Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Crossover Adventure ❯ Tamers' misery ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sumi: you are sickening.

Me: you bet I am because I do not allow you to save Taichi so soon.

Sumi: Awww!

Me: continue the story then. This is about the nuisance the Tamers have to face living with the digidestinated. Digimon is not mine and it cannot and never be mine. It belongs to Toei Animation & Foxkids. Sumi is the only character I created for now.

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Chapter 6: Tamers' misery

*At Koushirou's house*

"How does your world look like? How is our future like? How...?" Koushirou was nagging at Hirokazu who was listening to discman switching the volume to full blast.

"That's enough! He doesn't want to answer your question now we can always ask him later or else ask other Tamers. He is not the only one.

" Tentomon told Koushirou. Guardromon was trying to avoid their questioning too.

"I didn't watch "your show"" he defended himself.

"I should have chosen to go to other digidestinated. He asked too many question. I'm not going to answer them all. No wonder, he didn't end up with Sora's cousin whom he likes. Hirokazu thought while listening to his discman.

*At Mimi's house*

"Do you like my house? I just move in." Mimi asked Juri.

"Oh yes! She replied looking at all pink walls.

"Hey! Where is your partner digimon?" asked Mimi. Juri recalled about her Leomon. She missed him.

"He is no longer around." replied Juri.

"Sorry. Who is it anyway?" Mimi continued asking while unpacking her stuffs.

"Leomon." Juri continued.

"Leomon. He died for me in the Digital world during the battle with Metal Etemon." Mimi felt stupid to tell her that.

"I know. I watched you on T.V." Juri smiled at Mimi who was looking at her puzzledly.

"You seem to know everything about us then." Juri just kept quiet.

*At Takeru's house*

Takeru's mother was looking at Kenta suspiciously.

"This is my friend, Kenta." Takeru introduced him to Nancy. "Is he a digidestinated?" she asked her son.

"Nope, in fact he is different from us. He came from another world. He is a Tamer." Takeru handed Kenta his drink. Marineangemon happily took a cup flying around Kenta.

"Oh no! Are they going to ask me questions?" kenta thought. Takeru seems to know what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, I won't be asking a lot of questions like Koushirou and Iori does. You should already know from "the show"" Kenta imagined Koushirou chasing after Hirokazu like in "the show". Kenta droop his head.

"Thanks, Takeru." He smiled.

*At Daisuke's house*

"Who is this Daisuke?" Jun nagged eyeing the goggle boy.

"This is my sis, Jun. she is always like this." said Daisuke.

"I already knew it from "the show". Takato laughed.

"Any food Takato? I want Guilmon bread." Daisuke looked at Guilmon.

"Guilmon bread?" asked Veemon.

"Try getting it at Hikari's house.

Daisuke hit his head, "You are crazy, Veemon. There is no such thing as Guilmon bread here.is no such thing as Guilmon bread here.hing.u and Iori does."cup flying around kenta

*At Ken's house*

"Sorry to impose on you." Jenrya apologized.

"You do not need to." replied Ken.

"You all are going to help us right?"

"Yeah!" Ken started asking questions, "What kind of battle we are going to face?" asked Ken carrying Wormmon onto his lap.

"It's ok if you don't want to tell us. It is our tests. We have to face them anyway." Ken turned and looked at Jenrya. His face turned blank when he saw Shuichon dressing Lopmon and Terriermon up.

"Err...does your younger sister treat them as toys?" Ken asked Jenrya who did not know how to answer him. "You all will succeed." Jenrya said trying to change the subject.

*At Sora's house*

"That Sumi...where is she?" Sora shouted.

"Err...she is going to be ok even going to face a difficult battle." Ruki tried to pacify her by saying these.

"What?" asked Sora. "What is she going to face?"

"Ruki, should I go and look for Sumi?" asked Renamon. Ruki shook her head.

"She will be safe by having two Digimons with her and you are going to be very happy about her new boyfriend." Sora's expression changed.

"Oh no! Questioning!" Ruki realized remembering "the show". Renamon went away to escape the questioning.

"I guess I want to go out to get some food." Ruki went out of the house feeling relieved.

Author's note: This chapter is for relaxation. Have fun first before battles. "The show" you should know. To Tamers, the digidestinated are simply cartoon characters. Have fun. Please R & R. thanks ... outed. "r is she?"ange the subject.nswer him.