Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Protector of Innocence ❯ Surprises ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Protector Of Innocence

This is the second chapter, hope you enjoy it. By the way, I got this idea from Tamora Pierce, she is one of my favorite author you know.

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'Come in Sam, I want you to meet some of my friends.' Matt said as he led Sora into a room with three boys around his age.
'This is Joe.' Matt said pointing towards a boy with blue hair. 'The wise man here. I often wondered why he didn't go and train as a Master but a knight. The one next to him, the other one with his head in the books is Izzy. And the last but not the least, our majesty Prince Tai.'
Sora bowed to Prince Tai and introduced herself, 'It's a pleasure meeting you, your majesty. Sam Takenouchi at your service.'
This made everyone in the room laugh as Prince Tai turned bright red. 'I don't need any more people to address me like that. If you don't mind, just call me Tai. All these your majesty stuff makes my head spin.'
This time, it was Sora's turn to blush. 'I am sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you.'
'Don't worry Sam, everyone of us made a fool of ourselves just like you when we first met.'
' Now, I will have to take Sam to see Master Nicholas before the meal bell.' Matt said as he signaled Sora to go with him.
They were walking in silence as they approached the door with a sign said ' Nicholas Orson ' when Matt turned to Sora and said.' Master Nicholas is quite friendly, he teaches reading and writing plus philosophy.'
'Philosophy?' Sora was puzzled. 'They teaches knights philosophy? Demented.'
'Glad you feel the same. But I am not the one who decided what to learn and what not to learn.' Matt said as he knocked on the door.
A man came to answer the door. Sora guessed that this tall, old man must be Nicholas Orson since he is the only one in the room.
'Oh hi Matt. Nice of you to come and visit me, I thought you'd forget about me by now. And who is this you brought with?' Master Nicholas said.
Matt smiled and introduced Master Nicholas to Sora and vice versa. 'This is Master Nicholas, our teacher for reading, writing and philosophy. He is a good teacher and a good friend of ours.' Sora bowed as Matt continued. ' This is page Sam Takenouchi, he is new here. I am just showing him around.'
Just as Matt going to say any more, the meal bell rang. Sora winced, it was so loud, it would definitely awake the dead.
'O.K. then. You better get to the dinning hall or Spencer is going to add punishment. On the first day too!' Master Nicholas said as Sora and Matt waved good bye and hurried to join the others boys.
When they reached there, most people have already arrived and seated. Matt lead Sora over to where Joe, Izzy and Tai are sitting. The three greeted them as Master Spencer came in and sat down and gave his every year the same inspirational talk.
'You youngsters are the future of Kilka just like every year, I expect you to work as hard as you could and behave. Now you may enjoy your meal and rest well tonight.'
It wasn't hard to follow this order. Sora was so exhausted on her first day that she dozed off as soon as she reached her bed. Kari sighed as she gently closed the windows and went to her own room.
The morning came too soon in Sora's words, she dragged herself out of her bed to wash up and get ready for breakfast. Tai, Matt, Joe and Izzy was waiting for her when she came out of her room.
'Good morning everyone!' Sora said cheerfully but what she received what yawns and complains.
'Good morning? There is nothing cheerful in the morning with Master Spencer around.' Matt was gloomy.
Sora raised her eye brow, she was startled by her friend's behavior. 'Does he act like that every morning.' She asked.
'No, it just that his mother decided to interrupt with his love life. She has chosen a bride for him and they are to wed as soon as he becomes a knight.' Tai informed Sora.
'Then I must congratulate you Matt.'
'Hell! I like it better when I can handle my own marriage business.' Matt sulked. 'Now I have to marry some witless lady called... what's her name again?'
'Sora!' Prince Tai appeared to know very much about Matt's business. 'Seems to me you are the witless one. Although I have to agree, some of the noble ladies are boring and knows nothing but to gossip.'
Sora was shocked. Matt is marrying a girl called Sora, their weren't many Soras around the kingdom and the name was even rarer for a noble lady.
'Excuse me, I don't mean to be nosy but no you know her surname?'
'Let's see, it's Ta.. Tak..Takenouchi, I think. Hey! She might have been your cousin!' Matt was deep in thought for a while. 'God's breath! Why do I care. I am going to run away as far as possible so I will never have to marry.'
Sora choked, Sora Takenouchi! That's herself! Her father has never said a word about this marriage proposal to her. She wished that she has never asked for the surname. Now how is she suppose to face Matt without shame on her face.
But she would have to agree with him though, she has never ever thought of marrying. Especially to one of her friend who thought she was a he.
As they left the dinning hall, both Sora and Matt was very quiet.
'Did cat got both of your tongues?' Yako pushed Sora out of the way as he passed and Mako did the same to Matt.
'This is so it!' Matt was outraged by their action. 'I am so sick of you two pushing the others around! I am challenging you to a fight.'
Yako and Mako agreed, it is two against one. 'Sure, why not. Tonight after supper. We'll be waiting to see you lose.'
'Wait.' Izzy stopped the two just as they are about to leave. 'This isn't fair. There's two of you and only one of him.'
'Well nerd. Maybe you should join him and get beaten up too.' Yako said, he knew that no one would ever join the losing side 'And who ever wants lose may join. We'd just love some company.'
No one dared to respond and that night, Matt went back to his room black and blue as everyone predicted.
Meanwhile, Sora spent the whole time in her room figuring things out, she had so many questions yet she hasn't got one answer. It was not surprising since her mind kept on wondering about whether Matt is hurt or not. Finally, she gave up. It was no use wondering, she decided to go check on him instead. But no matter how hard she knocked the door, Matt refused to let anyone in.

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