Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ The Search is On 3:The Ninja and The Mystic ( Chapter 7 )

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The Invincible Digimon

The Invincible Digimon
Chapter 7:The Search is on 3:The Ninja and The

By Trunks MTK

This is Patamon.Last time Sora and Tai found another new digidestined called Brad.Me,Matt,T.K.,Eoin and Gabumon went to Izzy to get the digi-sword.On the way back we were attacked by Armageddemon and Okuwamon.We beat Okuwamon and Armageddemon captured Eoin.Tai and Sora came with us to find him.He was in Armageddemon's castle.We rescued him and left the castle.I hope the others find the other digidestined.

Izzy and Joe were searching everywhere to find the person who owned the digi-axe.Mimi and Kari were also searching for the person who owned the digi-stars.

"We searched here already Joe."Izzy said.

"I know but the digidestined who owns the digi-axe might have come here since we checked."Joe told him.

"I guess you're right.I should have known that."Izzy said annoyed that he didn't think of something first.

"Wait a second my digivice just reacted to something."Joe said.

"Yeah you're right the digi-axe started glowing for a second."Izzy said holding up the digi-axe.

"It happened as we passed by this area.We'll go back and check.I'll check this side you check that one,Izzy."Joe said pointing at the map.

"Maybe the new digidestined is over there where all those people are."Joe said."I wonder what they're looking at."and he went over to investigate.
* * *
On the other side of the road Izzy was looking around with no luck.

"He doesn't seem to be over here.I better get back to Joe."Izzy said.
* * *
In the crowd where Joe was looking there was a boy doing martial arts for everyone.

"He's really good isn't he."someone said to Joe.

"Yeah,what's his name?I don't think I ever saw him before."Joe asked the boy.

"His name is Mac Thompson.He just moved here from England."the boy told him.

When he finished everyone started clapping.

"Thank you,thank you.And now I will do a back-flip."the boy called Mac announced.

Just before he did the back-flip,Joe's digivice started beeping.Mac jumped into the air,did a half back-flip and landed flat on his face.Everyone started laughing.Izzy came over and the digi-axe started glowing.Mac didn't get up.

"Come on Mac stop faking,get up."Mac's friend said.

Mac didn't get up.Izzy went over and the digi-axe started glowing even brighter.

"Joe I think this is the new digidestined we were looking for.We'll have to wait until he wakes up to tell him."Izzy said.
* * *
Meanwhile Mimi and Kari were looking for the owner of the digi-stars.

"Kari I'll take the digi-stars and look over there and you look over there."Mimi said taking the digi-stars and headed in the direction she was pointing.

"Hi Kari.What are you doing?"a girl asked Kari.

"Oh,hi Karen.I'm looking for someone."Kari told the girl called Karen.

"Who are you looking for?"Karen asked her.

"Um…Tai.That's right I'm looking for Tai."Kari said lying.

"Don't lie to me I can tell when someone is lying."Karen said."I think this necklace helps me tell."

"Wait a second let me see that."Kari said.

"Here you go."Karen said handing her the necklace.

Kari looked at it for a few minutes. "I think this is a tag and crest." She said to herself.

"Here you go."Kari said handing her back the tag."Hold this for a minute will you.I just have to go get Mimi."

"Are you lying?I can't seem to tell."Karen asked.

"Not this time."

Just then Kari's digivice started beeping.

"Kari your thing is beeping."Karen said holding out the digivice.

"Mimi come over here."Kari shouted to Mimi.

"What is it Kari?"Mimi asked her.

"I think I found the owner of the digi-stars.Come on."Kari said.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Karen but I couldn't find Mimi."Kari apologized.

"Hi.I'm Mimi.Nice to meet you."Mimi said.

"I'm Karen O' Connor.I moved here form Ireland a while ago."Karen said."Hey what's that glowing thing do-."She fainted before she finished.

Author's Note:Are you sensing a pattern here.
* * *
Meanwhile Izzy and Joe were waiting for Mac to wake up.

"I'll be back in a minute Izzy.I have to go to the toilet.I won't be long."Joe said.

"Uuhh…where…am I?"Mac said waking up."What happened I was doing a back flip but it fell on my face.Then everyone was laughing then that's all I remember."

"You fainted.But that's not important.What's important is that you are a digidestined and this digi-axe belongs to you.If you don't believe me just touch this and it will start glowing then grow."

Mac touched the digi-axe and it start to glow a greyish-black colour and started to grow back to its normal size.Then a greyish-black dot came up out of it and landed in his hand.
* * *
Meanwhile Kari and Mimi were taking turns watching Karen.

"Who's going to tell her she's a digidestined?Not me."Kari said.

"I'm not going to do it.I hate having tom tell people stuff."Mimi said.

"Okay.We'll play rock,paper,scissors loser has to tell her."Kari said.

"Okay.1,2,3."they both said.

"They both held out their hands.Kari chose rock and Mimi chose paper.

"Yes!I win.You have to tell her.Ha ha ha."Mimi said dancing around."Call me when you tell her."

Just as Mimi left Karen started to wake up.But then she fell asleep again.She did this loads of times.But then she finally started waking up then she stayed up.

"Kari what happened?"Karen asked her.

"Well we were talking then Mimi came over this began to glow and then you fainted."Kari explained.

"What is that?"Karen asked pointing at the digi-stars.

"This is the launcher for the digi-stars and I think it belongs to you.And you know that thing around your neck.It's called a tag and inside it is a crest.Because of this I think that you are one of the digidestined we have been looking for."Kari told her."But to find out you have to hold this and if you are the digidestined who it belongs to then it will start glowing then grow."

"Okay.I'll touch it and we'll see if it grows."Karen said taking the digi-stars off Kari.

The digi-stars started glowing a brown colour then it began to grow back to its normal size.A brown dot came out of it and flew into Karen's hand.

"Cool."Karen said.

"Yeah I know.You can store the digi-stars in your digi-x by holding it against it."Kari told Karen what Tai told her.

Okay."she said and held the digi-x against the digi-stars launcher and it shrunk then disappeared into the digi-x.

End of chapter seven:Will the others find the new digidestined?Or will Armageddemon find them first?What other secrets do the digi-xs hold?Find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 8:The Search is on 4:The Psychic