Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Step Ahead ❯ The Future ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thank you to all those people who read and/or reviewed my first chapter. I hope to get the same kind of reviews that I got for chapter 1. So please be kind.

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The attacks hit dead on. The only difference between the attacks is that Generationmon's attack was the only one that had an effect. The attack hit the three Digimon causing them to revert back into their in-training forms. It was also large enough to nock out everyone but Davis and Kari.

"Now to finish you off…Time Portal," yelled Generationmon as a small blue orb appeared beside him. The orb slowly began to expand until it was about 20ft high.

"I call upon the enemy of the Digidestined 20 years from now."

As if to emphasis his words a huge gust of wind swept through the cavern. It was so powerful that it swept the two Digidestined off their feet and threw them into the Time Portal.

"What…this can't happen"

As the words were spoken the portal snapped shut.

"I must rectify this at once," muttered Generationmon to himself. He opened a second portal and stepped in still thinking that the children and their pets were still unconscious but a barely awake Nyaromon (Gatomon's in-training form) saw everything before slipping unconscious.

Davis and Kari woke up in a lot of pain. Davis got up rubbing his head. He offered a hand to Kari to help her up. She took it and released it as she got up blushing a little.


"Your welcome."

"Let's look around"

They were in the desert again and some thing about it seemed familiar. They climbed a high sand dune to get a better look. It looked just like the Digital World they had seen earlier but this one seemed almost as if it were darker. All around them were craters and scorch marks. As they continued walking and they started seeing flashes of light and explosions form the cliff to the north. Just as they were getting closer one of the attacks went astray and landed near Kari and Davis, and knocking them out.

A couple minutes later 2 people riding an enormous Digimon landed next to the to kids.

"What should we do with them?"

"We'll take them with us"

"Are you sure?"


"…. And then he opened another portal and left," a still very tired Salamon finished.

TK already worried for Kari's safety spoke up," We need to find a way to get her back". He had completely forgotten about Davis.

"I'm not sure that there's anything we can do" Izzy spoke as he started working at his computer, "but if there is, I will find it."

A few minutes later TK, Yolie and Cody were walking home. It was nice night but the kids with so much on their minds didn't notice.

TK who was still angry with Davis for endangering Kari spoke, "how could let her get sucked in there with him isn't he supposed to love her?"

"He would have if he could have," mumbled Yolie who was not used to defending Davis.

"If I had been there I would have found a way."

"You were there, remember you were knocked out."

"Davis did the best he could, just like you would have," spoke up Cody for the first time in the argument.

"Cody is right, now go home and get some sleep."

"Ok, goodnight."


Kari woke up in a bright white room with what looked liked hi-tech medical equipment all around her. She looked around and saw Davis sleeping peacefully in a bed beside her. He's kinda cute when he's sleeping she thought to herself. I only flirt with TK to test him, to see if he would just run to another girl. I really do like him. I have to be sure that he likes me too, more then just a childish crush. I have to know before I tell him.

"At last your awake," came a voice from the doorway.

She started peppering him with questions.

"Who are you?"

"Where am I?"

"What happened to us?"

"All your questions will be answered in time, but first we must wait for your friend to wake up," was his only answer.

"I am up," spoke up Davis while surprising Kari and their mysterious visitor.

The man walked out the door and called out behind him," Follow me."

He led them through a complicated series of rooms and hallways. After what seemed like forever they arrived at what seemed like the command center. There were people running all around them but the man seemed to be leading them a group of about eight. All of the people in the group were in there thirties and looked oddly familiar.

"Who are you," asked Davis cutting right to the chase.

One of the women in the group smiled at him, "That's simple, we are you." (You probably knew that already but I had to try.)

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Ok that's the end of chapter 2. If you liked please review.