Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ The Search is On 4:The Psychic ( Chapter 8 )

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The Invincible Digimon

The Invincible Digimon
Chapter 8:The Search is on 4:The Psychic

By Trunks MTK

This is Kari,last time me and Mimi found another of the new digidestined.Her name is Karen and she lives in the apartment beside me.Meanwhile Joe and Izzy found another digidestined doing karate in front of a group of people.His name is Mac.Four down and one to go.Bye.


"Yes Armageddemon?"

"I need you to send some digimon with the power to appear as normal children to this world.I have found the final digidestined but I need him to find out or else I can't touch him."Armageddemon said.

"Why do you need the digimon then?"Rectamon asked him.

"So they can pose as his friends so that when he does find out we'll be there and can destroy him."Armageddemon said evilly.

"Of course an ingenious plan if I do say so.I will send the digimon to you right away."Rectamon said.

As Rectamon said it three digimon came through the digi-port.

"Excellent Rectamon.Have you been taking over the digital world while I've been gone?"

"Yes sir.I've recruited a lot of digimon to fight for you and I have only one place left to conquer."Rectamon told him.

"Good,I will be coming back to the Digital World soon."Armageddemon said and ended the transmission to Digiworld.

"I have gathered you all here because you can pose as human children and so you can aid me in destroying the last new digidestined.So now that you know your purpose transform yourselves."Armageddemon ordered the digimon and they transformed into humans.
* * *
Meanwhile Matt,Eoin and T.K. were also looking for the final digidestined.

"What's this big plan of yours,Eoin?"T.K. asked.

"Well it goes like this I keep the digi-sword in my pocket and bump into people,if it starts to glow then all we have to do is convince them they're a digidestined and voila we've found the last digidestined."Eoin explained.

"Do you think it will work,?I mean it's not the best plan I've ever heard.Tai's plans are better."Matt said.

"Enough badmouthing my plan.Of course it will work.I don't know about Tai's plans but they couldn't be better than mine.Now let's go."Eoin argued.
* * *
A few hours later they were still going around following Eoin bumping into every kid they saw.

"Eoin we've been doing this for hours and we still haven't found him or her."T.K pointed out.

"It will work we just haven't found the right person yet.I'm sure we'll find them sooner or later.Just be patient."Eoin said.
* * *
One hour later they still hadn't found the final digidestined and everyone was getting tired.

"Let's go home and look again tomorrow."Matt said yawning."We might have better luck then."

"Come on we're probably near them now my digi-x is picking up a signal."Eoin said.

"That's us."Matt said.

"Oh yeah,sorry.It's just that there's four dots on my digi-x.One of them is me and the other two are you so I thought the other one is the person we're looking for."Eoin said pointing at his digi-x screen.

"There are only three dots on ours."Matt and T.K. said.

"Maybe it will only show up on new digivices."Eoin said shrugging.

"Well let's go to the where the other dot is."T.K. said.

"This way."Eoin said and started running off in the direction of the digidestined.

(beep beep)"Hey my digi-x started beeping just now."Eoin said."And look we've past the person."

"Okay then we'll just go backwards slowly."T.K. said.
* * *
Armageddemon and the other digimon had seen Eoin,Matt and T.K. running past and where waiting for them to come back.

When I say now transform and attack them,Armageddemon told the other digimon with his mind.

"Here."Eoin said.

"Here what?"Matt asked.

"We're at the person look the digi-sword is glowing and everything."Eoin said pointing at the digi-sword.

"Okay but which one is it.There's five of them there."T.K. said.

"One of them could be Armageddemon.We could get the digimon to digivolve and Armageddemon would reveal himself then we might have a better idea of who it is or we could make Armageddemon tell us."Eoin suggested.

"Should we,Matt?"T.K. asked his older brother.

"I don't know,are the digimon up to it?"Matt wondered.

"Of course we are."Patamon said from inside T.K.'s bag.

"Patamon's right bring him on."Gabumon said.

"Okay then it's digivolving time."Matt said.
Gabumon warp digivolve to……MetalGarurumon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

"Now!"Armageddemon shouted and the digimon transformed into their real forms.

"Who are they?"Eoin asked.

"Oh I'm so sorry allow me to introduce you to my friends."Armageddemon said.

"This is Vulnermon an Ultimate digimon.He's very cranky you better not make him mad unless you want to fall victim to his Poison Strike."

"And this is Marunamon another Ultimate.He doesn't speak much except when he uses his Terror Shriek.It'll blow you away."

"And last but not least is Shadowmon.He lives in the shadows and will surprise you from behind with his Shaded Missile."

"What's going on,what are you.I thought you were humans."the boy they were with said.

"We had to pretend to be humans until the time was right for us to destroy you."Armageddemon said to him."And now is as good a time as any to do that."

"Oh no you don't.Metal Wolf Claw"

"T.K. get out of here we'll handle these digimon."Angemon said.

"Okay you heard him let's get out of here."T.K. said and ran.

"You too."Eoin said and grabbed the boy.

"Hand of Fate"

"Poison Strike"

"Shaded Missile"

"Watch out Angemon"MetalGarurumon said.

Angemon just dodged the attack from Shadowmon."Thank you MetalGarurumon."Angemon said.

"Ice Wolf Claw"Loads of missiles came from MetalGarurumon and hit Shadowmon destroying him.

"One down three to go."

"Hand of Fate"Angemon hit Vulnermon injuring him badly.

"Poison Strike"

"Terror Shriek"
* * *
Somewhere else in Odaiba Izzy,Joe,Mimi,Sora,Tai and Kari saw the digimon fighting and were on their way to help.
* * *
Matt,T.K. and Eoin were taking the boy somewhere safe.

"Where are we going and who are you?"the boy asked.

"I'm Matt,this is T.K. and this is Eoin.What's your name?"Matt said.

"Everybody calls me Zero."he said.

"Well Zero.We're digidestined and those things you saw were digimon."T.K. said.

"Is that it?"Zero asked.

"It's a little more complicated than that.You see there's this evil digimon and he's trying to take over the digital world but we were sent to stop him.But he was too strong so we had to come back and find five new digidestined.You are one of them."Matt explained.

"Okay,prove it."

"Okay take this and wait."Eoin said handing him the digi-sword.

Zero was about to take the digi-sword when Tai and the others arrived and he fainted.

"Not again.He fainted."Matt said."Hey Tai.Have you all come to help?"

"Yeah.The digimon just dropped us off here and have gone to fight Armageddemon and the other digimon."Tai said.
* * *
"WarGreymon.It's you,just in time too."Angemon said.

"Okay lets show these digimon what we're made of."

"Yeah"they all agreed.

"Terra Force"

"Metal Wolf Claw"

"Hand of Fate"

All three attacks combined and hit Vulnermon weakening him.

"Wing Blade"Garudamon's attack hit him and he was gone.

"You won't defeat me as easily.Terror Shriek."

"I think my voice is nicer.Flower Cannon."

"Celestial Arrow"

"Vulcan's Hammer"

They all hit him but didn't destroy him.

"Horn Buster"MegaKabuterimon's attack finished Marunamon off and he was reconfigured and sent back to the Digiworld.

"Now for you Armageddemon."

"I'd love to stay and fight but I've got a digidestined to find."Armageddemon said and flew off.
* * *
Meanwhile the digidestined were waiting for Zero to wake up.

"He's waking up."Sora said.

"Good give him the digi-sword because the digimon won't be able to hold Armageddemon off for long."Tai said.

Just then an explosion could be heard not too far from where they were.

"That's Armageddemon hurry."T.K. said.

Eoin gave the digi-sword to Zero.Just like before it glowed black and another digi-x came out of it and it grew to its normal size.

"Good now he's protected from Armageddemon."Izzy said.

"Just in time too because here he comes."Matt said and pointed into the sky.

"There's the digidestined."Armageddemon said.

"Metal Wolf Claw"

"Terra Force"

"You can't stop me.Trump Sword"he said using Piedmon's attack to hold them off.

"Oh yeah.Flower Cannon"

"Horn Buster"

"Wing Blade"

"Hand of Fate"

"Celestial Arrow"

"Vulcan's Hammer"

All the attacks hit Armageddemon and sent him flying back towards his castle.

"You haven't beaten me yet digidestined,I will be back and then I will defeat you."Armageddemon said as he left.

"Can someone call the other new digidestined?"Tai asked.

"I can my mom let me borrow her cell phone."Izzy said and called the digidestined.
* * *
"Okay now that we've found all the new digidestined how do we get back to Digiworld and where are their Digimon."Mimi asked.

"Well hello there."someone said.

"Who said that?"Brad asked.

"It's Gennai!"Izzy said opening up his computer.

"Now that you've found the digidestined it's time for you to come back to Digiworld.Just hit the 'Enter' key on the computer when you're ready"Gennai said and disappeared.

"Is everybody ready?"Izzy asked.

"Yeah."they all shouted.

"Then lets go to the Digiworld!"Izzy said and hit enter.
* * *
In Gennai's cottage Gennai was drinking a cup of digitea when all of a sudden the digidestined landed right on his table.

"There you are.You broke my table."Gennai said.

"Sorry.It's not our fault we landed here."Joe said.

"Could everybody please get off me?"Kari said from the bottom of the pile of kids.

"Sorry."everybody said and they all got off the now broken table.

"Now that you're all here.I would like to introduce myself to you.I am Gennai.Nice to meet you."Gennai said to the new digidestined.

"I'm Eoin."

"I'm Karen."

"I'm Brad."

"I'm Mac."

"And I'm Zero."

"You all know why you're here.A great evil is trying to destroy this world and in turn your world too.You have been brought here to help.You each have your own digivices and crests which will help you find your digieggs.Eoin your crest is Loyalty,Karen yours is Dependability,Brad yours is Affection your three crests are the strongest as they have the same qualities as two of the older crests each,Courage,Friendship,Love,Knowledge,Sincerity and Reliability.Mac your crest is Trust and Zero's is Rebirth."Gennai told them."Your crests make you stronger but are weakened by digivices if you don't have a digivice.You've probably noticed the power you have."

"Cool."Eoin said.

"Yeah cool."Zero agreed.

"You must find your digimon straight away otherwise you will be unprotected against Armageddemon.You can start after we have something to eat."Gennai said and made them all a snack.
* * *
"Goodbye Gennai see you soon."everybody waved goodbye and left in search of the digieggs.

Meanwhile Armageddemon had sent Digimon out to find the digieggs and destroy them.

End of chapter eight:Will Armageddemon succeed in destroying the digieggs or will the digidestined find them first?What are the powers that the new digidestined have?And what does Armageddemon have in store for the digidestined find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in Chapter 9:Where are the Digieggs?