Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Hybrid Generations ❯ Siblings ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Okay, I actually really liked how this chapter came out, I hope you do too ^_^.
Chapter 15: Siblings
Kitsune's eye twitched as he looked at the three hybrids that stood among them. The fox boy looked to the left of him, seeing a female with a wide-brim hat and a mask over her mouth and nose, only revealing blue eyes. It was more than evident to him; she was filled with the desire to fight. He turned to his right and within the shadows stood a half-machine-type digimon half-human hybrid, with a hidden left hand and a glowing left eye. In front stood a large, muscular hybrid with long, floppy ears and green hair. Kitsune took a step forward, making sure that the two girls were safely behind him, yet he knew in his heart that they never needed the protection. “You still haven't answered my question,” Kitsune calmly returned his focus to Higura, “Why are we here?”
“Why are you so uptight?” Higura kept the disturbing smile on her face, “you are among friends, family…”
“They are not family or friends,” Keishinko stepped forward, but Kitsune kept her back with his arm. The young Lee turned to her, “Relax, we don't want to do anything sudden, or it could be all over for us.”
“I agree with the cat-girl,” The one with the wide brimmed hat spoke, “we are not among allies…”
“Seira,” Higura interrupted the females, “be nice, Keishinko and the others are your friends.” Keishinko tried to break free from Kitsune out of rage, but he successfully held her back. Atsuiko looked at all three strangers separately. Slowly her eyes looked at each one, first the one named “Seira” then the muscular one in the front. Finally her eyes drifted to the last of the hybrids hidden within the shadows. At first, the shadow-dwelling hybrid did not notice the young McCoy was eyeing him, but soon noticed, turning his head slightly to see her. Atsuiko immediately looked down. “You still haven't answered my question Higura,” Kitsune said again, “why have you called us out here?”
“If you really must know,” Higura's smile disappeared and was replaced with a serious look, “we are all gathered here to so I can make a proposition for you and your friends.”
“We're not interested,” Kitsune said firmly. Both Keishinko and Atsuiko looked at the blue-haired boy, “I'm sorry.” The young Akiyama nudged Kitsune, “you don't even know what she's asking for.”
Higura's eyes narrowed and her stare became much more penetrating. The businesswoman's piercing stare was directed right at Kitsune. The young Lee's fist tensed up as he watched Higura and the large hybrid standing beside him. Higura's narrow index finger began to tap lightly against her cotton formal pants. “You were planning to make us your research subjects, just like these three, weren't you?” Kitsune accused.
“You were going to be reunited with your siblings.” Higura retaliated, keeping the parental façade intact “You were going to be taken away from the pain of holding back your true identity. Everyday you could have been yourself and you would have had company: your brothers and sister.”
“Our only family is our birth parents and each other,” Keishinko declared, “Some test tube babies could never be “family.””
“You bitch!” Seira yelled and began to charge the Keishinko. Higura turned to the large hybrid by her side, “Terry, restrain your sister.” In an instant, the green-haired hybrid dashed and restrained his colleague before she could reach Kitsune and the others. “Seira, calm down,” he whispered to his “sister,” “I want to crush these organic mistakes as much as you do, but we must wait for Higura-sama's orders.” Seira tried to break free, but realized the burly teammate was right, “…fine.” She muttered as they reluctantly returned to their leaders' side.
Atsuiko's eyes strayed from the two hybrids and creator to the third hybrid hidden among the shadows once again. `Why is he in the shadows?' she thought. His face glowed within the shadows like a red beacon of light in the midnight sky. She couldn't help to notice what he wore and the finer details of the hybrid within the shadows. He was dressed in winter clothing: a black winter cap with his dark-colored hair peeking from under the brim, a black turtle-neck sweater, his right hand shown the same pale color as his half-cybernetic face and his other hand is mysteriously gloved, black loosely-fitted slacks with cargo pockets on each pant leg, white tennis shoes showing very little wear from use. Atsuiko's fear of the hybrid slowly faded as she continued to observe the same-age hybrid. Once he noticed her again, she flinched again and looked away.
“The discrimination of you and your family's kind will only grow,” Higura continued her persuasion; “humans have always been that way, even with their own kind. Look back when humans killed their own kind in war, genocide…”
“We don't need a history lesson from you!” Keishinko interrupted, “you heard Kitsune's response the first time. We don't want to be your puppets like those blindly following you. We're actually loved by our parents and our community.”
The businesswoman sneered in discontent of the female hybrids' comments. “That will change as time grows. Once your classmates in school and communities find out, you will be ostracized—you will be completely segregated by your own society because you were born.” The anger grew in the face of Kitsune. The words she spoke angered the teenage Lee in some way he has never been angered before. Unknowingly, his teeth began to grow into sharp fangs and his face contorted slightly. Higura noticed the change of emotion and continued to talk, transforming back into the façade of a caring guardian, “But I can change your fate of becoming ostracized and hated. I can change your fate of becoming hated by your own family and friends because they're feeling the discrimination caused by you.” Kitsune's teeth began to grit in anger, “All you have to do is come with me and be reunited with your other siblings.”
“You…” Kitsune muttered, his words trembling in utter anger, “how dare you speak of our families that way.” Keishinko looked at her friend's face and saw the twisted and contort caused by anger. She turned to the two hybrids, “our families would never abandon us. We know for a fact that they love us, no matter what.”
“What a bunch of bullshit…” Terry muttered softly, but loud enough for the sensitive ears of all three hybrids to hear. Kitsune removed his glasses and with no remorse threw them to the ground. “You bastard!” Kitsune rushed to do battle with the offender. His right hand began to form the familiar ice shards as his left hand began to glow with a strange aura. Suddenly, before the Renamon hybrid could reach his target, a being appeared in front of him.
“Kitsune, stop.”
With those words, Kitsune stopped in place with his ice shards still forming in his hand. He began to pant as he tried to regain his composure. His breathing slowed and his teeth began to shrink to its original length and size. He closed his eyes as he realized he had no clue what was happening. “So the mother shows herself.” Higura said to herself. “Mom?” Kitsune finally said. “What are you doing here?”
“I knew you were up to something,” the Tao Fox Renamon looked at her son and folded her arms, “right after you told your father that obvious lie, I'd thought I follow you.” Renamon turned her head slightly and peered behind her, seeing the two hybrids and businesswoman. “And what is your business with my son and his friends?”
“Just a friendly proposition,” Higura answered, “something for them to think about.”
“From what I heard, that was no `friendly proposition',” Renamon turned to face Terry, Seira, and Higura, “I want you and your `children' to stay away from my son and those two hybrids,” referring to Atsuiko and Keishinko, “And if you bring harm to my son or the others in any way, I will personally hunt you down and rip out your heart.” With the last words, Seira and Terry stepped forward to protect their creator. Renamon looked at the two hybrids and noticed something rather strange, almost familiar, but did not say anything.
“Fine, we shall leave.” Higura announced. Terry and Seira backed off. “Genesis, we must go.” And with that call, the third hybrid within the shadows appeared by his “siblings.” Atsuiko looked at Genesis one last time, `He's…like me…' She thought to herself, `within the shadows…' Genesis looked directly at Atsuiko before turning and leaving with his “family.” The three hybrids were left in the quiet park with the parental digimon.
“Mom…” Kitsune began.
“Kitsune,” Renamon turned to face her son, “what are you thinking? You know that others don't know about you or the others being hybrids.”
Kitsune scratched his head, “well, she sent me an email asking me to meet her here. I didn't know it would be something like that. I mean, she's crazy, and…I don't know…I was curious.”
“And your curiosity may have gotten you, Keishinko, or Atsuiko injured, or even worse killed.” Renamon said sternly. Her eyes sharpened. But suddenly, she turned to face where Higura and her hybrids walked off to, “They were all hybrids.” Kitsune noticed the sudden change in behavior in his mother. `I've never seen Mom so caring, so maternal, almost to the point of emotional. Strange…'
“Yeah,” Keishinko broke the moment of silence, “it seemed like they were like us: that obnoxious chick with the hat that tried to attack me, that weird guy in the shadows, and that muscle-head with green hair and long ears. And of course their ring-leader, that freakish lady.”
Renamon nodded, “yes, but there was something odd.” The Tao Fox tilted her head down in thought, “Something about one of them…” She was silent as the three hybrids stared at her waiting for a response. “Mom?” Kitsune broke his mother's train of thought, “What was so strange?” Renamon turned to her son, “it seems to be something your father must take care of.” She began to walk away. “Come on Kitsune, its getting late,” she said and Kitsune followed, “and Keishinko and Atsuiko, you two better be heading home as well.”
The school quietly settled as the few remaining students exited the hallways. “I'll see you guys tomorrow then!” A cheerful teenage girl wearing eyeglasses with blondish red hair tied into a ponytail walked out of the computer lab. She took a few steps forward passing a young man leaning against the school lockers, noticing that he has a familiar face. “Reiko-kun?”
“It has been a while Jade,” the young Yamaki smirked as he looked up from the ground, seeing the girl he has known since childhood. Jade smiled as she walked over to the fellow teen and gave him a hug. They both began to walk out of the “So how has everything been?”
“The usual,” her answers were short and simple as they have been since they've known each other. It was a trait that Reiko took fondly to, considering that almost every other girl he has met throughout his life were annoying little chatterboxes who would not shut up about the most frivolous topics, “school, stuff like that.” Reiko silently nodded as a smile grew on his face slightly. He still had the comment her mother told him right before he left in the back of his mind, but he could not bring himself to ask about it. However, although he refused to ask it, he instinctively let it slip anyway, “so, your mom told me you have a boyfriend now.”
The young Jade Onodera suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, “that's funny, she's been telling everyone that again?” Reiko's face showed nothing more than confusion. “He's just a guy in my computer club. Since we hang out a lot, Mom thinks that we're going out. It's really nothing.” She shook her head and laughed. Reiko eased with the mention of the last comment. “His name is Koyuki Haruno, and he's decent in computers. Though, I wouldn't say as decent as you are.” Jade began to walk, leaving Reiko confused. He hurried to continue their path out of the school once again.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Yamaki turned to Jade, “you think I'm only `decent?'”
“Yeah,” Onodera shrugged, “more decent than Koyuki or myself actually. You're the one handling other computer life forms, am I not correct?” She looked up to the taller Reiko with a smug look on her face. She adjusted her glasses slightly and faced forward again. Reiko scratched his head, `Wonder how she knows about the Digimon thing?' he thought as they both continued down the halls of the empty school in silence now. The two teens stepped out into the sunshine that was late afternoon.
“It's been a blast talking with you again Reiko-kun,” Jade said in her common, cheery cadence of speech, “I'll tell Mom you said hi.” She waved as she hurried home, but Reiko stopped her for a quick second. “Hold on,” he scratched his head in confusion, “how do you know about me working with computers if I haven't even seen you or your mom in such a long time?”
“Its not like you're Mom and Dad and my Mom aren't excommunicated from each other.” Jade replied sarcastically, “Duh.” She shook her head and smiled as she turned around and began to walk home again, leaving the young Reiko Yamaki a defeated man.
Higura sat down in her leather chair as the three hybrids lined up in front of her.
“Well that was a complete failure,” Seira commented. “Those bastard organic hybrids and their damn parents…”
“Calm down Seira,” Higura smirked, “you three are so much better than them anyway.” The three hybrids remained stoic, knowing that it was nothing more than a mere maternal comment, used to attempt to raise their morale.” And besides, we have enough time to wear them down. I already laid the damage, now we shall let time do our bidding. They will now simply erode.”
“So are we done for the day?” Terry yawned, “I'm getting tired…and sleepy.”
“Not just yet,” Higura brought up a hologram map in front of the hybrids and herself, “I want all three of you to go here.” She pointed to a place on the map. The area was North of West Shinjuku, shrouded in trees away from the city by several kilometers.
“Serenity Forest?” Terry questioned, “That place is as quiet and as uneventful as Genesis.” Genesis shrugged off the comment, “is there a hybrid?” Genesis asked.
Higura nodded, “and he may need some persuasion. We won't let this one get away. Use any force necessary, just keep him alive.” Terry and Seira smiled as the trio walked out of the room to begin their mission.
Jenrya walked out of the office building into the crisp evening air. As he walked to his car, a motorcycle sped into the small parking lot. The elder Lee turned to the loud noise to see the racing bike swerve to a complete stop. A smirk grew upon Jenrya's face, “So where have you been all day?” The helmeted head of the rider of the motorcycle turned to Jenrya and slowly the black helmet came off revealing the rider's brown eyes and blond hair, “sorry Lee-san but I had some business to take care of.”
“Talking to Onodera-san?” Lee walked over to him, “and Jade?”
“Now how did you know that?” the blond-haired teenager smirked as he placed his biking helmet down upon the seat of his bike.
“Simple,” Lee now stood face to face with his coworker, “you and I were thinking alike. Now Reiko, what's the story?”
“It's not Onodera-san that's for sure and I just visited Jade since it's been so long,” Reiko reported, “so far no leads. I have to ask Dad about this one. He used to work with Digimon and conspiracies, so he should know something.” He smiled, “besides, I have some laundry to do.”
Jenrya laughed, “If anything, your father should know exactly what to do in this situation. The other Tamers and I were the ones originally giving him problems.”
“But you're all friends now.” Reiko reminded Lee, “I'll see what I can get out of Dad. But right now, I think I'll crash for a few hours. Later, Lee-san.” He waved as he walked into the building. Lee smiled at the teenager's comments. He turned to his car again and was ready to unlock his car. The key turned and the modern-day latch unfastened. Just before he opened the door to the driver's seat, he noticed a movement from the corner of his eye. He turned his head slowly towards the direction, to the right of the office building. The objects were swift, but Lee's trained eye barely caught the movement. “Odd.” He said to him, “Seems like it wasn't a power surge after all.” He turned to his car again, entered the vehicle, and sped away from the workplace.
Stumbling through the dark, two beings traveled through the minor brush of the dimly lit area. The one in the front, a human man, carried a flashlight as his accomplice followed closely behind. “Why are we going to the old tunnel Takato?” the shorter accomplice questioned.
“Remember that very important thing?” Takato replied, “we need to keep it in a safer place. It isn't safe where we hid it before Guilmon.”
“But I hid it in a very, very secret place.” Guilmon threw his claws into the air, expressing the secrecy of the “hiding place,” “no one can find it.” Guilmon continued to follow his Tamer as a trail was blazed through the thick shrubs.
“No matter,” Takato said as he pushed another bush out of the way. `That “secret” concerned Jen and the others. Ruki and I made a promise, and I'm going to keep that promise. And it may be in danger now with all of these events.' The 31-year old baker raised his flashlight and in the short distance, he found a run-down, cracking concrete tool shed, “there it is.” He walked up the steps to the front gate. He pointed his flashlight through the rusted bars and untrimmed wild vines. Immediately, a look of shock replaced the serious look on his face. “No…”
“Takato,” Guilmon began, in a lower, much more aggressive voice, “bad people.” Takato looked at his digimon and saw the once playful and happy face of Guilmon replaced with the familiar aggressive face. Takato turned around and saw three figures traveling on the streets at the bottom of the steps. Matsuda fumbled with his flashlight until he was able to turn it off and pulled Guilmon to the bushes, calming him down a bit. `If we're caught in this area in the park, we'll both be in major trouble. And why is Guilmon acting up?' Takato peered through the bushes down the street. He saw a large figure, a feminine figure, and finally a medium-sized male figure. At first, Takato thought they were just walking in the park, until Guilmon whispered something.
“Takato, they're like Kitsune.” Guilmon said quietly, still with the hint of aggressiveness. Takato looked at Guilmon in surprise and then down at the three again, `I thought Kitsune, Keishinko, and Atsuiko were the only ones…!' Takato thought. They watched as the three stood in one spot for a few minutes, and then began moving again. `Great, they didn't notice us.' Takato sighed softly as he held down Guilmon's head. The two lay low until the three continued to walk out of the park. Takato got up, “who were those three? Were they hybrids?” He looked over to the tool shed again, looking into the dark room with the flashlight again.
Inside the shed, the ground was dug up, broken concrete lay all over the floor, and seemingly, the walls were damaged. “Someone found it,” Takato closed his eyes, “damn!”
Jenrya rubbed his chin as he paced back and forth around the living room as the story continued about their son. Terriermon was off in the master bedroom already sleeping, so it was the unofficially married couple left in the room. Renamon leaned against the wall of the living room, repeating the events of the day.
Lee closed his eyes for a moment, “I really hope those hybrids aren't dangerous. But of course, knowing my luck as of late I'm probably wrong.” He turned to pace the other way, “and we have that other hybrid in Serenity Forest. Hopefully no one else knows about him.”
“What if he gets involved with Kitsune?” Renamon asked, “then what?”
“I trust Kit enough to do the right thing,” the elder Lee said, “besides, he isn't the one I'm worried about. Anyway, what were saying about the other hybrids?”
“Two of the hybrids were higher levels than Kitsune and the others.” Renamon continued, “That girl seemed to have a code of a Adult Level digimon as well as that one off to the side. But there was one hybrid that caught my attention.” Jenrya looked over to his love to hear the rest of what she was going to say, “one of them had the same digital code as Terriermon.”
A/N: Yay, I updated twice in less than a week. I told you I would try to update more often :P. I think I also figured out the problem with the italicized chapters on Media Miner, and if this chapter works out, I may repost the rest of them that were italicized, probably even better than they were before, but before then, we shall see how this turns out. Anyway, hope you liked it, and please R&R as usual.
-DeXstrosity the LdOFDestruction (aka Evolved Spirit KitsuDeXstrosity)