Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ And Your Next Challenger Is... ( Chapter 19 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 19:And Your Next Challenger is…

By Trunks MTK

Hi,it's Satemon last time we were really busy with Plan D.Eoin,Mimi and T.K found Aquarimon.MysticUnimon helped us in the forest part of the plan. Sabertoothmon went there to find Spikemon and was attacked. MysticUnimon used up all his energy to weaken Sabertoothmon.Then we went to his base and started the plan.It was going really well until Sabertoothmon's protectors digivolved.Then they made most of the digimon de-digivolve except for me.Then I digivolved into Tiggermon and helped the others to digivolve.They took care of the protectors and I went after Sabertoothmon.In the end I destroyed him.Now we have to see who we face next.

High up on the top of the new Spiral Mountain inside a gigantic castle the two remaining Dark Lords,Huntermon and Vampiressmon,were talking about the digidestined and what they were going to do about them.They were also saying what disappointments Sabertoothmon and Squidevilmon were.

"At least Squidevilmon sent Minis-qmon to tell us what was happening Sabertoothmon didn't do anything of the sort."Huntermon said.

"Yes,luckily my scepter was able to show us everything that he or the digidestined did.If he hadn't rushed into finding Spikemon he wouldn't have been destroyed.I don't believe such a simple plan was his downfall."Vampiressmon said.

"I won't make any mistakes like Sabertoothmon or Squidevilmon did.I will strike quickly before they have a chance to prepare."Huntermon said.

"Very well,I trust you will send Grenademon to tell me what you're planning.I will keep an eye on the digidestined for you and tell Grenademon if they plan anything."Vampiressmon told him.

"No you will not!I will do this by myself I do not need your help!"Huntermon shouted at her."I will send Grenademon to you but you will not keep an eye on the digidestined for me,and you will not tell him anything.Do you understand?"

"In some ways I do and in others I don't.Why would you want to be walking into a trap?,I might ask.You are very stubborn,Huntermon and I have no doubt it will get you destroyed just like those before you were destroyed by the digidestined."Vampiressmon said."Now leave me,I no longer wish to be in your company.I have to plan for what I will do when you're destroyed."

And with that Huntermon stormed out of the castle and left Vampiressmon alone to plan her moves against the digidestined.Before he left he got some oil to make sure his chainsaw would be working properly when he needed to use it.

* * *

Meanwhile elsewhere in another castle on Spiral Mountain Armageddemon was working on a machine doing who knows what.All any of the Dark Lords or Rectamon knew was that it had something to do with two of the new digidestined.Rectamon was with him in the room but had no idea what he was doing.Armageddemon turned to Rectamon.

"How are the Dark Lords doing against the digidestined?"he asked him.

"Well sir,Squidevilmon and Sabertoothmon have both been destroyed by the digidestined.Vampiressmon seems to be working on a plan in her head for when it's her turn.Huntermon is preparing for a surprise attack real soon."Rectamon informed him.

"Excellent they're almost finished but so am I,I need things to be hurried along a bit.Rectamon you must act fast I need you to use this"Armageddemon started and a strange item appeared in his hands,"item on both Huntermon and Vampiressmon to weaken them.All you have to do is get near each of them and it will drain about a quarter of their power.Then I'll be able to start my plan."

"Yes sir,I'll get right on that.But why do you need to weaken the Dark Lords?"Rectamon asked him.

"Is that your question?Well here's your answer,once I've finished what I've been working on it will only work until a certain time.If I don't use it before that time it'll never work again and I need the Dark Lord out of my way for my plan."Armageddemon explained."But once I use it,it will last until someone can find a way to stop it.It will be my ultimate weapon against the digidestined.I will beat them with…"but Armageddemon's last words could only be heard by Rectamon.

Author's Note:Hey you didn't think I'd give a way the whole plot just like that did you.If you want to find out you'll have to keep reading The Invincible Digimon. ^_^*

"Very well I will go and do what you have asked.I will not tell the Dark Lords what your plan is.And if they ask about this device I shall tell them it will make them stronger."Rectamon said and went off to find the two remaining Dark Lords.

He searched high and low for Huntermon but couldn't find him in the castle so he went into the heart of the factorial area where Huntermon felt most at home,there he found him thinking over what he was going to do.He went u to him and sure enough the device began to glow and so did Huntermon. Huntermon asked what Rectamon was doing and he told him that it was making him stronger.He then went off to find Vampiressmon.

* * *

In another part of Spiral Mountain the digidestined were trying to make their way to the top but Brad wouldn't keep up the pace.In the end Sora said she'd walk with him and follow the others.Izzy and Mac were trying to figure out who they'd be fighting next.The others were either talking or just walking by themselves.

"It wouldn't make much sense for Vampiressmon to attack us because she's the leader and would wait till the others are all destroyed."Izzy said.

"Yes,but she's probably the strongest.How do we know that she won't attack instead of Huntermon because she would think we wouldn't expect her to attack?"Mac said.

"Yes,but in our experience the leader usually attacks last,because if they went before and were destroyed then there'd be nobody stronger left."Izzy said.

"Could you two please stop talking about that.When we're attacked we'll know and lets just leave it at that."Zero said.

"What's up with him?"Mimi said.

"Beats me,but it was kind of annoying the way they were going on."Eoin said.

"How much further up this mountain do we have to go?"Brad asked.

"We're about half way up it,it will take a few more days to get to the top.But when we get there we can attack Armageddemon."Tai said looking up to the top of the mountain.

"When do you think the next person,whoever it is,will attack?I mean its been over a day since Tiggermon destroyed Sabertoothmon."Karen asked.

"I don't think they will waste too much time before attacking.If they don't want us to reach the top of the mountain they're probably getting ready to attack right now."Matt said.

"Which means we should be getting ready for the attack,if we don't want to be destroyed ourselves."Agumon said.

"Lets just imagine that Huntermon is the one who's going to attack us.Where do you think he's hiding out?If we go there we'll be able to attack him before he attacks us."Izzy said.

"Well Huntermon is a android/animal type digimon he's most likely to be somewhere in Factorial Town since Huntermon was in the forests."Tentomon said.

"Tentomon's right which means we have to go to Factorial Town.Follow me."Tai said and started walking off then he paused and turned around."Erm…which way do we go to get there?"

"Lets see…we're here…and that's over there…okay.We have to go in that direction."Mac said pointing in an easterly direction.

And with that everybody headed off in the direction Mac was pointing.The digidestined walked further and further getting closer to Factorial Town with each step,what they didn't know was that a group of digimon had been listening to their conversation and were now following them very quietly.

"This is great.The digidestined are headed straight towards master Huntermon."a digimon said that.

"Don't call him that.You never know who can hear us.There have been a lot of digimon looking for us ever since we joined Huntermon."another digimon said."Just keep quiet and follow the digidestined,there are more of our group further ahead who are waiting for us."

The digidestined continued walking towards Factorial town still unaware of the entourage of digimon following close behind them.

Just over an hour later the digidestined started to notice bits of machinery around them.They must have been getting closer to Factorial Town.They were still oblivious to the digimon,who now had grown in numbers,that were following them to Huntermon.Some of the digidestined were getting restless,Mimi,Joe and Brad in particular.

"Come on just keep walking.You said it yourselves we're nearly at the town,we can rest after we find Huntermon."Tai said not making much sense but everyone continued regardless.

* * *

"Sir the digimon have been spotted on the outskirts of the city.The digidestined were also spotted with them."a Hagurumon said to Huntermon.

"They're here and so are the digidestined.I didn't expect them this soon.We have to distract them somehow until we figure out what we're going to do."Huntermon said then fell silent for a moment thinking."I know find Gigadramon and Megadramon and tell them to grab some of the digidestined and bring them to the town's main hall."

"Yes sir I'll get on it right away."said the Hagurumon and went to the computer."Gigadramon,Megadramon come in!"

"Yes we're here what do you want we have better things to do you know."said Megadramon.

"Huntermon wants you to grab some of the digidestined and take them to the town's main hall."Hagurumon informed them.

"Huntermon…!Of course we'll do that right away."they both said and immediately flew away.

* * *

In the meantime the digidestined had reached the city and are currently wandering through it.It was full of lifeless android digimon who were left all over the streets.

"Huntermon must have been here.How else could all these digimon be like this?Some of them are ultimate level digimon."Izzy said.

"I think you're right Izzy,let's hope there are no digimon guarding the city.We need to conserve our energy."Joe said.

"Hey look up there it looks like a light coming towards us."Sora said.She was right a stampede of digimon came towards them.

"Pepper Breath"Agumon attacked the digimon but they didn't attack back just kept on running.

"I don't think they're trying to attack us."Agumon said.

"Maybe not but there are so many of them we'll probably get hurt anyway."Gatomon said."We'd better attack them."

"Blue Blaster"

"Boom Bubble"

"Mask Blaster"

"Spiral Twister"

"The digimon kept on running towards the digidestined.Their digimon were slowing them down but they couldn't stop them.Then from behind them Gigadramon and Megadramon flew down and grabbed Sora,Mimi,Kari and Karen and flew off with them.

"Heeelllpp!"they screamed but the digimon were making such a racket that they couldn't be heard.

"That's it,they're not stopping everyone digivolve."Tai said.

All the digimon digivolved to their champion forms except those of the digidestined who had been kidnapped.

"Hey how come you guys didn't digivolve?"Brad said to the remaining digimon.

"Sora isn't here so I can't digivolve and I don't know where she's gone."Biyomon said.

"Mimi,Karen and Kari are gone too they must have disappeared when we were fighting."Palmon said.

"Howling Blaster"

"Nova Blast"the digimon continued attacking.

"We'll ask one of these digimon,they are obviously meant as a diversion."Izzy said.

"Okay you digimon listen up what have you done with our friends?"Tai asked.

"We didn't do anything.Huntermon told us to run at you so that Megadramon and Gigadramon could grab some of your group."one digimon said before being blasted by Electramon.

"I can't believe he grabbed them from under our eyes.We have to find them."Matt said.

End of chapter nineteen:Will the digidestined be able to rescue the girls?Who are the digimon following the digidestined,are they good or evil?Will the digidestined be able to take Huntermon down find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 20:Brad's Rage