jewel's face indicated that she was not amused. “I'll be at Sears. Alone.” She turned around and angrily walked away.
“Ja—Jewel!” Derek called after her.
“Uh…” Alec looked back at his two friends. “Sorry about this.” He and Derek then went after Jewel.
“That was strange,” Cass said. “…Vinni?” She looked over at Vinni, who seemed to be in a trance. “Vinni!”
“Cass, it's her!” He said suddenly.
“The naked chick! It's her!” He said, still watching her walk away. “I'll never forget that ass.”
Cass facepalmed, “Oh, brother!”
“I gotta talk to her,” Vinni got up and followed Alec and Derek.
“Wait!” Cass jumped from her seat and joined him.