Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Crossover Adventure ❯ Sumi's love ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Me: Finally, this is my second chapter of the story.
who is my love?
You will see him soon but anyway, the readers already know. Haha. ^^
it's so bad of you.
(just smile)

note: Digimon is not mine and it can never be mine. Digimon belongs to Toei Animation and Foxkids.

2: Sumi's love

Ryo was yawning early in the morning. "I'm finally at home." he thought. "He glanced at Taichi's photo on the desk. "Little chi." he whispered. Cyberdramon was urging Ryo to come out for breakfast. Hikari, Agumon and Tailmon had went back to the shop. Ryo found himself alone at home but he decided to entertain himself. "Surf the net." he thought. He went back to Taichi's room and start the computer. He noticed a strange signal. "I hope not Milleniumon." Cyberdramon said. "Somebody was chosen as a new digidestinated." Ryo sighed.

Meanwhile, Koushiro and Miyako were at their computer trying to figure out where the signal came from and what they mean. Ken was at Miyako's house trying to help her figure out the strange signal. "A new digidestinated? how can it be? The world is peaceful right now." Miyako exclaimed as Ken analysed the situation. "We had to find him or her before anything bad thing happen like what happened to me before." Ken told Miyako. They sat down tring to search the digidestinated.

Sumi woke up and found herself at a wierd place. it was dark and dirty. She was holding a D3. Sumi picked t up and took a glance at it. "Nobody has this colour. Is it mine?" Sumi asked herself feeling excited but frowned when she looked at where she is. Sumi walked for an hour with no avail. She wanted to get out of this place. it was not the Digital world and Sumi was feeling scared. she felt her D3 glowing and erased all her fear. She knew he reason why she was chosen.
had a boyfriend who was one year older. She fell in love with him at first sight. A girl knocked her down and destroyed her camera. Sumi was very angry as she shouted at that girl who was carrying a wierd cat. A boy appeared and helped her up. That was when Sumi fell in love with him but she was startled when an orange dinosaur appeared beside him. That boy called himself Taichi. Sumi asked him out for a date. They made it off very well and they became lovers. day at Mount Fuji was when Sumi saw evil digimon attacking her boyfriend while Wargreymon was fighting Blackwargreymon. Sumi saw her boyfriend asking her to run for her life. Sumi just would not leave. Taichi was hurt very badly and she would not leave him in lurch. She held for Taichi's cold hands covered with his blood. He told Sumi everything would be alright and everything went black. Hikari saw her brother died before her eyes but deep in Sumi's heart she knew that he was captured by that Digimon.flashback*

Sumi remembered what happened which she wanted to forget. She missed him so much. That was why she was not moved by any boys in the school. She last came back to Japan was two years during the battle of Digimon in the Real world and she went back to England for a year before she came back again. Sumi walked inside the cave. She felt that this place is errie. She saw somebody about her age being sealed in the cave. "Hey!" she shouted. The person opened his eyes and looked at her blankly. "Taichi!" she gasped. She noticed that Taichi was still holding the wound that evil digimon made. He smiled at Sumi weakly. "Su-mi!" he whispered in pain. Sumi felt very sorry for him. "Sumi...you can see me?" Taichi asked weakly. Sumi nodded her head. "I have become a digidestinated you see." Sumi held up her D3 and rushed towards Taichi but was stopped by the seal. "Good for you..." Taichi fainted. "Nooo!" sumi shouted. "Stop making noise, i need to rest." Taichi tried to open his eyes. "That evil digimon is going to pay for this for causing you a lot of pain." Sumi looked determined to find that Digimon and squash him. "No, Sumi. You are no match for him and do you have your Digimon with you?" Taichi asked Sumi. Sumi looked around and smile childishly. "Hee, I do not have any but will I have one?" she asked excitedly. "Of course. You will see him one day." with that Sumi was dragged back to her own world. "Sumi, don't come here anymore, it's dangerous." Sumi woke up in fright holding her D3. "i'm now at home?" she asked herself. She had a feeling that she had to keep to herself and not to let others know about Taichi and she become a digidestinated.
i hope you are safe now." taichi whispered in dark.

Sumi went to the school. she could not stop thinking about Taichi. He suffered so much in that disgusting place. Hikari appeared and greeted Sumi. Sumi looked up and remembered that she was the one who bumped into her and broke her camera two years ago. "Hi!" Sumi greeted. "you don't look good. Do you have enough sleep last night?" Hikari asked. "yeah I have." Sumi felt like telling her what happened last night.Ryo appeared and handed Hikari her lunch box. He scolded Hikari for forgetting her lunchbox then he noticed Sumi who was trying to escape his eyes.

That afternoon, all the digidestinated gathered at koushiro's house talking about the strange signal. "You mean there is a new digidestinated chosen last night." Daisuke asked Koushiro. Koushiro just nodded his head. "Surprisingly, he or her was not sucked into the Digital World so i could not locate him or her." Koushiro continued. "how can it be?" yamato asked. "i just hope he or she does not end up like me, becoming the Digimon emperor." Ken said. "then where did he or she went?" askes Iori. Miyako shrugged. "Not the Digital world of course."
"Could it be...the dark Ocean?" Hikari asked.was shocked. Ken shooked his head. "cannot be as you see, the Ocean was sealed by us when we sealed daemon inside.where is it?" asked Takeru.world." daisuke joked. The digidestinated were trying to rack their brain on where the new digidestinated went.

Sora was telling Sumi all about the new digidestinated and where he or she went last night. Sumi knew it was she herself who was chosen but she did not know where she went. "Hey! Three years ago, did you come to japan?" asked Sora. "Nope." Sumi lied. "oh well." Sora headed back to her room. Sumi sighed. She recalled how Ryo looked at her that morning. 'Did he suspect me?' she thought worriedly. What if he found out about her and Taichi's relationship?

Ryo lied on his bed thinking about Sumi. He did suspect Sumi being the new digidestinated but how? Hikari came in. "Big Brother, what are you thinking of?" she asked quietly. "Oh! Nothing." Ryo lied. Cyberdramon knew very well what he was thinking. He spoke, "Sumi may be the new digidestinated." Hikari sounded surprised.quiet. can you?" Ryo scolded.she and that chi..." Cyberdramon continued.is enough." Ryo snapped his mouth shut. Hikari started laughing. Both Ryo and Cyberdramon stared at her blankly and they knew they had embarassed themselves in front of her. They drooped their heads. "By the way, who is that chi huh?" Hikari asked. "He...he..." Ryo spoke halfway. "He is your..." before Cyberdramon finished, Ryo snapped his mouth shut again. Hikari laughed and left the room. "Sigh" they both sighed in unison.

Sumi went to the Dark Ocean again. She hoped to see Taichi. "Taichi, where are you?" she whispered. She followed the trail her D3 gave and found him. taichi looked haggard. Sumi lifted his head up. Taichi was awakened and he spoke up, "Sumi, you are here. Quick, leave. That Digimon is going to be here anytime." Sumi said angrily, "did he beat you up?" Taichi nodded. "Whenever he failed something." Suddenly, footsteps was heard. "Quick Sumi hide yourself." Sumi obeyed him and hid behind a big rock. That Digimon appeared. He was Daemon who was sealed by Daisuke's team years ago. "Hand over your Arrow of light! Holy child." Sumi was eavedropping. 'What holy child?" she thought. Taichi smirked at him. "I do not have such thing dumbo." Daemon blasted Taichi with his power. Taichi screamed in pain. "No way, I'm giving you that." Taichi persisted. "Kill me if you want." Daemon looked very angry and laughed evily. "You think I'll let you die easily huh? Digidestinated or I should say Holy child. I'll make you suffer and I'll find the other Holy child. Hahaha!" Daemon slapped him on his face and left. Sumi sneaked out and cried, "So he beat you up just like this huh?" felt his body was burning. He wanted to die but just could not. Taichi stuttered." I'm used to his beating all these years." He smiled but grimaced in pain. "I shall get you out of here." cried Sumi. Tears was streaming in her eyes. Crying, Sumi tried to remove the seal from Taichi. However hard she tried, she just could not remove it. Taichi shook his head and whispered, "It's useless, stay away from me. I'm just a worthless fellow." Sumi shouted at him, "No it's not. It's all my fault. I caused you all this pain. I'm very sorry."
years ago, Wargreymon and Blackwargreymon were battling each other. taichi was watching them. Sumi appeared smiling. "I found you Taichi." Happily, she went and hug Taichi. Taichi was blushing. They knew each other only for a few and fell in love at first sight. "Why are you here Sumi? It's very dangerous." Sumi shook her head. She felt very blessed in his arms. "I know but i just want to see you." A shadow crept towards them. Taichi sensed danger. He pushed Sumi away, "Run Sumi." he shouted. Taichi was hit by the attack while he pushed Sumi away. He fell onto the ground. Sumi was shocked. "Are you ok Taichi? You are hurt pretty badly." She cradled Taichi in her arms. taichi sensed another attack and blocked it using his body to protect Sumi. "Stop it you idiot." she shouted. Both Wargreymon and Blackwargreymon had fought elsewhere. Daemon appeared. "Digidestinated, hand me your arrow of light." way you bustard." taichi tried to raise his voice but the pain in his body was unbearable. "Then both of you shall die." Daemon shoved them down the cliff. Sumi grabbed onto a branch struggling with Taichi holding on a branch besides her. Meanwhile, a blizzard came by. Taichi knew that he could not make it. He was bleeding. He held out a box. "Sumi, hand this to Hikari. She wanted it very much and I thought of giving it to her but now I think I can't." He held the box to her. "No, we'll make it." Too late, the blizzard was too strong. Sumi got the box and Taichi let go of the branch and he fell...this can't be." Sumi cried. holdng the box tightly. Hikari rushed there and saw her brother fell off the cliff and buried by the snow. "Noooo!" she cried. Sumi his herself somewhere and saw blur image. A shadow appeared and disappeared again. At once, she knew Taichi had not died and she blacked out.
She woke up and saw Daisuke. Daisuke had knew what happened but thought that Taichi and fell to death. "Shh! Hikari had not known about you and Taichi yet but I want to know what happened just now." Sumi cried. Daisuke became softened. "Hush! Sumi, Things are going to be alright now." Sumi held on to the box tightly wondering whether to give that box to Hikari but her parents came and fetched her back to England before she had a chance to give it to Hikari.flashback*
was crying so hard that she choked in a sob. Taichi was feeling sorry for her. "Sorry, Sumi." He whispered. "You'd better get back now since it is late. Don't worry about me. Leave now. I love you." Sumi lifted up her head and looked at him. "I love you too." she said. "Taichi, don't give up hope. I'll be back." Taichi nodded as he lost consciousness after Sumi left.

I know it's very bad of me to stop here. Things are getting interesting as Sumi is going to get Taichi out. What will happen? Which Digimon is going to be Sumi's partner digimon. Stay tune for the next chapter. This time, I'll wait for another few reviews before I upload the new chapter.