Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Reich Diaries 2002 ❯ Entry Five - Terror from the depths, Mantaraymon submerges ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

------------------------------------------------------- < p class="MsoNormal">DISCLAIMER - Digimon belongs to several different companies of which I own none. Therefore all digimon used are their property and used without permission. The Diaries Universe belongs to Lord Archive. The German Digi-destined belong to the Diaries universe. All other miscellaneous characters are my meagre intellectual property.

By Misc666

Set in Lord Archive's Diaries Timeline

Reich Diaries 2002

Entry Five - Terror from the depths, Mantaraymon submerges

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A group of goblin like digimon worked there way down to a lake. Some of the goblins these called Goblimon had light green skin with brown waistcoats and loincloths and red mohicans. The other lot called Shamamon had yellow mohicans, dark green skin and blue waistcoats and loincloths lined with brown. All wielded wooden clubs with nails stuck in them. They all seemed to wave these clubs as they spoke raucously as they walked down to the lake.

"So I said to this Aluramon. 'Hey baby, I don't go for tentacles. Go stick them up some other guy's behind.' And then I gave her a good seeing to nonetheless." The Shamamon speaking started making spanking movements as the group assembled laughed at his anecdote.

"Heh, stuck up plant digimon, always wanting to stick their tentacles wherever they can. It really sickens me." Another Goblimon looked over at this one and hit him with a club. Two other Goblimon looked at this one with a glare of anger. Obviously attacking one of their own brethren was a mistake.

"Look let's just go down to the lake and wash. We haven't got time to keep talking about all this rubbish." The Goblimon who'd attacked the other one pushed past all the others and walked down to the lake where he began washing himself.

"Hey, don't you try taking that tone with us because you think you're better than us. I'll smack you down if you think you're a match for me," growled a particularly nasty looking Shamamon waving his club menacingly.

"Please, just leave me alone and let me wash. I really haven't got the time to do this since I've got work to do at home." The Goblimon turned around only to get hit by a club on the back of the head. Angrily he jumped to his feet as the Shamamon smirked at having attacked him.

"Just because you're 'cultured' don't make you no better than the lot of us. Now do you want a piece of this?" The Shamamon grinned as most of the other Shamamon and Goblimon assembled behind him. The cultured Goblimon growled angrily despite it not being a cultured thing to do.

"Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I'm not going to beat some sense into you. It won't be the first time either." The Goblimon smirked despite itself as the group of Goblimon and Shamamon in front of it began backing away, fear filling there faces. Somehow he didn't expect such a response to his threat.

"Hmm… hello. Hello little snack. Will I eat you first? Or shall I eat your little friends? All of you will be food for me, Gesomon." The slippery voice was coming from behind him. As he spun and found himself face to face with it he realised he hadn't scared the others. Instead it was a giant white squid with black markings on its face, large pointy teeth and tentacles. Two of these tentacles ended in sharp claws.

"Damn, kill it. Shama Hammer." The Shamamon threw his club as did the other Shamamon and Goblimon. However these just bounced off the Gesomon's body.

"Devil Bashing." The tentacles whipped out striking down as many of the goblin-like digimon as he could. Particles of data flew everywhere as did digimon who hadn't been deleted by one attack. With tears in his eyes the cultured Goblimon began running while the Gesomon was busy killing its brethren.

And all the while as he ran he felt despair pouring from him. He'd deserted all the others and all so he could just save himself. He'd put his own safety and well-being beyond caring whether the others were safe. And not once had he regretted that decision. And he doubted he would.


Karl looked over at Kokuwamon as the pair lay panting on the bank besides the fast running lake. He didn't know how long ago it had been since they'd fought Hans and his partner. However it seemed to have been years ago when he knew that it couldn't have been more than an hour or so. His attention changed as Kokuwamon started spewing out water. He knew it probably wasn't good for the mechanical digimon to spend so long in the water.

"Where are we?" asked Kokuwamon as he rose to his feet unsteadily. Karl grabbed hold of him to stop him falling as they both got their senses back.

"Well I'd do the maths but I can't be bothered. I can tell you that we're a long way from where we fought Goeth. But we could be anywhere, I wasn't paying much attention to where we were going but I know that it turned a lot. And without a map I don't know where we are and even if you've travelled all over the Endless Forest I doubt you're going to be able to just instantly work out where we are. In short we have no real chance of finding the others unless by luck and the most likely to come looking for us is Goeth, who I really don't want to fight again." Karl collapsed back onto the ground as Kokuwamon looked at him with a worried expression.

Eventually Kokuwamon decided to check if he was still alive and poked the boy who mumbled and turned over.

"Well I can see a village over there if it helps." Kokuwamon started mentally counting and before he got to two Karl jumped up and spun to look at what Kokuwamon was talking about. Indeed there was a series of huts around a large camp fire just outside of the trees. A large wailing seemed to be coming from it.

"Yes it helps a lot. Let's go see who's over there. And what's making that noise." The two of them both began walking over to the village and pretty soon began to see goblins about. And they seemed to be crying. But none noticed as he walked closer to the centre of the village where two of the dark green goblins and three of the light green ones stood around another light green one who was looking downwards with a remorseful expression.

"You left them to die and ran. You ran to save yourself. Tell us one reason why we shouldn't rip you apart where the others could all see because of what you did." The biggest of the dark green ones who seemed to be covered in red and blue tattoos to symbolise his position smacked the small light green one in the middle knocking it to the ground.

"Hey leave him alone, you bullies. What gives you the right to hit him?" yelled Kokuwamon head-butting the big one away from the small one. The other four glared as their leader climbed back to his feet.

"Seems someone wishes to defend him. Well there's one way for you to defend him. You can go with him to defeat what killed his brothers. Or you can fight us with him." The Shamamon stared at him menacingly as Karl ran up to join him. Kokuwamon looked at them as he nodded.

"Yeah, I'll defeat whatever attacked him. I'm not afraid." Kokuwamon tried to grin at them.

"Okay, well let's see how well you do against something that could kill fifteen Goblimon and twelve Shamamon. Have fun. And if you don't defeat it I hope none of you become crazy enough to think you can come back here." The head Shamamon waved his club making it obvious what he was implying. With that the five of them walked off waving away any others who thought to come up and ask them what was going on.

"Um Kokuwamon, how'd we get ourselves into this? I mean, we have other things to do. We have to go find the others and deal with Hans, or have you forgotten?" Karl looked down at his partner.

"Well we couldn't let them bully him. Besides how hard could this thing be? It probably just caught them unaware. And heck, maybe we'll luck out and it'll turn out that the other Goblimon and Shamamon actually defeated it and just haven't got back yet." Kokuwamon beamed positively at his partner who frowned at this.

"I hope your right. I suppose we should go now." Karl directed for Kokuwamon to begin walking and the Goblimon took their lead chasing after them.

As Karl, Kokuwamon and Goblimon left the village Karl began to feel antsy about something concerning their travelling companion. Every so often Karl looked over at the goblin digimon and began to speak only to stop and turn away. Finally he found the courage to ask the question.

"Um… Goblimon, right? What kind of thing are we talking about? I mean it must be pretty strong if it can kill all of you." Karl rubbed the back of his head nervously as Goblimon stared at him as if he was stupid.

"I didn't really see it that well. All I remember is that I saw tentacles. They were long and tipped with claws. But I ran away too fast to really see it. Fighting isn't really my favourite time wasting hobby like the others." Goblimon seemed depressed while talking about this and Karl was prepared to let it go.

"So what is your hobby then? I've only met a couple of Goblimon but all of them were only interested in fighting or other less savoury pleasures. And they didn't speak as well as you do, that's for sure." Kokuwamon's question brought a smile to the little goblin's face.

"Well that's because I'm a new type of Goblimon. I'm cultured. That is the reason why I am so eloquent. Of course never let it be said that I can't hold my own in a fight. I'm still one of the strongest of my generation." Goblimon beamed with pride as he said this causing sweatdrops to appear on the side of Karl's head.

"That's… great… I… guess. So why are you cultured when all the others are mindless idiots?" asked Karl as he stared up at the clear sky.

"Hmm… some time back one of the older Goblimon evolved into a Sorcerymon. He began to read books that he'd gotten from other Sorcerymon. Eventually he decided to leave the village but left his books to me since I hatched the day he left. So I've always grown up reading those books." Goblimon was immensely proud of this fact as they got closer to the lake.

"So where is…" Karl trailed off as his felt something inside himself. He felt something calling out to him. Begging him to come to it. And the source of this was a temple down by the lake. It was built with Gothic style architecture with the pointed archway typical of churches.

"What is that?" asked Kokuwamon staring at the magnificent temple. Obviously he also seemed to feel something special about it.

"That's just some temple that's always been here. It was here when our ancestor built our village. None of us has ever dared to come down here and we only started using the lake recently due to the well drying up in the village. I don't think it's safe for anyone to go in it. So please just ignore it. The demon that attacked us should be around here somewhere and I don't think I stand a chance alone." But Goblimon's words fell on deaf ears as Karl began striding towards the temple with a look of intense desire in his eyes.

"Hmm… delivery. I see my snack has returned to feed me." Karl was so out of it that he didn't notice the squid-like digimon rising from the water. But rising from the water also revealed something else. The tip of an evil spire could just be seen when the waves caused by the octopus' rising pushed water away from it.

"Karl there's an evil spire here. We have to fight now." Kokuwamon felt a feeling of dread as his partner walk like a zombie into the temple leaving the two Child digimon behind.

"I shall eat you first. Canned food." Kokuwamon spun too late as a long, white tentacle whipped down towards him. But it never hit him as he was thrown away by something.

That 'something' was revealed as a cry filled the air. Goblimon lay on the ground where Kokuwamon had been clutching at his arm. Even with a lack of knowledge on the subject and a bad angle of view Kokuwamon could guess that Goblimon's arm had been broken.

But he had an advantage over Gesomon. His attacks were electric based and as such it would fry anything in the water. And he had an opening. Or at least he thought he did.


"I feel you. Where are you?" mumbled Karl as he walked down the hallways.

The first thing he saw once entering through the doorway was a statue of pure gold. It was taller than him by far and depicted a monkey dressed like a king. Something told him that the temple was dedicated to the worship of this creature but from the cobwebs on the walls it seemed that the temple had fallen into disuse.

Finally he found himself in the main room. On a pure golden altar there lay an egg. And Karl knew it for what it was. It stood upright with the top sloping inwards more than a normal egg would. Most of it was white with lines running along it; however at the front it was purple from the top to the bottom. And on this was depicted a cross with triangles pointing in to it.

"A Digimental, I've found a Digimental. I've found my own Digimental." Karl literally jumped for joy as he grabbed it.

And that's when he heard a blinding cry from outside. Hurriedly grabbing it he began running to make sure the two digimon were okay.


The site was terrible. Kokuwamon was struggling while Gesomon chased him along the edge of the water. Goblimon meanwhile was clutching at one of his arms.

"Kokuwamon, I found a Digimental in the temple. We stand more of a chance now. If I can just activate it. Damn it." Karl growled as the Digimental refused to do anything despite how hard he was trying.

"Stun Shock." A bolt of electricity flew from Kokuwamon striking the water and sending electricity running along the top of the water. It seemed to have an effect on Gesomon who shuddered as it washed over him. However he recovered quickly.

"Devil Bashing." Gesomon's attacks became more furious as his tentacles smashed down against the ground sending dirt and rock flying everywhere. Luckily Kokuwamon managed to jump out of the way just as it nearly hit him. However Gesomon was far from tired and continued trying to hit him.

"Damn it, Kokuwamon doesn't stand a chance." Karl looked over at where his partner was narrowly trying to avoid the many tentacles that were trying to hit him. However this meant that Kokuwamon couldn't get the concentration to use his electrical attacks.

"You can't just rule him out. He's your partner. He gains power from you. If you expect him to lose how could he get the power to survive?" Karl had totally forgotten about the injured Goblimon. Indeed it was sitting besides him covering the broken right arm from where Gesomon had hit him.

"But he doesn't stand a chance however much I power him up. I just can't use this Digimental. It just won't shine for me." Karl's attention was drawn away as a tentacle struck Kokuwamon. But as the mechanical digimon fell to the ground another tentacle swept around wrapping around Kokuwamon.

"He's going to lose if you just can't trust him. My brothers were killed because I couldn't trust them I couldn't see them winning and I ran from it. I left them to die. Don't be like me." The Goblimon looked down reflecting on the truth of his own words. He hadn't regretted saving himself. But now he did, he knew he was wrong.

"I can't. I can't have faith in a losing battle. I can't do this." As Karl began to run he felt Goblimon's club hit him in the back of the leg.

"You cannot run away. You cannot let him die. You have the power to help him if you'd just embrace it and help him. Look at how hard he's struggling. This is his way of showing his faith in you. You should show that you have faith in him." Karl saw that he was right as Kokuwamon continued struggling as he let loose with more electric attacks. But as Karl's hope was rising he suddenly saw Gesomon pull harder dragging Kokuwamon under.

"No, Kokuwamon. I can't let you die. Fight back. I know you can." Karl's words had an effect as the Digimental began to glow brilliantly. This was joined as a glow came from the waters.

"Kokuwamon armour evolve…" Kokuwamon's body became that of a manta-ray as his body became navy coloured. His body was now vaguely triangular with two fins on his back, a tail and white markings in parts. However it did remain vaguely mechanical.

"Flying on streams of sincere faith, Mantaraymon." The manta-ray digimon shot down into the depths once more ripping one of Gesomon's tentacles of as it went causing oil to spill.

"Devil Bashing." Gesomon lashed out with all it's tentacles but it was no way fast enough to strike the fast moving armour digimon. Mantaraymon followed up by hitting him again and dashing away. This lead him head first into the Evil Spire submerged beneath the water which he ripped through easily knocking it down and out of action.

"Torpedo Ray." Red light began to build on the prongs at the front of him. Then concentrated enough it shot out with a laser blast hitting Gesomon in the front and knocking him back.

"Watch out. He's not down totally." Mantaraymon heard Karl's shouts too late. The two large tentacles had came out through the top of the water. And because the oil stopped Mantaraymon being able to see them he had no idea as they came down striking him heavily.

"Paralyse Tail." Mantaraymon's tail began to glow pure white and he lashed out only for Gesomon to grab it and toss him. He flew out of the water landing on the ground unable to move. And Gesomon rose to the surface.

"There's always a downside to being a small sea-bound digimon. If you take it out of the water it can't fight. And once more I keep intruders away from the temple as I was commanded all those years ago." Gesomon's tentacle whipped down to hit Mantaraymon when a staff with a snowflake on the end stopped the attack.

The owner of the staff was dressed in a white and green boiler suit with an evil face over one knee. A green waistcoat was hard to see due to the white cloak on his back that wrapped around. Between the collar of the cloak and the white wizard's hat barely any of his blond hair or blue eyes could be seen.

"My desire to avenge my brothers has allowed me to evolve." Mantaraymon realised that this was Goblimon saving him. Somehow after the Evil spire had been destroyed he'd managed to evolve to his Adult form. A lucky break for him as it seemed from the situation.

"Hmm little magic man." Gesomon turned to attack when Goblimon's evolved form's hand began glowing blue.

"Aquarius Fill." A blast of water streamed out with enough pressure that it ripped through Gesomon's face. The Gesomon began deleting out from this until nothing was left but data.


"So Sorcerymon. I heard you say that you'd decided that you were leaving the village." Sorcerymon turned to where Kokuwamon and Karl were leaning against the wall. Karl got up after he'd finished speaking.

"Where are you going to go then? There can't be many places for you to go what with Gran Kuwagamon's expansion spreading even to here." Kokuwamon patted the wizard digimon on the side because he couldn't reach the shoulder.

"I've got a place to go. There's a party of Sorcerymon that travel the Endless Forest helping out other digimon with their skills. I've got a feeling on where to find them now, so I think I'll go join them. Or at least see if they'll take me." Sorcerymon rubbed the back of his head sheepishly while Kokuwamon jumped up.

"Oh stop it with that. You're more than good enough for them to take you in. You're more cultured than any digimon I've seen and I'm sure you'd fit in wherever you went. Especially if they're as smart as you." Kokuwamon wasn't sure but he swore that as he said this he saw Sorcerymon blush a deep red.

"Anyway, I hope you find your friends soon. But at the moment I'm sure you'll be okay in the meanwhile. Anyway, I'll see the two of you some other time." Sorcerymon walked off into the forest as the two of them watched him go.

"Well he'll be okay. But as for us. Well even though you may be able to evolve into an armour digimon, you can't fight out of the water. And who knows where all our friends are?" Karl looked down dejectedly as he said this. Kokuwamon sighed in response to his partner's words.

"Well they could be anywhere. Couldn't we?" Karl brightened as he heard this. Spinning round he came face to face with a grinning Tobias who stood next to his partner, Hawkmon.

"I see someone had a fun adventure. I was flying Tobias around so we could see if we could see anyone from the air. And we saw you coming out of that village. Well it's good to see the two of you." Hawkmon grinned as Kokuwamon jumped over to hug him fiercely.

"Well it seems that four Digimentals have been by now. Let's hope Nikolaus has found one of his own. Maybe we'll stand a chance against Gran Kuwagamon then." Despite Karl's happy tones he found a pair of dejected looks on the two digimon. Obviously they felt it wasn't enough.

"If Shadramon can beat us about, Gran Kuwagamon would destroy us without any more consideration. He's far more powerful than you could imagine. We have a long way still to go." Hawkmon pried Kokuwamon off him while he said this before smoothing down the feathers that had been turned up by the hug from the metallic bug.

"So where do we go from here?" asked the two boys simultaneously.

"Simple, the others know that if we get separated we should seek out Rosemon. She's the only digimon we know in the Endless Forest who's even a match for Gran Kuwagamon." As Kokuwamon said this, Hawkmon nodded in agreement.

"So let's get going." In a show of happiness Tobias pumped his fist in the air.


And far away a boy stirred and a bloody and beaten Nikolaus Reinhardt opened his eyes and felt the blinding pain of his wounds. And Agumon looked over at his partner getting increasingly worried by the situation. It had been some time already and he still seemed to be in no state to move.

"What hit me? A truck?" Nikolaus winced as he moved up and rested his back against a tree. Worryingly he felt a general stickiness which he was sure was his blood.

"No, it was that other one. The one you called Goeth. He really beat you down." Agumon let out a nervous laugh as Nikolaus threw him a deadly glare.

"Well I guess we better get going. The others are probably wondering where we are. Umm… by the way, where should we go?" Nikolaus grinned foolishly as he realised he had no idea about where the others were or even a place they might find them all. Of course Agumon's response didn't surprise him at all.

"Well I say we go see Rosemon. She seems to know everything. And I'm sure the others would head in that direction if they were lost." Nikolaus nodded in agreement as he painfully got to his feet. He tried not to look at the patches of blood staining the grass.

"Okay, let's get going then."

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Entry Six - The portal home, armoured dinosaur Allomon

The four Digi-destined and their partners are making their ways towards a reunion. But will they be able to go home when Hans sets a trap. An army of insect digimon is waiting for them. And Nikolaus and Agumon, who's still stuck at only Child level, seem set to be the first to fall into it.