Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Protector of Innocence ❯ Gift ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Protector Of Innocence (The Secret)
Disclaimer: The same goes here. Now I will leave you in peace and quite to read the story.

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The whole night Sora flipped and turned, she has never felt so guilty in her life. The morning came and much to her surprise, she is having panda eyes.
'Great god!' Kari came in and exclaimed. 'My mistress didn't sleep very well last night that's for sure. How are you going to have enough energy today? This is your first day in class!'
'Did I really look that bad?' Sora asked with a yawn.
'Yes,' Kari nodded, 'and you really look like a girl now.'
'Really! Oh I am so dead.' Sora said as she flopped back to her bed again. 'Let the world revolve around me, I am so not going to class today.'
'What?! My lady is quitting before the first day is even up! I am so very disappointed.'
'You are right Hikari.' Sora sat up again. 'I am not going to give up. I chose this path and I am going to try my best.'
'That's the spirit.' Kari smiled as she handed Sora her uniform. 'Ew, Gross. I never thought purple and silver could look so terrible on you? I bet if they take the silver out and replace with some other color, you would look much better.'
'Oh, I am going to be late. Who cares what color are they in!' Sora rushed out of the door but as she did, she bumped into someone.
'Hey slow down Sam, we are not late yet.'
Sora looked up and saw Prince Tai and Izzy, Joe and Matt all standing besides him trying not to laugh. Sora was puzzled, she did not understand why they are all chuckling until Joe commented.
'Why Sam, didn't you have a good shut eye last night? I see you haven't brushed your hair and I can also see that your buttons are in the wrong places.'
Sora looked at her uniform and blushed furiously as she rushed back to her room and tried to re-button her buttons. Kari also came out to see what all the rush is about and when she saw the state Sora was in, she laughed too.
'This is ridiculous! My lady doesn't even know how to button her clothes correctly and she forgot to brush her hair. Here, let me brush your hair for you.' Kari made Sora sit down and tried to untangle her hair.
It was a miracle that they got everything right just in time, Sora dashed to the dinning hall and found everyone has seated, she quickly seated herself next to Matt, Prince Tai, Izzy and Joe.
'Phew, you made it just in time, one more minute, Master Spencer would have to sent a search party to find you.' Izzy joked.
'What are we having? I thought breakfast was suppose to break our bread fast. Waiting this long isn't exactly fast.' Sora muttered under her breath but Matt heard her since he was right beside her and replied as cool as a cucumber.
'Today is the first day of March and we always greeted autumn with very thin porridge and honey.'
'Well, I hope it doesn't sound as bad as it sounds.' Sora tried to be optimistic.
'Oh believe me, it is! O.K., so the porridge isn't THAT bad but the servants are. Every March, the new servants comes to the palace and they start their training here with us. They always have the job of carrying out the big pot of porridge fill our bowl as efficiently as they could. But they often are so nervous that they will spill half of what they cook on the floor or on our clothe.'
Just as Matt finish explaining, there was a huge bang in the kitchen and then came the screaming. 'You idiots! How could I cook anything with you spilling half of it on the floor!' It was certain to Sora, it was the bad tempered cook.
Someone muttered something and then, there was the sound of someone being slapped.
Sora instinctively stood up. She hated people who hurts innocent and defenseless people.
'Sam Takenouchi! Please sit down this instance! What happens in the kitchen in none of your business.' Master Spencer's strong and loud voice demanded her to sit down. Sora knew she had to obey that voice whether she liked it or not but she could no longer bear to hear the painful cries of the new servant. She wanted to slam the cook on the door, hard. She wanted him to be painful, she wanted teach him a lesson that he will never forget.
Sora's anger could not contempt itself any longer, she was shaking with fury. Then, out of no where, Sora swung her fingers hard under the table where no one could see. And just as she done this, came the loudest bang she ever heard from the kitchen and this time, it was the servant's turn to scream as they rushed out of the kitchen.
'Oh mi god! The...the...the...co..coo...cook, he...he...has...be...being...attacked by b...black magic!'
Master Spencer rushed in to check on he cook, all the pages and squires stood there motionlessly as Master Spencer dragged the cook out of the kitchen and rushed to call for a healer.
'This is such a coincident.' Sora kept on telling herself. 'I couldn't have the power to do this.'
She knew perfectly well that only a very powerful mage would've knocked someone the size of a polar bear 10 meters. The only conclusion she could come up with is that it is just a coincident that this happened the exact time she swung her fingers in motion to throw something since her magical power is very tainted.
'There is got to be a logical explanation to this.' Izzy muttered loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. 'There hasn't being one mage that is strong enough to do such a thing in Kilka since 20 years ago when Lord Hampton is killed in the battle field. And I am sure that all the mages that performed dark arts was executed or the golden sword of Lord Hampton would turn blue.'
'The healer has gone off to the mountains to collect some herbs. How could this happen in a time like this!' Master Spencer rushed into the dinning hall. 'Does anyone here knows how to heal?' He asked hoping that one of his students would at least know something about healing.'
Everyone looked around to see if anyone knows how to heal. Although quite a few of them knows a little and can perform something simple, none of them has ever studied healing since most males would refer not too.
Sora on the other hand has to study healing for being a female, she knew at least something. Even though she hated him for bullying other people who are defenseless, Sora had no intention of seeing him die. She made a decision that she knew she will hate herself for.
'I know a little about healing.' She advanced towards the cook and knelt down besides him and checked for his pulse. his pulse was weak but he is still alive and this means Sora still might have a chance to save him. She placed her hands above his chest and concentrated on the image of she fighting against Death who so wanted to take this man's life.
Her hands glowed in a very light blue as the procedure begin but just as she got a little deeper trying to wake him up, she smelt her scent on him. It is normal to pick up the scent of whoever hurt the man during the healing by the healer. Sora panicked and wobbled a little and that undid all of her good work.
'Wow, what happened here?' Joe supported her to stand up.
'I don't know. I had no idea...' Sora was shaking.
'Of course you had no idea. You are not a properly trained page. Or in this case, a properly trained healer.' Yako commented.
'Keep your mouth shut Yako, it's not like you know any more than he does.' Izzy came in to defend Sora.
'And anyway, what has a page got to do with this?' Prince Tai also cut in.
'You see, I told you that Sam Takenouchi was trouble the moment I saw him.'
'I am warning you, watch what are you saying.'
Suddenly, the dinning hall corrupted. The pages and squires were getting tense while the servants shrieked and claimed that the black magic has got them all.
'Boys!' Master Spencer's voice was much louder than the crowd. 'There is no need to fight over nothing. This is a very bad way to begin the year. I am sure none of you want any punishment work yet. But if any of you insist on it, I will be delighted to.
Everyone silenced, it is true, there is nothing to be fighting over about.
Sora meanwhile, decided to retry healing the cook. She again laid her hands above the cook's chest and chanted.
'From whence they came
Return them now
Vanish the words
Return this power'
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I am so sorry this chapter took so long.