Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Hybrid Generations ❯ Digital Siege ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well, following the trend from last week, we see ACTION in this chapter! Yay for action lovers! Enjoy.
Chapter 5: Digital Siege
“Tell me,” Kitsune looked over to Keishinko, who was currently playing her electric guitar, “do you even know how to play that thing?” She let the lavender axe hang loosely by the strap that held it up, “Of course I do,” she said. She pointed to her ears, “differently shaped ears. It's easier to hear sounds like music and also to play it. You should be able to do that too Fox boy.” Kitsune's long ears twitched, and Keishinko smirked, “I know you do.”
Atsuiko stared out the window of Kitsune's room, ignoring her friends' quarrels as usual. She could not help but think about all the things her mother was talking to her about the night before. Her father, a dog type digimon. A dog type, dog type digimon…Over and over. The Dobermon Hybrids' mother's words, describing her father as a Dobermon, incessantly repeated over and over in her mind. `Why is something like this bothering me?' she watched as the clouds streamed by above, `Father was brave, and he saved the world. But…'
“Hey Atsuiko,” Keishinko called over from across the room, “what's wrong, you've been quieter than usual today.”
Atsuiko smiled, “oh, nothing. It's just I've been thinking about all the things we're learning in school. It's a bit much and I'm just making sure I remember it all.”
“Thinking about school, now?” The Digital feline hybrid blinked, “I wouldn't worry about it now. It's the weekend. Relax.” She took off her guitar and got up to stretch. Atsuiko turned her attention back to the window. Kitsune looked over to Atsuiko, “you sure there isn't anything bothering you Atsuiko?” Atsuiko looked over to her childhood friend, smiled again, and nodded. “Okay…”
Kitsune went back to his own train of thought, `Dad's work,' he took off his glasses as he sat there thinking, `I haven't even seen it and I rarely ever hear him talk about it…' he looked up, `why am I making such a big deal about this anyway?' The Fox boy rubbed his eyes, `I don't know…'
Suddenly, all thee of them heard a loud explosion somewhere outside. Immediately, the three hybrids jumped to their feet, with the exception of Keishinko who was already on her feet. “What in the world…?”
“Guys, outside!” Atsuiko pointed out the window. The two others gathered by the window to see a huge dome-like structure made completely out of mist, “what is that?”
“I don't know,” Kitsune immediately raced to the door, “but that's where Uncle Takato's Bakery is!” Right outside his door was his mother, “Mom…!”
“I know,” Renamon looked at her son, “it's a Bio-Merge.”
“What's happening?” Kitsune asked.
“Let's just say that all that training and sparring we always do will pay off now,” Renamon said as she walked past her son and down the stairs, “you'll see when we get there.” With those words, and a confused bunch of hybrids, all four of them ran off to save the Matsuda Bakery.
Ryo was working at his home in front of his computer once again. He watched the window on his screen, showing grassland. The quality was as good as a web cam, but he only watched for anything unusual, `Man, I wish I could actually go back once and a while,' he thought as he opened a can of soda and drank it, `but I guess since Keish was born, we can't. Maybe we could go there sometime, and I could tell Juri that we'll go as a family vacation…' He took another sip of the caffeine-filled beverage and looked at the screen, `what the…' A glowing wormhole appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the grassland. He zoomed in, “Oh no…” Before he got up from his computer, he got an Instant message from his coworker:
NeoYamaki: Goliath, we got a huge problem on our hands. The DW Firewall is completely destroyed and the RW Firewall has been expanded! A Digital Field is opening to the Real World and Digimon have found out! The Wild ones are loose again! Tao and Terriermon are going to fight them and I think you should too!
“Damn,” Akiyama gritted his teeth as he rushed off to his bedroom and pulled open one of his drawers. “I hope I still have it…” He dug deeper and deeper into his drawer. He finally came across his D-Arc, “Yes! Monodramon should already be there, or I hope he is. Good timing, it's been boring around here lately.” He got into his car and drove off to Central West Shinjuku, right in the middle of the city.
“Reiko! What the hell happened?” Jenrya said as he had his eyes deadlocked on the huge screen in front of him, “I thought you said we had 25 hours!” Reiko continued to type at his quick pace as he stared at the graphics on his screen, “We did, until something happened to the Firewall!” He continued to type, “It just disappeared! The RW Firewall just started to expand after that and before we know it, a wormhole to this world opened!”
“Lee,” a 20-year old Indian girl turned to the longhaired Tamer, “Central West Shinjuku, in front of a Bakery, a digital field is open!”
“Can't get it now,” a black man, about the same age as the Indian girl reported, “The Digimon is in the Real World already! We gotta destroy those gates manually!”
The blond haired boy got up quickly and turned to Jenrya, “Tao, we have to do something. These digimon…”
“I know,” Jenrya pounded his fist on the desk, “I fought these things before. Terriermon!” Terriermon jumped on top of Jenrya's head, “did you notice if there were there any openings you saw other than the one in the tool shed?” The little digimon shook his head, “Nope, that was the only one!” Lee looked at the screen again, “I hate to do this,” He pulled out his D-Arc and turned to the young Yamaki and the others, “Reiko, Kaju, Blake, make sure no other gates or digimon break through, I have some cleaning up to do.” The three nodded and Jenrya got into his car and drove off to the Digital Field.
Takato looked at the clock of his Bakery, “Strange, its pretty quiet for lunch hour. What's happening outside…” he walked over to the door and swung it open to find himself in a thick fog, “Oh no,” the 30-year old Baker mumbled, “After all these years, these things still appear…” A smile grew slowly on his face, “Yes!” He ran inside to find his D-Arc once again, and before long he found his Red D-Arc, and a pair of goggles. He immediately took off his apron and replaced it with a hooded sweater, and he replaced his hairnet with his goggles. “Guilmon! Hope you're ready, cause we got to protect the Bakery!” Guilmon nodded and the Tamer and Digimon duo ran outside.
There he saw some kind of large rhino-like digimon, “A Vermilimon…” Takato looked at his D-Arc, “Guilmon, let's go!” Guilmon nodded and ran off to do battle with the Dinosaur digimon. Guilmon shot a fireball at the invading digimon, but it seemed to just shrug it off. It growled and looked directly at Guilmon, “Volcanic Strike!” it stomped hard on the ground, causing the Red Virus digimon to fly up, and what soon followed was a blazing stream of molten rock heading right at Guilmon, “Dodge it Guilmon!” yelled the Tamer as Guilmon barely avoided the magma.
“This isn't looking too good…” Takato reached into his pocket, but found it empty, “oh no, I forgot the cards!” He panicked, “Guilmon, hang in there buddy!” He was about to run back into his bakery but a small tornado flew right into the invader from another side, saving Guilmon from certain deletion. Right after the attack came Jenrya walking through the mist with round, rimless sunglasses on. “Looks like you need a little help.” Takato smirked, “well, yeah, it's been a while.”
“Enough, Fox Leaf Arrowhead!” another voice called out from another angle. Takato and Jenrya turned to see Renamon, followed by the three hybrids. “I thought Kitsune and the others should have a little battle experience today.” Renamon said as she landed. The Vermilimon was not affected by either attack.
“Is that a digimon?” Kitsune asked. Everyone looked at him, giving him an obvious answer, “why is it here?”
“I don't even know, but if we don't stop it right now, then the bakery or any of us may get damaged” Takato turned, “less talk more battle! Guilmon!” Guilmon rushed at the Vermilimon again and slashed at it, but the Vermilimon just shook it off. “Damn, nothing's working!”
The older Lee pulled out a card, “hope this still works, Card Slash!” He slashed a card and looked at Terriermon if anything happening, “just as I thought…” Takato looked over at Jenrya, “This field, and this data…”
“Its different.” Renamon finished his sentence, “it feels strange in a way. But it won't stop me from deleting this loser!” Renamon jumped up and tried to kick the Vermilimon off his balance and luckily incapacitate him in some way, but the Tao Fox was unsuccessful. Renamon found herself vulnerable in mid air “No…” Vermilimon jumped and head butted Renamon, sending her flying into the ground.
“Renamon!” Jenrya shouted as he ran to be by her, “Terriermon, we have to stop them some way! You and Guilmon try attacking at the same time!” He went to tend to his love.
“You heard the Tamer Guilmon,” Terriermon turned to Guilmon, who nodded, “let's kick this thing's butt!” Both digimon ran towards the enemy, Guilmon from the left and Terriermon on the right. They both jumped and released a barrage of projectile attacks, small green bubbles from Terriermon and a bright red fireball from Guilmon. The barrage sent the Vermilimon reeling, “Again!” Terriermon yelled, Guilmon and Terriermon rushed again and barraged again, but this time came crashing down on the Perfect level digimon. A green twister hit the large rhino-dinosaur like digimon on his left while Guilmon's glowing red claw slashed from the right. With one last roar, the digimon was deleted and burst into little pieces of data.
“That was close…” Terriermon sighed, “guess that age thing applies to digimon now too?” Guilmon scratched his head as he went over to Takato and asked him a question, “Takato, why does Guilmon feel strange?” Takato looked around him and saw the Digital Field dissipate, “I don't know.” He turned to see Jenrya “is Renamon going to be okay?”
Renamon was already up, leaning against Jenrya, “I'll be fine.” She sighed, “I shouldn't have let that happen. In front of Kitsune no less.” She looked over to the group of hybrids, and they stood there, watching the whole thing.
“Whoa,” Keishinko watched the whole battle in awe, “did you see that? Terriermon and Guilmon totally destroyed that digimon!”
“I saw it,” Kitsune said, but he had other thoughts on his mind, `but why did Mom lose so easily if she kept training?' He shook his head and started to walk towards the group of Tamers and Digimon. “That was pretty cool!” Keishinko commented, “I never really seen anything like that!”
“Well,” Terriermon jumped onto Jenrya's shoulder, “we used to do that all the time, but we're a bit rusty.” Before more conversation took place, Ryo pulled up in his car and got out, “aw, did I miss it already?” Ryo asked, with Monodramon standing right beside him.
“Yeah,” Takato answered, “but it's strange, Guilmon, Terriermon, and Renamon all had trouble defeating it. And the cards don't work anymore!” Ryo nodded, “you knew about this?”
Ryo looked at Jenrya, “Me and Jen had a feeling, but we weren't completely sure, but now we know. The thing is, though, we don't know why.” The Legendary Tamer saw his daughter and the others standing close by, “Keish, you and the others fight?” Keishinko turned around and shook her head, “no, we watched the others fight.” Ryo turned back to the other Tamers, “anyway, we have to figure out why now, before more break loose, or we'll be in huge trouble.”
“Uh, Dad?” Kitsune called over his dad, “I think it's a bit too late.” Kitsune pointed over to another part of the city. “Damn,” Jenrya mumbled, “Terriermon, you okay for another round?” Terriermon nodded, “hopefully…” A phone went off. Jenrya reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone, “Hello?”
After a lengthy conversation, Jenrya hung up the phone and looked at the others, “Reiko just called, and there's three digital fields open. He said multiple digimon are appearing though them now. We won't be able to save the city unless we split up.” He sighed as he turned to Kitsune and the others. “Kitsune, Keishinko, Atsuiko, all of you must fight.”
“What?” Kitsune asked, surprised, “but these are digimon we're talking about! We have no experience…” Keishinko broke in, “we would like to, but none of us know how to fight these things!”
“I…I do not know how to fight.” Atsuiko admitted willingly, “I do not even know what my powers are…”
“We have no choice,” Jenrya said, “I'd rather not have you three fight, but we have to close all of them before its too late and even more digimon break loose in the real world. If they do escape, even if they're data or not, people will get hurt and even killed.” The hybrids looked at each other, thinking about what they must do. They all nodded, accepting their responsibility.
The elder Lee turned to Ryo, “Ryo, we have to be careful. Cards don't work, which probably means Evolution won't work either, too much of a data difference.” He turned to all of them, “Okay, this is how it's going to work. Kitsune, go with your mother and Takato to the park. Keishinko, go with your father and Mono to the Subway Station, there's one open there too. Atsuiko, you'll have to stay with me and protect the Industrial District here.” All of them agreed on the pairings and began on their campaign to prevent the digimon from escaping to the real world.
A/N: Just a few things I should comment on:
Yes, I understand that “Reiko” is a female name, yet I named Yamaki's son that. Why? Just wait…
More of the second-generation Monster Makers/Wild Bunch was introduced in this chapter. Just want to say they're fan created (if it wasn't obvious :P). And I know its in the chapter, but I'll just say it again: they're younger than Jen, but older than Reiko.
That's it for now, more next week. Hope you enjoyed it and PLEASE R&R!
---Dexstrosity the LdOFDestruction