Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Reich Diaries 2002 ❯ Entry Four – The terror of Goeth, Shadramon’s flaming strike ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

------------------------------------------------------- < p class="MsoNormal">DISCLAIMER - Digimon belongs to several different companies of which I own none. Therefore all digimon used are their property and used without permission. The Diaries Universe belongs to Lord Archive. The German Digi-destined belong to the Diaries universe. All other miscellaneous characters are my meagre intellectual property.

By Misc666

Set in Lord Archive's Diaries Timeline

Reich Diaries 2002

Entry Four - The terror of Goeth, Shadramon's flaming strike

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"Gran Kuwagamon is as strong as they say and more. He'll get me if I run." Snimon was snivelling by now and they were sure that if he could he'd be crying.

"Snimon is right. Gran Kuwagamon has sent someone to kill him." Everyone spun at this. There was only one person who could sound that snide.

They span around to find themselves staring at the arrogant face of Hans-Joachim Goeth. He was leaning against a tree and was half covered by shadows. In the shadows they could also see many pairs of eyes.

"Gran Kuwagamon sent me to make sure you do your job. And if you fail I'm to get rid of you and them." Nikolaus growled realising the pleasure Goeth was getting from this.

"You think you stand a chance against us?" yelled Tobias with Harpymon backing him up. Behind him Katrina was feeling up her D-terminal.

"Yes." A red flaming blur shot out of the trees.

"Flare Buster." A stream of fire shot out of the blur hitting Snimon full on. With the damage he'd sustained earlier he was too weak to survive this and burst into data.

"You see, I have an Armour digimon of my own." Goeth started to laugh as the red blur set itself down in the shadows again.

"What the hell is it?" Karl gestured to the blur now revealed to be a creature about the same size as Renamon. It had a red metallic body with orange and yellow around the edges giving it a flame design. Between the pieces of armour was black with a pair of black antennae on its head. Its face had a distinctly bug like appearance which was also echoed in the butterfly like wings also in the same flame design on its back. Two egg like gauntlets ending in broken edges covered its hands.

"This lovely fellow here is my partner, Shadramon. I believe you'll know him a bit better when he's done with you." Goeth let out another of his laughs as Shadramon attempted to grin.

"Well what makes you think you can fight the four of us?" growled Agumon as Kokuwamon backed him up.

"Well if you hadn't noticed, you are in fact just a Child." Shadramon's voice was silky and heavily laced with disgust.

"Yeah, well you're not the only armour digimon around here. Harpymon is more than able to defeat you and Renamon can evolve at any time. Also I can reach my Adult form." Agumon wasn't at all concealing his anger.

"Ah, but can you evolve in the presence of that?" Goeth gestured to the Spire they'd forgotten to knock down. Agumon and Kokuwamon noticed and realised they wouldn't be any help in this fight.

"Well no sense waiting, is there? Harpymon take down the Spire and then knock him out of the sky." Harpymon heard Tobias' shouting and shot off towards the Spire. Shadramon meanwhile made no attempt to move instead watching him fly towards it as fast as he could.

"So, not gonna do anything then." Nikolaus wasn't sure what was going on but was glad Goeth was letting them destroy the Spire.

"Psychic Wave." Harpymon spun to see what was happening as Shadramon's antennae stood upright. A blast shot out of them slamming into Harpymon and knocking him down.

"The power of Darkness cannot be defeated." Everyone shivered as Goeth's grin became even more twisted.

"Flare Buster." As Harpymon struggled to his feet a burst of flame shot out of Shadramon's gauntlet and he only managed to narrowly avoid it.

"Wind Seeker." Harpymon swept his wing around sending air waves flying towards his opponent. Even this didn't stop Goeth's grinning and laughing.

"Psychic Wave." The antennae shot rigid again and the psychic wave deflected the wind away.

"Indent Screw." Shadramon began to spun and jumped into the air. Harpymon looked up to where he began spinning towards the ground with fire revolving around himself. Harpymon didn't have time to avoid as it hit him fully in the chest sending him falling heavily to the ground with a thud.

"Damn it. Harpymon are you okay?" Tobias ran over to where his partner was wavering. Harpymon waved him away with a wing.

"I'm fine. Just surprised me, that's all." But Tobias heard him wince as he got back to his taloned feet. Somehow he didn't think this battle was going to be as easy as they'd earlier expected.

"Harpymon, I'm going to help you." Renamon gestured to her partner who held up the D-terminal. The glow burst out of it in Renamon's direction.

"Renamon armour evolve…" Renamon leapt into the glow and emerged as Rinkmon once more. "Speeding on blades of friendship, Rinkmon."

"Let's see how you handle one of the fastest digimon around. Your measly partner doesn't stand a chance." Katrina bounced up and down happily as her partner strutted.

"Hmm but there's one problem here. I've heard that Rinkmon are fast, but what about that leg?" Katrina's brow furrowed as she didn't understand what Goeth was talking about. Tobias however suddenly came to a dire realisation.

"Oh yeah, she hurt her leg when she fell down the pit." Tobias felt sheepish that it took him so long to remember this particular result.

"Well, it seems like this is going to be an interesting fight. Shadramon's outnumbered but your partners are injured." Goeth once more let out a laugh.

"That's it; I've had more than enough of you." Everyone was surprised when Nikolaus started running at Hans. Behind him both Harpymon and Rinkmon recognised this as the time to attack themselves.

Rinkmon ran round the left side of the butterfly-like dragon while Harpymon went to the right. Shadramon just stood there inexpressively as they moved into position.

"Spinning Cutter." Rinkmon brought one of her arms around sending a vacuum flying towards Shadramon. The armour digimon stood their mutely as he was thrown towards Harpymon.

"Silent Symphony." The piercing shriek blasted out hitting Shadramon and blowing him down into the ground.

"How'd you like them apples?" Nikolaus finally reached Hans aiming to hit him with his shoulder at waist height. Hans just grinned.

"Shadramon is far from defeated. And so am I." Goeth grinned as Nikolaus was about to hit him.

"Watch out Nikolaus, he's prepared for you," yelled Karl. Indeed Hans was ready and grabbed Nikolaus by the shoulders as he came in. The strength in his growing muscles became evident as he spun slamming him into the ground sending dirt flying.

"You see, I'm more than a match for you." Hans laughed as he brought a fist down upon Nikolaus' face breaking the nose with a sickening crunch.

"You sadistic bastard."Tobias ran to join his friend when he noticed Shadramon's eyes flare.

"Flare Buster." Harpymon found himself standing too close and was thrown across the clearing by the blast aimed at him. Rinkmon meanwhile managed to leap away narrowly.

"Damn, my leg. Quadruple Storm." Both arms came round this time letting the four blasts leap from her palms. Shadramon just stared her down as it hit him. But the result was far from what she expected as he dodged to the side.

"Indent Screw." Shadramon leapt into the air. But instead of hitting Rinkmon as he came down as expected he landed to the side. Rinkmon who been expecting him from above wasn't quick enough to notice this.

"Psychic Wave." The psychic blast shot out slamming into Rinkmon's already heavily injured leg. With a scream Rinkmon fell to the ground.

"You fucking bastard." With a heave Nikolaus managed to propel his opponent over his head and onto the ground behind him. With a growl he leapt to his feet and jumped down to straddle Hans' chest. Fire burned in his eyes as he beat Hans over the head.

"Nikolaus, you can't beat him to death." Katrina and Karl had both rushed over and held back Nikolaus' arms. Even with both of them it was proving to be hard to do as Nikolaus furiously tried to break free of their grip.

"Shouldn't have done that." Hans brought his legs up and slammed both booted feet into Nikolaus' chest. The force and weight of the boots drove all the air out of him as he landed on the two smaller kids. Hans stood up brushing the dust of his jacket while staring at the pile with contempt.

"I'm really not fond of any of you." Hans grinned as he brought the boot up into Karl's side. He then turned and slammed the heel of his boot into Nikolaus' stomach. The boy in question coughed up a spurt of blood and rolled onto his side. The next kick was aimed at Nikolaus' ribs. A slight crack was heard upon impact. This time it seemed unlikely that Nikolaus was going to get up any time soon.

"Hey leave him alone." Tobias had joined the fray and proceeded to bash his skull into Hans'. The two boys both fell away from each other clutching at their foreheads. Tobias grinned as he noticed the force had hurt Hans more as the neo-Nazi fell to the ground heavily.

"You idiot, you insignificant waste of space. For that you get to see Shadramon wipe out your partner." Goeth stood up shakily gesturing to his partner who'd just took down Rinkmon. Of course all this was through double vision.

Shadramon looked up and instead of finishing off Rinkmon who lay prone clutching her leg before him calmly walked over to Harpymon who was getting up. The armoured foot was brought down on Harpymon's wing breaking it.

"Watch out. Sharp Claws." Agumon jumped onto Shadramon's back and reached round to slash at the eye sockets. Shadramon's hands came up to reach for them, however the gauntlets prevented him for being able to do anything.

"Stun Shock." A little bolt of electricity shot out of Kokuwamon knocking back the already stunned Shadramon. With his wing free Harpymon was able to return to his talons.

"I'll handle this. Silent Symphony." This blast was more powerful than his previous ones and uprooted many of the trees behind Shadramon as well as sending him flying into the darkened forest.

"Indent Screw." With Shadramon hidden in the trees they were forced to keep an eye out for where he'd come up. But he didn't instead propelling himself out of the forest leaving a trail of flames burning the trees as he went. Harpymon was caught unaware as he hit his stomach forcing him to devolve to Hawkmon.

But by now Rinkmon had gotten to her feet, although unsteadily. With a scream she leapt on the fiery digimon slamming his head into the ground.

"Indent Screw." This was another attack unexpected by Rinkmon as he burst into flame propelling the two of them into the sky. Dust flew everywhere as they hit the ground with her cushioning his fall. Pretty soon she'd devolved to Renamon leaving Shadramon as the only armour digimon around.

"It seems to be over. Wouldn't you say so?" Hans backhanded Tobias in the face sending him falling to the ground to join the other boy.

"Hey now that's enough." Karl tried attacking the larger boy from behind. However Hans had seen him coming and spun round delivering a kick to Karl's already injured side. With a grunt he toppled down by Tobias and Nikolaus.

"You… Git… I'll… Bloody… Get… You…" panted Nikolaus trying to reach his feet, all the while more blood seeped through his closed lips onto the floor. Hans just put his foot on Nikolaus' back and pushed him down into the ground.

"Bad luck Reinhardt seems like I win." Goeth burst into the worst bout of snide laughter yet as he felt victory was firmly in his grasp.

"Why don't you piss off?" Hans wasn't quick enough to register Katrina's comment before she brought her foot up into his groin causing him to keel over.

"That's the stuff Katrina. You finally got him to shut the hell up." Karl got to his feet and between him and Tobias they helped up Nikolaus who's face was bloody and already beginning to swell.

"It's not over yet. Meet the backup Gran Kuwagamon sent me. Tentomon attack." The sound of buzzing filled the air. A swarm of red bugs appeared. They had a red carapace with black points coming out of it. The mandibles ending in mildly blunt looking claws but the round green orbs for eyes and frizzy yellow antennae really made it hard for them to look at all frightening as had obviously been the goal.

"Petit Thunder." They may not have looked frightening but the amount of lightning the lit up the air was frightening. The Digi-destined and partners were hard pressed as they struggled to avoid the blasts. In the confusion they began to get split up making sure they stayed with their partners.


"Damn it, we got separated," mumbled Katrina supporting Renamon as they moved into the forest.

Behind them some of the Tentomon broke off the attack to go catch them. The green orbs that stood for eyes gleamed with malevolence. More lightning thundered around them burning up many more of the trees around them.

"You can't get away from us little girl." One Tentomon seemed to take the lead with his red carapace being more maroon than the red of his followers.

"I'm gonna try." Katrina was surprised as Renamon picked her up. Of course them she noticed the Tentomon embedded where she had been seconds before. However a groan escaped Renamon as the leg gave way sending them both falling.

"Well now. See I told you there was no escape." The lead Tentomon gestured and the other Tentomon started rocketing down again.

"Please, I may be injured but I'm more than a match for you. Fox Leaf Arrowhead." She rolled on her side generating the shards of light. They flew out striking the Tentomon deleting many of them. The black remains of their data escaped into the sky heading for wherever it went.

"Hmm seems that this one's a bit feisty." The lead Tentomon shot down himself as Renamon struggled to her feet.

"Wisteria Punch." A flurry of fists leaped from Renamon but as she finished the Tentomon was nowhere to be seen. That's when it hit her in the back.

"Bad luck." The Tentomon went to attack Renamon when suddenly he looked down. A thorny vine had gone through the back of his carapace and came out where his chest was. The others Tentomon saw the source of this and immediately fled as fast as they could.


"Fuck I dropped Nikolaus back there." Tobias looked back to where the lightning bolts where obstructing his view. Somewhere in there were the other three humans and digimon.

"Don't worry; he can take care of himself. He can take care of himself, right?" asked Hawkmon limping along while using one wing to rub the other one which was still sore from Shadramon standing on it.

"Well yeah. And I'm sure Karl managed to keep a hold of him, so that's okay." Tobias looked forward to where they were going.

"I assume you're wondering what's in this direction?" asked Hawkmon gesturing with his good wing.

"Well I was more wondering what wasn't in this direction. I don't really want to bump into anyone who Hans would like to work for." Tobias felt his face and found it sore where he'd been hit by Goeth.

"Well I know that Gran Kuwagamon's base isn't in this direction. But I wouldn't be sure on whether any of his followers have spread over here. If I recall correctly there's a Motimon village around here, of course I doubt that that's the best place to go." Hawkmon returned to rubbing himself.

"Huh, Motimon? They don't sound at all that bad." Tobias tried to get an image of what something named that would look like. Eventually he came to mental picture of something jelly-like.

"Well they aren't bad at all. Personally I could wipe out their whole village. However they can evolve to Tentomon. It's probably best if we don't make them feel threatened." Tobias agreed not really wanting to fight more of those lightning producing bugs.

"So what should we do?" asked Tobias finally accepting that he had no idea of where to go or what to do.

"Well I say we get some distance away and then decide." Tobias again agreed and the two hastened their retreat trying not to look back any more.


"My Lord, in Heaven, protect me and…" Karl's prayer trailed off as another bolt struck the ground beside him. His nerves were already high and it wasn't helping him being attacked.

"Watch out." Kokuwamon's warning came just in time as Karl leapt out of the way avoiding being hit. Kokuwamon meanwhile happily ate the bolts that were hitting him feeling the power surge through his body.

"Thanks. Dear God I think I dropped Nikolaus." Karl spared a glance backwards only to see something he didn't relish. Quite a few Tentomon was chasing him avidly, the sound of their buzzing wings filling the skies.

"Yeah, but wasn't Tobias holding him? He probably pulled a bit too hard and took him out of your grip." Kokuwamon tried to put on a smile but his lack of mouth made this impossibly hard.

"True. And even though Hawkmon's hurt he can still evolve to Harpymon. Okay I guess you're right. But still…" Another bolt arced down making him jump again.

"Don't try to think it through. Just run like hell." Karl was surprised to see his partner manage to speed up with such stumpy legs and had to speed up himself.

"What's along here?" asked Karl as they came out of the patch of trees they'd been in. But the land sloped upwards so he couldn't see what was ahead of the two of them.

"I'm not totally sure. A lake I think." Kokuwamon shrugged as they headed closer to the tip of the hill.

"Not that comforting. Won't the water amplify their attacks?" asked Karl once more thinking about the bad possibilities that could happen to them.

"Well then we just don't jump in." Kokuwamon and Karl crested the hill ready to run down it.

And that's when they realised something. It hadn't been a hill they'd been running up. The other side wasn't also a slope. In fact there wasn't much of another side. It was a straight drop down a cliff. And below was the lake Kokuwamon had mentioned. And they hadn't realised this until they came over the edge.

Twin screams were heard as boy and digimon plummeted down. The Tentomon looked down as the pair slashed down and decided that they couldn't' be bothered to go check.


Agumon stared out from the bush he's hidden in. Beside him lay his unconscious partner who, luckily, wasn't groaning or making sounds. Out in front of him the Tentomon started to disperse as Hans sent them off in various directions looking for the others.

"Look just go after them. I'll go that way, you idiot." Hans smacked a Tentomon who'd thought to question his decisions.

"But there is a Motimon village in that direction. I'm sure that one of us would be better able to deal with them. After all we all were Motimon once." Hans growled his displeasure.

"Idiot. Shadramon show him what we do to idiots." The Tentomon didn't notice what was coming as Shadramon's fist drove itself through the hard carapace deleting him instantly.

"Now, do what I fucking told you to do." The remaining Tentomon quickly disappeared recognising Goeth's show of authority.

Pretty soon Shadramon devolved to Dokunemon before scuttling up Hans and onto his shoulder. The two set off into the forests allowing Agumon to finally let out the breath he'd been holding in.

"Well it looks like it's gonna be a difficult couple of days coming up. Hey?" Agumon nudged his partner not expecting a reply. Unsurprisingly one didn't come.


Entry Five - Terror from the depths, Mantaraymon submerges

Karl and Kokuwamon wash ashore down stream to find themselves far from everyone else. But a village of helpful sea digimon promise to help them, until they find themselves under attack. Will Karl be able to find his Digimental? Or will he lack the virtue needed?