Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Reich Diaries 2002 ❯ Entry Six - The portal home, armoured dinosaur Allomon. ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

------------------------------------------------------- < p class="MsoNormal">DISCLAIMER - Digimon belongs to several different companies of which I own none. Therefore all digimon used are their property and used without permission. The Diaries Universe belongs to Lord Archive. The German Digi-destined belong to the Diaries universe. All other miscellaneous characters are my meagre intellectual property.

By Misc666

Set in Lord Archive's Diaries Timeline

Reich Diaries 2002

Entry Six - The portal home, armoured dinosaur Allomon

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Hans growled as another Motimon slid across his feet. Looking over he found his partner, Dokunemon, being swarmed by another group of the Baby II digimon.

"We've done as you asked. But what makes you think they'll go that way?" Hans glared at the Tentomon who'd asked the question. Behind it he could see several others slowly flying away from the scene.

"Well I may not be very knowledgeable about this world. But it doesn't take a genius to realise that if they are collecting the Digimentals they're going to go after that one as well. And it is on the way to Rosemon's house. No doubt they would want to go see her, since she is the only other Ultimate around here, am I right?" The Tentomon in the background seemed to shrink away but the one who was arguing with Hans didn't seem dissuaded by this.

"Rosemon? She is nothing compared to Lord Gran Kuwagamon. She only lives because he allows her to. You should not waste time thinking about her." The Tentomon felt a chill go through him as Hans looked away. However if the Tentomon had paid closer attention he'd see the clenching of Hans' fists.

"You… you think you could tell me what to concentrate on? Are you such a great thinker that I should just leave all my thinking and decisions to you?" The Tentomon began to back away himself as Dokunemon shook all the Motimon off him for the moment.

"I… I did not mean it that way." He tried to wave his mandibles to indicate an apology.

"Fine. But you dare presume to know more than me and I will inflict more pain on you then you could dare imagine. Now you say it's all set up?" The Tentomon sighed in relief as he realised he was safe.

"Yes. And we have informed Lord Gran Kuwagamon of the plan as well. He gives his permission for it." Hans raised an eyebrow in irritation at this but chose not to say anything about it.

"Fine well, let's get away from these critters. They've begun to annoy me." He kicked viciously with one of his feet sending the pair of Motimon who looked like they'd been humping it flying. Dokunemon slithered onto his shoulder and together they left the village of the Motimon behind.


"So Kokuwamon, how far is it until we reach Rosemon's house? I mean, it's been more than a day and you keep saying that we're nearly there. I mean, if we don't find our friends there then they could have gotten quite far in this time." Karl continued to worry about their chances of finding the others.

"Look Karl. Don't sweat about it. I've known Nikolaus and Katrina way longer than you and I know they're going to be safe. Not even Hans could take the two of them down. Frankly Nikolaus could probably beat Gran Kuwagamon with nothing but his own shear determination." Tobias grinned as Hawkmon looked insulted.

"That's not right. Nobody can defeat Gran Kuwagamon with just determination." Hawkmon slapped Tobias on the leg with one of wings.

"Okay, it's called exaggeration. Naturally I don't expect him to do it unless he can suddenly turn determination into nuclear weapons." Tobias grinned in his familiar infectious way.

"Yeah… and besides if anyone is going to beat Gran Kuwagamon it's going to be me. He's going to stand no chance in defeating me. I'm going to become the strongest digimon around and he's going to feel the righteous wrath of an angry bird." The edges of Hawkmon's beak seemed to turn up in a smile.

"So anyway, ignoring that brief interruption, Kokuwamon how much farther until we find Rosemon?" Kokuwamon turned up to look at his partner.

"Well we're no distance at all. I'm willing to bet she knows we're on our way already." Tobias raised an eyebrow at this comment wondering how she'd know.

"Wait… how would she know that we're coming. Unless she's either watching us or can talk to the trees." Kokuwamon and Hawkmon giggled as Tobias said this.

"You're sort of right with both statements. Watch this." Kokuwamon walked up to a particularly large and healthy cherry tree by the side of the path they were walking along. Then he struck it heavily. For a few seconds nothing happened until finally there was a grunt.

"Did you really have to hit me you little wretch? What do you want?" The tree suddenly grew features and the two boys were reminded of stories of magic and sorcery.

"Sorry… we just wanted to know if you worked for Lady Rosemon. Do you know how much farther it is?" The 'tree' turned to face Hawkmon finding him by far to me more polite than Kokuwamon, despite the way Hawkmon seemed to be anxious about something and was jumping about.

"You are the ones she is expecting? Yes… you are the ones. She is with your friend. Just under a mile in that direction." An arm-like branch stretched out pointing them diagonal to the way they'd been going, evidently they were going a little bit off from the right place.

"Umm… what are you? If you don't mind me asking." The 'tree' turned to face Karl as he asked this.

"Hmm… so you're humans… I see something distinctly different between you and the one Rosemon passed by here with earlier. As for what I am. I am a Jureimon." As he said this a couple more 'trees' began to move and say they were also 'Jureimon' and not just trees, a couple of smaller ones claimed to be 'Woodmon'.

"So we just keep going in that direction and we'll find what we're looking for?" asked Tobias, eager to find his friends already. From the sounds of it the Jureimon had seen Katrina since out of Katrina and Nikolaus Katrina was the one who was by far different, or at least would seem it.

"Hmm… yes. Yes… that is the way, lad." The Jureimon pointed again and Tobias started running off in that direction. Karl sighed as the two digimon chased after him.

"Thank you for the help." And then he chased after Tobias himself. All the while wondering what exactly this Lady Rosemon would be like.


"So who exactly is Lady Rosemon? That is the question." Katrina pulled the pencil down off her ear and chewed it while resting her notepad on her knee. In front of her the digimon that looked like a woman dressed as a rose giggled like a school-girl despite her age and power.

"Well I suppose you could say I am the forest around us. And it is me. Although also you could call me a hot piece of ass." Katrina saw Renamon stutter as the digimon she'd thought to be so elegant used crass terms.

"Well it's just I may as well turn meeting you into something useful. Maybe you could tell me why we're here. I've got all my notes in here so I could add it." Katrina flipped through the pages of the notepad coming to the first where a basic sketch of Raremon was surrounded by notes on their first day.

"Hmm… I can't tell you why you are here. I can only assume." Rosemon paused causing both the ever-curious Katrina and her partner to lean in closer.

"So, could you tell us what you assume they are here for Lady Rosemon?" As Renamon said this an insulted look passed over Rosemon's face. Renamon instantly began apologising to her as she tried to think of what she'd done to anger the Ultimate level digimon.

"Umm… well I'd have to agree with her. I really would like to know why we're here. Sorry if it insults you that we're asking." Rosemon giggled again in her school-girlish way as she looked at them.

"It's not the asking that I was insulted by. Just don't call me Lady Rosemon. I live here and potter about in my garden. I'm hardly deserving of being called Lady Rosemon… just call me Rosie." She smiled happily as Katrina sighed.

"Sorry, La… Rosie. So could you tell us now why you think Katrina and her friends were called?" Rosemon grinned at the uncomfortable look on Renamon's face when she tried to get round the name.

"Actually could you tell me if there's a way home, first?" Katrina leaned forwards, ready to write anything Rosemon said down as she said it in her own form of shorthand.

"Hmm… well I know you can use you D-3 to go back a forth through a Digital Gate program. But since there isn't one open you can't do it. However I reckon I could boost the power of the D-3 with my own and maybe send you through to somewhere. But that's a maybe." She stopped to think for a second as she tried to work out whether she had enough power to send them home. She assumed she did.

"And how about why we are here?" Katrina said this and Renamon leant forwards as Rosemon turned serious for a second.

"Well I assume you're here because of my brother. You're here to defeat him most probably and stop his plans coming to fruition and upsetting the balance of The Endless Forest." Katrina thought about this for a second as did Renamon.

"Who is your brother?" asked Renamon, a look of dread on her fox-like features.

"Gran Kuwagamon."


"My body burns with pain." The silence between Nikolaus and Agumon was broken once more by the moaning of the human one of the partnership. Agumon looked up at Nikolaus who was only able to hold himself up with the aid of a branch. Of course at least the numerous scratches had stopped bleeding and the bumps had given way to bruises.

"Don't worry. Everyone knows the way to Lady Rosemon's house. We'll be there in no time at all. And she's bound to help us against Gran Kuwagamon, what with their history." Nikolaus looked down at his partner as the words reached his consciousness. What 'history' was he talking about?

"Umm… 'history'? What kind of history are we talking about? Have they fought in the past and that kind of thing? Did she win?" Nikolaus felt a spark of hope as he realised maybe their time in the Digital World would be far shorter than he had even expected if she was really strong.

"Not as such. I can't really tell you. It's not my place to say, although it is the reason why she isn't fighting him now. Last thing I heard she was happy not being anything special although it doesn't stop digimon like Renamon getting obsessed with her." Agumon smiled with a toothy grin.

"Well okay, I…" Nikolaus paused suddenly as something tingled in his brain. Like he was being pulled somewhere. And he knew the feeling from descriptions he's heard before. There was a Digimental somewhere nearby. And it was without a doubt his.

"What's wrong?" Agumon followed his partner's line of sight to where another of the tall black tower-like stones stood erect.

"We have to go there. I sense a Digimental, I know it." Ignoring his partner anyway Nikolaus began to walk towards the direction of the Dark Tower. Agumon looked off hopefully in the direction they'd been walking before relenting and running after his partner.

"Okay so what do we do if we get attacked? I mean, you may be the only person to sense it but surely with the time he's been around Gran Kuwagamon should be able to find at least one of them before we do. I can't evolve to Tyranomon with that thing around and unless you can get to the Digimental and activate it while I fend off attacks from anything, possibly even Perfect if Gran Kuwagamon has decided we're a threat to him." Agumon began to look to the side as his partner looked determined.

"Don't worry Agumon. I know we can do it. Besides, I don't think that Gran Kuwagamon would think of us as more than a minor irritation according to what you lot told us." Nikolaus' smile began to widen as they reached the Tower. It had nothing even close to it.

"Well, yeah. But from what you said about that Goeth guy, he may underestimate you but he doesn't want to let you get away from him. And the last battle must have really pissed him off." Nikolaus thought about this as he surveyed the surroundings. Nothing really caught his eye and there were no Digimentals that he could see.

"Hey Agumon, we should start searching. I know it's around here somewhere." As his partner began searching he stopped to think for a second. He knew he could feel it. It had to be somewhere around here and if he thought he was sure he could find it.

Then his mind paused on something. In a pile of leaves he saw a flash of red. Rushing over he started pulling leaves away and found what he was searching for. It was an upside down egg, red with orange flame-like swirls over it. A crude sun-like design was at the bottom. The most striking thing on it was the blade sticking out of it.

"Hmm… I wondered if you were going to take any longer in finding it." The mocking voice. It was the familiar mocking voice he'd heard not that long ago, that of Hans-Joachim Goeth. Beside him was the flaming butterfly he had for a partner, Shadramon or something. Nikolaus noted the look of indifference on Hans' face and wondered whether he really cared about getting rid of him or not.

"Shit, you again." Nikolaus saw Agumon scrunch up his large nose as he said this in displeasure as Hans seemed to smirk a little bit.

"I must admit I am surprised to see you get the Digimental of Courage. After all, isn't Kaufmann the headstrong member of your group?" He grinned slightly as Nikolaus began to wonder the same. It was true that he wasn't as likely to rush into something as Tobias was. But this was because he knew his limits and didn't like to cause un-needed risks.

"Hey, my partner is mighty brave." Yelled Agumon as his speaking became a little more guttural than normal. Nikolaus shirked a bit at the rage in his partner's eyes.

"He's right. I'm not headstrong like Tobias. But I'm no coward. After all, I remember the day we came to this world. I was the one who defended Karl against you, not Tobias. I'm going to activate this and Agumon is going to rip your partner to bits." Nikolaus smirked but this was mirrored by Hans.

"Unlikely. Shadramon is evolved by the power of the Digimental of Darkness, I don't think there's much chance of whatever it evolves to being a match." Hans grinned ferociously at the pair as his partnered buzzed a bit.

"Hmm… well neither of us is backing down so let's get this underway." Nikolaus smiled as he knew the Digimental was ready. With a brilliant light it began to envelop Agumon who basked in it.

"Agumon armour evolve…" At this he became surrounded by fire and for a second Nikolaus wondered if Shadramon had attacked early.

But the fire died down leaving something in his place. It was a blue dinosaur, about three times Nikolaus' size, with red lines along him in some places. A feather headdress came from the back of his head and his fingers were claw-like. Furry wristbands and an odd necklace with three gold circles finished off the effect.

"… Allomon." The dinosaur roared in fury as it stared down at Shadramon.

"Flare Buster." A burst of flame shot out of Shadramon and the fight was on.


And at Rosemon's house Renamon turned at the right moment to see the burst of fire shoot up into the sky. Both Katrina and Rosemon heard and turned to look out the window. Rosemon was particularly annoyed as the trees around it caught fire due to the blast.

"We have to go there. Something is going down, and I'm sure it is big." Katrina was surprised by the change in the Ultimate digimon's personality as she turned rather serious.

"Okay, Rosie. Whatever you say." Katrina quickly grabbed his stuff as Rosemon easily held both of them beneath her arms and started running faster than either cold have imagined.


But they weren't the only ones to see this development. As they wandered aimlessly, still trying to find Rosemon's house, they all were looking in the right direction to see the flames shoot into the skies.

"Looks like a party started without us." Tobias grinned as he began running towards it.

"You know, we've not going to be much use against him, are we? I can only evolve to a water based Armour." Karl nodded to his partner's statement as he wondered about it himself. But he had other questions in mind.

"What if it's more than one? Harpymon would have trouble fighting them all. What if it's a trap? We don't even know if there's any of our side over there. It could be set up." Karl looked up once more in dread as he followed after Tobias and Hawkmon with a look of apprehension on his face.


"Dynamite Head." The force of Allomon's skull struck Shadramon sending him flying backwards. The smirk that had been on Hans' face was long gone by now as the battle seemed to favour Allomon.

"Flare Buster." Hans could have told his partner this wouldn't have a chance at working. But as the flaming attack struck Allomon it had no effect on the scaled dinosaur skin who was more than suited for surviving massive amounts of heat. Allomon just gave off a toothy grin.

"Dino Burst." A stream of energy burst out of Allomon's mouth thrusting into Shadramon who wasn't hurt by the fire aspect of it but was still knocked back with such force that he ploughed into the ground. Hans was practically fuming with hatred by this point and was yelling for his partner to wake up.

"Indent Screw." Everyone was pretty surprised as Shadramon burst out of his furrow and smashed into Allomon with fire streaming around him in a steady spiral of fire. Allomon pushed his feet in and was only slightly pushed back by him. Hans began to smirk again.

"Seems it's not totally over."Hans began to laugh as Shadramon spun hitting Allomon with the back of one of his hands.

"Oh, it will be. You're outnumbered." Hans turned to the side where Harpymon stood protectively in front of Tobias, Karl and Kokuwamon. He seemed more than ready to fight himself. And more than willing, despite his expression being one that could not be seen under his mask.

"I don't need your help Harpymon. Shadramon can't even hurt me since all his attacks are fire based and I'm practically immune to them." Allomon grinned toothily as he charged down at Shadramon who narrowly flew out of the way.

"Fine. But if needs be I'm going to step in." Harpymon let his winged arms lie at his side as he watched the fight. Tobias began to walk over to Nikolaus leaving the other two with Harpymon's protection.

"So, Nikolaus seems like we all have Digimentals now. Karl got the Digimental of Sincere-Faith a while back. But Kokuwamon's Armour form can't fight on land, only in water." Tobias was really energetic as he paused to catch his breath before telling Nikolaus what had happened.

"Umm… can this wait a minute? I want to see the end of the fight. Allomon should be finishing him off any time soon." They both turned to where Allomon was staring at Shadramon whose 'Indent Screw' attack was propelling him towards Allomon again.

"Dynamite Head." Allomon's head charged up resulting in a furious head butt as Shadramon hit him. The force of both attacks seemed to push against each other for a few seconds before Shadramon lost concentration for a second. With a bit more thrust Allomon smashed Shadramon back sending him flying off.

With a grunt the flaming insect hit the Dark Tower with enough force to propel him straight through it and as he hit a tree he devolved into his Child form of Dokunemon. Weakly he began to hobble over to Hans.

"Well Goeth. Seems it's over. My partner was stronger in the end." Nikolaus was surprised to see the look on Hans' face. Slowly he began to giggle, and then turned into a chuckle, and pretty soon he burst into a maniacal laugh as he pulled out his grey D-3.

"Not quite. I may have lost in Armour form. But Dokunemon has another evolution, much like your own partner's Adult form of Tyranomon. And now I'm able to evolve him with the Dark Tower destroyed. And it doesn't really matter much. Look around you." Hans smirked with malicious intent.

Nikolaus took this to heart as he turned to look into the trees. Indeed he could see insect digimon building up around him and the others as Harpymon, Karl and Kokuwamon began to move closer to them. It now seemed like it had been a trap all along, and they'd fell into it.


Entry 7 - Buzzing of evil, from the skies Yanmamon

Hans has now evolved his partner to his Adult form. And the others find themselves overwhelmed by this monstrosity and other henchmen brought by Hans. Will this be the end of their mission and will they never return home?