Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Plan D's Commence ( Chapter 17 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 17:Plan D's Commence

By Trunks MTK

Hi,it's Karen.Last time we were busy working on our plan to beat Sabertoothmon.In the end we decided to combine a couple of different ideas and use them as one big plan.Now we have to find Whamon and ask him to help us find Aquarimon,find aquatic digimon to help Joe and Zudomon from the water and find digimon that would be willing to attack Sabertoothmon in the forest.It's going to be a busy day.

It was a nice,bright and sunny morning the water of the lake shimmered and sparkled with the light from the sun.The digidestined were all lying on the ground sleeping peacefully when the sound of an explosion in the distance startled them and they woke up.

"It's Sabertoothmon he's attacking run!"Brad shouted as he woke up.

"Brad,"Sora started trying to calm Brad down,"Brad it's okay the explosion was somewhere off in the distance,Sabertoothmon isn't here."

"Oh,thank God,it's just the explosion was so loud I thought he was here."Brad said relieved.

"Well,since we're all awake now we might as well get an early start on breakfast and start Plan D."Tai said.

* * *

About forty five minutes later everyone had eaten something and were ready to get started on their part of the plan.Eoin,Mimi and T.K had left on Houndramon to go to Primary Village.Joe and Ikkakumon had gone into the sea to find digimon to help them.Tai was telling everyone else what group they were in and what to do if they got separated from their group.

"If you do happen to get separated from the group try and make your way back to a certain area and wait for your group."Tai said."We will be split up into groups of three.Group one is Matt,Mac and Zero.Group two is Sora,Brad and Izzy.Group three is Kari,Karen and me.If that's okay with everyone let's set off."

"Sir,yes,sir!"everyone said jokingly.As they set off into the forest they mimicked soldiers walking into battle.

"Okay you can stop making fun of me now.Someone has to take charge don't they."Tai said and they stopped making fun of him.

After walking a bit into the forest the three groups set off in three different directions.Group one continued on straight,group two turned off to the left and group three went off to the right.They all continued walking for a while before any group had any luck.

"There are hardly any digimon in this part of the forest.Normally digimon just jump out and attack you when you don't want them too.Why can't they attack us now or something."Zero said.

"The only digimon that ever attack us end up dead.They wouldn't be much help unless they had a black gear or were possessed."Matt said.

"Well maybe we should just tire them out and ask them to help us if they don't we can destroy them."Mac suggested.

"Okay then that's what we'll do if we get attacked.If we just find a digimon we'll ask it to help us."Matt said and wouldn't you know at that exact moment a group of digimon appeared in front of them.

"Who goes there?"one of the digimon asked.

"I'm Mac and this is Matt and Zero.We're digidestined."Mac told him.

"Digidestined eh.I guess you can be trusted."the digimon replied.

"Who is that digimon Gabumon?"Matt asked.

"That is Chloromon a champion level digimon.His attacks are Photosynthesis and Thorned Vine."Gabumon told them.

"Chloromon okay.Do you think you and your friends could do us a favor and attack Sabertoothmon with the help of other digimon so that he will be weakened enough for our digimon to beat him easily?"Matt asked him.

"Of course we'll help you Sabertoothmon destroyed our homes to build his base.So we'd be glad to help you destroy him."Chloromon said."Just tell us when you want us to attack him and where and we'll do the rest.We can tell other digimon we know whose homes he destroyed.Will we get the honor of fighting along side your own digimon?"

"I'm afraid not we could have our digimon fighting too but they would be too tired and wouldn't be able to fight him in the big battle."Matt said."Thanks for helping us out and we'd be very grateful if you could tell other digimon."

* * *

Meanwhile Eoin,T.K and Mimi were flying through the air as fast as an airplane on Houndramon's back.They soon got to Primary Village and luckily enough it was the way it normally is.

"Is that Primary Village?It looks like a load of fun."Eoin said.

"That's it all right and it is a lot of fun.The ground is like a bouncing castle and Elecmon is really nice."Patamon said.

"Okay find a good place to land and we can get on with things."Eoin said to Houndramon who flew around a bit longer before landing.When he did he de-digivolved to Wolfiemon and they went to find Elecmon.

"This place is mad fun.I could jump up and down on the ground all day long and not get bored."Eoin said jumping all over the place.

"Come on stop bouncing already we have to go find Elecmon we don't have all day.We don't have time for fun…just kidding."T.K said."We can play for a while but then we'll have to go."So they bounced around Primary Village having fun and looking for Elecmon.

"Let's ask some of the baby digimon if they know where he is and when he'll be back."Palmon said.

"Okay."T.K said and ran over to the baby digimon."Do any of you know where Elecmon has gone?"

"He said he was going to the river to get some fish for us to eat."a Nyrimon said.

"Thanks,we'll go find him now and maybe we'll see you all later."Palmon said.

* * *

Down by the river Elecmon was aiming his Super Thunder Strike at the river knocking all the fish out of it and into a big net that he'd left on the ground.

"That should be enough fish to feed the babies."Elecmon said grabbing the net.

"Elecmon,there you are.We've been looking for you."Patamon said and flew over to him.

"Is that you Patamon and you've brought the digidestined with you as well."Elecmon said as T.K,Mimi and Eoin came out from behind some trees.

"It's nice to see you again Elecmon.We've come here to ask you a question we need you to answer for us."T.K said.

"What is the question?I hope I've got the answer you're looking for."Elecmon said.

"We were wondering do you know what stage our old friend Whamon is at and where he is at the moment."Mimi said.

"Yes I know what stage he's at.He hasn't gotten extremely far he's only at the rookie level.His name is Guppymon and as far as I know he likes to swim around near Gennai's house."Elecmon told them.

"I don't remember any digimon that looks like Whamon near Gennai's house."T.K said.

"That's because he doesn't look like Whamon.I've found a picture of him on my digi-x.He's a small yellow fish with bits of blue on him here and there.He's got a red tail and two small spikes on his back.I think I saw a digimon that looked like him when we left Gennai's."Eoin told them.

"I didn't know your digi-x doubles as a digimon analyzer."T.K said."Wait till Izzy hears about this."

"It's a little different than Izzy's analyzer.It shows a holographic picture of the digimon and if you tilt the digi-x in different directions it show different information about the digimon."Eoin explained.

"If you can get a map up on that could you direct us the way to Gennai's?"Mimi said.

"Sure.I'll get it up as soon as Wolfiemon's ready."Eoin said holding out his digi-x.

Wolfiemon digivolve to……Houndramon!

"Everybody jump on my back but please don't pull too hard on my fur."Houndramon instructed them.

"All aboard flight HM134 to Gennai's.Please remember to have your seats in the upright position during take off and landing.We hope you enjoy your flight on Houndramon air lines."Eoin said laughing.

"Bye Elecmon and thanks for all your help."they shouted as they flew off to Gennai's.

"Bye,I hope I'll see you again.Good luck."Elecmon said then went back to Primary Village with the fish.

* * *

Joe and Ikkakumon were getting tired they'd been going around the ocean for ages but they hadn't found any digimon good or bad.Then all of a sudden a school of Dolphmon swam right past them.

"Hey wait."Joe shouted but they didn't hear him."Ikkakumon follow those Dolphmon."

"Right Joe."Ikkakumon said and swam after them as fast as he could.He swam after them for a while then they turned and he followed and right in front of them were hundreds of aquatic digimon.

"There's so many digimon.Ikkakumon ask them will they help us since you're an aquatic digimon too."

"Sure.Hello,I'm Ikkakumon and this is my partner Joe.We were wondering if you would help us in a fight against Sabertoothmon."Ikkakumon said.

All the different digimon looked at their friends.This went on for a while before someone answered up.

"My school would be happy to help you in your fight.We heard that the digidestined destroyed Squidevilmon and we said we'd help if you ever needed it.Squidevilmon had destroyed a lot of our school so when you stopped him we were extremely grateful."the Dolphmon said.

Most of the other digimon agreed except for some Divermon who hadn't said anything.Then the Divermon who appeared to be in charge came up and spoke.

"Why should we help you?I remember you digidestined killed some of us Divermon when you fought MetalSeadramon."the Divermon said.

"We didn't.We were being chased by some Divermon.Whamon decided to go deeper because he knew of a way to escape without having to fight.What he didn't know was that you wouldn't be able to take the pressure."Joe lied hoping they wouldn't notice.

"If that's how it really happened then we can't hold you responsible then can we.Okay we will help you against Sabetoothmon."said the Divermon and all the others nodded in agreement.

"That's excellent.If you could tell anyone else you know it would be great.We'll come back and meet you right here when we're ready for the attack."Joe said then he and Ikkakumon swam back to the shore.

* * *

In the meantime Tai's group had fought off a group of Ogremon before they agreed to help against Sabertoothmon.They had found some Woodmon who peacefully agreed to help.Sora and Brad had talked while Izzy typed away at his laptop while looking for digimon.They came across some Floramon who agreed to help.They fought a group of Deramon only some of them agreed the others wouldn't and left.

"I think we can probably turn back now if the two other groups found as many digimon as we did then we should be okay."Brad said.

"You're probably right we found ultimates and rookies and they said they'd spread the word."Izzy agreed.

"Okay then let's go back."Lelecmon said.

* * *

"Tai can we go back to the campsite now we've found loads of digimon."Agumon said.

"Just wait a bit we'll go up a bit further then we ca turn back."Tai said.They walked on until they came to a clearing where loads of digimon lay on the ground sleeping.

"What are they?"Karen said.

"They're Zassomon they like to sleep most of the day but when they're awake they are always playing pranks.Their attacks are Deadly Weed and Deadly Ivy."Pectumon said.

"Okay Agumon go out there and see if any of them are awake."Tai said.

"Sure Tai."Agumon said and walked out into the clearing.All of a sudden all of the Zassomon got up and started whipping Agumon.

"They weren't sleeping at all.Agumon digivolve"Tai said.

"You too Pectumon."Karen said.

Agumon digivolve to……Greymon!

Pectumon digivolve to……Cuckaburramon!

"Nova Blast"

"Egg Bomber"

They both attacked and most of the Zassomon let go but then more of them came from up in the trees and out of the forest.

"It's like an army of them.Gatomon digivolve."Kari said.

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

Greymon digivolve to……MetalGreymon!

"Giga Blaster"

"MetalGreymon be careful not to destroy them.They might help us fight Sabertoothmon."Tai said.

"Okay I won't destroy them just weaken them."Metalgreymon said."Mega Claw"

"Heavens Charm"Angewomon shouted and all the Zassomon were paralyzed.

"There now we can talk to them.Listen up you Zassomon we don't want to fight you but we want you to fight Sabertoothmon."Tai said.

"And why would we want to help you?"one of the Zassomon said.

"Well because it would make Digiworld a nicer place to live.You wouldn't have to worry about being destroyed.Not to mention if you don't you'll be paralyzed forever."Tai said bluffing the last part to get them to help.

"I think you might have a point in that last bit.I guess we'll help you.What do we have to do?"he asked.

"Just fight Sabertoothmon until he's really weakened then you can leave.We'll lure him to a certain place in the forest then you just have to attack him along with other digimon we've asked to help us."Tai explained."When we're ready we'll send someone to tell you where to be."

"Okay then we'll help but could you let us go first."he agreed.

Angewomon ended the Heavens Charm and returned to Gatomon.

MetalGreymon and Cuckaburramon did the same.

* * *

"Okay everybody could you please get back into your seats.Make sure all your hand-held appliances are switched off as we are about to land.We hope you've enjoyed your flight and will fly with us again."Eoin said as they were just at Gennai's house."Pilot to co-pilot we can set her down just at the edge of the water."

"How come you're the pilot I'm flying.And I'm a he in case you've forgotten."Houndramon said to Eoin as he landed.

"Okay we're here,please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop."Eoin said.

"Okay now how are we suppose to find him we can't exactly jump right into the water."Mimi said."My hair would be ruined."

"We just have to keep shouting his name till he answers."T.K said."Guppymon it's the digidestined are you down there!"

They waited a minute before shouting again.Still not a single digimon appeared.They all shouted at the same time then waited.They kept on waiting until the saw bubbles at the surface then out of the water appeared a small yellow fish.

"What did you want?"Guppymon asked them."Oh its you sorry I was resting."

"We need your help locating a digimon."Eoin said.

"Oh I don't seem to remember you are you new?"Guppymon asked Eoin.

"Oh sorry.Guppymon this is Eoin one of five new members of the digidestined."T.K said introducing Eoin.

"What digimon are you looking to find and I'll see if I can help."Guppymon said.

"We're looking for a digimon called Aquarimon.Do you know where we could find him."Patamon said.

"Let me think.Aquarimon…Aquarimon.Oh yes now I remember I think I saw him when I was coming here from Primary Village.I'd be able to take you to him if I was a stage higher but I can't right now."Guppymon said apologetically.

"That's too bad.Our digivices can only digivolve our own digimon."T.K said.

"Wait a minute Joe was telling me before that a friend of yours Leomon was able to digivolve from being exposed to your digivices.Why don't we try using them on Guppymon?"Eoin said.

"It might work I remember Leomon digivolved to Saberleomon and fought with MetalEtemon but he died."Mimi said.

They all held out their digivices to Guppymon.For a moment nothing happened then the digivices started to glow and so did Guppymon.

"It's working I can feel it inside me.I'm digivolving."Guppymon said.

Guppymon digivolve to……Dolphmon!

"I did it I digivolved into Dolphmon."Dolphmon said.

"Great now do you think you could take us to Aquarimon?"Eoin said.

"I think I can one of you can come on my back then the other two could follow on a flying digimon.You could keep in contact with your digivices."Dolphmon said.

"I think T.K should go with you since he's the smallest and lightest.Me and Mimi will follow on Houndramon."Eoin said.

"Okay then climb on my back then we'll be on our way."Dolphmon said.

End of chapter seventeen:Will the digidestined be able to find Aquarimon and get him to help them?Will Sabertoothmon fall into their trap in the forest?Will they be able to destroy him find out next time in The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 18:Bye,Bye Sabertoothmon