Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Plan D,Destroy Armageddemon ( Chapter 16 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 16:Plan D,Destroy Sabertoothmon

By Trunks MTK

Zero here,last time Sabertoothmon attacked us in the middle of the night with some digimon.Cherrymon tricked me into following him then he put me asleep.Eoin came to look for me and the others tried to hide in the forest but Cherrymon blocked their way.Eoin helped get everyone into the forest by jumping over the berries.Our digimon beat all the digimon except Sabertoothmon and Cherrymon they combined all their attacks into one powerful one and attacked Sabertoothmon but he threw Cherrymon in the way.We were busy trying to come up with a plan to beat Sabertoothmon when Tai said we needed to get our crests to glow but we didn't know how my crest would glow.Gennai appeared and gave us info about our crests and said that he gave us our crests.Now we're going to work on our plan.

It was very late and all the digimon were sleeping because they were worn out from their fight with Sabertoothmon.The digidestined were all wide awake discussing ideas which might help them to destroy Sabertoothmon.Everyone was saying different ideas but none of them sounded like they would work.

"This isn't working,we've got tons of ideas but none of them could work on their own.We need to combine the ideas to make them work against him.Brad's idea of attacking Sabertoothmon's base from the water was good but we'd need a digimon that could transport some of us underwater."Izzy said.

"Yeah but how are we supposed to find a digimon that can transport us underwater?The only one I know of is Whamon and he was destroyed I don't think he'll be Whamon yet.Maybe an earlier stage."Matt said.

"I'll check my analyzer for digimon that can do that."Izzy typed at his computer and a few seconds later some digimon's names appeared on the screen."There are only a few here,Whamon's at the top.Below him are Divermon,but they worked for MetalSeadramon so they're out.Scorpiomon,we destroyed him.Seadramon,MegaSeadramon and MetalSeadramon,all evil.Gesomon is also evil.There's only one left I've never heard of it before it's called Aquarimon.It looks like a cross between a whale and a dolphin.It's slightly smaller than Whamon."

"That's great news Izzy but how are we supposed to find a digimon we've never even heard of before?And even if we did we don't know whether he's good or bad.Or if he's good whether or not he'll help us."Tai pointed out.

"Well,he is an aquatic digimon maybe if we can find Whamon,or whoever he is now,he might be able to help us find him."Sora said.

"Good idea with one flaw,how do we find Whamon?"Joe said.

"I know!"T.K. said,"If we went to Primary Village we could ask Elecmon if he knows what stage Whamon's at and where he is."

"But that means we have to go all the way to Primary Village assuming it is Primary Village.You know what it was like when we were last fighting the Dark Masters.It was all dark and gloomy and there were no digieggs there."Mimi said.

"I don't think it will be like that this time.Armageddemon knows we were able to defeat the last Dark Masters and this time we have help,I think he only made them to stall us so he could work on something bigger."Kari suggested.

"Which would mean he wouldn't have made Primary Village like that with their existence since they are only temporary."Izzy said."She's right Primary Village would be okay and even if it isn't what's to say that Elecmon isn't there anyway."

"Okay then that part of the plan is okay for now.In the morning T.K,Mimi and Eoin will go to Primary Village in the morning."Tai said.

"Why do we need three people to go?One is enough really."Matt asked.

"Yes,but Mimi and T.K were there before so they know where it is.And Eoin has a fast digimon that can fly them there."Tai answered.

"Fair enough,we should get back to the plan now."

"We should have someone attacking from the air like Sora suggested. Garudamon,Angewomon,MagnaAngemon,Cuckaburramon,Kabuterimon and Electramon can attack from the air.ExAotomon,Houndramon,Garurumon, Greymon and Mongomon could dig a deep trench in the ground just outside the base so that when the digimon get flushed out they would fall right into it making them sitting ducks for the air squad to hit them.That would take out most of the digimon.To flush out the digimon ExAotomon could dig a hole into the base and send spikes flying everywhere then run out where Cuckaburramon and Electramon will lift him to safety.Sabertoothmon will probably have some water digimon that worked for Squidevilmon so the water squad will have to be ready to fight them.Zudomon will need some help besides Aquarimon so Joe,you and Ikkakumon will have to try and find some digimon that will help us before the fight."Tai said.

"That's fine with me we'll start looking for allies tomorrow morning."Joe said.

"Okay then that leaves Palmon with nothing to do.If Lillymon is able to make plants and vines grow she could get some vines to grow write in front of the base before the trench which would slow them down and stop them from seeing it before they reach it."Tai said.

"I don't know if Lillymon can do that but if she can't Palmon can make vines come from her hands then I think Lillymon might be able to make some too.That would be kind of the same thing."Mimi said.

"I've just gotten another idea.If Sabertoothmon was worn out from a previous fight that would make him easier to destroy."Eoin said.

"That is a good idea but our digimon would be tired too if we fought him again."Izzy said.

"Yeah but who says that our digimon need to fight him.We could lay a trap or something.We could find some digimon willing to help us,get them to hide at one spot in the forest,lure Sabertoothmon there with some bait and then they could attack him.He would be tired from the fight so then we could attack then."Eoin explained his plan.

"Okay then it's settled,tomorrow T.K,Mimi and Eoin and their digimon will go to Primary Village,find Elecmon and ask him does he know where Whamon is,then find him and ask him can he find Aquarimon.Joe and Ikkakumon will go into the sea and see if they can find some aquatic digimon to help them.And the rest of us will find digimon in the forest to attack Sabertoothmon when we lure him into the forest."Tai said.

"How will we lure him into the forest?We need something he wants or cares about as bait."Mac said.

"I know one of us could find Spikemon and kidnap him then send Sabertoothmon a message saying that if he doesn't want him to be destroyed to go into the forest to get him back.Then the digimon will attack him and wear him out."Zero suggested.

"Okay then you and ExAotomon can find him and kidnap him after we find the digimon to help us and we're ready to initiate step one of our plan."Tai said.

"Shouldn't our plan have a name or something that we can refer to it by.In case someone's listening and we don't want to say the plan where we destroy Sabertoothmon."Brad said.

"You're kind of right we can call it Plan D,Destroy Sabertoothmon.But we'll keep the last part for after we beat him."Tai said.

"I'm not mad about that name,but I think it's well suited for the plan."Karen said.

"Okay then we should all get some rest for the morning because we have a busy day tomorrow."Sora said.

End of chapter sixteen:Will the digidestined's plan work?Will they be able to kidnap Spikemon and find Aquarimon?Will Aquarimon help them find out next time in The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 17:Plan D's Commence