Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Sabertoothmon Attacks! ( Chapter 15 )

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Author's Note:I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter up but I've been very busy the past couple of months and didn't have much time to spare on it.

The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 15:Sabertoothmon Attacks

By Trunks MTK

Hi,Brad talking.Last time our digimon were fighting the Hornedmon and they told us to run away and they'd find us later.Me,Eoin,Zero and Mac got caught by a digimon working for Sabertoothmon.Zero used the digisword to set us free.Eoin went to look for the others but the digimon came and got us again.Eoin met the others back where the digimon were fighting and came to free us and then our digimon beat the evil digimon.

"This time the digidestined won't be able to escape me.I'll have them and destroy them and show the other dark Masters that I am the strongest."Sabertoothmon said to Spikemon.

"Of course sir.Should I send the digimon to attack now or will they be going with you?"Spikemon asked.

"The digimon will be coming with me we'll surround their campsite tonight and strike while they're sleeping."Sabertoothmon said.

"But won't they have someone watching for you?"Spikemon pointed out.

"Yes,but I'll wait until the one with the crest of Affection is on guard and he'll be fast asleep and we can strike."Sabertoothmon explained.

* * *

Later on that night Joe's turn watching for digimon was over and he was trying to wake Brad up.

"Brad,it's your turn to watch out for evil digimon."Joe whispered.

"Brad,Brad."no answer Brad was still asleep.

"Brad!Wake up!"Joe shouted.

"Who was that?"everyone said waking up.

"Sorry,go back asleep."Joe said and everyone including Brad went back asleep.

"Not you Brad!"Joe shouted a little gentler.

"Oh,sorry you can go asleep now I'll be watching for Sabertoothmon."Brad said and got up.

About half an hour later digimon were surrounding the digidestined and moving in closer every second.Sabertoothmon was about to tell them to attack when…

"Aah,there's a digimon attacking me!Somebody help me!"Brad said.

"Where's the digimon?"Lelecmon said.

"Brad,there isn't anyone or anything attacking you it's just your imagination or something,now let us go back to sleep."Zero said.

"It must have been a dream."Brad said.

"What do you mean a dream you don't dream when you're awake and looking out for evil digimon."Matt said.

"Well I kind of fell asleep.It didn't look like there was going to be any digimon attacking us so I just went to sleep."Brad told them.

"Okay that's it I'm taking over for you you're always falling asleep."Zero said rather angrily and gave Brad a really evil look.

After everyone was asleep again Sabertoothmon got the digimon to gather around him and he would give them new instructions.

"That idiot ruined our chances so we're going to have to lure that one away somehow."Sabertoothmon said.

"Cherrymon could lure him away and hypnotize him then we could attack."Spikemon suggested.

"Great idea,Spikemon you shall be rewarded well for this.Cherrymon you go that way and make a noise when he goes to check it out put him to sleep."Sabertoothmon ordered him.

"Yes,Sabertoothmon."Cherrymon said and left.

* * *

"Brad was right the forest is really quiet tonight."Zero said to himself.

Cherrymon knocked down a whole row of trees to get Zero's attention.When Zero got up and started walking towards him Cherrymon ran further and further into the forest.When he reached a clearing in the middle of the forest he stopped and waited for Zero.

"What's a tree doing in the middle of this clearing it doesn't make any sense."Zero said looking around.

"Why it makes perfect sense since I am not a tree at all but a digimon and now that I've got you here it's time you took a long rest."Cherrymon said and before Zero could shout for help he was asleep.

"Now that I've gotten rid of him I'll tell Sabertoothmon and we can destroy his friends."Cherrymon said.

* * *

Back at the campsite Sabertoothmon and the other digimon were waiting for Cherrymon to come back.A few of the digimon were getting impatient and wanted to attack but Sabertoothmon said he would destroy anybody who didn't wait.Finally Cherrymon arrived back.

"I've put the digidestined into a deep sleep so we can attack anytime we want."Cherrymon informed Sabertoothmon.

"Okay then good work Cherrymon.When I give the word you may attack."Sabertoothmon said."ATTACK!!"

All the digimon ran onto the campsite and started attacking everything except the digidestined.The digidestined woke up surrounded by digimon attacking trees.

"We're being attacked,kind of!"Eoin said.

"What will we do?Help us Lelecmon!"Brad said.

"They're destroying the planet,they're monsters."Mac said.

"Duh they're digital monsters."Karen said.

All the digimon digivolved to their champion stages except Aotomon who couldn't find Zero.

"Has anybody seen Zero I can't find him."Aotomon asked.

"I thought he was supposed to be on watch because I kept falling asleep."Brad said.

"I'll go find him.Just make sure no one follows me."Eoin said.

All the digimon were involved in the fight there were attacks flying all over the place and the digidestined were caught right in the middle.It wasn't until an attack nearly destroyed them that they decided to run into the forest a bit.

"Stop them they're getting away!"Sabertoothmon shouted.

"I'll stop them.Pit Pelter"Cherrymon shouted and blocked their way with a pile of berries.

Author's Note:The pile of berries from Cherrymon's attack is the way me and many of my friends imagine the attack is like.If it isn't I'm sorry.

"He's blocked our way,now we're trapped and we're going to be destroyed for sure.I should have stayed at home."Joe said.

"I've got an idea everybody start grabbing some of the berries and throw them at Sabertoothmon and the other digimon."Mac suggested.

"Great idea,it will clear the way and we can help our digimon fight them."Tai said."Good thinking Mac."Mac starts blushing before grabbing some berries and attacking the digimon.

* * *

While the digidestined attacked the digimon with a barrage of berries Eoin was running through the forest trying to find Zero.He decided to climb up a tree and see if he could spot him from there.He climbed up one very tall tree and saw something lying on the ground in the middle of the clearing.

"There he is.He looks like he's sleeping,talk about weird,he gives out to Brad for falling asleep at least he was still at the site instead of in the middle of the forest."Eoin said to himself.He then jumped from tree to tree being very careful not to slip until he reached the clearing.Zero was still fast asleep from his run-in with Cherrymon.

"Zero wake up,Sabertoothmon has attacked and you were supposed to be on guard not asleep in the middle of the forest.Come on Aotomon can't digivolve without you so wake up!"Eoin said shaking Zero rigorously but Zero was sound asleep."Great,now what am I supposed to do?I can't just leave him here somebody must have done something to him,it's not like him to give out about someone doing something,then go ahead and do it himself."

Suddenly without warning Eoin's digivice started glowing and Zero's copied.Eoin didn't know what was going on then Zero started to wake up.When Zero was totally awake Eoin told him what had happened after he'd gone asleep on the way back to the fight.

* * *

The digidestined kept on throwing the berries at the digimon but it didn't seem to be helping their digimon at all and whenever the berries were getting low Cherrymon just sent more flying at them.

"This isn't helping we might as well just give up we're never going to get rid of all these berries."Matt said.

"He's right they're not even distracting the digimon anymore."Sora agreed.

"We need the element of surprise if we want to beat him either that or some kind of miracle.Our digimon are running out of energy we can't keep this up we need to retreat and come up with a battle plan."Tai said.

"We know that but we can't retreat,we can't get past these berries and even if we could our digimon are still fighting and can't get away."Izzy said.

"Hey,guess who I found in the middle of the forest sleeping,that last part isn't his fault by the way."Eoin said appearing from behind the berries.

"Good you found him,though that won't be much help because we're losing.How did you get past the berries?"Karen asked.

"Duh,I jumped over them how else."Eoin said.

"You can jump over them.Excellent you might be able to get us over them then we can get to safety."Izzy said.

"I could probably do that but you better not be heavy.Because I'm not very strong,just fast and agile."Eoin said jokingly.

So every body took it in turns to get brought over the berries by Eoin.After everybody was over they ran except for Eoin because he had to tell the digimon to follow them as soon as they could.When he did that he went after the others.

The digimon went on fighting for a long time.They were all very tired and were running out of energy to fight.They had gotten rid of almost all of the digimon working for Sabertoothmon until only Sabertoothmon and Cherrymon were left.The digimon combined their attacks into one huge attack and aimed it at Sabertoothmon.Just as the attack was about to hit him he grabbed Cherrymon and threw him at the attack.When the attack hit him Cherrymon let out one big yell and said "I'll get you for this" then disappeared until he would be born again.

"You are stronger than I thought but not as strong as me.We are all tired here and our energy is low so I will let you go for now but be warned we will fight again."Sabertoothmon said then flew back to his lair.

* * *

Deep in the forest the digidestined had finally stopped running at a lake where they rested and waited for their digimon.

"So what do we do next time he attacks.We can't just keep running away from him eventually he will destroy one of us or one of our digimon.We need a plan and a really good one."Tai said as they all rested.

"We need more ultimate level digimon one would even help.But the only problem with that is we can't control the crests.All we really know about them is that they work when the owner shows the property which their crest symbolizes."Izzy said.

"So basically what you're saying is that if we want our digimon to digivolve to the next level,I have to be dependable,Brad has to be affectionate,Eoin has to be loyal and Zero has to be…"Karen said unable to finish her sentence.

"What does he have to be?What does rebirth really stand for?Does anybody know or is it just us?"Sora asked.Everybody shook their heads nobody knew what it meant."Don't you even have a clue Zero?"

"No,I don't know anything about it except that I was given it by an old man one day in the street when I was about four years old.That's like eight years ago.He didn't say anything about it just said to keep it close to my heart at all times."Zero told them.

"That's how I got my crest too."Eoin said.Mac,Karen and Brad said they got their crests the exact same way.

"That's strange why would an old man have the crests only digidestined have crests and that's only because Gennai kept them safe for us."Izzy said.

"Gennai,isn't he that old man we met when we first came to the digital world.Just a stab in the dark but it might have been him that gave us our crests.It was eight years ago and he could have changed,not to mention the fact that you said time is faster here."Mac suggested.

"My ears are burning,is that someone talking about me that I hear."

"Actually juts now it was.Brad,Eoin,Karen,Mac and Zero told us that they were given their crests by an old man,and since you're the only old man we know of who has access to the crests we think it might have been you."Izzy said to Gennai who had just appeared on his laptop computer.

"Well,you're right it was me but I was a lot younger then,still old,but younger.It was the only part of the prophecy which I knew about it said that I,or the keeper of the crests,was to give the crests to the chosen children.The ones who would help the original digidestined to defeat their strongest foe again.Although in my old age I'd forgotten most of the prophecy and what they looked like which is why it was such a surprise to me when Apocalymon came back."

"You look really different than you did back then.Which is why we didn't recognize you sooner.Can you tell us anything about my crest of rebirth."Zero asked.

"I don't know much about it all I know is that when the time comes you'll know what to do to make it glow.My self and Centarumon have translated some more of the prophecy.It says that all of the new digidestined will have a special ability as they already know but I believe none of you original digidestined know.So I will say what it says in the prophecy:'The digidestined's crests hold terrific power and so this power is transported to them,the powers vary between the crests.The crest of loyalty transmits cat like agility and great speed.The crest of affection holds 'magical' abilities.The crest of trust brings fighting skills to it's owner.The crest of dependability the power to see the lies the world holds.And the crest of rebirth holds psychic powers.'So that has hopefully answered all your questions because I have to leave now.Goodbye and good luck.

"Well that was informing and interesting too.That would explain why Eoin was able to jump those berries."Izzy said.

"Yeah but now we have to get back to coming up with a plan and now that we know more about the crests it might help us to make them glow."Tai said.

End of chapter fifteen:Will the digidestined be able to make the crests glow?What other mysteries does the prophecy hold about the crests and the new digidestined?Will Sabertoothmon defeat the digidestined find out next time in The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 16:Plan D,Destroy Sabertoothmon