Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Protector of Innocence ❯ Routine ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Protector of Innocence (The Secret)

Disclaimer: yada yada yada, I do not own digimon
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It was a miracle, the chief started to cough and was conscious again.

'Amazing! Sam! How did you do that!' Everyone's attention was all on her and her alone. They all waited for an explanation.

Sora looked around, she scratched her head and said modestly, 'It was just something I have picked up from my mum. She is a good healer.'

It wasn't exactly a lie, a least a part of it was true, her mum was a good healer. But picked up when she was young? That is so untrue.

Master Spencer sighed, 'Oh well, the morning has been ruined. We were very lucky that there was no injury from that incident. Now off to your next class.'

Sora's next lesson did not go as smooth as it should've been. Master Chanson who insisted they call him Proffessor Chanson went on and on about The history of Kilka, nearly the whole class dozed off. Proffessor Chanson of course notice when Mako started to snore very loudly.

'As I have noticed,' Proffessor Chanson said at the end of the class, 'You all are truly fascinated by the history of Kilka. There fore, your tonight's home work is an one page essay on how did Kilka first form. And you are to finish the questions on the board if you have not already done so.' Then, his voice sharpened, 'I also have noticed the incredibly rude behaviours Mako has shown during this class and he is to write a 10 page essay on why not to fell asleep in any class. Class dismissed!'

Proffessor Chanson trotted out of the room before anyone had the chance to bow.
'Phew, it is only an one page essay.' Izzy sighed, 'I thought he's going to tell us to write a report on what he just said in the lesson.'

It rest of the day wasn't any easier, there were new math rules to be memorized, new place to remember... Amazingly, there also are lessons teaching them how to walk, bow and sit.

'Maybe next lesson they'll teach us how to eat.' Joe commented sarcasticly. 'You take your spoon and ...'

'Oh, Be quiet Joe, and do hurry up!' Tai called.

'Why? There is no hurry, the supper won't start until 30 minutes later.' Sora asked.

'Didn't anyone tell you that in that 30 minutes you are suppose well, at least this is what everyone does anyway, have a bath?' Izzy answered. 'Now come along, it will get very crowded soon.'

'Crowded? What do you mean crowded?'

'Everyone is taking a bath in the common washroom, of course it is going to be crowded.'

'Common washroom...you mean everyone take the bath together?' Sora was stunned. 'I think I will take a shower later, you guys go ahead.' This is the only excuse she could think of right this moment.

'O.K. then, don't be late.' Matt called as he and the rest of the gang hurried to the common washroom
Having no idea what to do, Sora rushed back to her room to see if Kari has any idea. But as she got in, she noticed that Kari has already prepared the bath for her. 'Thanks Kari, you are a lifesaver.' Sora called out, she knew Kari is in her own little room right now.

As Sora rushed to get to the hall, she could not help to feel a little home sick. At home, she is used to having her sisters commenting on clothings and jewellery at supper time and now, probably the only thing these boys talk about is food. She misses her mum, her dad, even, her sisters.

'Hey Sam! Slow down a little.' A voice called out. Sora stopped and turned around and she saw Matt, Izzy, Joe and Tai running towards her.

'We didn't see you in the common washroom, what were you doing?' Joe asked.

'I did go.' Sora lied. 'You guys probably didn't see me that's all.'

'Maybe.' Matt shrugged. 'Common let's go, I am hungry.'

'Cold blooded!!' Tai joked as they fastened their pace towards the hall.

Soon the hall was filled with people, laughing, joking and having a good time and Master Spencer did not seem to care. "This is fun, at home we are never allowed to laugh and joke during meal time." Sora thought as she quickly finished her bread and moving on to her chicken soup.

Days passed easily and very fast just like the click of the fingers. Everything ran smoothly and Sora were never discovered as a girl although there were some pretty close calls. Until one day...
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Yes, I know this is short. I am sorry, so so sorry. The next chapter will be longer and more interesting.
