Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ The Search is On 2:The Magician ( Chapter 6 )

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The Invincible Digimon

The Invincible Digimon
Chapter 6:The Search is on 2:The Magician

By Trunks MTK

Hey,this is T.K.Last time we went to Loremon to ask him how to open the portal.But on our way there we were attacked by Jokermon the ultimate level of Piedmon.Everyone digivolved and we beat him.When we got to Loremon he opened the portal for us and we came back to our world.We all looked for the new digidestined.The next day Me and Matt met this kid called Eoin.We found out that he was the new digidestined but he didn't believe that digimon existed.So Matt showed him Gabumon and then gave him the digi-shield.When he touched it it started glowing and then it grew and a new digivice came out of it.Eoin called it a Digi-Extreme or digi-x for short.I just hope the others are having as much look as us.

At Matt's apartment Eoin had just arrived because him,Matt and T.K. were going to Izzy's to get the digi-sword.

"Hurry up Matt what's taking so long."Eoin said.

"Hold your horses I'm coming.I had to wait for Gabumon to finish in the bathroom."Matt replied.

"Hey,are you saying I take a long time in the bathroom.That's not nice Matt."Gabumon said looking angry.

"Okay let's go to Izzy's."
* * *
At the soccer pitch a crowd had gathered around one person doing magic tricks.

"Pull a rabbit out of your pocket,Brad."someone said.

"A rabbit,what do you think I am one of those fakers that you see on TV?"the one called Brad said.

"You're just saying that because you know you can't!"he said.

"Okay then I'll prove I can."Brad said and pulled a real live rabbit out of his pocket.

"Cool!"they all said.

Just then Tai came up to everyone wondering what they were doing.

"What's going on?Is Brad putting on another magic show?"Tai asked.

"Yeah I am,do you want a demonstration?"Brad asked.

"Okay pull a ham and chicken sandwich out of your pocket."he said.

"Here it goes."he said and put his hand in his pocket and pulled out nothing.

"What's wrong?"he said and tried again but he pulled out nothing.

"Did you run out of stuff in your pockets?"someone asked.

"How could I put something in my pockets they've got holes in them!"he said showing everybody his pockets.

Sora came running towards the group with the digi-bow+arrow in her pocket to see what everyone was doing.

"What's going on?"she asked.Just then the digi-bow+arrow started glowing in her pocket then Brad fell to the ground unconscious.
* * *
"Izzy are you in there it's Matt!"Matt shouted through Izzy's door.

"I'm coming don't get your knickers in a twist."Izzy shouted back.

"Hi you must be Izzy nice to meet you.I'm Eoin I'm a new digidestined."Eoin said when Izzy opened the door.

"What?Slow down come in and explain."Izzy said letting them in.So they went in and sat down and then Matt explained the whole story about Eoin to Izzy.
* * *
Back on the pitch Tai was going around to all the people that were there when the digi-bow+arrow started glowing trying to see if one of them owned it.Meanwhile Sora was sitting with Brad until he woke up.

"Did you find the person who set it off Tai?"Sora asked him.

"No it didn't react to anyone.That means one thing it must belong to Brad.But I think you should check just in case."Tai replied.

So Sora went over to him and sure enough the digi-bow+arrow started glowing proving that Brad was a new digidestined.She noticed something around his neck.She pulled it out and found out that it was a tag and crest.Then he started to wake up.

"Sora?"he said."Is that you?What happened last thing I remember you came over I saw a strange light and then it's all blank.Did I pass out?"

"Yes you did pass out.The thing you saw glowing was this it's the digi-bow+arrow and I think it belongs to you.If it does it will grow when you touch it."she said handing Brad the digi-bow+arrow.

He took it from her and it started to glow just like the digi-shield except it glowed a creamy colour and a cream Digi-Extreme landed in his hand.Then the digi-bow+arrow grew to its normal size.

"Cool.This is mine?"he said holding up the digi-x.

"Sure is.It's a bit different to ours but I think it's a digivice."Sora said.
* * *
Matt,T.K. and Eoin were walking home from Izzy's when two things jumped out of the bushes and attacked them.

"Who are they?"Eoin asked Matt.

"That one there is Armageddemon and the digimon with him is Okuwamon.Okuwamon is an ultimate digimon.His attack is Double Scissor Claw."Gabumon said.

"I have come for the digidestined child who possesses the digi-shield.Give him to me now!"Armageddemon said."If you don't I will have to take him by force."

"Never!Gabumon digivolve!"Matt said.

Gabumon warp-digivolve to……MetalGarurumon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Angemon digivolve to……MagnaAngemon!

"Attack them Okuwamon."Armageddemon ordered.

"Metal Wolf Claw."

"Angel Rod"

"Double Scissor Claw"

"Come to me digidestined."Armageddemon said.

"No way."he said and then held out his digi-x,"digi-shield."and the digi-shield came out of his digi-x.

"That little thing won't stop me."Armageddemon said laughing.

"No,but it will stop you from being able to touch me."Eoin said."and if it doesn't you still won't be able to catch me."he said and started running away.

MetalGarurumon and MagnaAngemon were beating Okuwamon until Armageddemon ordered him to get Eoin.

"Ice Wolf Claw"MetalGarurumon shot at Okuwamon to stop him from getting Eoin.

"MagnaAngemon get Eoin before Armageddemon does!"T.K. shouted at his digimon.

"I'm on it T.K."MagnaAngemon replied and started chasing Eoin and Armageddemon.

"I've got you now."Armageddemon said as he grabbed at Eoin.

"No you don't I've still got this."he said holding up his digi-shield."This won't let you touch me unless you want a really sore hand."

""Angel Rod"MagnaAngemon hit Armageddemon from behind."Eoin come on we have to get away from here."

"Giga Missile"MetalGarurumon said as he destroyed Okuwamon.

"You're not getting away that easily."Armageddemon said and grabbed Eoin and disappeared.

"Oh no,Armageddemon got him.Now what will we do?"Matt said.

"Don't worry Matt we'll get him back."Gabumon said.
* * *
"What you mean you found a digidestined and now Armageddemon has him?"Tai said as Matt told him what happened with Armageddemon.

"It wasn't my fault he attacked us and when we were running away he grabbed him and then disappeared."Matt told him.

"Well we'll just have to find him and rescue him."Tai said.
* * *
Somewhere in Odaiba Armageddemon was tying Eoin up so he wouldn't escape.

"Once I have the other Mystical Weapons I'll be all powerful.Thank you for giving me this."Armageddemon said holding up the digi-shield.

"You'll never get away with this.The other digidestined will rescue me and then we'll stop you once and for all."Eoin said and spat at Armageddemon.

"You're going to regret that."Armageddemon said and gagged Eoin.
* * *
Tai,Matt,Sora and T.K. were searching for Eoin.

"The digivice shows that he's somewhere in this direction.All we have to do is to follow the signal."Tai said.
* * *
"Guys the signal is coming from that old castle that I never saw before.I bet Armageddemon built it when he came here."Matt said pointing at where the signal was coming from.

"Okay lets go in and find Eoin."Tai said.
* * *
Insides the castle Tai was telling everyone where they had to go.

"I'll take the top floor,Sora you take the floor underneath it,T.K. you take this floor and Matt you check the dungeons."Tai ordered.

"Okay!"they all said and split up.
* * *
Tai was on the top floor attacking one of Armageddemon's servants.

"Pepper Breath"Agumon said and got rid of the digimon.

"I don't think he's up here.I wonder how the others are doing.
* * *
"Spiral Twister"Biyomon said getting rid of another evil digimon.

"He's not up here."Sora said.
* * *
In the dungeons Eoin was using his penknife to free his legs and was chewing at the thing Armageddemon put in his mouth.

"There got rid of those but I won't free my arms in case I cut myself.Wouldn't want to get a scar on my perfect skin."he said to himself.

"Hey you Mekanorimon I'm free.Well almost my arms aren't."Eoin said shouting at the digimon guarding him.

"Twin Beam"

"Missed me I'm over here."

"Twin Beam"

"Missed again.Here I am on your head.

"Twin Beam"He shot it at his head Eoin jumped off him and Mekanorimon was reconfigured.

"Got rid of him.Now to get my digi-shield and get out of here"Eoin said running away from where Armageddemon left him.
* * *
"Eoin are you down here?"Matt shouted.

"Matt is that you?I'm over here."Eoin said.

"Eoin are you all right?"Matt asked.

"Yeah could you untie this?"he said showing Matt his hands.

"Sure.What happened?

"Well Armageddemon took me here and tied me up and gagged me because I spat on him.Then I used my penknife to cut the rope around my legs and I chewed the thing he put in my mouth.Then I tricked the Mekanorimon into shooting himself then ran off."Eoin explained."Thanks.That feels better I didn't want to cut myself."

"Okay let's get out of here."Matt said.
* * *
By the doors Tai,Sora and T.K. were waiting for Matt.

"Guys I found him?"Matt said running over to them.

"Okay,now let's get out of here before Armageddemon gets back."Tai said.

End of chapter six:Will the others find the new digidestined?Or will Armageddemon find them first?Find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 7:The Search is on 3:The Ninja and The Mystic